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King: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Kaizon Book 6)

Page 3

by Luna Hunter

  “And leave you behind? Never,” he growls. He grabs my hand and leads me to a small cave, where we are temporarily sheltered from the raging snowstorm.

  The warrior unbuttons my coat and pushes it down my shoulders.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. I’m too cold and tired to try and stop him.

  “Warming you up, little one.”

  “By taking off my clothes? That’s weird.”

  “I will use my body to warm yours.”

  My body is instantly filled with heat. He’ll what now?

  Wranar takes his many layers off, and I am rooted to the spot as I watch his steel-colored, muscled body come into view.

  Is he going to mate with me right now?

  Is he going to take one for the road, and then leave me once he’s done with me?

  No, I dismiss that thought right away. If he’s anything like his brothers, he could never hurt a woman.

  But how well do I know him really?

  Wranar reaches into his bag and pulls out a cloth of some kind.

  “Come here,” he growls with his naked body on full display.

  I’m still frozen in place.

  Wranar reaches out for me and grabs my hand. He pulls me close, until my cheek is resting against his broad chest.

  It’s hard and warm, and I close my eyes and let the energy flow through me for a moment. Then Wranar pulls my panties down with one tug, and my eyes fly open. My bra goes the next moment, and the alien stuffs both of them in his pocket.

  “What are you—” I start, but Wranar interrupts me by lifting my naked body up. My legs slide around his waist like they were made for this exact purpose. His big, strong arms hug me tightly, and his energy courses through me, warming me right up.

  My eyes are shut as I nuzzle his chest, ignoring the fact that I’m naked as can be and we’re having skin-to-skin contact pretty much everywhere.

  Is he going to claim me now?

  One of his claws rest on my butt as the other one pulls his thick, furry coat back on. He then wraps the cloth around me, and it dawns on me what he’s doing — he’s making a sling.

  He’s going to carry me if I were a mere pup.

  This would be terribly embarrassing if it didn’t feel so damn… good.

  “How is that?”

  “Good,” I whisper.

  “If you’re cold, tell me,” he says.

  After making sure I’m properly secured, Wranar sets off back into the snow again.

  I can barely feel the cold. His body is simply everywhere, and I rest my head against his chest, my eyes closed as I let his rhythmic walking lull me to sleep.

  I awake several hours later, feeling much better.

  There’s just one problem.

  I’m dripping wet.

  With every step Wranar makes, my chest rubs against his, sending small waves of pleasure through my system.

  And worse of all, I can feel the steady pulse of his two heartbeats all the way in my clit.

  All of this skin-on-skin contact has primed my body for his.

  I glance up at Wranar. His steely gaze is focused on the snowy plains.

  “Are we going to stop soon?” I whisper.

  I really need to get off.

  “A few more hours, little one,” he says. “Or do you need something?”

  Oh I need something alright.

  “No, it’s okay,” I whisper, biting down on my tongue to stop myself from moaning.


  With every step Wranar takes my orgasm grows closer and closer. I’ve never felt this way before, but there’s something intoxicating about him.

  There’s no way for me to stop it now. I can’t tell him.

  He would grow even cockier.

  Can’t have that.

  Another step. Another pulse of pleasure, another tingle down my spine, another moan I have to surpress.

  Here I go.

  I nuzzle his chest and bite down on my lip so hard I’m sure I must draw blood as my orgasm hits me. My legs tremble and shake.

  I pray to the stars Wranar hasn’t noticed.

  I hold my breath and wait for a cocky remark… but nothing comes. I peek up. Wranar has his eyes dutifully fixed on the horizon.


  Now I can go back to sleeping.

  I close my eyes, my toes curling with aftershocks.

  Sleep doesn’t take me. Why would it? I’m still bouncing on Wranar’s lap. My body is still rubbing against him. His intoxicating smell is still surrounding me.

  Oh god.

  I’m going to be coming again, and again, and again.



  The scent of the human female drives me insane. I must have her…

  But there is no time.

  The portal awaits. I must reunite with my brothers, return this fragile being to her own world, and then save my people. All very daunting tasks. I do not have the luxury of time. Mating will have to wait.

  In the distance, across several miles of ice and snow, there’s a small mountain. We will make camp there tonight.

  The world is frozen solid, the cold seeping into my bones, but I keep moving. Belinda’s touch gives me the energy I need to keep going. The feel of her naked body wrapped around my waist is pure perfection. There’s just one little piece missing.

  I should be inside her.

  I cannot wait to claim to her cunt, to watch her eyes roll back, to hear her frantic moans as I claim her human pussy, again and again and again.

  She wants it too — I can smell it.

  Her scent is intoxicating. She’s been coming on my lap, over and over again, and now she’s snoring blissfully. Despite all that pleasure, she still resists my advances.

  For now.

  After several hours of hard labor, I reach the mouth of the cave. I search the ground for signs of any predators before lowering Belinda to the floor, untangling her legs and arms from my body, and unraveling the sling I made for her.

  The scent of her wetness is so strong that my battle trance is triggered. I lick my fangs and focus on my center to keep the trance from happening. I must be careful to keep it down.

  Or I will claim the human female right and right now.

  She’s not making it easy for me to control myself; with her curvy, luscious, naked body on full display right before me. Her chest heaves up and down with every deep breath, her breasts so full, so appealing, so perfect. My gaze travels further down, past her soft belly to the apex of her thighs.

  Her sweet, delicious, wet, cunt.

  I want nothing more than to explore that hole with my forked tongue. I want to press my horns against her soft thighs and make her mine.

  I want to make her my nera.

  The strength of my feelings is unparalleled. I’ve never felt anything like this before. My quad throbs with hunger, with pure need. My claws tremble as I grab her parka and use it as a blanket. The moment her naked form disappears, I feel a jolt of pain in my two hearts.

  With an angry roar I force myself to get up. I grab my knife and head out into the snow.

  Perhaps catching us both a meal will still my hunger for the human female.

  I doubt it.

  My hearts hunger for her.

  Nothing can quell that.



  I open my eyes and yawn. I just had the most wonderful dream. A beautiful prince was carrying me to his castle, which was built right next to a tropical beach. He climbed up a tree and got us both a coconut and I gulped it down gleefully.

  I blink and take in my surroundings.

  A furry, white blanket covers my naked body. A small fire roars right next to me, the flames casting an orange glow on the walls of the cave. The heat is very welcome for it is absolutely freezing in here.

  Where the hell am I?

  It all comes back to me in a flash. The portal. The snow. The cold.

  Wranar’s perfectly muscular naked body.

  My legs wrappe
d around him.

  Cumming so much I passed out.

  Yeah, I remember alright.

  Where is he now though? I look around, but he’s nowhere to be found. Did he leave me here? No, he’s never do that.

  I could run away right now, and he won’t claim me like he promised he would.

  One look at the mouth of the cave makes me scratch that idea. The snowstorm rages on relentlessly, the entire world as white as can be.

  I’d freeze to death out there.

  For better or for worse, all I’ve got is Wranar for now.

  Speaking of the devil, Wranar’s large, imposing figure appears through the thick snow. For a second I fear it’s some beast come to tear me apart, but then I see his horns, and I know it’s Wranar.

  My fear not’s fully abated, though because I’ve seen him naked. He can do a lot of damage with that third leg of his.

  The alien warrior drags in an animal which looks like a deer to me. Except that it’s got three eyes and six legs. Creepy.

  Wranar goes to work skinning the animal. A short while later he’s roasting the meat over the fire, and the scent of hot food makes my stomach rumble.

  “Here,” he says, handing me a piece of well-done meat.

  “Thank you,” I say. The taste is… okay. Its got nothing on Makayla’s cooking, but then again, what does?

  “Are you looking forward to meeting your brothers?” I ask Wranar.

  Perhaps some talk will draw the attention away from my naked body. Sure, I’m wearing the parka, but underneath I am as naked as can be, and Wranar keeps looking me up and down.

  Like he can see right through the damn hide.

  “Yes,” he says after taking a bite. “It’s been far too long.”

  “Are you close with all of your brothers?”

  “Not all. There are eight of us after all, so there’s some age difference, and we all have different personalities.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed that,” I chuckle. “Who are you closest to?”

  “Vukaror. Even though he’s the oldest and I’m the youngest. I knew right from the start that I’d never be king, being the eighth in line, and I’ve always felt that was… unfair. I’ve always strived to be the best. When you’re part of the royal family, when your entire life is looked at through a magnifying glass, you have to be the best.”

  “Sounds exhausting.”

  “What about you, Belinda?”

  “My family tree is easy to sum up; it’s fucked. I don’t know… anyone. I don’t know where I’m from. I don’t know who my parents are. I don’t even know if I’ve got siblings.”

  “How come?”

  “Are you familiar with the situation on Earth?”

  “I am not.”

  “If it’s going to be your new home, you might start showing some interested in it.”

  “All I have to know is that the air is breathable and the women fertile.”

  I roll my eyes. Typical Kaizon. Only has pussy on his mind.

  “Well, there’s a bit more to it than that, big guy.”

  I give the warrior a quick history lesson, as I explain the Big Mistake and the chaos that followed. His brow furrows when I tell him that women aren’t safe on Earth, and that raiders and gangs rule the planets.

  “If this is so, how did you survive?”

  “By the skin of my teeth,” I say. “Joan saved my life, and I joined her ranks. We’ve been fighting for our freedom ever since, until we met your brothers. Now my life is much more… domesticated. Or, it was, before I got sent here.”

  “Thank the ancestors for that.”

  “Really? The ancestors couldn’t have sent me to a tropical beach or something?”

  Wranar chuckles. “So you were a warrior, then?”

  “Damn right I was,” I say. “You might just see a soft, squishy human, but I know my way around a rifle. Okay, truth be told, Joan has always been the best shot. I had other survival skills, like… knowing which berries and mushrooms are poisonous. How to lay a trap to catch a fox. Stuff like that. Which is absolutely worthless here, because I don’t know this world. I don’t know the plants, the animals, the landscape, nothing. And I hate feeling useless.”

  “You are not useless,” Wranar says. “You give me purpose. You give me strength.”

  “Thank you,” I say, ignoring the heat in my cheeks.

  “If you want, I can teach you what I know.”

  “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”

  Maybe this trip is not going to be so bad after all…



  After two more grueling days of ice, snow and cold, we’ve reached the end of the frozen wasteland.

  A wild, bending river is the next step on our journey. The water foams up as it’s thrown from rock to rock, the air filled with the roar of the raging river.

  “We could make a raft out of those trees,” I say, nodding at the one of the first trees we’ve come across. “And ride it down the river. Would save us a lot of time.”

  Wranar frowns. “It would be faster, but we would also be much more likely to get spotted.”

  “How far away is this palace of yours, then?” I ask.

  “At our current pace it’s only two more weeks of walking. Give or take a few days depending on the storm clouds.”

  Two weeks?!

  I’m used to tough hikes, but I don’t want to do two more week of this. I don’t think I can stop Wranar from claiming me for that long. Every night I’ve had to snuggle up against him for warmth. Every night I’ve had to fight every instinct in my body to stop myself from jumping his bones.

  The sooner we reach Earth, the better.

  “We don’t have that long,” I say. “What if Surlok has opened the portal already? They might need our help.”

  The grey warrior sniffs the air. “The coast is clear. Very well. We will use the river.”

  Wranar and I spend half a day felling trees and tying them together into a makeshift raft. I make sure to do my fair share of the work. Sweat trickles down my back, a welcome change from the bone-chilling cold. My arms grow sore from swinging the heavy axe into the tough bark, but it does feel good to be useful once more.

  I want to prove to the growly alien that I’m not some helpless dame that he has to lug around. I can carry my own weight, thank you very much.

  We lower the raft into the violently raging water, and thank the stars, it floats. The vines we’re using to keep it anchored are instantly stressed. Wranar hops and holds out his hands for me. “Quickly,” he says.

  I ignore him and jump on the raft myself. My foot slips on the slick surface, and I tumble forwards, headed face first for the sharp rocks jutting out of the foaming water.

  Wranar slips his strong arms around me and stops my fall.

  Saving my life.

  “Th-thank you,” I stammer.

  His arms feel good around me. I feel so safe in his strong grasp. Perhaps I’m foolish for wanting to stay out of them, but I’ve seen what he’s packing.

  If I let him, he’ll destroy me. No thank you.

  “Stubborn female,” he growls with anger as he pulls me back to my feet. With one flick of his knife he severs the vine holding the raft back, and we shoot forward, tumbling down the winding river at breakneck speed. I don’t have enough time to be embarrassed by my clumsiness, because if we’re not careful, we’ll smash our raft to bits on the many rocks lining the river.

  I quickly grab one of the oars we carved out the trees and help paddle our way through the raging river. Cold water splashes on my face, and I’m tossed from side to side, but this time I’ve got my feet planted firmly on the raft and manage to stay upright.

  If I go tumbling down again, Wranar will never respect me.

  And for some reason, I care about what he thinks very much.

  Wranar paddles along in unison with me, and together we miraculously manage to find a path downstream into calmer water.

  I sigh deeply and si
t down on my butt. The river widens up, so we can relax for a moment as the current carries us along.

  “That was intense,” I say.

  Wranar nods. “You know your way around a paddle, human.”

  “Like I said before, you don’t know me,” I say. “I’m not some helpless princess. If you’ve got a job for me, all you’ve got to do is ask.”

  “In that case, massage my shoulders.”

  “Uhm,” I say. “That’s not the type of job I meant.”

  “Not up to the task?” Wranar says, raising his eyebrows.

  I’m not one to shy away from a challenge. Besides, he’s been lugging me around for days. I guess this is the least I could do.

  “Fine,” I say, rising to my feet. I carefully walk over to him, not slipping on the wet wood this time, as Wranar removes his hide coat.

  My hands rest on his inhumanly broad shoulders, my fingers tingling instantly as I feel raw power coarse through his many, many muscles. His skin, the color of brushed steel is warm to the touch and surprisingly soft.

  Ignoring the large, curling horns jutting out of his long, dark hair is impossible. This man is so alien, so strange…

  As is this entire world.

  Up in the sky two suns shine down on us, one large and one small. The banks of the river are teeming with wildlife, strange creatures I have never seen before frolicking through the high grass.

  Realistically, I should be terrified, but instead I feel calmer than ever before.

  This serene boat ride might even be called romantic.

  There’s something about running my fingers along Wranar’s broad shoulders and down his muscled back that calms me down.

  Well. Calm’s not the right word, perhaps, because every single touch of this brute’s skin sends a small jolt of energy coursing through my veins.

  Straight to my thumping wetness.

  I might have to jump in the river and blame my wetness on that. That might throw the powerful warrior off my scent.

  “How much longer ‘till we reach this palace?” I ask, my voice trembling.

  “At this rate? Mere days,” Wranar says.


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