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Earl of Bergen: Wicked Regency Romace (Wicked Earls' Club Book 15)

Page 11

by Anna St. Claire

  “Silly boy, of course I have. You must know pink is my best colour, even in my dotage, and I did wish to look…my best.”

  “Dotage? Pshaw!” Bergen turned to his aunt’s maid. “Alice, please see if the innkeeper’s wife can join us. And ask for some scones and more tea—and some ale for Lord Shefford and myself.” He paused. “We have not yet eaten this morning.”

  “Yes, my lord.” She curtseyed and hurried off to do his bidding.

  Alice returned with the innkeeper’s wife, both bearing platters of hot food, including scones for his aunt.

  “Mrs. White, if I may…” He delayed the innkeeper’s wife as she was leaving. “Would you know of anyone in town who can remove tea from satin?”

  Turning to his aunt, she appraised the dress, still dripping with hot tea. “My lady, if you will permit me, I believe I can clean that for you. I used to be a seamstress in my youth, and if I say so m’self, I was good with stains.”

  “Oh, yes, indeed. That is very kind. I shall send the dress to you immediately.” His aunt turned to leave with her maid but paused when halfway to the door. Reaching into her pocket, she withdrew a small black bag. “For you, Thomas. These were your mother’s, and before that, my mother’s. I wore them at my wedding, and your mother did before that, and your grandmother before that. I had hoped to give them to your bride, but maybe they would be better coming from you.”

  Tears threatened, and he swallowed and waited a moment before speaking. His heart was suddenly full. “Aunt Faith, would you give them to Lizzie? I think she would like that very much.”

  “Truly? It would be an honour. Thank you, nephew.” She bobbed her head in appreciation, seemingly unable to speak.

  Bergen watched his aunt and her maid leave the room and he felt a renewed wave of good fortune and happiness wash over him. He still had his family. His parents were with him in his heart, and his aunt was here. Silently, he vowed he would make sure that from now on she would be far more a part of his life. He looked at his friend.

  “Shall we?” Without hesitation, as though literally starving, the two men attacked the meats and cheeses in front of them. They had been up since before dawn and noon was still two hours away.

  Elizabeth had had the fashionable wedding full of pomp and circumstance the first time. This time, her perspective was different. This marriage was because she wanted it and cared for the man fate had thrown in her path. She hoped, this time, to keep him for life. Now she understood better the feelings Horace had entertained for his mistress. Had Horace been able, he would have married her; Elizabeth had been the bride made for connections, not caring.

  This ceremony would be simpler, a reflection of the affection between Elizabeth and Thomas. Surrounded by friends and their family, it would have more meaning. Elizabeth smiled. Not only had she been given a second chance at marriage, Thomas accepted her unique menagerie was a part of her.

  Hannah helped her to dress in a simple cream silk gown, adorned with a lace overdress studded with tiny pearls. They went beautifully with the necklace Lady Bergen had given her. Elizabeth had been very touched by the kind words and welcome she was receiving into Thomas’ family, especially after the way his aunt had come here to prevent such an alliance. Elizabeth laughed aloud and shook her head.

  “What is so funny, my lady?” Hannah asked.

  “I was thinking of the rivalry between Aunt Jane and Lady Bergen when she first arrived.”

  “They seem to be rubbing along better, now,” Hannah observed as she put the final touches on Elizabeth’s coiffure.

  “Indeed, they are. I cannot help but wonder about Aunt Jane. She wants to stay here instead of removing to Rose Ridge after the wedding.”

  “Can you not hazard a guess, my lady?” Hannah asked slyly. “Her and the vicar…” her voice trailed off.

  “Truly?” Elizabeth asked in surprise.

  “Oh, yes! That badgering is all for show.”

  Elizabeth was certain her mouth was gaping.

  “Mayhap they will wed once you are all settled. I think she felt it her duty to look after you.

  “I wish I had known!”

  “Well all’s well that ends well, as they say. Now you had best be getting along or you will be late for your own wedding.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears despite herself and she reached over and gave her maid a swift hug.

  “You look even more beautiful than you did at your first wedding. Now, away with you!” With the licence granted a trusted retainer, Hannah shooed her out of the room.

  The children were waiting to ride with her to the church and were dressed in their new clothes, which had been made especially for this occasion. Elizabeth was wrapped in fur and her hands were kept warm by a matching muff. Outside, a sleigh stood ready for them and Clarence was nearby with a large bow around his neck. Elizabeth did not even comment. It was only fitting that the little creature who had brought them together be present.

  “When did we acquire a sleigh?” she asked.

  “Lord Bergen had the smith attach the runners to an old carriage,” Josiah answered. “It was a surprise.”

  “It is perfect.” He seemed to have thought of everything. A small sliver of doubt crept in as she reflected that she had only known this man a fortnight, and she was about to give herself to him for life. Not only herself, she thought, but her children too. She had not even seen their new home, but she had little doubt it would be finer than anything she had known. She hoped she would be able to maintain a semblance of simplicity, because she had found peace in it. There again, she had never really known Horace at all, even after marriage.

  They soon arrived at the church, and Elizabeth was shocked to see her brother waiting there to hand her down. She had sent a note, of course, but had not expected any of her family to come. Her parents were elderly, and the roads were still covered in snow in many parts. They had sent a return note with their regrets and best wishes. Hannah escorted the children inside.

  “Richard! I cannot believe you were able to come!”

  “I would do anything for you, Lizzie. Besides, Bergen is an old friend. We belong to the same club.”

  “Of course you do,” she muttered sardonically to herself. She began to walk into the church, but Richard stopped her.

  “Lizzie, can you tell me you are truly happy? I know your first marriage was not ideal.” He looked at her with concern.

  “Oh yes, brother, I am deliriously happy. It is very different this time.”

  He looked at her hard and seemingly satisfied, kissed her on the forehead. “Shall we?”

  Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth replied without hesitation. “Yes. I am ready.”

  The doors to the church opened, and her eyes adjusted to the light as they walked in. The small nave was full to bursting with people, many of whom she did not recognize.

  “I was not expecting…”

  “Such a crowd?” he asked. “A great part of London Society has come to see who has captured one of the most elusive bachelor earls. Bergen is well liked, you know.”

  “I-I suppose I should not be surprised.”

  “Do not think about them, dearest sister. Keep your attention on Bergen.”

  Elizabeth smiled. That would be easy to do. She looked up to see his handsome face as the music started and they proceeded down the aisle. He was wearing simple attire by London standards, but he stood out nonetheless. Shades of silver, grey and white had never looked so appealing, she thought.

  As she reached the altar, she heard Marie’s voice and turned to smile at the children who seemed to be as happy about the marriage as she was. As she faced Thomas, her brother passed her hand to him. She felt something smooth yet hard as they joined hands, and she looked down to see the blue amulet shining up at her.

  “So, there is no doubt in your mind,” he whispered in her ear.

  She soon forgot about the large congregation as they stood close together. His comforting warmth reassured her and spoke
of things to come. Elizabeth knew she was gazing longingly at him and allowing her feelings to show, but she could not help it.

  As they made their vows to love and cherish each other, Elizabeth knew they both meant them. How different this marriage would be!

  When they were pronounced man and wife, the congregation began to sing. Almost instantly, Elizabeth heard a tapping on one of the windows. She was not the only one who heard; her new husband raised his eyebrows in a comical expression. Turning together to look for the source of the offending noise, Elizabeth and Thomas saw Clarence’s nose and teeth pressed up against a glass pane. Before Elizabeth could tell him not to, Josiah ran to open the window and the little creature at once pushed his muzzle over the sill into the church. Elizabeth looked at Thomas and they laughed.

  “It is only fitting,” he said, his voice laced with amusement.

  “Indeed, it is,” Elizabeth agreed, chuckling.

  Clarence lifted his head and began to bray. The sound clearly resembled ‘Joy to the World,’ and it was so loud, the congregation stopped singing to look around in wonder. The villagers laughed and pointed, while some of the Londoners were horrified. The children did their best to quiet him, but Clarence continued to bellow the song he had heard the children sing some days before. When he had finished, Thomas explained to the congregation.

  “This little donkey brought Elizabeth and I together. He is very welcome at our ceremony, and at our home forever.”

  The congregation broke out in cheers and laughter. Amidst the tumult, Thomas swept her down the aisle and out of the door. Those towards the rear of the church followed, offering congratulations and tossing rice at them as they clambered into the sleigh.

  On their return, they found a breakfast feast had been prepared, and they were joined by many of the Londoners Elizabeth had never met.

  A long line of handsome, charming, and roguish earls paraded before her and later proceeded to dance with her, regaling her ears with stories of Thomas’ exploits.

  “May I cut in?” Thomas asked as she danced with one of his best friends, the Earl of Weston, who himself had only recently married.

  “I have not finished,” Weston said and turned her away from Thomas.

  “Would you care to meet me at dawn?” Thomas teased.

  “I have not completed my story,” Weston parried.

  “Precisely. Now, go away. I cannot wait to put my hands on my wife.”

  “Thomas!” Elizabeth chastised, her cheeks flaming.

  “Speaking of which, my wife looks as though she needs some touching,” Weston said as he relinquished his prize and strode away.

  “You two are horrible,” she said, rapping him on his arm with her fan.

  “Yes, but horrible in a good way. I cannot wait to show you,” he whispered, and grinning wickedly, kissed her in the middle of the drawing room, in front of God and half of fashionable Society.

  Instead of being appalled, raucous cheers and shouts of encouragement came from his group of fellow earls.

  Several minutes later, Elizabeth looked around the room for the children.

  “Aunt Jane and Aunt Faith took them away some time ago so we can be alone for a while,” Thomas said, easing her fears. “Everyone here is a close friend and will not judge you. I would not have done it were they likely to.”

  Elizabeth glanced about her, and it appeared he was correct. No one was looking at them with anything but happiness, if they were even looking at all.

  Weston was now standing by the fireplace, openly adoring his own wife, and Shefford was flirting with a London beauty.

  “I think it is time we take our leave. I am ready to start the next chapter.”

  Elizabeth gave him a quizzical glance.

  “The one where I have you and hold you and cherish you all the days of my life.”

  Elizabeth was not about to argue with that. She took his proffered hand and they quietly left the room. If anyone noticed, they were tactful enough not to draw attention to the fact, and the two of them walked up the stairs without hindrance. Reaching her bedroom, Thomas closed the door, locking out the rest of the world.

  “Help me with this, husband,” she said softly. Turning her back to him, she leaned her head forward.

  “I would love to.” Bergen kissed her neck as he loosened her laces, divesting her of the gown, and then her corset. The touch of his hands sent delicious tremors along her arms to her neck, and onward down her back, crowning in her nether regions. Trembling with happiness and desire, she pulled her petticoats and shift over her head, leaving her with only her stockings. Reaching down, she began to roll them off.

  “Wait. Please, leave the stockings. Allow me to take them off…but later.”

  Her husband removed his boots and stepped back, loosening his neckcloth. He pulled it off and tossed it over his shoulder, seeming not to care where it landed. Lifting his shirt, he pulled it over his head and threw that in the same direction as his neckcloth.

  “Can I ask you something?” Elizabeth hesitated, yet the pin he wore had puzzled her since she had first seen it nestled in the folds of his cravat. “What is the significance of the pin?”

  “It is my club pin. But it no longer signifies, since to wear it, one has to be single.” He took it off and tossed it on the side table. “Now. Where were we?” With his free hand, Bergen reached down and opened the flap of his breeches.

  Elizabeth grabbed his hand. “It is my turn, if you please, husband,” she said, barely lifting her lips from his. Reaching out, she tugged down his breeches. Gently touching, she then freed his manhood, before slowly pushing his trousers to the floor.

  “Be careful, my love, or we might be done before we even start.” Bergen winked at her, and pulled her backwards onto the bed with him, rolling over her. For a second or two, he hovered over her waiting lips before covering them with his own, gently kissing and nibbling until she allowed his tongue entry to her warm mouth. His tongue swept the cavity of her mouth, and she eagerly joined him, both tongues intimately tantalising and touching as with one mind they stirred warmth and teased each other to a heated passion.

  By the time their kiss ended, they were both heaving with pent-up desire. Bergen leaned back a little and with half-closed eyes, ran a finger up her body, from her legs to her neck and back again. I have never known such pleasure, and this is only the beginning, she thought, gasping as Bergen’s hand stopped to fondle her breasts on the return journey. Circling and teasing the nipple with his fingers, he then leaned down and took it in his warm mouth, suckling and lightly nipping before moving to the other one. Elizabeth could not help herself. Her thoughts reverted to Horace and she was sure he had never touched her in such a fashion. His movements had been abrupt and self-centred. Bergen was making love to her. Her! The normal chill in this room was gone…only heat remaining—lots of heat, surrounding her.

  Elizabeth felt well and truly loved—the two of them stoking each other’s passion, kissing, playing, and loving in ways she had never even imagined. All night they continued their lovemaking, until finally they lay spent, smiling and exuding happiness in the afterglow of their sated hunger.

  At length, Elizabeth rolled over and kissed her husband. “I love you, Thomas. I have never felt so desired and so happy. Thank you.”

  “And I love you, dear wife.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, deeply and fully. “We should probably talk to the children and as much as I hate to move from this spot, start making plans to remove to Kettering. I have already sent word that we would be there in a week.”

  “I have never been to Kettering.” She clasped her hands together. “I am looking forward to seeing our home and starting our new lives…together.”


  A week later

  “How much longer, my love?” Elizabeth murmured sleepily into her husband’s ear. It seemed to her that they had been travelling for days.

  “We arrived in Kettering about a quarter of an hour ago and should be at Ro
se Ridge soon.” Bergen kissed her on the head and nodded at the seat across from them. “The children are still asleep. Having Clarence has slowed us rather, only because he is so young, and it was necessary to stop to water and rest him.”

  “He will be happy to have a home with us, I think.” Elizabeth looked out of the window, watching for the wagon carrying her menagerie of animals. “I cannot believe you allowed me to keep all my pets, my beloved.” She grabbed his neckcloth and tugged him down to meet her lips. “Thank you, dearest husband. I cannot believe my good fortune in finding such a loving husband.” As if he had ears inside the carriage, a loud ‘eeeeooooorrrree’ sounded. Elizabeth held her hand to her lips and giggled softly.

  “Aha! I see Clarence is in agreement!” Bergen chuckled and placed his forefinger under Elizabeth’s chin, now lifting her face up to his own. “I would like one more of those, dear wife—just enough to tide me over until we are alone.” His voice was low, as he drew her closer and claimed another devastating kiss.

  When they at last parted, she reached up and murmured, “It meant so much to allow the children to ride in the coach with us. You will not regret it.” She kissed the lobe of his ear and drew back, smiling.

  “I confess, I do not feel I could regret anything about you, dear wife.” Gazing out of the window, he pointed. “We are home. That is Rose Ridge.”

  “You told me your great-grandmother named the house, but why did she choose that name? What is the significance?”

  “My understanding is that my great-grandmother found a clump of wild roses, amassed along a ridge on the property, and named the estate after it. It seems so simple, but it is true.

  Elizabeth stared through the window at the property before her and knew that she was indeed home. A tall grey stone, palladium style home stood three stories high, surrounded by lush red and white rose gardens and large grassy areas. A beautiful lake lay to the right of it, with what appeared to Elizabeth to be an elaborate Chinese garden. She wanted to pinch herself. This was going to be her new home!


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