Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Tatum Throne

  Just as he pulled into his driveway, he caught sight of Malachi waiting there. He sauntered over as Wade’s car came to a complete stop. Malachi leaned his hand on the roof.

  “We need to talk,” Malachi said through the rolled-down window.

  “What are you doing here? I thought I made it pretty clear that it was over.”

  “You did, but before you let me go I want one more night and then we’re done.”

  He was serious. Wade felt his heart start to break. “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

  “I think it’s a perfect idea. One more time together and then we leave each other. I won’t bother you anymore.”

  His promise sounded too good to be true but the temptation was too great. As he got out of the car, Malachi blocked him in next to the cruiser, pressing his lips in fast and hard to his mouth, taking control.

  At another point in time, Wade would have loved him taking control, but not this time. He wanted to fight him. He wanted to make him hurt for kissing another man. With that thought in mind, Wade pushed him away hard, sending him back a couple steps.

  Determination, cold and hard, flashed through Malachi gaze as he came back in close. “I guess we’ll have to do it the hard way.”

  He pulled his cuffs from his belt and locked them down on Wade’s wrists, turning him around and pushing him up against the patrol car. Darkness and the forest surrounded them. The rain had tapered off to a fine mist. There was little moonlight peeking out from behind the clouds, but still anyone driving by could have seen them, but that didn’t stop Malachi.

  Malachi leaned in close, whispering his lips against Wade’s ear as he fisted his hand into his hair. “If you don’t want this, tell me now, sub.”

  He whimpered as the cuffs bit and his Dom’s seductive words promised punishing sex. “Yes, I want this.”

  “Good. I was hoping you would want me.”

  Bitter resentment wanted to swim through Wade as his lover took control of him. As the tips of Malachi’s fingers moved past Wade’s clothing and between his ass cheeks and slid down over his rim, Wade only wanted his Dom. Malachi pressed his cock in hard against his ass cheeks.

  Wade’s prick was ready for his Dom to take him. He was so easy when it came to Malachi. Strong hands pulled down his sweatpants and boxers. He wasn’t disappointed when his ass cheeks were spread apart and his Dom thrust his wet cock deep inside his ass. Wade was brought up to the tips of his toes as his Dom took control of him, branding his cock deep inside, thrusting over and over.

  With his pants down around his ankles and his cock sliding against the cool side of the wet cruiser, Wade felt Malachi come hard deep inside his ass. It was all he needed. The feeling of his Dom’s white-hot cum running through him allowed him to let go, too.

  He came hard, sending his jizz sliding over the cruiser door. When they both came down from the wild ride, Malachi pulled his cock from his ass and pulled up his pants. With his orgasm still humming through his cock, Malachi uncuffed him. He leaned in, kissing the back of his neck, causing tears to mist through Wade’s eyes. He wanted to find a way to make him stay.

  “I won’t bother you anymore. Good-bye,” Malachi said.

  As Malachi walked away from him, Wade felt his entire life spinning out of control. He wanted to tell his Dom to come back, that he would do better, and that he was sorry for pushing him away. But the words would not come, and he was forced to stand there stunned and embarrassed about what had just happened.

  The heat of his jizz lingered on the outside of his patrol car, running clear with the rain. He heard the sound Malachi’s car driving away and he knew that it was over. There was nothing he could do to bring the man he loved back again.

  Just as he shut and locked the front door to his house, he heard the bell ring. He thought for sure that it was Malachi coming back. He went to the door and, without looking, he opened it. There was a woman standing on the other side.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Oh, I think I have the wrong address,” she giggled.

  Her car was down at the end of the driveway blocking his. It was still running. Wade felt a chill race over his skin as the woman looked at him. “Oh, you’re perfect. Are you single?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now. I just got home from work.”

  “Oh, no matter. We don’t have to talk.”

  As soon as he started to shut the door, he saw something silver flash in front of him. Just when he started to react, a Taser went off, hitting him in the chest. Electricity raced through his system as his body contracted, falling to the ground.

  Just when Wade thought it couldn’t get any worse, he felt the prick of something icy and cold being shoved into his arm. Seconds later, he was paralyzed but still cognizant of his surroundings. What was going on? Wade needed time to process it.

  Before he realized he was in trouble, it was over and he was being dragged down the driveway. He tried to call out for help but couldn’t.

  “Gawd, you’re a big one. I should have gotten the wagon out. You’re so freaking heavy.”

  She was breathing hard. All of his thoughts were on Malachi and how he just left him. He hoped that he was nearby and somehow saw what was going on, but he knew there was a good chance he wasn’t.

  Wade knew he had to try to fight back, but the drug that she had given him was messing with his system. He couldn’t fight back. He could barely stay awake. She obviously had given him the wrong dose as it felt like it was wearing off. And he was going to try to use it for his advantage to get away when he had the chance.

  Despite alarm bells going off in his head, he knew he shouldn’t let himself be taken to a second location, but he couldn’t fight her here and now. The drug was working him over. She got him into the trunk and shut the door.

  Wade heard the sound of the car start and it began to pull away. He reached into the side pocket of his sweats, feeling his cell phone there. Relief moved through his system. At least he had it. He would be able to call for help when his body came back to him. He just hoped that Malachi would find him before it was too late.

  * * * *

  FBI Agent Kale was calling his cell phone. Malachi frowned as he answered. “What’s up?”

  “We have a problem. My guy lost Kelly downtown. She had been shopping and didn’t go back to her car.”

  “Is there a chance she went to a second car?”

  “There could have been. I’m going through surveillance video now.”

  “Where do you want me to meet you?”

  “Back at the station later.” There was a pause. “How are things going with you and your submissive?”

  “They’re not. It’s over.”

  “All over because of that silly kiss?”

  “I think so.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll have to fix it before it’s too late now, won’t you?”

  His words seemed so prophetic in the moment. That thought had him heading back to Wade’s house to tell him how he felt. As he pulled up on the house, he saw that the door was ajar. He walked across the front porch, pushing it open gently looking around.

  The lights inside were off. It was like he wasn’t even home. “Wade, are you here?”

  There was no answer. Something wasn’t right. Where was he, and what was he doing? Something was very wrong. The words Anna had said to him in his interview came back. Was this her plan B? Was Wade the target? Was this her way of getting back at him?

  The seriousness of the situation had him calling Hunter. He listened as the phone buzzed. He pushed opened the front door.

  “This is Hunter.”

  Relief moved through him. “I need you to track Wade’s cell phone.”

  “Sure, what’s going on?”

  “I think someone broke into his house, but he’s not here. His patrol car is still in the driveway.”

  “I’m on it. Hang up with me and dial him. I’ll see if I can find him.”

  “Thanks.”r />
  Malachi hung up quickly and dialed Wade’s cell phone hoping he would pick up telling him that he had gone for a run or something, but he didn’t. It dumped him into voice mail. Something was very wrong. He felt so helpless in the situation, he didn’t know what to do except to pace through Wade’s house. He bounced from room to room, looking around and trying to figure out what he should do.

  Malachi gripped his cell phone, willing Wade to call him back. When the cell phone rang, he was disappointed to see that it wasn’t Wade but Hunter.

  “What have you got?”

  “Absolutely nothing. It must be dead or someplace where he’s not getting a signal.”

  “Fuck. Keep on it.”

  “I will. I’ll let you know when I have something. What’s this about anyway?”

  “I think Wade’s in trouble.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “I think I need to find the person responsible before it’s too late.”

  “Keep me informed,” Hunter said.

  Chapter Nine

  The car finally came to a stop. Wade felt like all of his senses were coming back online. He was ready to fight the woman who had gotten in his way. He just needed to take the chance. His heart hammered as he fumbled for his phone within the darkness, pulling it out to call nine-one-one.

  Wade didn’t want to think about the fight that was about to happen. He could have easily taken her had he not been drugged. Pain still radiated through his system as he tried to recover from the blow. He had knocked his head hard when she’d thrown him into the trunk.

  The thought of never seeing Malachi again weighed heavily on his heart. He couldn’t think about not seeing the love of his life. He knew he had to do everything to get away. To survive.

  All he could think about was staying alive to see his Dom again. He wanted one last chance to beg for forgiveness and to make the situation right between them. He had made it very wrong by walking away and pushing his Dom away.

  As a police officer, he didn’t take any moment for granted. He had taken his relationship with Malachi for granted. He had been immature and foolish for pushing him away. Now all he could think about was having one last kiss or hug or touch from the man.

  As he reached for the phone, his hand fumbled as the trunk opened. He pretended to be out, leaving his phone in his pocket. He did not want it found. And he didn’t want the woman to know that his senses were coming back.

  The woman pulled him out of the trunk, dropping him to the ground. It didn’t take him long to figure out that she had driven him to someplace secluded and in the woods. He wondered if his cell phone would have service out there. There’s a good chance it wouldn’t.

  A shiver raced down his spine as he thought about how he would probably have to fight for his life. He pushed his hand into the dirt, fisting it as the woman headed toward what looked like a cabin or a pit of some kind.

  When she turned back around, Wade silently begged all of his muscles to begin to work again. He tried them out, making sure that he would be able to run. That he would be able to fight. He threw the dirt into her face, pushing her down as he scrambled sluggishly to his feet.

  To his surprise, she jumped back up and started hitting him hard and fast. This woman was experienced with fighting techniques. With every two blows to his abdomen, there were two more to his face. He staggered backward.

  He wouldn’t be able to take much more of this. He fell to the ground as she jumped on his back, twisting his arms around. The medication that she had given him had obviously done a number on his body. He was still sluggish with his movements.

  All he could think about was hoping that his lover would somehow find him or know that he was in trouble. The warmth of blood trickled down his neck as she struck him with something. He went out cold.

  Wade woke up what felt like hours later with water being splashed on his face.

  “Good, you’re up.”

  His vision was blurry as he tried to make sense of where he was and what was happening. He felt as though he was chained to something and was underground. A chill race down his spine when he realized that she had taken off his clothes and he was naked.

  “Why are you doing this? Just set me free and nothing will come of it.”

  “This is bigger than you now. It’s not just me. There’s a network of others. All over the city.”

  A tremor ran down his spine again when he thought about what she was saying. By telling him this, she was stating that she was going to kill him and there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening. Still, Wade didn’t want to give up on the man he loved.

  He thought about how his lover could jump in and save him at the last second. He wanted it to be true. He wanted it to happen. There was a good chance at one time but he knew he had to try to free himself. He knew he had to keep calm so that he could get help.

  Something distracted the woman. She looked as though she was instantly annoyed. “Something wrong?” Wade asked.

  “No. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Something had her distracted. It was as though her cell phone was blowing up. She started to pace. “No, no, no. This wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Why couldn’t you police officers just leave me and all of us alone?”

  She was seriously crazy and seriously out of line. She shoved her thick glasses up her nose as she paced. “I’m going to have to leave. I’m going to have to come back for you later. You’ll just have to stay here until then. There’s nothing else I can do about this now. I can’t have your blood on my hands tonight. It’ll have to wait till tomorrow.”

  She came in close, grabbing his face with both of her hands. “Stay here.”

  She slammed his head up against the wall and walked away. Wade’s head was ringing from the blow. When she was gone, he started working on his restraints. There wasn’t much time. He only had, at best, twelve hours before she walked back in. He couldn’t let her kill him. Not like this. It wasn’t supposed to happen.

  He just needed a little more time and a little more help. Thankfully she had left his clothing piled up across the room. She was obviously stupid enough to think she could leave him here alone with all of his things. It was her mistake and his lifeline.

  Now, if he could only get out of these restraints to get to his cell. He just might have a chance to contact Malachi and get the hell out of there. He just hoped that his phone worked. More importantly, he had to get out of these restraints.

  Wade worked his hands out of the restraints so that he could get the duct tape off his legs. He ran over to his clothes and got dressed fast, searching for his phone. It was still in the pocket of his sweatpants.

  With his heart hammering, Wade scoped out the area where he was being caged. Low lighting illuminated a metal doorway that was starting to rust on the outer edges. He grabbed the door handle, trying to turn it. Despite that rust, there was no way that door would budge. He was a sitting duck.

  His only hope was trying his cell phone. He reached for it with shaky hands.

  Relief moved through him when he saw he had one bar. It was enough to make a call and hopefully it would connect. He dialed Malachi and hoped he would pick up.

  * * * *

  Malachi looked down at his cell phone and answered it on the first ring. “Where are you?”

  “I don’t know. I need you to help me figure that out. I was taken from my house to some place out in the middle of nowhere.”

  There was panic in his sub’s voice. “Was it a woman who took you?”

  “Yes, it was. How did you know?”

  “There was a break in the task force tonight.”

  “She’s supposed to come back here for me. You just need to find her and following her back here.”

  “Good idea. Tell me about where you’re being held.

  “A cabin maybe.” Malachi paced. “How are you doing?”


  “No, how are you doing?”

  “I’m hanging in there for y
ou. I’m sorry about what happened and how things ended.” His voice shook with emotion. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  He was crying and it broke Malachi’s heart. “You don’t need to worry about that, just keep hanging on for me. I can’t wait to see you when I find you.”

  “Malachi, what if I don’t see you again.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen to you before I find you. Trust me, okay?”

  He took a deep breath. “I’m trying to. I’m feeling so helpless. There’s nothing I can do about what’s happening here.”

  “You can stay strong and be prepared if she comes back. We will find her. Tell me about your location. Are you underground or above ground?”

  “I think I’m above ground. I think I’m in some sort of cabin but I can’t be sure. It has a dirt floor so it very well could be underground.”

  “It’s okay. Can you tell me how long you were in the car?”

  “I don’t know because she drugged me.”

  “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “What happened right before she left?”

  “Something upset her. She freaked and took off.”

  “What do you think that was?”

  “I’m not sure. Something had her on edge. Has the FBI made a public statement or anything like that?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t listened to the newscast all day.”

  “It was something she saw on her phone…maybe a news report or something.”

  “Okay. I’ll check it out.”



  “My battery is dying. I should hang up so I can call you again.”

  Malachi didn’t want to let his submissive go but he knew he had to if he was ever going to find him. “I’ll find you. Hang on for me. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t. I love you.”

  Emotion swam through Malachi. He wanted to be able to say those words to his submissive but with his coworkers listening in on every word he said, he couldn’t say what he wanted. “Tell me that again when I see you.”


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