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The Big, Not-So-Small, Curvy Girls Dating Agency (Plush Daisies: BBW Romance)

Page 10

by Catori, Ava

  When the song ended, she didn’t want to part from him. He made it difficult, whispering intimate and sexy things in her ear, his hot breath making her damp between her legs. She wanted him, desperately wanted him, but she’d have to wait.

  The looks bouncing between then through the evening had Becky wanting to rush the night, and get this event over with. Business could wait; she was hungry for personal pleasure. Oblivious to anything but Reed, she didn’t see Samantha connecting to somebody new. She should have seen it, the way Sam was smiling. Only Becky couldn’t see anything but Reed from that moment on.

  Reed reached out and took Becky’s hand, as she walked by, checking on things. Stopping her in her tracks, he pulled her close once again. “Take me home tonight,” he whispered.

  Her heart raced. Were they ready? She thought they were, but maybe they should wait. She knew there was no way they were waiting. The tension and chemistry between them was sizzling, and just with a look, she was ready to strip down to her panties. Reed had that kind of effect on her.

  Bringing her hand to his mouth, he kissed her tenderly, and then took a finger into his mouth, sucking it while looking at her. “You and me,” was all he said. He didn’t need to say anything else. “Save me another dance,” he smiled, as she finally pulled away. She had to; she had to keep her senses. If she stood here any longer, she’d forget she was the host of the event. She only had eyes for Reed, but she had to wrap up this party.

  Her heart racing, she made one last final round before the dance started to wind down. She made sure people took applications with them, and asked them to consider her services. As the final stragglers made their way out, she was left with Reed. Sam smiled and whispered she met somebody, and then headed out to say goodnight to her new interest.

  As the room cleared and things were cleaned up, the adrenaline of the event was wearing down. All that was left was space between Becky and Reed. She wanted to close that gap, she wanted to take him home, she wanted to make love to him, and she was sure he wanted that too.

  “Do you want to come over,” she whispered to the man before her.

  “If I come over tonight, I won’t leave until tomorrow.”

  Becky nodded, understanding what he was saying. “Follow me home.”

  Reed smiled.

  Becky gripped her steering wheel, realizing what was happening. When she got home, when they went inside, they would make love. They both knew, both felt the connection, and as she drove her heart beat faster than she thought possible.

  Pulling into her driveway, she took a deep breath as Reed pulled in behind her. This was really going to happen. Getting out of her car and walking with Reed, they went inside, Becky knowing her life was about to change.

  The tension was thick, and before Becky’s insecurities could surface, she saw her cat suspended from the curtains. “Bella, get down!”

  The cat had clawed its way up her drapes and now clung precariously close to the top. On seeing Becky the cat shot off the curtains, splayed out like a flying squirrel. Landing on the sofa below, crack kitty flew across the floor in a wild pattern of zigs and zags.

  “What the…?” Reed laughed, watching the cat run in a mad dash around the living room.

  Becky groaned, “She does this after, umm, after she relieves herself.” She sighed on seeing pulls in the curtain fabric. She needed to declaw this cat before it destroyed her home.

  “What? You’re kidding right?”

  “I wish,” Becky sighed. “She acts like using the litter box is some miraculous thing, and when she leaves me little surprises in there, she goes tearing around here like she owns the place.”

  “That’s some cat.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “I wish I felt like that after using the bathroom. Imagine how cool that would be.”

  Becky laughed, “You’re a goof.”

  As the cat mellowed out, Becky realized how much tension was broken. She didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. On entering her home, all she wanted was to tear off his clothes and climb into bed with him, but now she was having second thoughts. Maybe they should slow things down.

  “Reed, about tonight,” she started.

  “Having second thoughts?”

  “I don’t know,” she hesitated. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you, it’s just that I want you to be ready to move forward.”

  “I understand.”

  “I’m afraid to get attached to you, and I will get attached if we do this,” she warned.

  Reed moved in for an embrace, “I want you to get attached,” he said quietly.

  Becky smiled.

  “You gave me space, but I want to close that gap,” he said leaning down to kiss Becky’s forehead.

  Reed looked at the full figured girl; he’d never been drawn to women like Becky before. He usually found himself drawn to girls with long racehorse legs, slender waists, and a smaller frame. Only there was something primal in him, and her soft curves had him hungry to see more. She was rounder, fuller, and more voluptuous than other women he’d been with.

  Reed wanted to take her in, admire her soft flesh, and feel her body pressed to his. There was something raw and beautiful about Becky, something that spoke to him in ways he wasn’t expecting. Her full hips, her breasts, there was a lushness that he wanted to explore, and his hard cock told him all he needed to know. He was insanely attracted to the woman before him.

  Becky felt Reed’s eyes on her, and for a moment she felt beautiful. She wanted nothing more than to make love to the man holding her; only tiny seeds of insecurity were popping up, forcing her to look at something she didn’t want to. Feeling self-conscious of her body, she caught herself sucking her stomach in out of habit.

  Would he still be attracted to her when she was naked? She made a mental note to keep the lights off and hide under the covers. At least her flesh would be less obvious. She couldn’t know he wanted to celebrate her flesh, and that her soft, lush curves made him want her even more. How could she when she was her biggest critic, always feeling less worthy because she’d gained more weight than she’d like.

  Reed’s kiss pulled her out of her thoughts, drowning her in nothing but passion and lust. Pulling back, she took in the handsome man holding her, his dark hair, his dark eyes, and the way he was looking at her made her weak in the knees. And he smelled so good, she wanted to just sniff him over and over, but she knew he’d think she was weird, but holy cow, his cologne did something to her.

  It felt like a dream. Guys like Reed didn’t usually go for girls like Becky.

  The room suddenly felt quiet, and pulling out of his arms for just a moment, she told him she wanted to put on some music. The silence echoed and her thoughts swirled. Finding a nice mix, she let the music spill from the speakers, just loud enough to offer atmosphere.

  Reed was behind her, his hands on her shoulders, caressing, squeezing, touching her. His drive was out of his control at this point; he needed to hold her, feel her, and pulled her back into his arms. “Dance with me,” he finally whispered only inches from her face.

  Becky turned around and looked up at her soon to be lover. Falling into his arms, they swayed quietly together, bodies pressed tightly, feeling the weight of the moment. The chemistry between them was on fire, and as they stood in each other’s arms, Reed knew it was time.

  The look between them said more than words could. Reaching down, he took Becky’s hand and led her to the bedroom. As Becky followed, her heart beat harder and faster, racing like crazy. This was really going to happen.

  Standing near the bed, Reed cupped Becky’s face in his hands. Leaning in to kiss her, he quietly asked if she was sure she wanted to do this. Becky nodded, looking up to Reed.

  No words were spoken, and for a moment as their gaze was locked, it felt like they were the only people in the world. Lowering his head, Reed enveloped Becky in a passionately heated kiss, leaving her breathless. Feeling his hardness pressed again
st her hip, she was grateful he found her attractive. She prayed that his erection wouldn’t wilt on seeing her naked. There was only one way to find out.

  Reed slowly unbuttoned Becky’s shirt, one pearl button at a time. Becky’s heart was about to leap out of her chest, as her nerves were shaking and her breathing got more ragged. Reaching the final button, he moved his hands to her shoulders, reaching underneath and slowly helping her shed the fabric covering her body.

  Becky looked at Reed, wondering what he was thinking, and felt vulnerable.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said quietly, as his mouth moved to her shoulder. Nibbling and kissing her, his mouth moved toward her neck.

  Closing her eyes, Becky sank into the sensation of his lips milking her skin. Everything inside of her tingled, and as he moved to the curve of her neck, directly below her hairline, electricity shot through her. Arching her back, unable to control her body’s movement, she knew she’d be putty in his hands.

  As his lips tended to her neck, his fingers were working to undo her bra. Unhooking the material, he slid the bra down and off. Her round, full breasts were exposed, and drew the attention of his large, masculine hands.

  Gently squeezing her, his fingers drew down across her breasts, stopping at a nipple. Gently he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, teasing her with a soft pinch, and then rolling it again. His mouth never left her neck, but was slowly moving lower to meet his fingers.

  Dotting tender kisses down across her chest, and then at her cleavage, he focused his attention on her other nipple. His warm mouth encased her breast, suckling in her nipple, and with just the right amount of pressure, had her moaning quietly. Becky rolled her head back, feeling his lips on her, and all she wanted was for him to never stop, to never leave her side, and to pleasure her until the morning light.

  “You’re breasts are amazing,” he whispered, leaving her heart fluttering.

  “Thank you,” she barely got out. Talking wasn’t happening, she could barely mew or moan at this point. His mouth on her left her dizzy with lust.

  His hands slid around her waist, and as quickly as she’d been dazed and confused, she snapped back to reality. He was touching her soft padding, her weak spot, her biggest vulnerability, and while he wasn’t reeling in disgust, Becky’s self-consciousness kicked into full gear. She wanted to pull away, to hide under covers. She was desperate for the voice to shut up, to leave her alone, but as his hands squeezed her flesh and then slid down to her full rear, which still had the courtesy of a skirt to cover it, she felt fat. Not now, please not now.

  She didn’t want to freak, didn’t want to tell him, didn’t want to show her vulnerabilities bubbling over, and did everything she could to turn off the voice that was telling her to suck it in, and to run and hide.

  He seemed indifferent to the thoughts racing through her mind. He didn’t know, couldn’t know the panic that was creeping out of her, the anxiety that was filling her at this very second. She hated this side of herself, hated that she went there, and wanted to believe she was enough just as she was, but in this very moment…she didn’t believe it herself.

  Pulling back, “Maybe we should wait,” she started, turning to reach for her shirt. Draping it over her shoulders, her fingers fumbling at the buttons, wanting to hide her body, her panic showed through the cracks of her armor.

  “What’s going on? Are you okay?” His voice was calm, reassuring, and as his fingers went up into her hair, he kissed her sweetly. “What just happened?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, terrified he’d know her truth. She wasn’t like the other girls he’d been with. She was round and full, soft, and curvy, and mostly fat. She was fat and ugly, fat and desperate to hide from him, terrified he’d reel in disgust. She couldn’t do this, not now…now yet. She needed to lose weight; she had to get serious about it this time, because how could he want to make love to somebody the size of a house.

  “Shhh,” he said, pulling her close. “What’s going on?”

  The look of a terrified doe was in her eyes. She couldn’t say it, couldn’t admit it, and yet she was horrified it was sneaking out. She wanted to be cool, calm, and collected. She wanted to act like it didn’t matter, like she didn’t care. Only she did. She was afraid it would matter to him too. She couldn’t handle him making love to her and then never calling again. What if he saw her naked, completely naked and couldn’t perform because he wasn’t aroused. The pain would be scathing, too much to handle. She had to stop now before it became a reality.

  “I’m just not ready,” she stammered. Slipping her arms into the sleeves of her blouse, she felt relief in buttoning her shirt back up.

  “Okay,” he nodded. “It just feels like something happened. Is it me? Do you want me to leave? Have I upset you?”

  “Oh gosh, no, it’s not you. It’s me,” she said in a panic, not even realizing he might think it was him. The words were rushing out, in a rambling spill before she could stop them. “It’s just what if you see me, and you can’t get hard, and I’m not what you expected, and I’m soft and squishy, and not gorgeous like Jessica, and my body isn’t great, and….”

  His finger went up to her lips. “Shh,” he started. “I am insanely attracted to you, Becky. I think you’re beautiful. I know exactly who you are.” He took his hand and placed it on Becky’s. Taking it, he pressed it to his erection, still in his jeans. “Do you feel that? That’s because of you.”

  Becky nodded, now embarrassed. “It’s just,” she started to cry softly. “Guys like you don’t date girls like me.”

  “That’s a mistake,” he whispered. “If guys like me were smart, they would have started dating girls like you a long time ago. You are nothing but gorgeous to me.”

  She smiled softly, burying her head in his chest. Embarrassed by her moment of insecurity, she thanked him for soothing her nerves. “I’m sorry; I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Do you need to stop? We don’t need to do this. We can wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait; I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  Reed wrapped his arms tighter around Becky. “There’s no way you could disappoint me,” he reassured.

  Looking up with tearstained eyes, she nodded. “Okay,” she finally whispered.

  His lips brushed tenderly against hers. “Why don’t we take a break?” Leading her back to the living room, he sat on the sofa, and pulled Becky against him. Her back to his chest, they sat talking.

  “I’m sorry,” she said again. “I wanted this to be different.”

  “Don’t apologize. Things will happen when they’re supposed to.”

  Chapter 16

  As the evening wore on they were saying their good-byes. With a kiss at the door, and another kiss, followed by another more passionate kiss, they both realized he wasn’t leaving. Together they found themselves back in the bedroom. This time Becky was ready.

  Their mouths moved from lips to necks, and then back to lips again. There was a hunger, a wild sensuality that had to be released. There was no other way.

  Reed helped Becky with her shirt, slowly unbuttoning her once again, and as he helped her slide it off her of shoulders, he tenderly kissed her naked body. Pulling at the edge of his shirt, Becky nudged Reed. Lifting his shirt over his head, he stood before her solid and strong. She had to catch her breath, his was beautiful, like sculpted artwork, muscled and cut.

  Reed’s mouth on her breast had Becky dizzy with lust. She stood before him in only her panties. Climbing on the bed, Becky shifted out of her underwear and scrambled for safety beneath the covers.

  As Reed removed his jeans, kicking off his shoes, he was left standing in his formfitting boxer briefs. They clung to his body, highlighting his very firm erection, which was fighting to get out. Sliding them down slowly, Reed climbed beside Becky.

  This was about to happen - and his body, wow, his body. She was giddy with pleasure, and wanted nothing more than to feel him inside of her. As long as
her mind didn’t get in her way, this would be an amazing night. Hell, even if it got in her way, it had already been an amazing night.

  Reed rolled up against her, and side by side, the couple got lost in heated kisses. Stopping long enough to brush her hair away from her face, he said what she didn’t even realize she needed to hear, “I want to be here.”

  A small smile spread across her face, but before it could fully form, his mouth was back on her, their lips connecting.

  Becky needed to taste him, wanted to lick his salty body, wanted to nibble on his neck, and pulling out of the kiss long enough to move lower she suckled on his neck, feeling his hot flesh against her lips. She wanted him, more than she’d wanted anybody in a long time.

  Reed’s hands were stroking her body, sliding up and down, stopping to squeeze and caress her round bottom. Each movement sent a rush through her body. She ached for more as his hands moved up along her hips and waist, before finding their way back to her breasts. His hands roamed, exploring each curve of her body, like he couldn’t get enough.

  Becky’s own hands were taking in the landscape of his body, and as she ran them over his broad shoulders and down his firm biceps, she grinned. His body felt amazing under her touch. He was solid through and through. She was drawn to feel him, touch him, wanting to learn every bit of him.

  Their mouths found one another again, their passion and hunger speaking volumes. Rolling Becky onto her back, Reed’s mouth slowly moved down her body. Dotting kisses along her chest, his mouth stopped at her nipple. Sucking it between his lips, Becky moaned softly, his warm mouth catering to her needs.

  Reed was a generous lover. He made Becky feel like she was the only person in the world, and it felt as if time stood still. He covered every inch of her body is wet, warm kisses, and then came behind with his fingers caressing and playing her like a well-tuned instrument.


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