Lyric's Gift
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Most of the dancers had families and other jobs to tend to as well, so the time devoted was strenuous and often resulted in plenty of at-home practice. Two-hour rehearsals with the group three times a week didn’t sound like much, but they crammed a lot into that time. They had just enough time to learn all of the song and dance routines and fit the costumes.
The costumes were one of Lyric’s favorite aspects of her chosen career. They weren’t always comfortable or easy to dance in, but they were always elaborate and had a way of making her feel like someone she was not. She loved being part of such spectacle. This was why she now ran down the street, clad in a black tracksuit, to the building at the end.
Much to her relief, she discovered upon her arrival that their choreographer, Brit, was indeed late as well, caught in traffic, so the class had yet to start. Lyric wondered to what she owed her recent luck. Considering she had seen her own death and then had the outcome completely changed, she was making no assumptions. She certainly wasn’t one to believe in coincidence; the odds didn’t stack up, and the outcome was immeasurable. Lyric had no doubt in her mind that a much bigger force was in charge here.
Much later that evening, Lyric could not keep her eyes open any longer. She’d danced hard that day, and Storm hadn’t been around to keep her awake with her lively chatter. Sleep enveloped Lyric, and she sank gratefully into unconscious bliss. She floated along for hours in a comfortable state, but shortly before dawn, the dreams began.
Images danced in her mind’s eye like the seizure-inducing flicker of a strobe light. Many things passed before she was able to make sense of them, but not all of it escaped her. When a vision came to her, the heart of its meaning didn’t always find a way through.
Jade was suddenly there, as clearly as if he’d been right in front of her. He was spattered with blood and frantic; his eyes, wide and filled with anguish. The vision revealed little else. They rarely did.
Startled by the shrill screaming of the alarm clock, Lyric awoke to nothing but her bedroom. Her heart thundered, and perspiration lined her forehead. The image of Jade still burned behind her eyes.
Jade Kenyan, wherever he was, could soon be in very serious trouble.
Chapter Three
Taylor Steele realized that his fiancée, Charity Evans, was not happy. Since he had become involved with the paranormal research group, she’d barely seen him. It seemed that all he could think or talk about was vampires.
Her eyes went to the clock on the wall where the hands ticked past eight pm. Taylor had expected her to give him the run around again. For three Fridays in a row, he’d ruined their dinner plans. Charity had warned him that she’d rip him a new one if he thought he could do that to her again.
Pulling out her compact, she applied more cranberry lipstick to her full lips and powdered her face. He watched her with little interest. All he could think about was Cry, the vampire club that he’d uncovered months ago after countless nights of research and hitting the pavement. He’d been visiting regularly but not as often as he’d like.
“How do I look?” Pursing her lips, Charity turned her face for his scrutiny.
“Baby, you look great.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. He couldn’t stop thinking about the old abandoned building on the edge of the city. He’d been overjoyed at the discovery. However, Charity rarely shared his enthusiasm, so he hadn’t told her about it. She had little interest in the supernatural world that drove him, so he’d been going alone without her knowledge.
“Thank you, Taylor. Are you ready for dinner?”
“More than ready. I had a great day, and I’m ready to have a great night.”
His eyes were lit up with excitement, and he pretended not to notice her sour expression. Sure, Charity believed in the supernatural, but she didn’t really give a damn about it, regardless of what it meant to Taylor. He’d spent years searching for evidence, a link, anything that could connect him to the vampire world and possibly, to the one he’d encountered so many years ago.
“Well, don’t forget about that new restaurant I want to go to. You have to make reservations.” She raised her face to meet his lips before getting to her feet and gathering her purse.
“Consider it done,” he replied with an affectionate smack on her bottom. “What are you in the mood for tonight?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe seafood, what do you feel like?”
* * * *
Lyric had woken up with an uneasy feeling that she hadn’t been able to shake. The image of an injured Jade Kenyan would not fade from her mind’s eye. The moment that she’d seen had not yet come to pass, she knew that. Still, it might, at any time.
She’d been living with her gift long enough to know that a vision was not set in stone. Nor was it always what she thought it was. It could be changed at any time if the cards were played right. In cases like this, that was often the point in her having them in the first place. She’d prevented deaths and had even helped more than one lost spirit find rest, though thankfully that was few and far between.
It looked like she would be taking Storm up on that tracking spell after all. Hopefully, Storm’s magic would be able to lead them to Jade. Whether he would believe her vision or not was another thing, but first things first.
It was half past seven, and Lyric paced the length of her apartment, clutching a cup of hot cider. Occasionally she paused to glance out the window for a sign of Storm’s car below. The young witch had stopped at the south side magic shop in need of a few supplies. It was the best one in the city.
Lyric was more concerned than she should be for someone with whom she had no personal attachment. Of course, try as she might, she couldn’t escape the feeling that caused her pulse to quicken when she remembered his parting words. A part of her had wanted to leap out of that cab. Call her crazy, but she wasn’t going to deny that she was more than excited to have a reason to see the mysterious vampire again. Although, had it been her choice, she never would have gone about it like this.
“Have I lost my mind?” She asked herself aloud. There was nobody to hear her except the black and white cat that turned a lazy eye toward her before drifting back to sleep. “No comment needed from you, Frisk.” She turned away from the lazy furball at a knock on the door.
“Whew!” Storm exclaimed as she breezed inside. “Got there just in time. Violet was just about to lock up when I ran in.”
“She let you in?”
“Of course. I’m one of her best customers.”
Lyric watched as Storm spilled the contents of her shopping bag onto the kitchen table. The array of items included everything from candles of all colors to herbs and trinkets that Lyric couldn’t identify.
“Do we need all of that for a tracking spell?” She lifted a surprised eyebrow at her friend.
“No. I just needed to stock up on a few things. What we will need, though, is something to do with the vampire himself. Do you still have one of those bills he gave you?”
“Yeah, I have a few.” She hadn’t spent a dime of Jade’s money on anything other than the much needed taxi ride home. Producing one of the twenties from her purse, she handed it to Storm anxiously.
Lyric watched as her friend drew a circle on the kitchen floor, chanting a small request for protection as Storm settled herself to focus on grounding. Lyric had seen Storm do magic many times before, but now Lyric held her breath because this time it was for her.
Storm spoke slowly and carefully, the twenty-dollar bill placed on the floor in front of her. When her words stopped, they waited, and Lyric thought for sure that it wasn’t going to work. She didn’t know what she was expecting to happen, but suddenly Storm’s eyes closed and her head snapped back. To Lyric, she appeared to be listening to something.
A cold chill stole over the room, and when Storm reopened her eyes, they were completely white from the magic flowing through her. She fixed that eerie alabaster gaze on the dark-haired psychic who watched her expectantly. Touching one hand to the twenty, s
he slowly pointed at Lyric with the other.
The projected energy hit Lyric, and an image formed inside her mind. She saw him then.
* * * *
Jade Kenyan prowled a downtown nightclub in search of a bite to ease his insatiable hunger. A day filled with tortured dreams had left him irritable and reluctant to stay home a moment longer than necessary. Tonight, the false comfort of meaningless company would do. The temporary touch of a warm body to pleasure and sustain him was an age-old cure for loneliness.
It was a shame that it didn’t really work. As long as the bloodlust screamed through his veins, he was nothing but a vampire. Once that thirst was sated, the haze cleared, and he saw again through sober eyes.
The dimly lit club pounded with the bass beat of a Gothic techno song. The dance floor moved with a swarm of black-clad bodies glittering with spikes, chains and a variety of fetish wear. The longer Jade watched them, the more they appeared to move as one giant mass.
It wasn’t as easy to select a choice victim in a place like this; it was just easy to walk out with someone. Most of the people occupying the place were strictly role players out for some fun at the local Goth bar. They made it almost too easy for vampires seeking easy and fast pickings.
Jade didn’t care to visit the establishment often, but it certainly was a vast improvement over the real vampire club, the one on the city’s border. Any human that dared to step foot in there was nothing more than an animal going willingly to slaughter. He made it a point to stay away from the place, known only as Cry. It wasn’t like any other club; it was nothing short of a blood-bath orgy. A regular place like this was perfect for an easy victim without the mess.
Sidling up to the bar, he could feel eyes on him. Somebody was studying him hard. He didn’t want to turn too quickly and alert whoever it was.
Jade was careful to shield his thoughts hard under the intense scrutiny. A psychic attack was unlikely but not uncommon. He focused on those around him, feeling for the unseen eye that watched.
A young woman sitting at the bar caught his eye and smiled. Like many of the patrons, her hair was black, and her face, heavily made up in dark makeup. Briefly, he pictured Lyric. None of these girls could have held a candle to her.
Lyric. He shoved the image of her from his mind. He didn’t even know the woman, and yet he couldn’t get her out of his head. The thought of her mingled with his hunger, fed his fantasy, and he couldn’t help but imagine sinking fangs into her delicate, pale skin.
Now seemed like just the right time to go over and buy a drink for the young lady of the evening. With a wickedly delicious grin and a wink, Jade made his way to the bar.
Chapter Four
Lyric burst through the doors of the downtown Goth club with her heart in her throat. She searched frantically for a glimpse of the dark-haired vampire. In a place that was dominated by those clad in black from head to toe, she was forced to look over every face in turn. He wasn’t there.
She turned to Storm at her side, a shake of her head informing her friend that they were too late. He was no longer in the eccentric nightclub. Though Storm appeared to be right at home in the alternative style bar, Lyric found it to be suffocating and a little scary. When she didn’t spot Jade, her hopes took a nosedive.
“He couldn’t have gotten far,” Storm shouted to be heard over the loud music. “Do you want to look for him? I could try another spell.”
Lyric studied Storm, considering her offer. If Jade had been here, he was likely looking for a meal. She wasn’t sure if pursuing him now would be a good idea. She pressed her red lips together, debating what to do.
“No. I think he came here to hunt. It may be safer to wait.” She glanced around the inside of the crowded club again, fearing that she might have missed him. No, she was sure she would know if he was still there. Feeling discouraged, Lyric turned to go.
Storm stopped her with a warm hand on her arm. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a few minutes? Just to see if he comes back?”
Lyric was pretty sure her friend just wanted to scope out the darkly clad single guys, but a few minutes couldn’t hurt. Could it?
They took a seat at the bar, on the end where they could clearly see the door. Storm ordered a drink, but Lyric asked for ice water with a slice of lemon. She didn’t like to consume intoxicants. She hated the way alcohol made her head foggy and dulled her sixth sense.
Stirring the ice in her drink with the little cocktail umbrella the bartender had slipped in, Lyric gazed around the bar, carefully keeping a nonchalant expression as she took in the various characters surrounding her. She knew better than to make eye contact with anyone lurking nearby. Though they didn’t hang around long, more than one man dared to get close enough to check out the two of them.
Checking the time on her cell phone, Lyric decided to wait another fifteen minutes before giving up for the night. Maybe she never would find him; maybe her efforts were fruitless.
“Now this is definitely a hell of a place,” Storm commented as her eyes wandered around the vicinity. “Some of these gothy guys are really hot.”
Lyric made a lame attempt at ogling the male patrons, but they just weren’t her type. In fact, she didn’t think anyone would ever be her type again. She sighed and shook her head. She felt so ridiculous to be so smitten from one encounter, and a brief one at that. Lyric wasn’t easily impressed by a man, but Jade was clearly like no other.
She didn’t think that he was coming back here tonight. How was she going to find him if every time they did a tracking spell, he was gone by the time they reached his location?
She never sensed the supernatural energy of the vampire that took the seat on the other side of her until he leaned in close, openly taking a large sniff of her scent. She almost leaped out of her skin as the adrenaline slammed through her. The way he was leering at her with solid black eyes had her stricken with fear. His short blonde hair made his eyes appear that much darker.
“I couldn’t help but notice a pretty thing like yourself. Can I buy you a drink?” He leaned even closer, a lecherous smirk tugging his lips into an ugly attempt at a smile. His sharp, pointy fangs were clearly visible with every word he spoke, as if he wanted her to see them.
“You’re kidding, right?” Lyric stammered, glancing quickly to Storm on her other side who wore an anxious frown.
The vampire made a show of looking over both Lyric and Storm in turn. “You look like you could use a drink to me. Do I look like I’m kidding?” When he bared his fangs with undeniable menace, Lyric gasped and glanced around as if seeking help.
The blood drained from her face, and she felt lightheaded. What she wouldn’t have given to have Jade walk through the door then. She mustered all of the courage she had and met the eyes of the predator who stared at her as if she were a piece of raw meat.
“Actually, we were just about to leave.” Lyric’s voice shook, and she quaked beneath the stare of the creature. His eyes were filled with hunger, and he sought to draw her in with his powerful allure. She could feel his hypnotic pull but, due to her own gifts, was thankfully able to shield the worst of the effects.
Vampires were especially adept at using their wiles on humans in order to make them complacent during a feed. The more powerful the vampire, the stronger the pull would be. Once he realized it wasn’t working on her, he might resort to more drastic measures.
The blood fiend actually dared to reach out to touch her, and she jerked out of his reach, almost falling off her stool in the process. “Don’t touch me!”
“Or else what?” His eyes narrowed, and his expression grew fierce. Lyric doubted that he was used to being refused. “You can’t deny me. You’re just a human. An unclaimed one at that.”
Lyric knew she shouldn’t have allowed Storm to talk her into staying. It hadn’t occurred to her that they might find more vampires here than the one they sought. Many of the other patrons were practically begging for this kind of attention. Why her? She concentrate
d hard on resisting him. She’d rather die than allow him to lay a hand on her. The bluff spilled out from between her lips before she had even fully formed it in her mind.
“I’m not unclaimed. If you touch me, Jade Kenyan will have your head.” She winced inwardly, praying that her lie wouldn’t come back to haunt her.
It seemed to stop him from reaching for her though. He paused to consider her words, analyzing them for the truth. From the smallest glimpse of uncertainty in his eyes, she knew that Jade was known to him. She clung to that, hoping it would be enough.
“Jade Kenyan has already been in here tonight. He left with a young thing, not quite as nice to look at as you, though. So, I’m sure he won’t miss you.”
The sensation that struck Lyric with nausea could only be defined as outright, bitter jealousy. Despite knowing that Jade had quite possibly sought only a willing victim, she couldn’t shake the green-eyed monster that came to life inside her. It gave her a burst of fury, which she turned on the fair-haired vampire intruding into her personal space.
“How bad do you want to find out?” Lyric glared into his face with all of the venom she could shoot with her eyes. She knew her pounding heart would likely betray her, but she wasn’t going to give in to this predator without one hell of a fight.
The vampire’s large pupils seemed to glitter like black diamonds, and he smiled. She shuddered as she watched, wishing she could snatch back her last words. This was not looking good.
He moved quickly, a blur of speed. His thick fingers enclosed on her wrist in a crushing grip. Lyric thought for sure her wrist was going to snap. He got up in her face, holding her so that she couldn’t escape him. “That was the wrong thing to say, little girl. I’m going to enjoy draining every last drop from your luscious body.”