Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Harder [Hard Hits 18] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 9

by Tatum Throne

  “I will.”

  As Malachi hung up the phone he looked over at Hunter. “Did you get the location?”

  “I can get it within a few miles but that’s it.”

  “Do it. Call me when you have it.”

  “I will.”

  “I’m going to pay that girl another visit to see what she can tell me about what’s going on.”

  “I wouldn’t confront her. See if she can lead you to Wade.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.”

  Malachi drove to Kelly’s house on the other side of town. By the time he got there, Agent Kale was already there and waiting in the shadows of the old oak trees lining her street. Malachi went to the passenger side, slipping into Agent Kale’s car. Tension radiated off of him. All their usual banter was gone.

  “How long have you been here?” Malachi asked.

  “A few minutes. She just got home.”

  Malachi took the small night vision binoculars Kale handed him. The house was a small, run-down Cape Cod. Through the break in the curtains, Malachi watched as the woman moved around frantically as though she was searching for something.

  “What is she doing inside? Do you think she’s going to run?” Malachi asked.

  “Something has her jazzed up,” Kale said.

  “Let’s wait this out.”

  Malachi thought about calling Wade, but now was not the time. He needed him to keep his cell ready. Anxious, Malachi tapped his hand on his leg.

  “Easy now. We don’t want to frighten her off,” Kale said.

  Malachi sighed. “Yeah, I know. We need her.”

  Agent Kale, pulled a bag from the backseat. “I’m going to put GPS on her car.”

  “Good idea. I’ll cover you.”

  As Agent Kale left the car, Malachi kept watch on the house. The woman was upstairs as though she was packing for an upcoming trip. Kale moved along the sidewalk before hunching down within the shadows to place the GPS under her car. He was in and out within seconds and on his way back to the car.

  When Kale was sitting back in his car, he pulled up his cell phone. “We are good to go as soon as she is.”


  It was more than five hours later before she left the house again. This time she wasn’t dressed in work clothes but all black, carrying a duffle bag over her shoulder. She got into her little blue sedan and drove fast out of her driveway and down the road.

  “Here we go,” Kale said.

  They ducked down in the front seat as she passed them at a fly. When she was out of sight, Kale started his car, did a U-turn, and followed her down the road.

  Malachi’s heart was racing as his gaze was focused on the road and down at the GPS. He hoped she was going back to Wade. Rain started to spit at the windshield as they took the winding back roads out of town.

  It was nearly forty minutes later when she pulled off onto a dirt country road. They had put a good mile between their cars so she wouldn’t get suspicious.

  They pulled off waiting to see if she stopped. When she did, they parked the car and followed her onto the dirt road. “Ready to go?” Kale asked.

  “Fuck yes. Let’s get our man back.”

  “Want to call for backup?” Kale asked.

  Malachi knew it would be too late by then. “No.”

  “Okay, let’s move.”

  They moved silently through the forest until they came to a small cabin, sitting next to a lake. Her car was parked and she was obviously inside. As they approached the cabin, Malachi took the lead. He could see the woman pacing back and forth as though she was psyching herself up.

  Agent Kale came up behind him. “We need to confirm he’s in there before we go in.”

  It was true. They needed probable cause before they could make entry or all their evidence wouldn’t hold up in court. They circled around the back of the cabin as she opened a door that led downward.

  There was a cellar door that was covered with debris from trees and weeds. Malachi got down onto his haunches, clearing off dirt, leaves, and several branches that had fallen from the old trees surrounding them.

  Kale leaned down, listening as the woman’s voice echoed through the walls. It was quickly followed by the sound of Wade’s voice pleading for his life.

  “On two.”

  Malachi nodded.

  Kale tried the door with Malachi taking the other side. Kale mouthed, one, two, and they yanked open the doors, bursting inside to the basement of the cabin. The woman’s stunned surprise was followed by cold fear that she’d been caught.

  Seconds slowed as time seemed to stop around them. All Malachi could hear was the sound of his heart beating in his ears as he lifted his service gun.

  “Drop the weapon!”

  Across the room, Wade looked pale and determined. Before Malachi could process the move, the woman was throwing something heavy at them. Kale pushed him out of the way as an axe was impeded in the wood beam behind him.

  Afraid of hitting Wade, Malachi didn’t fire. He landed hard on the ground as Agent Kale moved forward, taking down the woman in three quick moves that had her face-planting the dirt floor.

  Everything came into sharp focus as Malachi rushed to Wade’s side.

  Malachi didn’t care who saw him as he hugged Wade tightly. Tears were running down his sub’s face as his strong body molded to his. He kissed him passionately as a soft chuckle of laughter sounded from Agent Kale.

  “Easy now. You’re going to burn the place down with a kiss like that.”

  Reluctantly, Malachi broke his lips away, pressing his head to Wade’s forehead as he wiped his tears away with his thumbs. “God, I’m so glad I found you.”

  “Me, too. I’m not sure if I could have handled this for much longer.”

  “I know, babe.” Malachi hugged him tightly, fisting his hand into his silken hair. “I love you, Wade.”

  “I love you, too.”

  * * * *

  Wade sank low into the bathtub, letting his arms drape on the sides of the big tub. His only regret was that his Dom wasn’t joining him in the tub. Malachi was worried about him. He could see that in the way he was protectively taking care of him. It felt good to be needed by someone.

  Emotions swam through his heart as recalled the way that Malachi had so openly hugged and kissed him when his Dom rescued him. It felt good to be out. He didn’t care who knew within the department.

  A soft knock at the bathroom door, broke his thoughts. “Hey, babe. How are you feeling?” Malachi asked.

  The sight of his Dom in uniform always turned him on. His cock immediately filled with heat. He was lucky to have so many bubbles hiding his disobedient prick. “Better.”

  “You sure? You sound a bit breathless.”

  Wade let his gaze drift over his Dom. “You do that to me.”

  A low growl sounded from Malachi. “Careful now. You know we’re not alone here.”

  “Can’t you get rid of the guys?”

  “I’m trying my best.”

  “Just tell them you want to spank and fuck me until the sun rises. That will get them to go.”

  “Oh, fuck me. You’re crossing the line, sub.”

  “I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself tonight. Do I have permission to touch my cock, Sir?”

  Wade reached beneath the water and stroked his cock several times as he leaned his head back against the edge of the tube. He bit his lip and let his eyes go heavy on his Dom as he played with his cock.

  “No. I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself, sub.”

  Malachi closed and locked the door behind him. By the look in his eye, Wade knew that he was in trouble and was going to get severely punished for misbehaving. He couldn’t wait for his Dom to take control of him.

  When his Dom approached him, Wade reluctantly let go of his dick. Malachi sat on the edge of the tub, not getting out of his uniform. With his tactical boots still on, he braced one of those long legs off the side of the wall, spreading
his legs wide. His Dom’s hand dove into the water, grabbing onto his throbbing dick.

  “Oh, fuck. You’re ready, sub.”

  “I need you.”

  “You need to learn how to control the urge.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I kind of like making you lose control though, sub.”

  A whimper came from deep within his chest as he struggled to keep his jizz from flying. His Dom pulled his cock up out of the water, forcing him to watch as he tortured his aching prick. Wade wanted to come so bad, but he wanted to impress his Dom with his ability to wait until he got permission to come.

  With his orgasm edging closer and closer, every muscle within Wade’s body tensed hard. Water sloshed around his hips as his dick was worked with his Dom’s tight fist. His large rough hand twisted and pulled up and down over his shaft, jerking him off.

  “You’re so sexy when you’re close to coming, sub.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I love the way your face twists in agony.”

  His rim tingled. Wade wanted to be pounded but now wasn’t the time with his coworkers just down the hall, waiting to see him to make sure he was okay.

  “Look at me, sub.”

  Wade cracked his eyes open as he panted for release, silently begging his Dom to give him permission. As their eyes met, Wade felt every ounce of the love he had for his Dom. He was such a beast.

  Slowly, his Dom smiled wickedly. “Come, sub.”

  A muffled cry of pleasure echoed from Wade’s wet parted lips as he came hard, sending his spunk flying upward. As his orgasm flowed away, Malachi pulled him up, kissing him passionately, thrusting his tongue deep. Water dripped onto his Dom from his soapy body. When his Dom eased away, Wade wanted to swoon forward, but he knew he had to see his coworkers.

  “Get dressed. Everyone wants to see you before they go.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  As his Dom pulled away, Wade wrapped the towel around his ass, stepping out of the tub. The selfish side of Wade wanted his Dom all to himself, but work called. He decided to skip boxers as he pulled on jeans and a T-shirt.

  Laughter spilled from the kitchen to the living room as Wade came down the hallway. “There he is!”

  The unmistakable sound of TJ’s voice smacked Wade in the face. Tears shimmered his eyes as he saw his SWAT brothers. They came in close, hugging him tightly before stepping away. It was exactly what Wade needed to regain his footing. All the while, his Dom stood back watching him with that lingering wicked smile on his face.

  Chapter Ten

  Everything was finally falling into place like a perfect jigsaw puzzle where all the pieces fit smoothly. Malachi stood proudly before Wade as he was inducted onto the SWAT team. He’d passed his testing without trouble and with perfect scores.

  The room erupted in applause as Chief Rask shook Wade’s hand. Malachi lifted his cell phone, taking several pictures.

  TJ came up to his side, patting him on the shoulder. “We still planning on going out to celebrate?”

  “I was thinking we should.”

  “Good. Parker is going to meet us at the brew house. Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t.”

  As the room cleared out, Malachi went up to Wade, who was looking a bit nervous. “Let’s go somewhere we can talk.”

  Uncertainty lingered within Wade’s eyes. “Sure.”

  They headed up to the stairwell, taking the stairs upward until they reached the roof of the building. Malachi held the door open as Wade followed him out. They had an impressive view of the city. As they headed toward the memorial garden, Malachi took his sub’s hand, holding it tight.

  “What’s going on?” Wade asked nervously.

  Malachi held Wade’s hands in his as he stared into his sub’s eyes. “I want everything with you, Wade.”

  Malachi could feel his heart racing at the possibility of his submissive coding and telling him no. That had him holding on a little bit tighter to the man he loved. “Don’t say anything…”

  Wade smiled.

  “I was wrong to leave love out of this. I hurt you way too much by holding back. I don’t want to hold back ever again with you, Wade. I love you. I need you.” He caressed Wade’s jaw. “You are my everything.”

  “I know. I love you, too.”

  Malachi leaned down, about to kiss his sub, but he hesitated with their lips just a breath away. “Marry me, Wade. Make me the happiest man alive.”

  “That sounds like an order.”

  “It is, sub. Are you going to obey?”

  Wade nipped his teeth out, catching Malachi’s lower lip for a second before pulling away. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good, sub.”

  As their lips connected, Malachi felt as though he’d won. He picked Wade up and swung him around before setting him back down on his feet. The sound of a throat clearing broke their moment.

  “Am I interrupting anything?”

  The sound of Agent Kale’s voice broke the moment. “Yes. Go away, Kale.”

  “I just wanted to properly introduce myself.”

  “Not now,” Malachi said.

  “Don’t be so rude,” Wade said.

  As his sub moved forward, Malachi knew he had met his equal in every way imaginable. He was ready to spend the rest of his life with him.

  Agent Kale reached out his hand, shaking Wade’s. “Agent Kale. It’s finally nice to meet you, Wade. Congratulations on making SWAT.”

  “Thanks. So, how do you know Malachi?”

  “We went to college together. I was recruited by the bureau and he went into law enforcement.”

  “What he fails to tell you is that he was nearly kicked out of the criminal justice program for rocking climbing the buildings on campus,” Malachi said.


  “What are you doing hanging around? Shouldn’t you be heading back to the FBI?” Malachi asked.

  “Nope. Chief Rask ask that I stick around until they’ve vetted all leads on the serial killer case.”

  “Kelly and Anna are both still safely in custody. We shouldn’t have any more problems, right?” Wade asked.

  “There may be more,” Malachi admitted.

  “Until we know for sure, I’ll be sticking around protecting you guys.”

  “We don’t need your protection,” Malachi snarled.

  Kale put his arm around Malachi’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I won’t be bothering you anymore. Chief Rask has assigned another detective as my contact.”

  “Which detective?” Wade asked.

  “Does it matter…all you SWAT boys need help from the big bad FBI to close cases,” Kale laughed.

  Malachi started to step forward to go after Kale, who was disappearing down the stairwell, but his sub’s hand on his chest distracted him. “I should rip the walls down around his head.”

  “Not now. We’re both off duty.” Wade smiled. “I thought you had plans with me.”

  “I do. Let’s get out of here,” Malachi said.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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