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The Riviera

Page 20

by Karen Aldous

  ‘Yes she did. He didn’t react as I expected though. He just shrugged and said he wasn’t surprised.’

  ‘Oh, huge relief for you then. The worst all over.’

  ‘Hopefully. Although, maybe it hasn’t sunk in yet. We had a long chat about it. He’s more focused on his own future at the moment.’

  ‘Maybe that’s a good thing. Keeping him occupied, I mean. And how does he think he’s done in his exams?’ Lizzie asked as they turned the corner and arrived at the front door of the apartment.

  ‘You can ask him. He was chatting to Marie-Claire when I left. I’ve said he could have a beer when we got back.’

  Inside the apartment, Jack and Marie-Claire were sitting on the sofa chatting about skiing in the winter. Jack jumped up and greeted Lizzie. She couldn’t believe how much he seemed to have grown in stature since she’d last seen him.

  ‘Well done for getting through school. That’s remarkable.’

  Jack’s smile was so much more relaxed. ‘Awesome, thanks. I’m pretty proud of myself,’ he said sitting back down.

  ‘And how did the SATs go?’

  Jack scratched his head. ‘I wouldn’t want to speculate.’ He shrugged. ‘Good, I hope.’

  Lizzie placed her bag on the coffee table. ‘When do you get the results?’

  ‘They should be online next week or the week after.’

  ‘I’m crossing everything for you,’ Lizzie said and turned around.

  Cal handed her a cooled glass of wine and Jack looked up enquiringly at his father.

  ‘I think Jack deserves a beer for all the tenacity he has shown these last few months,’ Lizzie stated, but reminding Cal.

  ‘Absolutely.’ Cal nodded and dashed back to the fridge. ‘You will like this, Jack.’ Cal brought over two bottles and twisted the top off of one and handed it to Jack. ‘It’s a French beer, Jenlain Ambrée. It’s still malty but a bit sweeter. Try it. Tell me what you think.’

  ‘Cal, he’s a teenager. He doesn’t care what he drinks.’

  Cal took a swig from his cooled bottle. ‘Well, he can learn early. Some of those beers can knock off your head. Some guys get aggressive with certain types of beer.’

  ‘True,’ Lizzie agreed.

  Jack was savouring the taste, licking his lips. ‘Yeah, really cool, Dad.’

  Jack kicked off his pumps and sat back and crossed his legs. ‘Did Dad tell you about Mom and Pops?’

  ‘Yes, he just mentioned it,’ Lizzie said, feeling uncomfortable. ‘I’m sorry, Jack.’

  ‘Ha,’ he shook his head. ‘I reckon they’re better off out of each other’s hair, believe me. Besides, Mom’s thinking of moving back to London. So, a bonus if Dad and I can go see her there. She wants to be near her family. I’ll miss Harry and Bea though. And I guess I get to visit Pops in New York. Well, I’m hardly gonna miss him am I?’

  Lizzie was sure Cal would feel better for hearing that last statement. After all the worry and time he’d spent with his son, for a teenager, Jack seemed to appreciate what Cal had done for him. Strange though, he wasn’t at all phased by Reuben’s absence. Maybe they hadn’t got on that well. Maybe he had made his mind up way before now he wanted to get away. She wasn’t sure what Jack meant about him and Cal visiting his mother in London though. Surely he could travel alone for a short visit now? And, did that mean Jack was still keen to study in London? Her head was clogged with all the confusion.

  She made her way to the kitchen where Cal was removing cling-film from the salads he’d prepared. Just scanning his body activated her lust. She battled with her hands. With him beside her again, Lizzie couldn’t wait for the moment they could sink into bed. She took her wine and waited as he brought the plates to the laid table. This was so perfect, why did she ever doubt him? She tucked into her meal, admiring him in the silence. Was she doing the right thing or should she speak to him first about her suspicions? She couldn’t ruin his first night home, and he seemed so genuinely happy to see her, and as loving as ever. Finishing her salad, she said, ‘That was delicious but, I’m so sorry, I really need my bed.’

  ‘I’m with you there,’ Cal grinned, rubbing his toe against her ankle under the dining table.

  Again, a chronic flutter of lust whizzed through her as their eyes met. ‘Goodnight, you two.’ Lizzie stood and gave a wave to Jack and Marie-Claire as she floated to her room.

  ‘Wow,’ she gasped as she pushed open the bedroom door. An abundance of blooming peach and cream roses stretched before her eyes in three large sculpted urns. A sweet aroma wafted at once to her nose. ‘They’re beautiful, and a stunning surprise!’ She turned her head to Cal as he smooched up behind her and wrapped his arms securely around her. Once their lips touched, Cal kicked the door closed behind him.

  Having completely forgotten to set her alarm, Lizzie rose in a panic. With a flower urn blocking her view, she dashed out of bed to see the clock. Thankfully it was just turned six-thirty. Looking down at Cal she fought the temptation to climb back into the bed, and reluctantly, marched straight to the shower room. She switched on the water and stepped in, allowing the warm water to wake her. Not that she wanted to be awake. Her one wish right now was to climb back in that bed and stay in Cal’s arms all day.

  Grabbing her towel, she dried herself down. Cal then came up behind her and nibbled her neck.

  ‘I’ll be with Margot today but will you be late?’

  Lizzie let out a laugh. ‘Yes, afraid so, but makes a change from Kelly, I suppose.’

  He nibbled harder. ‘Only I wasn’t with Kelly.’

  She continued drying herself. ‘All that time and you didn’t spend any time together?’

  ‘I saw her, of course I did. I took Jack to see her.’

  ‘So, she never turned to you for comfort?’

  She felt his head jerk back. ‘No. God, no. She sought it, sure. I told her I wasn’t there for her. I was only there to help Jack.’

  ‘You two were very close, in love even. You must still feel something for her.’

  Cal let go and stepped back. Lizzie wrapped the towel around her torso and faced him. He stared into her eyes. What was he hiding behind those eyes? Had he been holding Kelly the same way he had held her and made love to her like he had with her? Her mouth began to go numb with the thought.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve wanted nothing more than to come back to you,’ Cal said keeping his eyes on her. ‘I love you, remember? I feel nothing for that woman.’

  Her mouth twitched. How could she be sure he was telling the truth? ‘Why is Kelly moving to London? Are you and Jack going to London?’

  ‘I don’t know what Jack wants for sure yet.’

  Lizzie reached for her body moisturiser and squeezed a blob onto her hand. She began rubbing it into her legs.

  ‘So, if he wants to go to London, will you go with him?’ Lizzie asked as she added another blob of cream to her palm.

  ‘I don’t even want to contemplate that option. Not yet. But, probably, for a short while, until he settles. He’s still young. Anyway, he’s keen on staying here at the moment. There’s no reason to suppose he wants to go to London. Once he gets his results, we’ll find the best courses and take it from there.’

  Lizzie peered up, admiring every inch of him as Cal stood, naked, leaning against the door, tapping his thigh. Her loins began to stir. This man could have anyone. And Kelly was a very attractive woman. Oh how was her head so filled with both lust and mistrust!

  Her muscles jarred. She couldn’t think. In fact, she needed him out of her sight to actually give her head some space. How good was he at lying? How easily could she be fooled? The past horrors of Anton and Hugo’s deceit gnawed at her stomach. Would Cal betray her? She squeezed past him and into the bedroom and speedily finished moisturising. She could hear him having a pee. Would he?

  ‘So tell me what I can do to convince you how much I love you?’ he asked as he took out a towel from the cupboard.

  ‘I believe you love me,’ Lizzie said o
pening a drawer and taking out her clean underwear. ‘I’m struggling, and I mean, really struggling to believe nothing happened between you and Kelly. You spend eight weeks over there, in her house. Jack at school. Reuben in New York. And, more specifically, they have separated. I’ve seen what she’s like, remember. It’s driven me crazy thinking about you two together.’ Lizzie pulled out a blue shift dress from the wardrobe. ‘I can’t help thinking, if she was so all over you before they split, God knows what she was like as…as a single woman. It was obvious to me she likes you. She was…oh. Look, I have to go.’ Lizzie finished adding a touch of make-up to her face and quickly brushed her hair.

  Cal grabbed her at the waist. ‘Stop working yourself up. Nothing happened. I promise you. I don’t even like her, Lizzie. What’s wrong with you?’

  Lizzie rushed out to the kitchen and gathered her bag and her phone which she hadn’t charged.

  She quickly dashed to Thierry’s room and back to the front door, collecting her coat and putting on her shoes.

  ‘Give Thierry a kiss from me, please,’ she said and pecked Cal on the cheek. She then paused. ‘I’d like to believe you. I really would.’

  As she steered down towards Rue d’Antibes, Lizzie couldn’t understand her own behaviour. It didn’t seem rational. Why was such a raw jealousy eating away at her? Was it because she had been humiliated in the past? As well as breaking her young heart, Hugo had made her look a complete fool in front of everyone at university. Anton was never faithful, she’d discovered, but the hurt and shame of being lied to and deceived was not easy to bear when she’d allowed herself to foolishly fall for him. She had hoped it was all in the past. She wouldn’t let it happen again but opening her heart to a man made her deeply vulnerable, clearly. Why hadn’t she grown out of that now? She was surely above all that now, a strong, independent woman with responsibilities; a son, a business and a roof to keep over their heads. She wasn’t needy. She wasn’t relying on a man to provide for her brood. Why was she behaving like a jealous teenager and, worse, why did she show it?

  The door was already unlocked at the salon and Josephine was at reception with Lucie, the phone was ringing, Betty was still buffing surfaces in her usual chirpy style. Such a buzz for seven in the morning. Lucie picked up the phone and Josephine stepped across to her.

  ‘Good morning, Lizzie. It is mad. We are having to turn people away again this morning. Did Cal get home OK?’

  ‘Yes, he and Jack, thank you. With regards to sending people away, don’t worry. There’s no more we can do now. We’re full to capacity space-wise. We may have to get that cellar sorted for next year though.’

  ‘Or another salon. Maybe close to the station in Nice,’ Josephine suggested.

  Lizzie glared. ‘Yikes, I don’t think I could cope with two. And these few weeks are bound to challenge us at every level.’

  ‘Yes, but worth considering. This has only been here nine months and look how much it has grown.’

  ‘We’ll talk about it when it dies down,’ Lizzie said dismissively, not wishing to get tied up with thinking that far ahead. She had too much going on in her brain right now.

  ‘Adèle Deniaud for you, Lizzie.’

  ‘Right. OK. Put it through to my, erm, corner,’ Lizzie jested and rushed to her phone. Prepare yourself for another hectic day, she thought, picking up the phone and pursing it close to her ear.

  ‘Oh, dear Adèle, a skin rash could be anything.’

  Chapter 27

  Lizzie could really do without all this. Her whole future was in jeopardy, the dream of a life with the one man she had ever truly loved, the one who showed promise of love and security, of a wonderful family life in their lovely new vineyard – all now threatened by what may or may not have happened with his ex in Nantucket. How was she ever to know? Should she trust Cal? Was he just appeasing her when he told her nothing happened and he didn’t even like Kelly? Dismissing her insecurities like they were discussing what to have for dinner. And how was she to deal with it? And now a rash? It seemed so insignificant!

  She felt confident all their products were safe and particularly suited for sensitive skin but, she tried to calm herself, there was always a risk, of course there was, she rationalised. But not now, especially when she had so much going on. Lizzie assured the client she would check with her beautician what products were used and suggested to Adèle to wash her face off with water and clean tissue, and report back in a few hours. Her day continued with rearranging appointments due to clients being late, or not responding at their hotels. Lizzie scribbled on her notepad, ‘blacklist’. Yes, she understood clients had genuine emergencies at times but she had a business to run for goodness sake. The least they could do was rearrange. Her frustrations mounted. Sophie then rung down to her in panic: could she ring for essential supplies to be delivered as she and Angus were running seriously low on products. As much as they’d prepared, clients often demanded more fillers or Botox than they’d originally booked in for, so she got straight on the phone only to discover they couldn’t deliver for two days which meant Lizzie would have to go. It was becoming difficult to gauge the supplies, especially as it was the first year. Luckily, Josephine came to her rescue and finally resolved it by calling a courier company.

  Josephine was also fussing, and as she often did, mothering Lizzie and sensing her stress. As the salon eventually quietened down at six-thirty, her manager insisted Lizzie get home to Thierry and Cal. With very little energy left to argue, Lizzie embraced Josephine with an almighty hug and gathered her things.

  Thierry had just sat down with the dinner Marie-Claire had prepared and, seeing her, darted from his chair and into her arms. Lizzie smothered him with kisses, squeezing him to her chest. Her time with him had been sparse due to the long hours but she would make the most of the next few hours before his bedtime. She looked up to see Cal stepping in from the terrace. Like a proud stallion, he strode towards them, cloaking them both in his arms. Instantly, her heart caved to his presence. Like a bottle of champagne, she felt ready to burst with happiness, the true bliss she craved. It was like she’d stepped into another world, her home overflowing with people she loved and who loved her back. Bouquets of delicious herbs and garlic floating in the air. A sereneness which contrasted sharply with the bustle and noise of the salon.

  Holding back tears of joy, she went to speak and tell them how much she loved them, but realised she didn’t need to. As their embrace unlocked, Jack slid from the terrace to the kitchen where he’d resumed chopping up tiny cubes of pepper. Marie-Claire joined him.

  ‘If you want a break, Marie-Claire, I’ll take over and give him his bath and story.’

  ‘Thank you. Yes, I am a bit tired. Jack and I were chatting until very late last night. And we’ve had a long walk. Thierry’s been a bit grizzly, I’m afraid.’

  Jack peered up from chopping. ‘Do you fancy going for a pizza, Marie-Claire? I can’t pretend to be keen on this veg and rice stuff. Reminds me of baby food.’

  ‘Yes, as long as you don’t keep me talking all night.’ Marie-Claire’s cheeks blushed as red as cherries as her eyes met his.

  Lizzie heard alarm bells ringing. Were these two getting involved?

  Cal broke into her thoughts. ‘Let me get you a drink, you sit down with Thierry.’

  Rattling her head back to the moment, she sat down opposite Thierry who was now back in his chair digging his fork into his pasta and enthusing about his day with Jack. Cal placed a cool beer on the table in front of her and with an initial gentle touch, slid his hands over the tops of her shoulders, instantly targeting the tension. Her skin prickled with goose bumps as she felt his cool, strong fingers caress her neck and glide back slowly, repeatedly, deeper and wider, easing her muscles and dispersing the tautness the day had built.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind a roast vegetable and herb risotto?’ he asked.

  Now swaying in utter pleasure, Lizzie smiled. ‘Not at all. Sounds perfect. How is the work progressing at th
e house?’

  Cal continued with the massage. ‘Going brilliantly. I couldn’t believe how much they’d cleared outside. Looks better already. The diggers were in. Inside, the walls are reorganised and plastered so the main reception room now joins the kitchen and the dining room. New windows and doors are in. Most of the new wiring and plumbing. So, yes. It’s going well.’

  ‘You managed to do all that from Nantucket?’

  ‘Yep, with Jean-Luc’s help of course. He has three teams working down there. He must have a lot of respect in the area. Each had drawings and materials. I was impressed.’

  ‘Wow, I can’t wait to see it. I don’t personally know how he does it. I just know he gets things done and quick. He’s not afraid to get his own hands dirty either. I’ve seen him muck in when he has to.’

  ‘Best I’ve ever worked with. Annatia will be starting next week on the interior.’

  ‘So the work could be finished for this summer?’

  ‘I know. Amazing isn’t it?’ Cal took his hands from her neck and slid them through her hair. He bent over and gave her a peck on the lips.

  ‘It is as they only started about six or seven weeks ago,’ she said.

  ‘Yes. Great progress. Anyway, I need to get this risotto underway.’

  ‘Oh, that massage was sending me. My head feels so much lighter. Thank you.’

  Jack and Marie-Claire had both disappeared to get ready to go out. As she chatted to Thierry and watched Cal from her chair, Lizzie wondered why she had beaten herself up so much about Cal. Here he was doing everything she could possibly wish for, and she loved him so much. This was love and family. This was completeness and happiness. Why would she want to destroy it?

  As soon as Thierry had finished his dinner and said goodnight to Marie-Claire and Jack, Lizzie took him to have his bath. It was lovely to spend some time with him. He’d acquired some new shark friends, Lizzie noticed, who he was babbling away to. His imagination was amazing. Not to mention his knowledge.


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