Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2)

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Diminished (Winter's Wrath Book 2) Page 5

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Thank you.” Malakai held out his hand as the girl took a seat on the bench at the other side of the small shelf table. “My name is Malakai. And this is Tate.”

  “I know.” She shook his hand, looking dazed. Then she jerked away and slapped both hands over her face. “Oh god, not at all what I meant to say. I’m sorry. I love your music. You’re both awesome, but I don’t care. That’s not why I’m here.”

  “Oh-kay…” He cocked his head, taking in the words that had come out in a breathless whisper. Her being a fan didn’t change much. Put his guard up a little, but he could forgive almost anything after her helping Tate. “Did you win a contest or something? I should be the one apologizing if you did. I don’t know what we’re supposed to be doing with you.”

  “I didn’t win anything. Well, maybe I kinda did, but—” She snapped her mouth shut as Reese and Sophie climbed onto the bus. Hopping to her feet, she faced the two women. “I should go.”

  “Already?” Reese frowned at Malakai. “I assumed she’d be safe with you. Was I wrong?”

  “What?” Malakai shoved off the bench, almost knocking his head on the edge of the cupboards.

  The girl reached for him. Froze halfway. Placed her hand over her mouth and groaned. “It’s not his fault. Tonight was just—”

  “Not the best first impression.” Danica appeared behind Sophie, her tone light, but her level gaze speaking volumes. She was a woman on a mission. “But that’s understandable.” She turned all her attention to the girl. “And like me, I’m sure you want to give the guys time to work out the drama.” Danica shimmied past her agent and the band’s manager, hand out. “Sophie told me all about you and I’m looking forward to working together. I got us a room—if you don’t mind sharing. The bus doesn’t leave until tomorrow. Which means we can sleep in real beds tonight.”

  Reese’s brow furrowed as she glanced over. “I didn’t approve the—”

  “Expense? I know.” Danica’s chin lifted stubbornly. “Per my contract, so long as I’m available for performances, I’m free to stay wherever I choose.”

  “True.” Reese’s brow lifted. “But hotels are only covered when you’re on location for a minimum of three days.”

  “Oh, we don’t need the room covered. It’s a quick girl retreat. On me.” Danica hooked her arm to the girl’s and guided her toward the exit. “We’ll meet for breakfast in the morning to discuss business. Goodnight, Malakai. Tate, honey, I hid some cookies in my bunk for you. Go grab them before Connor gets back.”

  “I love you, Danica!” Tate scrambled over to the bunks as the girls left. A box being torn open was followed by a crunch and a happy sigh.

  Malakai shook his head, then rose to face the agent and the manager. “I didn’t know we’d scheduled a meeting. Do you want a drink or something? Make yourselves comfortable. I’ll round up the guys.”

  “They’re on their way.” Brave strode onto the bus, his expression hard. Following him, Alder had his head down, looking guilty as fuck.

  Good. Malakai glared at him, wishing they had a few minutes alone so he could find out what had come over the idiot. Sure, someone had said mean things about Danica, but so fucking what? Wasn’t worth putting himself in danger.

  “I’ll have a tea if you don’t mind.” Sophie took a seat at the kitchen table, turning her attention to Alder. “Come sit down and let me take a look at you.”

  Alder’s lips parted. He glanced from his brother, to Reese, then cleared his throat. “I appreciate your concern, Sophie, but—”

  “It’s not concern, you silly boy.” Sophie’s lips slanted with amusement. “You have a photo shoot with Danica next week. I need to see the damage.”

  “Oh.” Alder eased onto the seat across from her. He hissed in a breath as she prodded his bottom lip, but stayed put.

  For some reason, seeing Alder suffering a little cooled Malakai’s rage. He and the guys giving Alder shit wouldn’t get them very far, but Sophie would make the guitarist pay in her own special way.

  “Brave, get your brother an icepack. And stop scowling, those lines around your mouth aren’t very attractive.” Sophie touched the dark purple bruise under Alder’s eye. “This should fade enough to cover by then. The cut stopped bleeding, so it isn’t deep. We can make it work.”

  Returning from the fridge with an icepack wrapped in a dishtowel, Brave stared at Sophie like she’d lost her mind.

  Chuckling under his breath, Malakai finished making her tea. He knew better than to annoy the woman.

  The lead singer was a slow learner.

  “Sorry, but who the fuck cares how he looks?” Brave looked over at Reese, who’d finally taken a seat on the leather sofa on the other side of the bus. When she simply arched a brow at him his jaw ticked. “Security should be—”

  “Keeping you on a shorter leash?” Sophie held the icepack against Alder’s lips, motioning for him to take it as she regarded Brave with interest. “That’s something you can discuss with your manager. Alder is my client. Fighting can negate our contract, but since he hasn’t damaged the product, I’ll let it slide. This time.”

  “The product?” Brave’s eyes, deep brown with molten gold glowing at the center, darkened as he stepped to his brother’s side. “He’s not a fucking product.”

  “No, he isn’t. But I’m not his mother and my priority is making sure he can still do his job. The band, the music, may be more than a product to you, but as far as the label is concerned, the results are all that count.” She took a sip of her tea. Inclined her head at Malakai. “This is very good. Thank you.”

  “No problem” He regarded Reese, hoping to distract her long enough for Brave to pull himself together. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”

  “I’ll have a tea as well.” Reese relaxed back into the sofa, her hands folded on her knee. “Brave, please sit down. Like Sophie, my focus is on the results of what transpired tonight. People are posting videos on YouTube. There’s already been a spike in sales. The fans enjoyed the show.”

  “So that’s it? The results are good, so the label will be happy.” Brave rubbed his lips as he perched on the loveseat on the other side of the kitchenette. “Alder’s not in trouble?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Reese’s lips thinned. “When I became your manager I asked you all individually what the biggest issue with the band was. Not a single member wanted to discuss your internal problems, which I assumed meant you will handle those obstacles yourselves. If that’s changed, let me know.”

  “It hasn’t.”

  “Good.” She thanked Malakai softly when he brought her tea, easing back again as though getting comfortable to stay awhile. “We talked about safety concerns earlier.” She paused as Connor and Jesse joined them on the bus, standing at the entrance like they weren’t sure they should be there. “Take a seat, gentlemen. You all need to hear this.”

  Connor plunked down next to Brave while Jesse slipped onto the bench beside Alder, eyeing him with concern. Seconds later Tate came out of the bunk area. He hopped up on the closest counter, looking much better than he had before.

  Reese observed them all for a moment, sipping her tea, her gaze thoughtful. “As I was saying, the security concerns were expressed by Brave, but no one else. I can set tighter guidelines for your regular detail, but those are useless if you don’t all respect them.”

  “This is my fault. I’m the one who jumped offstage.” Alder moved the icepack from his mouth to his eye. “I didn’t think.”

  “And last week in Memphis, when Connor bodysurfed across the crowd, was that ‘your fault’ as well?” Reese turned to Connor, who seemed to find the black carpet fucking fascinating. She smirked and jutted her chin at Brave. “Or when your brother had fans hold him above their heads while he sang in San Diego? I could come up with more examples. Will you claim responsibility for them all?”

  Alder ducked his head. “No.”

  “Very well. Then as a band, you will decide how to proceed. If you’r
e all happy with the status quo, this matter is closed.” She fixed a level gaze on Brave as she said the last.

  He didn’t look happy, but kept his mouth shut.

  Malakai almost felt bad for him. The guy was trying to watch out for his brother. Too little, too late, but protecting Alder was the one thing they could agree on.

  Not that they needed Reese to get involved to set Alder straight. He had a feeling the whole band wanted words with their lead guitarist.


  Reese inclined her head as though satisfied and set her mug on a side table. “Now that that’s out of the way I’d like to address the reason both Sophie and I came to speak to you. A performer will be joining you starting tomorrow. As you know, the band will begin their European tour next month. This is a huge step for you all and I’m excited to see how it will extend your international reach with fans.”

  Nods all around. They were looking forward to the trip.

  “Unfortunately, Danica will not be joining you.”

  Oh fuck.

  Jesse blinked at Reese like he’d been slapped. Alder dropped the icepack on the table and stood.

  He glared at Sophie. “You said she could come. She would have told me if she couldn’t.”

  “Are you saying she didn’t? I recall her mentioning the possibility of several opportunities conflicting with your schedule.” Sophie’s eyes narrowed when Alder shook his head. “I’d be very careful if I were you, Alder. Danica is dedicated to her career. She loves you, but if you force her to choose between her career and you I don’t think you’ll like the answer.”

  “I wouldn’t do that to her. I just…” Alder rubbed the back of his neck. “Why didn’t she talk to me?”

  “She did.” Jesse inhaled roughly. “She told us both, but it was like something that might happen. In the future. There were three fashion shows she mentioned. And a magazine spread. And something else… She was afraid she wouldn’t get them, so we kept talking about Europe. About all the things we’d do there.”

  “She was asked to do all three shows and several magazine shoots. The last was confirmed this morning.” Sophie straightened. “Once she signs the contracts she can continue to focus on her work with the band until she leaves.”

  “Once she signs…” Alder’s brow furrowed. “So she hasn’t yet?”

  “She will.” But Sophie didn’t sound so sure.

  I have a bad feeling about this. Malakai studied the other members of the band as each slowly came to grips with what was going down. Sophie wasn’t an underhanded woman. She’d done a lot for them, given them exposure they couldn’t have gotten without her.

  But Danica had always been her priority.

  Reese and Sophie were talking about Danica not coming as though it was a done deal. It wasn’t. She might have been leaning in the direction they wanted, but Alder getting in a fight would weaken her resolve. Since she’d left with Shiori, Sophie couldn’t do damage control.

  She was hoping the band could help her.

  Malakai couldn’t imagine touring without Danica, but her career had never been limited to performing for Winter’s Wrath. Sure, she managed to balance her schedule with the band’s more often than not, but this opportunity would be her time to shine.

  So long as she wasn’t held back because he and the guys would miss her.

  Brave remained silent, watching Alder. Connor wasn’t going to step up, he was totally out of his element. And Tate… Well, Tate was Tate. If anything, he’d come up with a dozen reasons why they needed Danica because she’d become like a big sister to him.

  Which left Malakai.

  He folded his arms over his chest and met Sophie’s eyes. “If this is what Danica wants, she has our support.”

  “Thank you.” Sophie’s expression didn’t change much, but some of the lines around her eyes smoothed. “She’ll still be connected with the band. Will still bring you good exposure since Winter’s Wrath will be mentioned wherever she goes.”

  “She won’t see it that way.” Alder spoke so softly Malakai wasn’t sure anyone else heard him.

  But Brave had. And decided to be fucking helpful, as always. “Danica joined this band on the road as a way to improve her image, but it’s more than that now. She loves being on stage. She won’t want to leave the band, and her boyfriends, for whatever fucking money she can make doing a damn fashion show.”

  “No, if she feels pressured, she probably won’t.” Sophie slid off the bench, rising and glaring down at Brave. “I hope you care about her enough to understand this is about more than money. About more than how good she makes you look fawning over you for the crowds.”

  Brave’s eyes went cold. “Didn’t you say we’d regret making her choose? Seems you’re not so sure what she’ll do if you try to force her hand. Which is exactly what you’re doing here. And we’re not about to help you.”

  “Very well. Have a good night then, boys.” Sophie inclined her head to Reese. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Reese nodded, waiting until Sophie was gone to let out a sharp laugh. “Well, this was fun. And probably a waste of time. Danica’s potential replacement will be joining you on tour. That is if seeing the shitshow tonight didn’t scare her away.”

  And this was exactly why Reese was a perfect manager for them. She could be all prim and proper if she had to be, but when it came to dealing with them alone, she had no problem stooping to their level.

  “I’m going to put this to you straight, guys.” Reese rose from her seat on the couch and went to the fridge. She grabbed a beer, twisted off the top, and took a swig. “You’re fucking lucky to have Danica. She’s dynamite on stage. The fans love her. I’m not sure your show will be even half as impressive if she’s not up there.”

  Dead silence. Reese had just given the whole band a swift uppercut. Told them, in her usual no-holds-barred way, that they might not be good enough.

  Which should have pissed Malakai off, but he got it. If they were gonna hang on to Danica, no matter what was best for her career, they’d prove they didn’t believe they could be successful without her.

  He wanted to spell out, very clearly, that they weren’t dependent on her, but what did he fucking know? Maybe Reese was right.

  Tate cleared his throat and hopped off the counter. “You said something about a replacement? How does that change anything?”

  Smiling, Reese turned to the young drummer. “The way I see it, having another girl on stage gives you a chance at a real success story. With Danica, she already had a career. Sure, she needed your grit, but in the end, it’s all about her. I like the girl, you know I do, but her getting all kinds of deals does nothing for Winter’s Wrath.”

  “But this new girl is different?” Brave’s tone was hard. Unconvinced. “If we agree the band needs to make a statement without Danica, why have a dancer up there at all?”

  “Because it works. Not many metal bands bother with eye candy. Pop artists have their flashy dancers, their fireworks, their whole spectacle. I’m not asking you to go to that extreme, but I am asking you to consider what works. What draws the short attention span of the masses.” Reese sounded like she was handing them the golden key to all they’d ever wanted. All they had to do was take it. “Don’t cut yourselves short. Be different!”

  “Isn’t this supposed to be about the music?” Connor frowned at Reese’s exasperated sigh. “What? We can’t rely on Danica. I get that. But we’re not a pop band.”

  “No, you’re not. But that old-school pride won’t get you new blood.” Reese shrugged. “Maybe I’m wrong, but honestly, I think you need to get in people’s faces. Do some crazy shit. Give them a show they’ll never forget.”

  “And you think this girl can help do that? Like Danica did?” Malakai got a few dirty looks, but the guys clearly weren’t using their brains. Reese wasn’t playing games. She had a vision and they weren’t seeing it.

  “I do.” Reese gave him a sly smile. “Maybe you could let them know what you
think of her. You and Tate have met her already.”

  We have?



  The girl. The one he’d had trouble looking away from.

  Who’d helped Tate.

  Who was a fan of the band.

  And who’d looked nervous as fuck.

  “She’s…” Beautiful. Sweet. Tempting. I want to see her again. But none of those reasons would convince the band. And he didn’t have enough to go on yet. But he had enough to want more. “I think she’s worth a shot.”

  “Good. Now to convince her you are.” Reese chuckled. “I wanted her to see you completely in the raw. Your wonderful fucked up selves. A little test, let’s say.”

  “Did she pass?” Tate sounded like he really hoped she had. Malakai could relate.

  Reese shrugged. “We’ll see. If she comes back tomorrow for rehearsal, then she’s off to a good start.”

  The meeting ended shortly after, with Reese pulling Jesse aside to discuss a few things. Strangely enough, neither Malakai or anyone else seemed to be in the mood to tear into Alder anymore.

  Finding out his girlfriend would be in another country for at least a month had hit him hard. Between the busted lip, the bruises, and not having her with him now…

  Hell, the guy was suffering enough. Malakai couldn’t add to that.

  Neither could anyone else.

  They all decided to turn in. About an hour later Jesse crept quietly onto the bus, checking on Alder and climbing into his bunk. They spoke quietly for a bit, then Jesse slipped down to his own bed.

  Laying on his thin mattress, staring at the ceiling only a few feet above him, Malakai tried to lose himself to sleep. He recognized Tate’s steady breathing, telling him the kid was out for the night. Usually all he needed to let go.

  But his brain wasn’t ready to shut down. Every time he closed his eyes he saw the girl. Damn it, he didn’t even know her name yet. All that talk and she was simply ‘the replacement’.

  To everyone else. But not to him.


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