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Academy of Sorcery: Term 1: Unleashing Trials

Page 4

by Alexa B. James

  A second later, Darius grabs me from behind and drags me off. I don’t care who’s touching me, I just have to be touched. I turn and throw my arms around Darius, and he hurries me through a curtain and off the back of the stage, where the old dude took Elowen. The herd of magical people follow, and I feel something pressing back the magic, subduing me and returning me to my senses. The guy who was yelling at Professor Darius is performing some kind of chant that I can only hope is a sex magic exorcism, because this cannot go on. I just humped a guy until I orgasmed in front of the entire magical community, for fuck’s sake.

  And if Professor Darius doesn’t put me down, I’m about to do it again.

  Chapter 4

  “What the hell was that?” I demand as I detach myself from Professor Darius in a small office now crowded with the three sorcery students, their professor, and two purple-robed guys. I’d be more embarrassed if I wasn’t so pissed, so I try to hold onto the anger. If I have to choose between the two, I’ll choose pissed any day.

  Whatever magic happened, it seems to have released me from its hold, but there’s no way I’m looking at Ryker or Professor Darius right now. Or the two assholes who dragged me out of Silas’s basement. For all I know, they knew I’d go sex crazy when I got unleashed.

  Since I can’t look at anyone from the academy, I focus on the flustered-looking Santa guy instead, trying to ignore the distant sounds of the madness still happening out in the arena.

  “Seriously, dude. What. Was. That?”

  “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Professor Darius admits as he sits in a chair against the wall. His forehead is glistening with sweat. “You can relax, you’re safe now.”

  “Safe?” Rocco asks, looking like he’s about to pounce on his professor and strangle him. “What the fuck did she do to us?”

  “Well, we know what she did to Ryker,” Thorn mutters, glaring at me like I personally insulted him.

  Ryker stares stone-faced at the Santa guy. “What is she?” he asks flatly.

  Seeing him beside Rocco, the same shade of blond hair and same wide, blue eyes, it’s clear they’re related. Rocco is more muscular, barrel chested like a strongman, while Ryker is leaner and taller, but their facial features leave no doubt. Great. Two asshole brothers. Just what every girl needs.

  “Who retrieved this student?” the Santa guy asks. “Didn’t you read her summons letter?”

  “She didn’t have one,” Thorn growls, still glaring daggers at me.

  “Said she flushed it down the toilet,” Rocco says with a smirk at me, clearly hoping this will get him off the hook. He crosses his arms over his massive chest and puffs it out, an alpha-hole move he probably uses to intimidate people. Well fuck that.

  I didn’t choose whatever the fuck just happened, and I sure as hell won’t back down and take this shit. “My employer tore it up,” I say coldly. “And can someone please fill me in on what the hell just happened?”

  “We’d like an explanation as well,” Ryker says through clenched teeth, keeping his gaze trained on the older man instead of looking at me.

  “You’re the ones who unleashed my magic,” I snap, since I do not appreciate people talking about me like I’m not here. “Shouldn’t you have known that would happen?”

  “Everyone, just calm down.” Professor Darius is back up on his feet and looking a little more normal and less flushed. “Unfortunately, Master Hardin, we didn’t have her letter, so we didn’t know this was one of the students you had identified as a potential carrier. We had no way of knowing that would happen.”

  “It should have been in the registry,” the man splutters to another one of the purple-robed guys. “What did I tell you? There was bound to be a mistake.”

  “Seriously, guys,” I said. “Total newbie right here. What the what?”

  “I’m sorry,” the old guy says, holding out a hand. “I’m Master Hardin, the senior sorcerer in the Society of Supernaturals. I represent the magic wielders in the Society. I’m also the head of affairs for such people as ourselves.”

  Well, isn’t this super? I just dry-humped a sorcerer in front of the magical equivalent of the president.

  “Jade,” I say, shaking his hand because what else can I do?

  His grip is firm and grounding, his eyes kind. “I know.”

  “I’m Headmaster Orville,” says one of the other purple-robed men. He’s way older than Master Hardin, bent and twisted like an ancient oak, with a bald head and round glasses. “The headmaster of this Academy and also a member of the Society of Supernaturals.”

  Master Hardin begins to explain. “When your magic was bound at birth, you were marked as someone who had the potential for… Extraordinary magic. That’s why these powerful men were sent to get you when you were late to arrive. Unfortunately, giving them details could have endangered you if they ran into any telepaths or interested parties on their way, so they weren’t informed of your potential.”

  “But they were instructed to retrieve you and make sure you made it safely to the Unleashing,” the headmaster says.

  “Uh huh,” I say, nodding like a bobble head. That explains why they showed up to get me, and why they told someone to keep an eye on me while I was getting dressed. But I still don’t get what just happened.

  “I’ve never seen this before, but from what we experienced today, I believe that you are the next High Priestess.”

  “The what now?” I ask. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of all the magical people from conjurers to illusionists, enchantresses and empaths, but I’ve never heard of any priestess who causes spontaneous orgies.

  “That’s not possible,” Thorn says in a low voice. He’s staring at me like I’ve grown tentacles out of my ass.

  The other two sorcerers are eyeing me warily, too. Even Rocco’s smart-ass smirk is gone. Ryker’s finally looking at me instead of through me, but he looks like he’s about to bolt out the door if I make a sudden movement. If I thought he gave Elowen the evil eye for making a scene, I should have waited for the looks they’re giving me.

  Professor Darius clears his throat. “Master, if I may,” he says. “Has something happened to the High Priestess? We’ve always been told there’s only one, and surely we would have heard if something had happened to the current High Priestess.”

  “The real one,” Thorn growls, glaring at me like I killed this lady I’ve never heard of so I can take her place.

  “As you are aware, the current High Priestess is a member of the undead,” Headmaster Orville points out. “We anticipated that this day could come. We simply didn’t know where or if she’d really appear.”

  “I see,” Ryker says, nodding. I can see a light dawning in all their eyes, but I still have no fucking clue what’s happening.

  “Somebody care to explain what the hell is going on?” I ask.

  “The undead have died at some point,” Thorn points out.

  “I am aware,” I grit out, leveling him with a glare.

  “When one High Priestess dies, another is instantly granted powers,” Master Hardin explains. “It can be anyone of any age in the world, as long as they possess the potential to wield great magic. Someone such as yourself, Jade.”

  “So I won the sex-magic lottery?” I ask, trying to make light of it. “Lucky me.”

  “It’s usually a descendant, but in some instances, the High Priestess hasn’t had children, or her children don’t hold the potential. Then someone is gifted the magic at random, yes. What makes this case unique is that the High Priestess didn’t stay dead. So, now we have two.”

  “Which is a good thing,” Professor Darius says, though he doesn’t look all that excited if you ask me. “Jade will have time to train and prepare, control her magic, and practice wielding it safely.”

  “Yes,” Master Hardin says. “Sometimes, the recipient of the gift is not so fortunate, and she learns the hard way what her magic is capable of.”

  “Okay,” I say. “Cool, cool. But how come I’ve never
heard of this person? What’s so important about her?”

  The men exchange a look. Master Hardin speaks again, his voice soothing. “The High Priestess is the embodiment of the divine feminine. She bore many names throughout history, perhaps most famously Aphrodite.”

  “Wait, what?” I asked, backing into the wall. I think I’m going to have a heart attack. “I’m…a goddess?”

  “Call it what you like,” Master Hardin says. “High Priestess is our preferred term.”

  “What does that mean for us?” Rocco demands. “For the Academy?”

  “The High Priestess is the source of all sexual energy,” Master Hardin says. “It will be difficult for Jade to be around men until her magic is harnessed—both for her and the men she encounters. It is of utmost importance that she find a magical vessel to contain some of her energy while she trains.”

  “Of course,” Professor Darius says, giving a small nod.

  “Are you sure you didn’t identify her incorrectly?” Ryker asks, giving me some serious stink-eye. I give him a pass this time, considering how gross I acted. Not that it’s my fault, but still. He has a right to think I’m gropy and desperate. I’ll just have to show him I’m not some horndog maniac who’s going to rub her junk all over him without invitation.

  “You witnessed the Unleashing,” Master Hardin says gently to the other sorcerers. “You felt it. There is no other explanation.” He fixes me a look of reverence. “She’s the High Priestess.”

  “What exactly is going to happen now?” I ask. “People around me will want to have sex? With each other and me?” I stare at the professor, thinking I might not mind jumping his bones. He’s sexy in that suave, hot-for-teacher kind of way, but there’s something more about him. He’s looking at me with a compassion I sure don’t see in the three sorcery students.

  “You will remain at the Academy until you’ve learned to harness and wield your magic,” Professor Darius says. “Just like every student here.”

  “Am I gonna fall for every guy or girl I see?” I ask. Maybe I’m only lusting after him because of the magic.

  “Since there’s only one of these beings in the world, we don’t have experience teaching magic to your kind,” Professor Darius explains. “You will have to bear with us while we all learn together. First year students learn basic magic, which you have in spades, and to control their gift. You’ll have your hands full with that.”

  “We will have you join in with another school of magic for the time being,” Headmaster Orville says. “Until we can locate a tutor for your unique situation.”

  He looks to Master Hardin, who nods solemnly. “That is the best we can do for now, Jade.”

  “Second year students begin to focus on their unique gifts and learn more advanced magic,” Professor Darius says. “That’s when it will be imperative that you have a teacher who understands your situation. But don’t worry. That’s a year away, and we’ve got plenty to work on until then.”

  My life just got a hundred times more bizarre than it already was. Though I hoped for magic, I couldn’t in my wildest dreams have predicted this.

  “What about Silas?” I ask. “My boss won’t be happy about this.”

  I’m genuinely a little freaked out. What if my magic does draw me to other people? Or them to me? That scene out there was freaky as fuck, and I definitely don’t want a repeat of my sex puppet routine. Will that happen everywhere I go? What if I can’t control it?

  “Silas will obey the law,” Master Hardin says. “You must be trained.”

  “As far as the law’s concerned, he owns the next thirty-odd years of my life,” I remind them.

  “I will handle Silas and the courts. This takes precedence.”

  “You don’t get it. I have to go back,” I say, my voice rising with desperation. “They’ll hurt my father.”

  “No work today,” Headmaster Orville insists then he looks at the other men. “I am assigning these three sorcery students to protect you.”

  My mouth drops open. No. No fucking way.

  Thorn must share my sentiments, because he begins to protest. Headmaster Orville holds up a hand to silence him. “Jade must be escorted everywhere. You can trade shifts, so you have time for your own studies and leisure activities. But I will not have the High Priestess harmed under my watch.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Rocco glares at me, then back to the headmaster. “I didn’t sign up for daycare duty.”

  “He’s right,” Ryker agrees. “We’re students, not babysitters. Can’t you find some underling to do it?”

  “Her magic is too strong. She needs someone to protect her from the lure she has on others. She cannot do this alone. You must help her. It is a great honor.”

  “Thank you,” Ryker grits out, sounding anything but honored.

  The headmaster looks at the professor next. “I leave the day-to-day oversight of this matter in your hands. Her protection is paramount, Professor. Please see to it that she’s taken care of.”

  “Wait, I still don’t understand,” I say. “Are you saying everywhere I go, orgies will ensue? Like, sex everywhere? Horny people gone wild, everybody banging everyone?”

  Master Hardin chuckles. At least this guy has a sense of humor. I wish he were sticking around the academy. Or being my bodyguard. I’d way rather hang out with gramps here than these arrogant jerks.

  “That was an effect of your magic being unleashed,” he explains. “After that burst of energy, your levels will be low for a time, so you should be relatively safe for the next week or so. But men and women will still be drawn to you, and you’ll be drawn to them. Even more so once your magic begins to recharge.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll find the vessel to hold your magic soon,” Professor Darius says. He reaches out and pats my arm, and a rush of tingling shimmies up my skin. The teacher draws back and smooths his hand over the lower half of his face, staring at me like I’m dangerous.

  But right now, the only danger I’m worried about is Silas. More than anything, I’m worried what this means for my dad. As much as I’d like to trust that these guys can handle my boss, I can’t count on that. Knowing Silas, he’ll happily agree to whatever they want, then come back and take it out on me tenfold. The last time I pissed off my boss, I regretted it, and nothing has changed as far as he’s concerned. He still owns my contract. Maybe I can just take night classes after work each day…

  Headmaster Orville reaches out and gives my hand a quick pump. “Welcome to the Academy of Sorcery. It is a privilege to have the honor and responsibility of your education.”

  “Um, thanks?” I say. “I mean, thanks for accepting me. I can’t wait to get started.” My excitement about having magic has dimmed a bit since I learned I have weird sex magic, but I’m excited to learn basic magic with the other students, even if I have to do it around my work schedule.

  The headmaster looks at the guys then. “Once her magic is contained in its vessel, Jade may return home to retrieve her things. You should escort her on this venture, of course.”

  For a second, I entertain the fantasy that I’ll be a normal magic student. I’ll put my magic in this cup or whatever, take classes with other people like me, and hang out with friends. But as much as I’d love to believe life could be that simple, I can’t afford to.

  My dad is too important. I can’t just leave him until they find the place to store my magic. He’ll be expecting me home soon, and if I don’t show up, he’ll… I don’t know what. He’s already lost everything. I can’t leave him, too. Not like this. I just need a chance to tell him about the magic, and that I have to stay on campus for a few days until it’s stored in its vessel. If I just disappear? I can’t bear to think of him in that much pain, let alone cause it.

  While the asshole twins argue over who has to take the first shift, I’m already strategizing my escape. They said I was safe for a week or so until my magic built up again, and I paid attention on the ride over. If something happens, so what
? I can deal with it. I grew up on the streets of Jacksonville, dammit. This High Priestess can protect herself.

  Chapter 5

  After giving the guys the slip—living on the streets of Jacksonville in this day and age, it’s not the first time I’ve had to make a quick getaway—and hotwiring the academy’s town car, I use the GPS to make my way back to Silas’s estate and sneak in the back door. I would go home first, but that’s the first place Silas will go when I don’t show up. He knows not only where I live, but where my heart lives. I won’t have my father pay for my missed day of work.

  Robert is setting the table for Silas’s lunch when I arrive. He looks up with a curious gaze. “What happened at the Unleashing?”

  “Oh, you know. Magical people got their magical gifts.” I give a dismissive wave as if nothing out of the ordinary happened and open the cleaning supply closet and get my basket of stuff.

  “I gather you have no magic?”

  Avoiding his question because I really hate lying to people I like, I shrug it off and close the closet door. “Where’s Silas?”

  “In his study. You should probably know that he went to the Unleashing. He returned just a short while ago. So, if you’re planning to hide anything from him, you might reconsider.”

  Shit. I wasn’t expecting that. I wonder if he was there for the orgy. Or better yet, who he tried to bang while he was there.

  Actually, scratch that. I definitely don’t want to know.


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