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Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5)

Page 8

by K. M. Neuhold

  “On second thought, I think I’ll just take care of myself.” Remy pushes me back teasingly. She wriggles her pants off and lays open before me. It has been way too long since I’ve gotten any and there is no way I’m going to last long. I reach for her and she playfully slaps my hand away.

  “Sorry Cowboy, you snooze, you lose.”

  If I hadn’t already found ‘Edwardo’, (as she affectionately calls ‘him’) it would be clear to me now that Remy is a woman who is no stranger to self-pleasure. She touches herself exactly how I’m dying to touch her. So I watch and learn. She cups her breasts in her hands and gently tugs her nipples between her fingers. I let out a quiet moan laced with desperation.

  Her hands move down her body torturously slow, taking time to detour on her hips and thighs, showing me all the places I plan to lick her later. Her fingers find their way between her legs and she moans loudly, letting her legs fall open further. That’s it. I can’t wait a second longer.

  I fall to my knees in front of her and replace her fingers with my own, I match her rhythm and she immediately starts to gasp and writhe against my hand.

  “Tell me what you like baby.”

  I thrust two fingers deep inside her.

  “I like that, just like that,” she gasps, arching her back off the bed and crying out as I continue to pump my fingers until she’s clenching around them and crying out my name.

  “You are so beautiful when you come.”

  I kiss my way up her stomach, stopping to set up base camp on her perfect tits. I lavish one nipple with my tongue while squeezing the other between my fingers, then I switch ensuring they both get equal attention.

  I pull back and yank my shirt over my head. Her gaze travels over my chest and down to my hard earned six pack, enjoying the view. She reaches for the button on my pants and makes quick work of them. And that’s when I realize that there’s a problem.

  “Please tell me you have condoms?” I’m sure the desperation is obvious in my voice.

  “Nightstand,” she answers, trailing her lips along my neck and letting her hands venture into my pants. My thoughts scatter when she wraps her slim fingers around my throbbing cock. A strangled moan escapes my lips as she begins to stroke me confidently. Condom, condom, condom. I chant mentally, trying not to let myself think about thrusting into her bare so I can feel her dripping wet pussy clenching around me. Damn that would be heaven. But I already have one kid, I don’t need to be a dumbass about it.

  I force myself to lean forward and reach for the top drawer on her bedside table. My fingers wrap around a small foil packet and I fumble as the slick slide of her tongue envelopes the tip of my cock.

  “Holy mother of-”

  “Hurry up, Cowboy.”

  I all but growl at her as I finally manage to sheath myself and move to hover over her. Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

  “Good. Now lay down, I like to be on top,” she instructs.

  I obey without complaint, stretching out on her bed and trying to refrain from begging her to hurry. Remy hovers over me with a hungry look in her eyes. She kisses my chest and reaches down to stroke my erection again.

  “How badly do you want me?” she asks.

  I try to choke back a laugh. I’m not sure words can even describe how much I want her.

  “On a scale from one to ten I’d say it’s about a thirty,” I manage.

  Her smile widens and she finally positions her wet entrance against my tip. I hold my breath and clench the sheets in my fists with restraint.

  “Please,” I gasp.

  She plunges me into herself and it’s even better than I imagined. She begins to ride me fast and hard, my head is spinning with self-control. My gaze travels over her body and then land on her face. Her eyes are closed and to my dismay there’s no sign that she’s enjoying like I am. She looks focused, like she’s doing a job rather than getting lost in sensation. I grab her hips and force her to still. She opens her eyes and looks down at me with a question in her eyes.

  I place one hand on her face and pull her down into a deep, languid kiss. I thrust up into her slowly, matching the sweep of my tongue to the rhythm of my hips. A long moan escapes her lips and pleasure rolls up my spine.

  I wrap my arms around her and roll her over so that I’m on top. I continue the slower pace and move one hand between us to her sensitive nub, stroking until she’s shakes, so close to the edge. As I start to feel her clench around me I can’t hold back any longer, I thrust harder into her chasing my own release.

  “Don’t stop,” she commands, dragging her nails over my back, eliciting a pleasurable sting.

  I couldn’t stop if a freight train hit me right now.

  Remy cries out my name, her pussy still spasming around me, her orgasm lasting an eternity.

  I collapse next to her and pull her into my chest, so that we’re spooning.

  “Dex, that was amazing,” she murmurs sleepily. I kiss the back of her neck and breath in her intoxicating scent, wanting to commit this moment to memory.


  I roll over in bed, half-hoping Dex will still be in bed beside me. I try not to let myself feel too disappointed when I find a cold pillow instead. I didn’t expect him to stay all night. That would be crazy. Staying all night is something a boyfriend does. And, my eyes are only stinging from allergies right now, definitely not tears over Dex leaving sometime during the night.

  My bedroom door creaks open and my breath catches as Dex saunters in, as naked as the day he was born, carrying two cups of steaming coffee.

  “Damn you look good in the morning,” he says as he hands me one of the cups and leans down to press a brief kiss to my lips.

  “You made me coffee?”

  “You said you can’t function in the morning before coffee. And, I wanted you firing on all cylinders as soon as possible.” He waggles his eyebrows at me suggestively and I snort a laugh.

  “What happened to my well-mannered cowboy who was in no hurry to get me into bed?”

  “I sent him home. Now you’re stuck with dirty Dex. And he’s got four years of celibacy to make up for. So, drink up because I need to feel that hot little body wrapped around me again like five minutes ago.”

  “Yes sir,” I say with a fake salute.

  Chapter 10


  “Tell me where you’re taking me,” I insist, bouncing in the seat of Dex’s car. He chuckles and shakes his head. “You really love torturing me, don’t you?”

  “Planning a surprise for you, my beautiful girlfriend, is hardly torturing you.”

  “I hate surprises,” I pout. Secretly I love that Dex planned a surprise for me. It’s been two weeks since I agreed to our first date and things have been...perfect. I’m almost afraid to even think such a thing because it feels like a jinx.

  “Get used to surprises darlin’ cause I like surprising you.”

  I sigh dramatically and he laughs again. Lifting our entwined hands, he presses a kiss to the back of my fingers, sending electric tingles down my arm. Every time he touches me I melt into a pile of swooning woman. It’s kind of pathetic, but I love it.

  Dex pulls his car up outside of an art gallery and my mouth falls open.

  “I thought you might like to look around. Maybe get inspired to sell your own work.”

  “I told you, Dex, that’s a pipe dream.”

  He shakes his head at me, undeterred.

  “Come on, let’s go take a look.”


  I could watch Remy get lost in art all day long. The look of awe and inspiration in her eyes as she moves from painting to painting in the gallery is intoxicating. These last two weeks with Remy have been a blur of passion, mixed in with the growing feeling in my chest that I suspect might be love. It’s way too soon to tell her that; I’m smart enough to know those three words would send her running in the opposite direction. So, for now, I’m going to let this thing ride. But soon I’ll tell her that she’s mine forever. There’s no chance in
hell I’ll ever let her go.

  “This is so amazing. And, did you see how much some of these paintings are selling for?”

  “I did see that. I’m telling you, your paintings are just as good as these, if not better.” I put an arm around her and kiss the top of her head, breathing her in.

  “You’re just saying that because you think I’m cute.”

  “I think you’re a lot more than cute, but I’m being honest about your art. Hey, with your business degree did you ever think of opening your own gallery? You could sell your own paintings as well as others’.”

  I expect her to brush this idea off like she always brushes off anything to do with her art. But, to my surprise her face lights up at the idea.

  “Maybe,” she whispers, trying to hide her smile. Good, we can work on that. I’m still trying to decide how to give her the money she’s earned from the few paintings of hers I sold without her knowledge. I’m hoping to hell she won’t be too pissed. “Now, take me home and fuck me.”

  “Who could say no to that?” I practically drag her to the car.


  As soon as we get back to my apartment Dex lifts me into his arms as if I’m weightless and devours my mouth. He tastes like cinnamon gum and man as his tongue invades my mouth and our lips battle for dominance. It’s a battle neither of us truly wants to win, but it’s enjoyable enough to put up the fight.

  “You have no idea what you do to me.” His voice is a deep growl that gives me goosebumps. I grind against the prominent bulge in his jeans.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea of what I do to you,” I tease as my teeth graze his jaw.

  Dex carries me to the bedroom and drops me onto the bed. He has my pants off before my head even hits the pillow.

  “Someone’s impatient today.”

  “Don’t worry darlin’ I’m going to take my time with you. But, I’ve been dying to taste your sweet pussy all morning. I don’t think I’ll be able to think straight for one more second without feeling you against my tongue.”

  And then he’s on me like a dehydrated man finding water for the first time in days. He lavishes me with his tongue, causing fire to spread through my veins. His hands wrap around my hips, holding me in place while he alternates between slow, deep strokes and feverish flicks.

  “Oh god.” My head falls back and my fingers bury in his hair.

  “Nope, just Dex,” he says with a cocky wink. The laugh that falls from my lips turns quickly into a moan as he begins to suck my clit.

  “Oh god, oh fuck, Dex that’s so good. I’m going to-” My whole body convulses with pleasure.

  “You’re so beautiful when you come,” Dex murmurs, kissing his way up my stomach while I attempt to catch my breath.

  Without further preamble he sinks into me.

  My hips arch up to meet his deep, hard thrusts as he fills me almost to the edge of pain.

  “Jesus, you feel so good,” he whispers against my neck as his lips find every inch of available skin to kiss. Sex with Dex is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced with anyone else. Not just because it feels amazing (which it does by the way). But, he has a way of making me feel cherished when his arms are around me. My heart feels full and yet somehow light. Is this what love feels like?

  His thrusting becomes frantic. My own pleasure is mounting again, too.

  “Come for me Rem, please, I need it.”

  As if on cue my body responds to his command. My orgasm barrels through me so intensely I can hardly breathe. Dex continues to thrust with a bruising force until I can feel him pulsing inside of me. Then, he collapses beside me and tucks me under his chin, against his chest.

  I yawn and nuzzle against him. His steady breathing begins to lull me to sleep, but just before I drift off completely, Dex jerks awake.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “What’s wrong?” I mutter, half asleep.

  “Fuck, Rem, I forgot to use a condom.”

  My eyes fly open and my body tenses. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. It can’t, it can’t, it can’t.

  “Please tell me you’re on something?”

  “Um, yeah, I get the shot.” My mouth is numb as it forms the words. I’ve never forgotten to use a condom. I won’t be my mother, I can’t be.

  “Okay, this is going to be fine.” Dex lets out a long breath and begins to rub my back reassuringly. “I’m really sorry about that, I just got so caught up in the moment. Can you forgive me?”

  I nod silently, still in a daze at my own stupidity.

  “Come here baby,” he says pulling me back against his body. His hand caresses my back until I’m lulled back into relaxation, trying my best to ignore the fear in the back of my mind. Please, don’t let me be pregnant, I can’t let Dex leave me.

  I yawn and roll over, finding an empty bed once again. The first few times I felt disappointed and a little hurt, thinking Dex had snuck out while I slept. Now, I know without a doubt that he’s in the kitchen making me coffee, and possibly breakfast. My heart pounds in my chest and my stomach flutters. I’ve never felt sure of another person before in my life. Well, aside from Nikki of course, but she’s basically me so that doesn’t count.

  I stretch and then slide out of bed, making my way over to my dresser to find some clothes to pull on.

  A wad of cash on my dresser catches my eye and I pick it up and turn it over in my hand curiously.

  “Hey, Dex,” I call out. “Just a little tip, it makes a girl feel an awful lot like a prostitute when you leave a wad of cash on her dresser after a night of fucking.”

  “When you’re in a romantic, committed relationship it’s not called fucking. It’s called love-making,” he calls back.

  I try to suppress my smile as I walk out into the kitchen with the bills in my hand. Dex is standing in front of the stove in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. His back has faint pink marks from my fingernails and his hair is messy from sleep. My mouth goes momentarily dry, annoyance forgotten. I tilt my head to the side as my eyes rake over his incredible ass. Grabbing my phone off the counter I snap a few pictures and send them to Nikki with the caption ‘seriously, how can you not want to sink your teeth into that?’

  Then, I focus back on the wad of bill in my hand.

  “Seriously, what is this?” My tone is laced with accusation. I know that money is a bit tight for me but it’s not like he’s rolling in cash either.

  “It’s yours, you earned it,” he says vaguely, avoiding my gaze as he continues to watch his pancakes. He acts as if he were to look away for an instant, they’ll immediately burn to a crisp. Maybe they will, what do I know about cooking?

  “Okay, not helping the whole feeling like a hooker thing,” I say with forced lightness. He sighs and turns to meet my gaze.

  “You earned it by selling some of your art.”

  “I didn’t sell my art.”

  “I sold your art,” Dex admits carefully. “I know that you didn’t think your art would sell, but I thought it was really good so I took it to a gallery in town and the owner liked them so she put them out. People bought them, and that’s your commission.” I count the money in my fist three times before I believe how much money I’m holding.

  “This is two thousand dollars,” I say incredulously. He nods but his face remains cautious. “Dex, are you joking with me right now? Because if you are, it isn’t funny.”

  “I’m not joking with you. Four of your pieces sold, this is the money you made. And the gallery owner said she’d be happy to put more out, people liked them.”

  I feel like there’s a balloon in my chest about to burst. I let out a surprised laugh and fling myself into Dex’s arms. He catches me and pulls me into a hug.

  “Wait, how did you get my paintings to sell?”

  He looks down at his feet like a child about to be scolded.

  “Please don’t be mad, I took a few from your closet. You had so many just sitting there gathering dust.”

  There is a prickle
of irritation in the back of my mind that Dex felt he could help himself to my things. But, I’ll admit, the wad of cash in my hand softens the blow quite a bit. I sigh and give him a reassuring smile.

  “You’re not mad at me?” he asks, surprised.

  “No, I’m not mad. Thank you so much.” I pull back and give him Eskimo kisses against his cheek. He chuckles and wraps his arms more tightly around me. “In fact, I feel like I owe you something for your efforts.”

  I wriggle out of his hold and drop to my knees.

  I lick my lips as I reach for the waistline of his boxers and pull them down. Dex groans, gazing down at me with heat in his eyes.

  I wrap my hand around his jutting erection and give it a firm stroke, flicking my tongue along the tip. The salty taste of his pre-cum makes my mouth water. I tease him for a few minutes, licking slowly from base to tip reveling in every gasp and groan that I elicit.

  “Please. Remy. God, I want to fuck your mouth so badly.”

  “Since you asked so nicely.” I smirk and wrap my lips around the head of his cock, slowly swallowing it deep into my mouth. My hands go to his tight ass, using my grip to control his thrusts between my lips.

  “Christ that feels unbelievable.”

  His hands tangle in my hair as I suck him deeper and faster.

  “I’m going to come darlin’,” he warns. I groan in approval, moving one of my hands from his ass to massage his balls.

  “Fuck.” His body tenses and he begins to pulse in my mouth, shooting hot spurts of cum down the back of my throat. I swallow it all greedily.

  When he’s finished I pull back and yank his boxers back into place. The smell of burning reaches my nose.

  “Damn, I think I made you burn the pancakes.”

  “Totally worth it,” Dex says with a smirk. He reaches a hand out to help me to my feet. “I’ll get started on some new pancakes, you sit down and have some coffee.”

  “I think I could get used to all this pampering.”

  “That’s the point.” He winks at me and turns to start mixing a fresh batch of pancake batter. “So, about the idea of you opening a gallery…”


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