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Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by Tatum Throne

  It took all of Malachi’s power not to shoot his spunk up over his submissive. He broke his lips away. “We need to go over the rules to see if you’ll obey them.”

  “I’ll do anything to be with you. Anything.”

  “I only have one rule and that is you follow all my rules, at all times. Understand, sub?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good. You’ll need a safe word before we begin. Pick one that you’ll remember and it won’t distract you when you’re in the throes of passion.”

  “Okay, I need to think.”

  “I want to find your hard limits and push you over the edge before I pull you back in again.”

  A heady moan of desperation escaped from Wade’s parted, wet lips. “I won’t code.”

  “You still need a safe word.”


  “Are you ready to do this?”

  “Yes, I am, Sir.

  “Good. You’re mine.”

  Chapter Four

  When they got out of the shower, Wade was ready to be taken but it was clear that Malachi was slowing things down again. It should have frustrated him to no end, but for some reason it didn’t.

  His mind was still spinning from the fact that they’d been fighting only a few short hours ago. Now, he was naked and vulnerable in front of a man who he’d mistakenly thought hated him.

  As his Dom dried him off, he asked, “Have you ever been a submissive before?”

  “Yes. I’ve had one Dom but it didn’t last long.”

  “How long?”

  “A few weeks.”

  Malachi frowned. “Why did it end?”

  Wade blushed. “He wanted someone more experienced.”

  “Sounds like an impatient Dom.” Malachi dried his shoulders. “When did it end?”

  “A year ago.”

  Malachi came in closer. “How many partners have you had?”

  Nervously, Wade cleared his throat. “Three, Sir.”

  “You don’t need to worry. I won’t break your heart, sub. I will break down every one of your barriers.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “No love—only sex, sub.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  It felt as though Malachi was leading him down a long, dangerous road of seduction and he wanted to follow him over every twisting turn of this journey. He followed Malachi out of the bathroom and was led toward a second room.

  A playroom. Sexual implements of torture hung along one side of the wall and a sex chair was positioned in the middle. Wade could feel his mouth water as he thought about Malachi tying him down to this chair.

  He wanted his Dom to take complete control of him. There was a good chance he wouldn’t, but he hoped he did. Everything about Malachi screamed warrior. The man was strong and could take complete control of with him ease.

  Wade loved it. No man had ever made him feel this way before. With very low lighting illuminating the room, he could feel Malachi moving around as he went along, picking up a flogger.

  As he came back, Malachi tied him down to the sex chair, putting his legs up high into the air so that his ass and rim were exposed. His cock was thrust hard up into the air over his abdomen.

  Malachi slid the wooden cane over his ass cheeks, hitting him hard. He moved that cane over his legs, smacking them several times. The stinging bite and ripples of pleasure moved over his skin.

  It was just enough to be hard but not to bruise. “Harder! Oh, please, Sir. I need it harder.”

  A low groan sounded from Malachi as he moved the cane up and down over the inside of his leg, swinging it back and forth and barely missing his balls. The whipping sensation was too much for him to handle.

  Vibrations moved over Wade’s balls, sending a shot of cum over his abdomen. A grumble of disappointment sounded from his Dom, making guilt move through Wade’s system. Shame burned his cheeks.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to be so ready for you.”

  “I’ll give you time to learn.”

  His Dom slid his fingers up over his abdomen, running them through the cavernous edge of his muscles, picking up his jizz and sliding it up to Wade’s mouth.

  “Lick my hand clean, sub.”

  A little sigh escaped Wade’s parted lips as he licked out his tongue and cleaned his Dom’s hand. He loved the salty, sweet taste of his cum rolling over his tongue. He moaned desperately, wanting it to be his Dom’s jizz.

  As his Dom moved behind him, Wade felt the silky edge of a blindfold coming down over his eyes, taking his vision away. He listened as his Dom moved around the room. It sounded like he was getting chains together but Wade couldn’t be sure.

  The soft clinking sound was so light that it almost didn’t sound real. He felt the cool edge of the chain move over his cock and down over his balls, tightening to the edge of pain. It was as though the chain had claimed his cock and balls, making it stand up straight.

  It felt so fucking good, that it instantly trapped his all the blood into his dick. An orgasm started to pulsate through his dick. He was breathing hard and fast. Wade needed to slow it down if he was going to impress his Dom.

  His Dom’s hand moved up over his chest as he leaned down to his ear. “Pace yourself. You’re my submissive. I won’t hurt you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Everything that happened before won’t happen again. I promise you. I just didn’t know how deeply you felt for me until now.”

  Wade licked and bit his lip. It was true. He was falling in love with Malachi, but he could only be his submissive.

  Malachi made that very clear when they took this thing to the next level. The thought of losing him over something as silly as love was not going to happen. Wade had to keep his heart out of it. It would be difficult but he knew he could.

  He waited anxiously for his Dom to make the first move, and he wasn’t disappointed when he felt the coolness of wet glass slide between his ass cheeks and press against his rim. Ever so slowly, his Dom pushed the butt plug deep into his ass, sending a shot of pleasure rippling over his skin.

  As the glass butt plug pressed against his prostate, he felt his Dom start to massage his perineum with his thumb. It was all too much. He didn’t know how much longer he could handle his Dom’s torture. It was bittersweet torturing, and he loved every second of it.

  He didn’t think about coding for an instant. He wanted Malachi to show him how far he could take things before he broke apart again. He’d been eager and needy before, but now he wanted to learn control. He wanted to impress his Dom with how much he could handle.

  Once the butt plug was in place, Malachi moved away. It felt like he was waiting forever with his cock beating and throbbing for more within the chain that held him tight.

  Just when he thought his Dom wasn’t going to come back, he felt the sex chair start to recline until he was lying flat with his ass up and his legs bent in the air. When he was reclined, something gave underneath his head and his head gently laid backward.

  “Open your mouth.”

  With his head hanging back, he felt his Dom press his dick deep inside his mouth. He loved the feel of that hard cock, sliding over his tongue. Ever so slowly, Malachi pressed his cock deep in his mouth, cutting off his breathing.

  Just when he thought he couldn’t take another breath, his Dom would back off, letting him breathe deeply. With his dick thrumming hard, his Dom thrust his cock back inside his mouth. He shoved his prick in and out like this over and over, for several long minutes until the room started to spin.

  Just when he thought he was about to blow, his Dom pulled the tip of his cock out of his throat. With short hard thrusts, he moved his cock in and out, slapping his balls against his forehead. Wade inhaled deeply, loving the scent of his Dom’s sex musk moving over his nostrils.

  He loved the scent and taste of a man in his mouth. It was something he could do all the time. He just hoped his Dom would let him. Without warning, his Dom smoothed his hand down over his neck, giving it a
gentle squeeze, forcing him to stop sucking. Malachi moved the chair back in place so his head was no longer dangling over the side.

  His Dom slipped his dick out of his mouth and moved around the sex chair. Wade had little time to recover as he felt his Dom slide his hand over his ass, taking the butt plug from his ass.

  He heard the unmistakable sound of foil ripping as a condom was produced. He pictured his Dom sliding it over his dick. He then heard the sound of a lube bottle open and closing. He felt his Dom’s tip his cock up between his ass cheeks, pressing it against his rim and slowly edging it inside.

  As his Dom held his hips tightly, he pushed in deeper and deeper until he was settled inside of Wade. A groan sounded deep from within Wade as his Dom started to stroke, thrusting deep and hard into his ass.

  His ass cheeks bounced over the leather chair as he was fucked with short hard strokes. The room started to spin as his heart raced. He was so close. He felt his Dom’s hand close around his cock and start to stroke him up and down.

  Wade bit his lip hard, tasting blood as he waited for his Dom to give him permission to come. Just as he got closer and closer to coming he felt his Dom start to back off on the thrusting and stroking of his cock.

  A painful contraction moved over his prick as his orgasm was knocked back several feet. Again, his Dom took him to the edge of coming and again he pulled back, letting him linger in a painful space of needing to orgasm.

  Just when he thought the torture was over, his Dom took it to the next level. He pinched his tip. His Dom cried out, sending his jizz flying into the condom. Disappointment flooded through Wade’s system when he realized his cum wouldn’t be inside of him. He wanted his Dom to let go inside of him.

  “Come for me. Come for me now, you dirty sub.”

  Wade cried out as his orgasm spun out through his body. Every muscle contracted hard, sending his cum rocketing up over his abdomen. Four long strips of spunk landed on his chest with one hitting him in the face.

  When he finished coming, Wade felt his Dom pull his cock from his ass and move around the room. Malachi leaned down, kissing him hard and passionately. The taste of his spunk lingered over his lips as his Dom kissed him, licking and tasting the jizz that had struck him in the face.

  The room was still spinning by the time his Dom pulled away, releasing the restraints and the blindfold from his eyes. He helped him to stand, giving him several seconds to lean against him for support.

  Wade loved hanging on to him. He wasn’t about to like go anytime soon. Malachi wiped off Wade’s check and cock before leading him into the bedroom, where he tucked him into bed.

  “Are you okay, sub?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You’re quiet.”

  Wade sighed. “Everything is perfect, Sir.”

  They were both drifting off to sleep as Wade wondered if he was making a mistake by staying the night. He probably was, but he didn’t care. He liked Malachi more than he wanted to admit.

  * * * *

  Malachi woke up with a start. He looked around the darkened room, searching for Wade. He was out cold beside him. Tim usually didn’t sleep so hard. Tim was knocked out of his thoughts by the sound of his cell phone ringing. Wade began to stir at his side.

  Tim reached for his cell phone and saw it was Officer Reynolds. He answered on the second ring. “This is Malachi?”

  “We need you to come in. We think the serial killer was working with a partner,” Reynolds said.

  “The task force was investigating that angle.”

  “No, we’re not. It’s all hands on deck. There’s going to be meeting with us to brief us on the situation…considering what happened last time.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  It was nearly six in the morning. Tim wanted to stay in bed, but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He leaned in close, kissing Wade softly. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, babe. What was all that about?”

  He didn’t have time to answer when Wade’s cell phone rang. “It’s for you. I’ll go make us some coffee.”


  As Malachi left the room, Wade answered the phone. A small smile lifted his lips. What would his co-workers think if they knew that they were sharing the same bed? He was lucky that they wouldn’t be finding out any time soon. Seconds later, Malachi heard the sound of the shower clicking on.

  When the coffee was finished brewing, he poured two cups and brought one in to his sub, who was just stepping out of the shower.

  “Thanks,” Wade said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  As they passed by, Malachi reached out and slipped his arm around Wade’s waist and kissed him passionately. When he broke his lips away, his cock was raging hard and his sub’s lips were wet and swollen. “We’ll pick this up later.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  They drove separately to work, arriving at District Two within minutes of each other. Malachi couldn’t deny the attraction he had for Wade, but he couldn’t let anybody know they were seeing each other.

  As they approached the back door, Malachi stopped, coming in close. “We better keep this fight going or everyone’s going to think something’s going on. You okay with that?”

  Laughter moved through Wade’s eyes. “That sounds like fun.”

  “For the rest of the day I’m going to be an asshole. Just be prepared.”

  “I will. Thanks for the warning.”

  “Just remember whatever you dish out, be prepared, because I’m going to dish it right back.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Let’s see if you’re still singing that tune by the end of the day. You might be hating me for what I’m about to do to you.”

  Wade hesitated behind him as Malachi shot him a hard stare before heading into the building. As they got to the conference room, Malachi picked up on the fact that everyone looked tense. Even their FBI contact was there.

  “What’s going on?” Malachi asked.

  “We suspect the serial killer was working with someone else.”

  “Is there another victim?”

  “There is a John Doe.”


  “If this chick had someone else she was working with, she could very well be sending them instructions from the inside.”

  “Double fuck.”

  “You’re telling me. How you holding up?”

  “I’m doing fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  The fact that they had another serial killer who could be involved with the one they just caught chilled Malachi. He didn’t like the idea of another person chasing down innocent victims through the city.

  Max came in close, lowering his voice. “What’s up with you two? You guys playing nice yet?”

  “No way.”

  “I heard about the fight you two had on the mats in the Training Center.”

  “I figured it would get around.”

  “Sounded like you kicked each other’s asses.”

  “Just a little bit. I’m hoping there’s not going to be a rematch.”

  “If there is, I’d like to get tickets for it.”

  Malachi narrowed his gaze on Max. He could tell the man was holding back. “What’s going on?”

  “The guys have a little bet going on about you two…over the next fight you guys have.”


  “Yes, they do. Just be ready. My money is on you.”

  Max tapped him on the shoulder several times before walking away. Malachi didn’t trust the man. As he moved away, Malachi glanced around at some of the newer rookies who were in on the meeting.

  Dispatch Officer Brenda came into the conference room, handing him some things before walking away. There was something about that woman put Malachi on edge. He wasn’t sure what it was but she was guarded and secretive in a way that most were not. She never did anything with any of the guys after work.

  As his thoughts of Brenda trailed off, Malachi turned his attentio
n to the front of the room where Chief Rask was getting set up. Nerves were on edge as the chief began to talk about the victim and the possible motive behind the most recent killing.

  “The task force is not letting go of this case until we’ve exhausted every possible lead,” Chief Rask said.

  As the meeting ended, Wade walked by purposely shoulder checking him as he did. “Excuse me, Sir.”

  “Watch where you’re going.”

  The tension was thick as everyone watched them perform. Malachi couldn’t wait to get him alone again. He wanted to punish him for being so aggressive. Still, he had things he needed to get done first.

  After finishing all his work on the task force case, Malachi went to find Wade. He was surprised to hear him in the copy room, cursing over the machine that was obviously giving him trouble. Malachi came inside, shutting the door behind them.


  “Fuck off.”

  “We don’t have an audience, so I think you better watch what you say.”

  “Why? What are you going to do? Spank me for being a bad boy?”

  Malachi made sure the door was locked as he crossed the room, pulling out a chair and sitting down. He grabbed Wade by the hand, yanking him down across his lap and started spanking him roughly. The extra thirty pounds of gear on his submissive made the moment more intense and powerful than he wanted to admit.

  With every hit of his hand, Wade groaned seductively, making Malachi regret taking this too far so fast at work. Once he made certain he’d proved his point, Malachi made his submissive get on his knees.

  “I want you to meet me in my office in ten minutes,” Malachi ordered.

  Malachi left the copy room determined to be ready for his submissive.

  Ten minutes later, Wade came through the door and shut it behind him. He stood still at the end of his desk, waiting for his next order.

  “I’m here, Sir. What do you need?”

  “I need you to get down on your knees and come over here and suck my cock.”

  Without hesitation, Wade crossed the room, getting down on his knees. He looked up at Malachi, waiting for him to make the next move, waiting for him to give the next order.


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