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The Delinquent Bride

Page 14

by Carole Archer

  Heading down to the cemetery, he sat at Jane’s graveside, arranging the flowers into her small vase and pulling out a few weeds. He talked to her at length and told her all about Shelley. “I think about you every day, and I always will,” he whispered, his fingers tracing her name etched into the white marble headstone. “But I have to accept you’re not coming back.” Shaking his head sadly, Henry felt the same ache in his heart that he felt when Jane had left him alone with their newborn daughter. A tear rolled down his cheek, which he quickly brushed away.

  “But it’s time for me to move on, and I think Shelley is the one to make me happy again,” he admitted, as much to himself as to his wife. Rising to his feet, he dusted his clothes down. “Jessica loves her too, and I think you would also like her.” Henry slowly stepped away from the grave. “See you next week, my love,” he said, blowing a kiss before turning and walking away.

  Henry left the cemetery and took a slow walk back to the post office, taking a deep breath before entering. He was relieved when the clerk smiled brightly and picked up a message, which she handed to him. He read the slip of paper and nodded slowly. “Thank you,” he said, turning his back on her and walking out of the shop.

  Henry smiled, a spring in his step once more as he walked briskly to a nearby jeweller’s, which was fortunately still open. He realised he had been out for hours and the shops were starting to close. Quickly selecting what he believed would be a suitable ring, Henry came to an agreement with the jeweller to exchange it if he had got the wrong size or Shelley didn’t like it. He hoped and prayed that she would not turn him down.

  Henry walked slowly home, clutching the telegram in one hand and the ring box in the other. He read the message once more, making sure he had read it correctly the first time and that he did in fact have her father’s permission to take her as his wife. His palms were sweating when he reached his home, and he recalled the moment six years earlier when he had asked Jane to become his wife. She had immediately said yes, and he hoped, as he stepped cautiously into his home, that Shelley would be as enthusiastic.

  * * *

  “Where on earth have you been?” shouted Shelley, catching Henry off guard as he stepped into the hallway.

  Henry simply stared at her when she smacked him half-heartedly on his arm. “I’ve been worried sick about you.” Pulling him close, Shelley hugged him tight. “You should follow your own rules and let someone know where you are, and how long you intend to be,” she scolded, hugging him tighter and trembling when he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

  “I’m sorry,” Henry told her, shrugging his shoulders with regret. “I had a few things on my mind. Are you going to send me to bed without any supper?” he teased, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

  Shelley grinned and held up one finger, opening her mouth to say “one,” but changing her mind quickly when Henry raised his eyebrows.

  Shelley hugged him again before helping him out of his jacket and hanging it up. She frowned quizzically at the small box he held in one hand and the telegram in his other, which he quickly slipped into his pockets.

  “Have my parents sent another telegram?” she asked anxiously, wondering if they had changed their minds about having her back.

  Henry smiled and took her hand. “Everything’s fine,” he said, guiding her towards the stairs. “I just need to talk to you for a moment, in private.” Henry’s butler had appeared in the hallway, and Henry grasped Shelley’s hand and quickly led her away from him.

  As Henry guided her up the stairs, his hand clammy and trembling slightly, several thoughts crossed Shelley’s mind, mostly concerning her parents. She wished Henry would just tell her what was wrong.

  When they stepped into her room, Shelley couldn’t fail to notice the look of sadness cross his face as Henry looked at her luggage, which was now all packed and standing by the door.

  He turned to her and took her face in his hands. “Don’t you want to stay?” he asked, his eyes glistening.

  Shelley gazed into his sad eyes and nodded enthusiastically. “Of course I do. I love you,” she told him, leaning forward to press her lips against his. “You’re my first love, and it breaks my heart to have to leave.”

  “Then stay with me,” he pleaded, gripping her hands tightly. “Please,” he begged.

  Shelley sighed and shook her head. “I want to, more than anything, but what about my parents? What on earth would they say? I’ve only just told them I’m going home.”

  Henry took the folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to her. Shelley read it several times before eventually taking in the words, and the meaning behind them:

  Dear Henry -(STOP)- Of course I remember you -(STOP)- Thank you for taking good care of our daughter -(STOP)- She’s very precious to us -(STOP)- I would be delighted to give you her hand in marriage -(STOP)- Please tell Shelley to stay in New York and plan the wedding she has always dreamed of -(STOP)- I’ll make immediate arrangements to come over -(STOP) - We’ll be there as soon as we possibly can be -(STOP)- Kindest regards -(STOP)- Lord Frederick

  Shelley lifted her head and a tear rolled down her cheek. She gasped when Henry immediately dropped to one knee and held out the open box, revealing a huge and perfectly formed diamond. “Shelley, will you marry me?” he asked, gazing up into her eyes.

  Shelley’s smile grew even bigger. Yes, she thought happily, recalling Michelle Ellis and her partner James standing on the dock in the shadow of the Titanic. She grinned with delight at the knowledge that she had finally found that same love for herself. Yes, she thought once more, her heart pounding with joy.

  “Shelley?” Henry stammered. His quaking voice was tinged with anxiety.

  Shelley grinned, realising that she had not yet given him her answer verbally. “Yes,” she squealed loudly. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Henry let out a deep sigh of relief, and Shelley smiled brightly when he slipped the ring onto her finger.

  “I only ever wanted to marry for love. Now I can. I wanted to be swept off my feet. You’ve done that,” she gushed, gazing down at the ring on her finger. It was absolutely perfect. “I wanted to walk down the aisle towards a man who loved me, and I wanted to feel the same way about him.” Shelley suddenly blushed, feeling rather foolish for speaking her thoughts out loud.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, taking a step away and admiring her beautiful sparkly ring. “I’m a foolish romantic,” she apologised, looking up as he took her hands and pulled her back towards him, shaking his head. “No,” he whispered. “You are absolutely perfect.”

  Leaning down, Henry kissed her softly on the lips, sealing their engagement. Shelley gasped and gazed up at him, tilting her head back and closing her eyes, waiting expectantly for another kiss. She was not disappointed as his lips once again touched hers, and this time he wrapped his arms around her and deepened their kiss. Her body trembled as his tongue explored her mouth, and she clung tightly to him, mimicking his actions and hoping she was doing it correctly.

  The moment was suddenly spoiled, and Shelley laughed loudly, reluctantly breaking away from Henry as a loud squeal filled the air and the little bundle of energy called Jessica hurtled towards them, wrapping her arms around their legs and shrieking with obvious delight.

  Shelley glanced towards the door and a tearful Clara shrugged apologetically. “I’m sorry, she wanted to see her daddy,” Clara explained, brushing away her tears. “We didn’t mean to intrude on such a private moment, but you’d left the door open and we couldn’t help but hear. That was just beautiful. I’m so happy for you both.”

  Henry leaned down and picked up his excited daughter, as Shelley ran across the room to Clara and flung her arms around her. “Congratulations,” squealed Clara, hugging her friend close, before releasing her and demanding to see the ring. “Oh, it’s beautiful,” Clara sighed, “just like you.” Shelley smiled brightly and blushed at her friend’s words.

  “Me see too,” squealed Jessica, hurt
ling towards them. Shelley held out her hand and grinned when the little girl’s face lit up. “It’s boo-tiful, just like you,” she giggled, echoing Clara’s sentiments.

  Shelley smiled and leaned down to kiss her. Her eyes filled with tears when Jessica asked, “Will you be my mummy now?” Shelley glanced at Henry, who blinked back tears and smiled proudly at his daughter. Once more, Shelley enthusiastically nodded and accepted, brushing away her tears of happiness.

  Henry wrapped one arm around Shelley’s waist as he lifted Jessica up and held her against his hip. He pressed his lips against Shelley’s and the tender moment ended suddenly when Jessica shouted, “Yuck, put me down,” as she squirmed desperately to escape.

  Shelley laughed as Henry lowered his daughter to the floor. “Daddy’s kissing Shelley,” Jessica chorused, shrieking when her daddy held up one finger. Jessica ran immediately to Clara, who picked her up and hugged the pouting little girl. “Come on, time for your bath, young lady,” she said. “Let’s leave your daddy and Shelley alone.”

  “Mummy,” Jessica corrected, scowling at her, “not Shelley.”

  “I’m sorry,” laughed Clara, “let’s leave Mummy and Daddy alone.” Shelley grinned brightly as Clara closed the door behind them.

  Turning to face Henry, she smiled and kissed him.

  “Are you OK about her calling me Mummy?” she asked with concern. Her worries ebbed away when Henry smiled and nodded enthusiastically. “Of course I am,” he said, picking up one of Shelley’s cases and dropping it onto her bed.

  “Now let’s get this unpacked, before I turn you across my knee and redden your bare bottom for even considering leaving me,” he playfully warned.

  Shelley gasped and stared at him wide-eyed. “You can’t do that,” she scowled, her mouth dropping open when he held up a finger. “One,” he announced, looking at her with mock sternness.

  “You can’t spank me for nothing,” she protested, shaking her head and grinning when he held up a second finger. “Two,” he told her, his lips twitching as he crossed the room and locked her door.


  “Three,” he added, walking across the room and removing the case from the bed, throwing it to the floor. Turning to Shelley, he grasped her wrist. Sitting down, he tugged her forward, and as she landed across his lap, she instantly tried to push up, fearful that others in the house might hear.

  Shelley squealed and kicked her legs when he yanked her dress up, tugged her bloomers down, and landed six firm smacks to the centre of her squirming bare bottom. She blushed when he helped her to her feet, and pouted when he grinned triumphantly, spinning her away from him. “Nooooo,” she objected, when he bent her forward and lifted her dress, “no more.” Shelley gasped when Henry planted a kiss on each slightly stinging bottom cheek, pulled her frilly bloomers up and patted her backside, before turning her back to face him.

  “What was that for?” she asked, placing her hands on her hips and scowling down at him. Henry grinned, stood up, and kissed her. “I’m sure it didn’t hurt, and I did kiss it better,” he smiled, stroking her cheek tenderly.

  Shelley relaxed and giggled. “Well, no, it didn’t hurt, not really, but why?”

  Henry shrugged his shoulders. “Because I felt like it,” he told her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her, reaching down and squeezing her butt cheeks. Shelley sighed deeply as he kissed her, and she pressed her body closer to him, loving the feeling of his arms wrapped around her, his firm body close to hers. He deepened their kiss again, and Shelley responded, gasping as he took fistfuls of her hair and tugged gently, his tongue teasing between her lips once more.

  When he released her, Shelley looked up at him, breathless with desire. “And as your wife, will I be expected to put up with that kind of behaviour whenever the urge takes you?” she asked, trying hard to suppress a grin.

  Henry nodded solemnly. “Of course,” he agreed. “And some spankings can be even nicer than that one was,” he told her, sitting down and pulling her close to him. She gasped when he lifted her dress up, leaned forward, and pressed his lips against the front of her bloomers, while reaching around with one hand to fondle her ass. Releasing her, he looked up and smiled. “Some spankings can turn out to be very, very pleasurable,” he told her, leaning forward and kissing her pussy over her bloomers once more, before releasing her dress, standing up and planting a kiss on each of her flushed cheeks. She couldn’t believe he had kissed her there, but her pussy twitched with longing. If that was a taste of the delights that married life held, she couldn’t wait to become his wife.

  Winking at his blushing fiancée, Henry lifted her case onto the bed and helped her to unpack, swatting her bottom occasionally as she put her clothes back in their rightful place.

  “If you ever try to leave me again, young lady, I’ll see to it that you never sit down again,” he playfully warned. Shelley grinned, thrilled that he loved her so much.

  Once all her clothes were put back where they belonged, and Shelley had gotten washed and dressed for bed, Henry tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. “I love you,” he whispered, pressing his lips against her brow.

  “I love you too,” she responded, wrapping her arms around him.

  “Henry?” she whispered, as she fought to stay awake.

  He took her face in his hands and kissed her softly. “Yes?”

  “Will all my spankings be nice now?” she asked, pleased that the room was dark so she could hide her blushes from him.

  “They will be if you’re a good girl,” he replied, taking her hand in his and pressing his lips against her engagement ring.

  “Now be a good girl and go to sleep, unless you want a very different kind of spanking,” he warned, kissing her goodnight before leaving the room.

  As Shelley lay in bed, she wondered how a spanking could ever be nice, but she couldn’t wait to find out. She trembled with desire when she recalled his lips pressed against the front of her bloomers. Cupping her hand over her sex, she tried to imagine him peeling her bloomers down and kissing her special place. Her pussy twitched and she slipped her hand down the front of her bloomers, gasping when she felt how wet she was. She quickly removed her hand, almost certain that Henry would find such behaviour very unladylike, and she did not want the type of spanking that would bring.

  Feeling very excited, Shelley eventually drifted off to sleep, where she dreamed of her wedding day. She hoped that it would happen very soon. She also dreamed of seeing her parents again, and hoped they would arrive in time for her wedding.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Shelley got up early the next day, keen to make a start on her wedding plans. She quickly completed her chores before heading out to send a telegram to her mother, delightedly informing her of Henry’s proposal of marriage. She also asked her mother to bring her wedding dress and any accessories with them when they travelled over to join her.

  Later that day, Shelley received a reply from her mother. Lady Annabelle told her daughter that Lord Frederick had been so angry with the duke of Southampton’s behaviour after the wedding was cancelled, he had burned the wedding dress and anything else associated with it. He never wished for his daughter to be reminded of ‘that despicable man.’ Shelley raised her eyebrows, wondering what on earth had happened.

  Lady Annabelle suggested her daughter went shopping for a dress as soon as possible. She regretted that she would be unable to accompany her on this trip, but believed Shelley was more than capable of making an appropriate choice.

  Her father had also sent a telegram to Henry, congratulating him and asking him to loan Shelley the money for anything she wanted, promising to settle up with him when they arrived in New York in two weeks’ time.

  Shelley was thrilled when Henry told her they were to marry four weeks later in the small church where he and Jane had married six years earlier.

  “I’ve contacted your parents to inform them of the wedding date. They replied immediately, saying as they’d planned to arri
ve here in two weeks anyway; they’ll stay for a month and go home shortly after our wedding.”

  “Oh, thank you,” Shelley shrieked, throwing her arms around him and covering his face with kisses. “I’m so pleased they’ll be here for our wedding. They must really have forgiven me,” she smiled.

  Henry hugged her and pressed his lips against hers. “Mmm,” he agreed, squeezing her tightly as he kissed her with passion, reaching down and fondling her ass. Shelley grinned when Henry’s butler coughed loudly and they reluctantly broke apart.

  With pursed lips, he walked away, and Shelley doubled up with laughter as Henry mimicked his look of disapproval. “Don’t mind him,” Henry laughed. “Even when Jane and I were married, he objected to public displays of affection.”

  Shelley nodded. “He sounds like my father,” she sighed, recalling how Lord Frederick would stiffen if she ever tried to hug him in public.

  Henry squeezed her hand. “But you know that your father loves you, don’t you?”

  Shelley nodded and her smile returned. “Oh yes, I have no doubt of his love for me,” she smiled, recalling the times when he would return home bearing gifts. Smiling, she brought to mind her favourite gift of all, a little wooden sword to fight off the dragons as she waited for her prince to come and save her.

  “What?” Henry asked, shaking his head as Shelley laughed so much tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” she laughed, “but I just got a vision of me running down the aisle, attacking the duke with a toy sword, then being swept off my feet and carried away by you.”

  Henry’s brow furrowed as he gathered her into his arms and kissed her. “So I’m your knight in shining armour, am I?” he asked, amused.

  “Mmm,” Shelley agreed, wrapping her arms around him and planting a noisy kiss on his lips.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Shelley saw Henry’s butler approaching and she couldn’t resist pressing her lips against Henry’s, while reaching up and running her fingers through his hair.


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