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Wolfe, Annabel - Secrets of a Reckless Princess [The Starlight Chronicles 4] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

Page 3

by Annabel Wolfe

  Did he know what? That the kiss was a performance? He would never jump to that conclusion, except he had inherited his father’s skill at reading the emotions of others, and though his insight wasn’t quite as acute, it still served him well and he had the impression she had just lied to him.

  More important, she felt guilty for lying. Defiant, but still contrite. Interesting. She had spirit, and morals.

  Marc leaned back in his chair, relaxed but watchful. “So how involved are you? Enough to preclude us from further discussion? I’m here at your mother’s request, and that of the Universal Council. But your opinion is crucial. I don’t have to stay if it is pointless.”

  Eyes of the purest green gazed at him and she faltered, “I…I don’t know.”

  I should tell him how I feel about Damon, but…

  Good. She was attracted to him. He could feel it, and it confused her. “If you don’t know, it isn’t pointless. Now then, tell me about Le Clerc. Are you fucking him?”

  The shocked look on her face was priceless and he raised his brows. “It seems like a natural question for me to ask if I am supposed to take you as my life partner.”

  She recovered with remarkable poise. “Perhaps you could have put it differently, Ambassador. Where is that legendary tact?”

  He grinned. “Ah, but then I wouldn’t get to see you turn that particular shade of red. I am not stuck constantly on etiquette anyway, no matter what my role for Minoa might be.”

  Her brow knitted. “You’re teasing me?”

  “Maybe, but I’m serious also.” Marc modulated his tone. “This seems like the perfect time for us to get to know more about each other. This proposed union is for the Federation and hopefully will be to the advantage of everyone else, but it is personal for you and me. So…are the two of you lovers?”

  It took a moment, but she shook her head. “No.”

  Not because Le Clerc didn’t want her, though. Marc had seen that easily enough. “Would you mate with him if given the opportunity?”

  “That’s an extremely personal question, Ambassador.”

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed pleasantly, “but in my position, wouldn’t you ask it? Your deep emotional tie to Le Clerc may also affect me. S-species females are not required to limit themselves to one lover, but on the other hand, if the two she chooses do not like each other, there is almost always trouble.”

  He watched the fleeting succession of emotions on her delicate features. She made a small helpless gesture with her hand. “I will be honest and say before today, I would have told you no. Now…I don’t know. My mother seems to feel you can help him extricate himself from his current imprisonment. I will say if you could, I would be grateful.”

  Marc knew she and Damon had been friends since childhood, growing up in the palace together, sharing tutors, so he wasn’t really surprised over her concern. “I think his ideas are exceptionally progressive but his tactics misguided.” He paused. “Tell me, since you know him well, can his considerable energy be channeled the right direction or does he crave dissention?”

  “Crave dissention? Absolutely not. He wants reform, but neither his father nor my mother is ready to take on the battle of change.” She stiffened upright as she spoke emphatically.

  Good. Not only was that what he wanted to hear, but her movement made the luscious curves of her breasts sway under the material of her gown. “That’s promising,” he responded, his gaze lingering on where her nipples made small points under the concealing cloth, the double entendre hanging between them. She was aware of him as a male.

  No, he decided as he noted her delicate blush at his overt perusal. Even if he hadn’t asked and already knew the answer, he could tell Le Clerc wasn’t her bedmate. Her uncertainty radiated outward, a definite signal of virginity.

  “They don’t use his talents,” she said with endearing loyalty, “and because he has gotten into trouble here on Anasta, no one else is willing to take him seriously either.”

  “Not true.” Marc recalled his conversation with his father before he left. “Minoa isn’t blind to his radical approach to some of the problems that have plagued us since we structured our government years ago. That’s part of the reason I am here. You want amnesty for Le Clerc. Your mother wants strong ties for Anasta to the most powerful colony in the Federation. I want the opportunity to take what is already a strong planet and make it into a universal power. Shall we negotiate?”

  “Negotiate?” She looked wary, still sitting on the edge of her chair, the prim pose at odds with the allure of her lissome form.

  “Yes, negotiate. I’m very, very good at it,” he said with a lazy smile, once again a double meaning in his words.

  * * * *

  Her heart was pounding, damn him.

  Jayla stared at the male sitting so casually across the room, and fought the urge to wipe her damp palms on the skirt of her dress. She’d seen his image before, but the real male was quite different. His charisma was tangible, dominating the room, and it wasn’t just his looks either, though even for an S-species male he was remarkably good-looking. Thick chestnut hair, eyes the color of one of Earth’s tropical seas, finely molded bone structure that emphasized the line of his jaw and straightness of his nose, and his body was athletic and well-built.

  The one thing she hadn’t expected was to be so attracted to Marc Kartel. She felt odd, flushed, and her breasts were tight.


  She cleared her throat. “What precisely did you have in mind?”

  “Naturally I want the position as your consort. And,” he added, “I want it tonight.”

  Her nipples actually tingled and she fought the impulse to cross her arms over her chest. To make it worse, she sensed he knew how he affected her. “You’ve made up your mind so quickly?”

  “Yes.” Swift, decisive, no hesitation. “Before I arrived I wasn’t sure. Now that I’ve met you, I wish to proceed.”

  A quiver fluttered in her stomach at the sensual promise in those aquamarine eyes. It annoyed her he had such influence over her body on such short acquaintance, but she had to admit she was also intrigued. Maybe before that damned kiss with Damon she wouldn’t be so interested. It had certainly opened her eyes. “I’m flattered. Go on.”

  “Since your mother is eager for this alliance to happen, I’ll bargain for Le Clerc to receive a royal pardon on the terms he also agrees to take an advisory position in our cabinet. My father will smooth things over with the Universal Council for the troubles his inflammatory writings have caused on other planets. In turn, you will have to get his assurance that he will work through us, not against us.”

  She knew full well Damon would jump at the chance to have influence with an authority who actually wished to put into practice new laws and a more fair government. For herself too, she was in a position where if she refused Kartel, she would still someday have to choose someone else. Her mother wasn’t about to relinquish the throne without a consort she approved of in place, but she’d also made it clear she felt her days of rule should come to a graceful end and the new regime could start to make the progress the people obviously wanted. Jayla had known for some time a decision like this was coming.

  “So far, Ambassador, it seems to me that you get Anasta, Damon receives his freedom, and my mother has her way, but I am afraid I can’t quite see what you are offering me.” She gave him what was hopefully a cool, assessing look.

  “I pledge that your wishes will matter to me. When it comes to Anasta, when it comes to our dealings with each other on a political level, and”—his voice dropped in a sexy change in timbre—“when we mate.”

  When we mate…

  That was probably true. She might still be innocent physically, but she wasn’t naïve. Marc Kartel exuded masculine appeal like a glowing beryl mine. “I have not yet agreed to anything,” she pointed out.

  “I’ve noticed.” His smile somehow managed to be both boyish and seductive at the same time. “What would it take? A demo

  A…what? Jayla eyed him warily, all too conscious of his rangy presence, his tall body dwarfing the chair where he lounged, long legs extended. “I’m not sure I’m following your suggestion, Ambassador.”

  “We are attracted to each other, don’t you agree? At least I find you very beautiful, Princess. It is easy enough to determine if we are sexually compatible.”

  Was he actually suggesting…

  He stood in a smooth, lithe movement and held out his hand. “Come, let us seal our alliance.”

  “Now?” She stared at his outstretched fingers.

  “The moment I accept the offer and you agree, we are free to do as we please. You know how this works.”

  She did, but still, she didn’t take his hand. Damon…

  Had she whispered his name out loud? She wasn’t sure, but Marc lifted his brows. “I admire your loyalty, but surely you do realize this is the most effective way to help him, not to mention our mutual interest in the welfare of the planet you were born to rule.”

  The logic was irrefutable.

  And she could never have Damon as her consort. Even before her mother stated it so bluntly, she’d known it. Marc Kartel was everything she needed—and more importantly, what Anasta needed.

  She couldn’t help but let her gaze travel over the muscled length of his body. It wasn’t going to be a hardship either and maybe that was what made her feel so guilty.

  “It’s actually quite normal to have a physical reaction to more than one male.”

  This time, no, she definitely had not spoken out loud. “Can you read everyone’s mind,” she asked tartly, chagrined because she knew she was blushing yet again and it seemed that was all she’d done the entire day, “or is it unique to me?”

  “Let’s just say you have expressive face, but it’s nice to know we were thinking along the same lines.” He didn’t wait any longer but reached over and took her hand. “I formally accept the alliance. And you?”

  She rose and lifted her chin, looking him in the eyes. Those intriguing azure depths shimmered and a faint smile curved his finely modeled mouth. Jayla murmured, “Very well. I agree.”

  There. It was done.

  Well, not quite. Marc Kartel leaned down so his lips grazed her temple in a feather caress, his voice low. “Your sleeping quarters will be fine for our first mating. Shall we proceed?”

  Chapter Four

  It had been quite some time since Marc had to actually seduce a female. Usually his sexual partners were eager and experienced, because, naturally, he didn’t mate with the young and innocent. Jayla’s purity intrigued him, but it also required an adjustment in how he would normally go about arousing the female in his bed.

  In this case, her bed. The sleeping quarters of the daughter of the sovereign of Anasta was truly suited to royalty with an elegant bed on a dais, decorative drapery in rich colors above, and a jeweled mirror by a table set neatly with her toiletries. Just his presence in the very feminine room aroused him, for it felt very personal, very intimate.

  There would be a formal ceremony later and the filing of the proper documents, but by Federation law, all that was required was the verbal agreement of both parties and consummation for a marriage to be recognized. He was her husband—or would be shortly, he thought as she walked gracefully across the space next to him, the unhurried pace belied by the sudden tension in her slender shoulders.

  “There’s no need to be nervous,” he told her when they reached the bed. “Mating is about giving and receiving pleasure, and eventually, at a time of our choosing, procreation.”

  “I know how it all works, Ambassador.”

  “Do you?” Her cool tone amused him. He’d stake his life she was intimidated but he admired her self-possession.

  “There is abundant information on the subject. I believe it is perfectly normal to be curious, so I have read quite a lot.”

  “Ah. Well, soon you will know if your sources are accurate or not, though I promise you descriptions of orgasmic pleasure do not do it justice. A demonstration is necessary. Allow me.”

  She did nothing when he released her hand and reached for the elaborate gold clasp at the neckline of her gown, but she did avert her gaze as he pulled it free. The material slid over her shoulders and to the floor in a sensuous whisper of sound and all she wore beneath was a traditional sleeveless, short, sheer undergarment made of a fabric so fine it concealed nothing.

  Instantly his cock swelled to rigid arousal, her beauty riveting. Supple limbs, long legs, the apex between her thighs a pale gleam, her sex shaved bare, which was his preference. Her breasts were firm and high, full enough there was a tantalizing shadow between them, the nipples a delicate pink. Put it all together with that cascade of golden hair and those stunning emerald eyes…

  A very tempting female, no doubt it. He didn’t blame Le Clerc in the least for wanting the princess.

  He understood completely.

  The challenge was to equal that steamy kiss he’d seen on the monitor earlier. Marc trailed his fingers over her smooth shoulder and bent his head to touch his mouth to hers gently at first, because she radiated trepidation despite her outward self-possession. Soft lips parted in acceptance of the sweep of his tongue and she gave a small telling sigh.

  Not a bad start. She tasted warm and sweet, and he took his time, urging her closer until their bodies touched. Marc had the healthy sexual appetite of an S-species male, and his hunger grew as they kissed. In his embrace, she felt perfect against him, curvaceous and desirable. The rush of his arousal made his heartbeat accelerate.

  He touched her, lifting up the filmy fabric of her undergarment until he could tug it off completely, breaking the kiss long enough to pull it over her head. Jayla didn’t object, and when he captured her mouth again, this time less gentle and more urgent, she put her arms around his neck and willingly pressed her lissome body against him.

  His princess had passion and the pull between them was strong.

  This might be a very pleasurable alliance.

  From the moment they met he’d sensed her attraction to him, and how it confused her, and he probably had Le Clerc to thank for it. Not that he’d be thanked in return for even touching her, but this was how it was all meant to be, Marc knew it.

  “Lie down while I undress,” he murmured against her mouth. “It is so much better naked skin to naked skin. Let me show you.”

  “If you wish.” She pulled out of his embrace and did as he suggested, reclining on the bed as she watched from under the veil of her lashes as he jerked off his clothes as fast as possible, her curiosity unhidden. The slenderness of her body emphasized the voluptuousness of her breasts, and the spill of her pale hair against the sheets was an erotic invitation he was unlikely to refuse. Normally he chose his sexual partners with regard to how well they might please him and how little they expected in return—not in terms of pleasure, he wasn’t a selfish male when it came to mating—but in terms of permanence. He’d known all his life his marriage would be likely based on political advantage.

  And for the first time, it didn’t bother him. He couldn’t shed his tunic or pants fast enough.

  The sight of his erection, swollen high against his stomach, made Jayla’s emerald eyes widen, but he was gratified to see it was more fascination than alarm. Neither did she flinch when he joined her on the large bed, his hands skimming over her alabaster skin. “You’ve never mated before. Is your chip activated?”

  Nearly every female had a chip inserted just below one shoulder blade that controlled her hormonal patterns, so she only ovulated when it was programmed for her to do so. In a few cases, females didn’t respond well to having their bodies regulated in this manner, and while someday he did want children, the possibility of a pregnancy should be a choice for both of them to make.

  “Yes,” she told him, the verdant brilliance of her eyes alluring. “I’m not fertile at this time, Ambassador.”

  He touched her cheek, though his body
called to him to touch her in other ways, the pulse of his cock in time with the beat of his heart. “Good. We need to get to know each other better before we breed.”

  Starting with their bodies and the pleasure they could give each other. He ran his hands over the mounds of her breasts, pleased with their shape, the luscious weight of them in his palms, with the way her nipple puckered as he leaned over and lightly circled one pink tip with his tongue in a leisurely teasing sweep. On her back, unmoving, Jayla watched him with half-closed eyes, her chest lifting quickly with each small breath. Bent over her lovely form, he began to suckle, her reaction to the pressure of his mouth on her breast a gasp as she quivered. With an inner smile he began a tender assault to ready her for penetration, his hands sliding over her skin—shoulders, down the slim length of her arms, over the plane of stomach to the curve of hip and thigh until he found the warm softness of her sex. Marc licked a hot path up her collarbone and along the graceful curve of her neck to whisper in her ear. “Spread your legs.”

  * * * *

  Jayla wondered if every female was as susceptible to the handsome son of the governor of Minoa. Probably, she decided as he skimmed his magical touch along her inner thigh, for even though he was basically a stranger and his long frame dwarfed hers, she felt he would take care to make this a satisfying experience. There was something about him that inspired confidence, which was probably why he was such an effective diplomat.

  Faith was needed at this crucial moment in her life.

  Spread your legs…

  Aquamarine eyes looked into hers with mesmerizing intensity. “I understand trust for a female at this time in her life isn’t given lightly…”

  There he goes again, reading my mind so easily.

  “…but there are ways to ready you so your body accepts the pleasure more easily. Let me in and I’ll show you.”

  She’d just agreed to be his life partner, to accept him for Anasta and for herself. This was part of it and what he’d done to her so far was both intriguing and pleasurable. Jayla eased her thighs apart, a sense of vulnerability vying with a tingling anticipation. His muscular body was as beautiful as one of the ancient Earth sculptures, defined and hard, his physical strength undeniable. The erect length of his penis was formidable, with a flared crown that already glistened with semen, but for whatever reason, she wasn’t frightened.


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