Book Read Free

Fern in Star Valley

Page 1

by Poppy Collins

  Welcome to the world of the fashion fairy princesses! Join Fern and friends on their magical adventures in fairyland.

  They can’t wait to visit

  Can you?



  Half Title Page

  Title Page


  Star Valley!

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Fashion Fairy Princess Website


  “What’s that?” said Rosa, pointing up at the blue, cloudless sky.

  Rosa, Bluebell, Buttercup and Violet sat in Glimmershine Palace’s beautiful dining hall eating their honey bread and dew-juice breakfast. The dining hall was on the very top floor of the palace and had a ceiling made entirely of glass. The fairy princesses loved that they could look out over Sparkle City every time they had a meal. It was a magical sight, with the flower-covered palace gardens, pony stables and gorgeous meadows spread out before them – not to mention Paradise Square and Diamond Boulevard, the city’s main shopping street. It was the fashion fairy princesses’ favourite place to shop!

  The four best friends all stared upwards, following Rosa’s gaze. They could make out some strange golden twinkles floating down towards them, closer and closer. The fairy princesses gasped as the star-shaped sparkles spun magically through the glass above them, slowing down as they fell into the dining hall. The twinkles gradually came to a stop, and hung in the air like tiny glistening clouds.

  “It’s a message!” cried Violet, her curly hair bouncing with excitement. “Look!”

  They all stared at the golden stars in front of them. Violet was right – the twinkles had gathered together to spell something out in the air.

  “Dear Fashion Fairy Princesses,” read Bluebell. “Please come to my birthday sleepover tomorrow!”

  “Oh, wow!” said Rosa, shaking her long dark hair in disbelief. “It’s our first ever star post!”

  Usually messages in fairyland were flown about by fairy-flyers. The fairy princesses had heard of star post, but they’d never received a message that way before. This was so exciting!

  “But who’s it from?” asked Buttercup quietly, staring up at the glass ceiling and wondering if more sparkles would follow. But the bright blue sky was empty.

  The four friends looked at one another – they loved going to sleepovers, but how would they get there if they didn’t know whose birthday it was?

  “Wait – look!” Bluebell pointed at the stars in front of them, which were now fizzing around and reorganizing themselves in the air.

  “With love from Fern,” Violet read.

  The fairy princesses grinned – Fern was one of their very best friends. She lived close by in Star Valley, but they hadn’t seen her since the Summer Ball in Dream Mountain.

  “Of course – it’s Fern’s birthday tomorrow!” said Rosa. “I’d almost forgotten!” As she spoke, the twinkling stars fluttered away into the air, flying through the glass ceiling and disappearing into the sky.

  Bluebell had a giant beam on her pretty pale face. “A birthday sleepover – my favourite kind of party!” She jumped up and down in her chair, her delicate wings aflutter, making their cups of spring-dew juice bounce on the table. “Do you think there’ll be delicious cakes and sing-along fairy songs?” In her excitement, Bluebell spun round in a pirouette, knocking the table and toppling Rosa’s cup of juice over the powder-pink petal tablecloth. “Oops!”

  Bluebell sat back down in her chair and gave Rosa a sheepish smile. “Sorry,” she said. “I’m just excited!”

  Rosa put her arm around her friend. “That’s OK – we all are!”

  “We haven’t been to Star Valley for ages,” said Violet. “But I just know it will be magical – it’s so full of flowers and wildlife and nature!”

  “I can’t wait to see what Fern’s been making recently,” said Buttercup.

  Fern loved to make things out of nature – like daisy-chain bracelets and silk-web woven hats. Sometimes she even sent her creations to the fashion fairy princesses as presents. The fairy princesses enjoyed making things too – they often spent time in the palace’s Studio Sublime, designing their own outfits.

  “I wonder if Fern’s found anything special to wear on her birthday,” Bluebell said. Then she bit her lip. “But what outfits should we wear to the party?”

  “That’s not our biggest problem,” said Rosa as she put down her pearl-encrusted knife and fork on the table. “The sleepover’s tomorrow, and we haven’t got Fern a present yet!”

  The four fairy princesses jumped up from their seats. They were all thinking the same thing.

  “Let’s go shopping!” they cried.

  Rosa, Violet, Bluebell and Buttercup flew along the silver-paved path of Diamond Boulevard, peering in all the windows as they tried to find the perfect gift for their friend.

  “Argh – we’ve looked everywhere!” exclaimed Violet. “We’re never going to find a present for Fern!”

  Violet did like to exaggerate sometimes, but today it was almost true – the four fairy princess friends had visited nearly every shop in Sparkle City in their search for Fern’s birthday present. They’d been in A Fairy’s Best Friend, the city’s pet shop, but Fern already had lots of wildlife around her in Star Valley – she probably didn’t need or even want a new pet!

  They’d tried Sunshine Soaps, which had the most incredible variety of soaps and perfumes a fairy could ever want. Rosa lingered over the rosehip shower salts and Buttercup wished she could have the sunbeam bath bomb, but then Bluebell remembered that Fern made all her own gorgeous-smelling soaps from natural ingredients in Star Valley. It would be silly to buy her any more.

  Then there was Sparkle Sensations – the four friends’ most favourite shop of all. But they hadn’t been able to find an outfit they thought Fern would like. The shop was filled with smart trousers, knee-length skirts and tunic dresses – the opposite of what Fern liked to wear. She preferred light, flowing outfits, like wrap-around dresses, maxi-skirts and sandals – things that seemed to blend in with the natural environment around her.

  “What about Jewels and Gems? We haven’t tried there yet,” suggested Bluebell as they passed the silver-fronted shop.

  “But Fern creates lots of her own jewellery from nature in Star Valley,” said Violet. “Why would she want it as a present?”

  “I think we should try,” said Buttercup. “She gives lots of jewellery away as gifts to others, so she might like something as a surprise herself !”

  Rosa nodded. “Buttercup’s right. And we’re getting desperate! Let’s see what we can find.”

  The wind chime at the door tinkled as the fashion fairy princesses entered the shop, and a red-headed fairy popped up behind the counter.

  “Hello, fairy princesses,” said Ivy, the owner of Jewels and Gems. “It’s so lovely to see you all.”

  The four friends smiled – they adored coming to this shop. The walls and ceiling were covered in gems of every colour and shape, so stepping into it was like walking inside a huge jewellery box!

  Violet explained they were going to Fern’s birthday sleepover and they needed a gift for their friend. “It has to be really special,” she said, “because Fern makes such beautiful jewellery herself.”

  Bluebell gave Violet a little nudge. “Not that your jewellery isn’t beautiful too!” Bluebell said quickly to Ivy, hoping Violet hadn
’t offended her. “It’s just that we need something so magical that it’s a really brilliant surprise.”

  Ivy’s green eyes sparkled. “I’ve got just the thing,” she said. She fluttered her scarlet wings over to a shelf in the corner of the shop. “Come and have a look at this.”

  The fairy princesses followed Ivy and peered over her shoulder. There, hung on a crystal hook, was a golden necklace made up of hundreds of tiny yellow-gold stars. The stars linked together to make the chain, and at the bottom hung one bigger gold star that seemed to glow with a magical light.

  Buttercup couldn’t take her eyes off it. “Wow!” she said quietly. “It’s the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Rosa grinned. Buttercup’s favourite colour was yellow, so she wasn’t surprised she liked it more than anyone – although Rosa had to admit that it was stunning.

  “And here are the earrings to match it.” Ivy held up a pair of star earrings that also glowed from within.

  “We’ll take them!” Violet said, her purple wings flapping in excitement.

  “But you don’t know everything about them yet,” said Ivy mysteriously.

  “What do you mean?” asked Bluebell.

  Ivy touched the shining star at the bottom of the necklace. “You see the glowing stars on the necklace and earrings?” she whispered, as if it was a secret so special it couldn’t be said out loud.

  The fairy princesses nodded silently as they crowded round Ivy and stared at the jewellery.

  “Well, each star represents a wish,” explained Ivy. “So whoever receives this Make-a-Wish necklace-and-earrings set will get three wishes!”

  “Oh my fairyness!” said Bluebell. “It is perfect for Fern!”

  Everyone except Rosa was smiling. “But do we have enough fairy-dust?” she asked, frowning and reaching deep into the pockets of her pink-heart-studded jeans.

  By the time the four friends had emptied the fairy-dust from their pockets on to the counter, they had just enough to buy the necklace and earrings. It was worth using it all to give their generous friend such a lovely gift!

  Ivy placed the jewellery carefully in a large oyster shell, tied lots of grass-green ribbons around it and popped it into a bamboo gift bag. “I hope your friend likes her present!” she said, waving as the fairy princesses left the shop. “And enjoy the sleepover!”

  “We will!” the fairy princesses called together.

  By now it was late afternoon, and the fairyland sun was beginning to set, casting a gorgeous red-pink glow over Sparkle City. They flew home as quickly as they could, with Rosa holding firmly on to the gift bag as they went.

  It was dark by the time they arrived back at Glimmershine Palace, but there was no time to rest. They still had to pack and prepare for tomorrow’s sleepover!

  As soon as the fairy princesses fluttered through the glittering oak door entrance, Buttercup rushed off to the palace kitchen to start making some of her famous cupcakes. The rest of the fairy princesses flew up the palace’s grand glass staircase to begin packing their bags for the sleepover.

  “I’ll do my packing once I’ve put the cupcakes in to bake,” Buttercup called over her shoulder as she disappeared behind the kitchen door. “Otherwise they won’t have time to cool!”

  The smell drifting into the hallway was deliciously sweet as Rosa, Buttercup, Violet and Bluebell flew into the glossy white kitchen of Glimmershine Palace.

  “They should be done any moment now,” said Buttercup, peering through the glass oven door.

  “I’m not sure I can wait till tomorrow to eat them,” Bluebell said as Buttercup carefully slid the tray of moonbutter cupcakes out of the oven with a palm-leaf mitt.

  “They’re not even ready yet!” said Buttercup teasingly. “Wait until I add the starlight-sparkle topping. It’s a secret recipe!”

  The friends sat on high white kitchen stools, waiting for the cakes to cool.

  “How about we write a birthday poem for Fern while we’re waiting?” Bluebell suggested, holding out her sketchpad.

  “Ooh, that’s such a good idea!” said Violet.

  The fairy princesses got to work, but it was very late by the time they’d written the poem and iced the cakes. They were so excited about Fern’s sleepover they didn’t think they’d be able to sleep, but after their busy day they were as tired as a fairy-flyer’s wings. As soon as their heads touched their peacock-feather pillows they fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of cakes and wishes and adventures in Star Valley.

  “I love your bee-print scarf, Buttercup,” said Bluebell admiringly. She was in Buttercup’s bedroom, helping her to pack the last of her things. The cupcake-loving fairy princess had been so busy baking the night before that she’d had no time to pack! But it had been worth it – the little moonbutter sponges looked and smelled so delicious, she’d had to hide them away in an almond-shell cake tin so they weren’t tempted to eat them!

  “Thanks, Bluebell,” said Buttercup shyly, taking the scarf from her friend and folding it into the top of her daisy-patterned weekend bag. “I’m looking forward to wearing it in Star Valley.” Bluebell jumped on top of the case to squash it down and Buttercup flicked the clips shut. “There! Ready!”

  Two fairy-helpers stood at Buttercup’s door, waiting to carry her case downstairs. The tiny double-winged fairies helped all the palace residents, and the fairy princesses didn’t know what they’d do without them.

  “Thank you!” Buttercup said as she passed her case to them. They flew off immediately, carrying the bag between them as if it were as light as a feather.

  Bluebell and Buttercup raced down the grand glass staircase and into the courtyards where Violet and Rosa were already waiting on the sweeping cobbled pathway. They looked perfectly dressed for the country, Buttercup thought. Violet wore a lilac smock with deep purple leggings and indigo wellington boots, and Rosa had a pink gilet over a long-sleeved pearl-coloured top, and jeans with bright red riding boots.

  “You look gorgeous!” Bluebell said admiringly as the four best friends grinned at one another.

  “Ooh, so do you!” said Violet. “I love your yellow shorts, Buttercup, and, Bluebell, that gingham checked shirt is so super cute!”

  Bluebell was wearing denim shorts over navy tights with her shirt, and Buttercup had added a sparkly belt to her lovely outfit. Together, the fashion fairy princesses looked all set for the countryside sleepover. And now it was time to go!

  “Is everyone ready?” asked Rosa as she picked up her tulip-bud overnight bag. “We should get going!”

  “Clothes – tick. Cupcakes – tick. Birthday present and poem – tick!” Bluebell called out.

  “I think that’s a yes!” said Violet, and with that, the four best friends gave a gentle flap of their delicate wings and rose into the air. They each carried their bags in the crook of their arms as they flew – Star Valley wasn’t far from Sparkle City, so they didn’t need pony-drawn carriages or royal butterflies to take them there.

  The fairy princesses never got tired of how magical it was to fly. They fluttered over the city, waving goodbye to Glimmershine Palace, the pony stables, the lily-pad lake and the wild-flower meadow. Buttercup’s long, wispy blonde hair flew out behind her like a ray of sunshine as she sped through the white fluffy clouds.

  “We must be nearly there!” said Bluebell as she spotted a stream flowing down rolling green hills in the distance. She did a double somersault in the air. “Ooh, I can’t wait to see Fern!”

  They were soon right above Star Valley. “Take care!” called Rosa as Bluebell dived down. “Make sure you find somewhere safe to land!”

  But Bluebell was heading straight for the stream.

  “Oh no!” cried Violet. She rushed down behind Bluebell, fluttering her wings furiously, and pulled her towards the banks of the sparkling stream just in time. The two friends landed on the soft grass, p

  “Oh, thank you, Violet,” said Bluebell, embarrassed. “I was so excited that I lost control of my wings!”

  Violet put an arm around Bluebell’s shoulder. “It was no problem,” she said. “I enjoyed the workout!”

  Rosa and Buttercup came to rest beside them just as they heard a shout.

  “You’re here!”

  Fern came running out of one of the woven-grass houses on the banks of the stream. She wore an orange and red maxi-dress, and her long dark hair was pulled up in a bun and decorated with tiny red poppies.

  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” cried the fairy princesses, each hugging Fern in turn.

  Fern blushed and batted her long dark eyelashes. “Oh, thank you,” she said. “I’m so happy you could come.” She waved her hand at the countryside around her. “I’ve been working on making Star Valley extra special for the sleepover,” she said.

  The fairy princesses took in the scene. Beyond the beautiful grass houses with bright flower roofs, they could see a huge grassy area dotted with teepees. The round, pointed-top tents looked so cute! Buttercup felt a shiver of excitement down her spine – she’d never slept in a teepee before!

  “They’re here!” cried two younger fairies, who’d come skipping out of the grass house towards Fern.

  Fern grinned and hugged the two smaller fairies close to her. “These are my younger sisters – Willow and River, say hello to Rosa, Bluebell, Buttercup and Violet.”

  “Hello! Can we show you around?” said Willow.

  “We’ve been really busy getting everything ready for the party!” River added. “Can we take them to the campsite, Fern?”


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