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Night Waves

Page 16

by Wendy Davy

“Nick. We have a leak.” Helen’s cautious words played over the digital machine.

  “A leak?” Confusion threatened his weary mind. “A leak in the roof?” he asked his empty kitchen. Nick shook his head trying to clear it. “I need more sleep.” He grabbed the glass carafe from the coffee maker and filled his mug. He breathed in the heady aroma, trying to inhale energy.

  The message continued, “You need to take a look at this morning’s paper.” Helen had hung up without saying goodbye.

  The black coffee burned his throat as he took a deep, hasty gulp before setting the mug on the kitchen counter. Nick stepped outside and took the stairs two at a time, then crossed the driveway to his newspaper. He pulled the paper from the plastic sleeve and unfolded it.

  He read the headlines. His mind reeled. His jaw clenched. His trust had been betrayed.


  Cali jumped and nearly fell off the sofa when a brisk knock sounded at the door. She twisted around. Nick’s broad form stood outside. He knocked again, his fist banging against the door.

  “I’m coming.” She rubbed her eyes, and yawned as she stood. Her bare feet padded on the cool, tiled floor as she crossed the room. Nick’s features became distinguishable beyond the dew-covered glass as she came close. Her smile faded.

  Something had happened since last night. The tenderness she had witnessed in Nick had vanished. Lines creased his brow, and he held his square jaw clenched. He slapped a rolled up newspaper against his palm as he waited.

  Her pulse increased and time slowed as she reached for the door. She flipped the lock, and Nick pulled the door wide before she had a chance to. The strong wind blew sand into the entranceway, dusting her feet with its gritty texture, and the once lifeless, gray clouds in the sky had darkened into a threatening hue.

  Nick stepped forward. She stepped back.

  His presence filled the room, demanding her attention. His anger radiated through her, all the way to her bare toes.

  “I thought we understood each other. I thought I understood you.” His low, intimidating voice confused her.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, not understanding the reason for his change in disposition.

  “The paper, Cali. Don’t tell me you’re surprised at the headlines.” His mouth formed a tight, thin line as he unfolded the paper and tapped his index finger on the big black lettering.

  “High Tide Stalker Strikes Again,” Cali read the words aloud, and then met his intense gaze. “Another woman?”

  He shook his head and read part of the article. “Marlene Stanton is the fourth woman to be abducted by a man who has released each of his first two victims…at…high…tide,” he pronounced the last three words slowly, as if he intended her to hear them clearly.

  “But we already knew about Marlene…”

  “High tide, Cali. You’re the only one outside of my office who knew that specific detail,” he cut her off with his rising voice.

  Her gaze darted to the article and back, as if she could decipher a deeper meaning from the black print on the paper. “You believe I leaked the information?”

  “We’ve never had this happen before.”

  “So you think it was me?” she asked again, looking for absolute clarification.

  “I trust my staff, Cali.”

  She heard Nick’s words. She also heard what he didn’t say. He didn’t trust her. Pain ripped through her, as if he had gouged a hole in her heart. She shook her head as hot tears burned her eyes. “How can you think…?”

  “I follow the evidence remember?”

  “Nick. I didn’t…”

  “I believed I could trust you.” He flipped the paper to a nearby table and crossed his arms.

  “You can trust me, Nick. I didn’t tell…” she picked up the paper and read the reporter’s name, “Lex Harrison…?” Her heart plummeted and her words trailed off as images of big, shiny teeth and a bulbous nose came rushing back. The reporter had discovered inside information after all. But how?

  Nick remained guarded, looking her over as if searching for a way to prove the truth.

  Cali softened her voice. “I thought we had something between us. Something special.”

  His lips tightened. “Don’t change the subject.”

  Cali’s injured pride turned into a simmering anger. “I guess I was wrong.”

  “This has nothing to do with what’s happening between us.”

  “It has everything to do with it. If you had fallen for me like I have for you, you wouldn’t doubt me.”

  Nick’s silence filled the room, broken only by the wind from the open door rattling the newspaper in Cali’s hand.

  “That’s right. I’ll admit it.” A fresh wave of tears filled her eyes, and she swiped them away. She held her breath, waiting for reassurances.

  “I can’t do this now, Cali,” his whispered words crushed her more than his accusations had. “I have to catch the stalker. I need to focus.” He ran a hand through his hair. “And I can’t when I’m worrying about you.”

  “You mean, when you’re worrying about who I’m leaking information to?” She lifted her chin and crossed her arms in defense.

  “You spoke with Lex Harrison yesterday.”

  “Yes. But I didn’t tell him anything. I need you to believe me.”

  “This is getting way too complicated.” He shook his head and stared out toward the ocean.

  “What is? You and me? Or the case?”

  His gaze snapped back. “I can’t allow distractions to keep me from doing my job.”

  “I never meant to keep you from your job. I never meant to be a distraction.” I never meant to fall in love with you. She retreated a few steps, trying to distance herself from him, and from the ache building in her heart.

  When Nick studied her in silence, Cali decided to try one more time to convince him. “What motivation would I have for telling Lex Harrison anything, anyway?”

  He blew out a deep breath, and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. All I know is you had recent contact with him, and you’re the only outsider who knew about the releases at high tide.”

  His words shook her to her core. “Outsider?” Her anger deflated, leaving her hollow and spent. Her legs weakened, and she sank onto the sofa. “Just find Serena, and you won’t have to deal with me anymore.”

  “Cali I…” He hesitated. “We’ll talk later. I have to get to work. Deputy Owen will come by to check on you.”

  Her mouth went dry. “That’s not necessary.”

  “I’d feel better if he does.”

  “Well, as long as you feel better.”

  “He’s no threat to you. If I thought he was, I wouldn’t let him near you.”

  “That’s comforting.”

  “What do you have against him, anyway?”

  “Nothing. Just go.” She stood and walked to the bedroom, hoping that slamming the door would make her feel better.

  It didn’t.

  Night Waves

  Night Waves

  Chapter Twenty

  “Coffee?” Helen asked from the doorway of Nick’s office.

  He glanced up from an accident report he was filling out. The approaching storm had already begun causing damage, and calls were picking up. “Thanks.”

  Helen stepped in and set the cup on his desk, then settled into the wooden chair across from him. “I see from the scowl on your face that you read the newspaper’s headlines.”

  Nick picked up the mug full of fresh coffee and sat back in his chair. The rich aroma enticed him, and he took a sip. The steaming liquid warmed his throat, but did nothing to improve his mood. “It’s my fault.”

  “Now, why do you say that?” Helen lifted her eyebrows.

  “I let her get to me. I told her about the stalker releasing his victims at high tide.”

  “By her, I assume you mean Ms. Stevens?”

  He took another sip before setting the mug down. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. “I knew better

  “Why on earth do you think it was her?” Helen tapped her fingers on the armrests and tilted her head.

  “Who else?”

  “Did you read the entire article?”

  “Not yet, but…”

  Helen sprang from the chair and shuffled away before he had a chance to finish his sentence. A moment later, she returned, carrying the morning’s paper. The headlines speared him again, and he held back any visible reaction to it. A difficult task, considering betrayal slammed into him each time he read the black and white proof of the leaked information.

  “Read it.” Helen slapped the newspaper on his desk.

  Nick leaned forward. He would not tolerate someone making demands of him in his own office, unless that someone was Helen. She had earned his respect through the years of working together, and that alone bought her ample leeway.

  He scanned the article, jumping over the basic filler information. Reading a few details about the press conference, he noticed a few quotes from Deputy Owen. His heart lurched, and anger seeped through him. “Deputy Owen told the reporter Cali is staying with me,” he said the words slowly.

  Alarm heightened his awareness. He didn’t want anyone knowing where Cali was staying. At this point, he considered every man on the island a threat, and now the information had gone public.

  Helen stood over his desk, leaned in and poked a rounded finger at each of the three places Deputy Owen’s name appeared. “Maybe you’d better redirect your accusations, Sheriff.”

  He looked into Helen’s sturdy gaze. “He’s been with the department for over two years. Why would he reveal the information?”

  “He gave up Cali’s location, didn’t he? The way he eats up the spotlight, he’d be my first guess as the one who leaked the high tide details.”

  The possibility of Cali’s innocence gave Nick an enormous measure of relief. “Send him in. I want a word with him.”

  Helen headed for the door, but turned before she reached it. “I hope you didn’t go accusing Ms. Stevens right away, without thinking about the consequences first.”

  His stomach fell. “I did.”

  “I was afraid of that, judging from the look on your face when you dragged yourself in the door this morning.” She scratched the side of her head, her manicured fingernails displacing a few strands of graying hair. “At least there are perks that come along with apologies.” She gave an exaggerated wink and grinned.

  He brushed her playfulness aside. “Cali’s a distraction. I need to focus.”

  “Cali’s not the reason you haven’t caught the stalker yet, Sheriff.” She turned and left the office.

  He considered her words until Deputy Owen sauntered into the room and turned Nick’s focus back to his present circumstances.

  “You needed to see me, Sheriff?”

  “Have a seat.”

  Deputy Owen glanced around the office, his gaze landing on the newspaper. Then, he looked everywhere except at Nick.

  “I’ll give you one chance to tell me the truth.”

  Attention captured, Owen turned his long, narrow face toward him. “It slipped.”

  Nick straightened and leaned forward in his chair. Clasping his hands in front of him he said, “Care to elaborate?”

  “Look, the guy approached me, OK?”

  “Of course he did. He’s a reporter,” Nick ground out the words. “Why would you tell him where Cali is staying? You knew she was already in danger.”

  “That kind of slipped too.”

  Nick rose from his chair.

  Owen flinched.

  It took every ounce of restraint Nick had not to lean over the desk and throttle the man. “Let me make this clear. You will never leak information to the press again. Understood?”

  Owen swallowed, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat. “Yes, sir.”

  “You will face disciplinary action after the storm has passed.” Nick needed every man on duty with the hurricane approaching. He walked around his desk and stood, towering over him. “You’d better watch your step, Owen.”

  Nick stalked from his office, anger radiating around him. “I’m heading out, Helen. You know how to reach me.”

  He used the time in his truck to pray for guidance. He had hurt Cali by accusing her of leaking the information, and had not listened when she denied it. Guilt overwhelmed him, anger burned him, and tension threatened another raging headache.

  Nick gripped the wheel with tense hands, as angry with himself as he was with Owen. He should have listened to Cali. He should have suspected Owen. After all, Cali had no reason to leak the information, and Owen had always reveled in being the center of attention.

  Nick hoped Cali would forgive him. He had damaged their newfound relationship, and he prayed she would understand and be forgiving, which would be the only way to mend the gap he had gouged between them. He pulled into the driveway, and his anxiety in confronting her disintegrated.

  Cali’s car was gone.

  Nick’s cell phone rang. Irritated by the setback, he snapped, “Sheriff Justice.”

  “Mayor Wilson has issued a mandatory evacuation of Coral Isle,” Helen’s strained voice came over the line. “The hurricane’s heading directly for us.”

  He blew out a deep breath. “I expected the order. Get the deputies out there, Helen. I want to provide as much assistance as possible to those willing to leave.”

  “And for those unwilling?”

  “The shelters will be open. Let’s pray the people will go.”

  “I can do that,” Helen said.

  “I’ll get things prepared at my cottage since I’m already here. Then head back out.”

  “Stay safe out there, Sheriff.” Helen voiced her concern.

  “I will.” He pressed the end button, and then dialed Cali’s number.

  The phone rang but no one answered. The voicemail picked up. “Cali, it’s Nick. I need to talk to you. Call me as soon as you can.” After he hung up, he thought about the way he had left her that morning. Hurt and alone. Angry. Anxious to talk to her again and to apologize, he hoped she would return his call soon.

  Nick stepped out of his truck and climbed up the steps to his cottage to prepare for the potentially damaging winds. He gathered the potted flowers that lined his porch, as well as the other small items that might be tossed around by the wind, and stored them inside. He always locked his windows and doors, but double-checked them anyway. He stepped outside and cranked the hurricane shutters over the sliding glass door and windows, hoping the aluminum slats would keep the glass from shattering as the hurricane produced flying debris.

  Finished, Nick faced the churning ocean, watching wave after wave pound the shoreline. The dune stretching across the front of his cottage had been reinforced last year with additional sand, but he prayed it would be enough to hold back the rising tide.

  He climbed the steps to Cali’s level and made sure the windows were also shut and locked. He cranked the shutters over the windows facing the ocean, but left the sliding glass door uncovered, leaving a way for Cali to get inside when she returned.

  A sudden fear struck him.

  What if she had left? He didn’t believe she would, but she had been so upset this morning…

  Nick slipped inside and checked the bedroom for her belongings. Relief washed through him. Cali hadn’t packed her bags. She would be back. He shook his head at his own range of emotions. Hadn’t he wanted her to leave just a few short days ago? Now he was standing in his cottage, praying she hadn’t left.

  Nick pulled his cell phone from his pocket, in case he hadn’t heard her call above the roaring ocean and wind. No messages. No missed calls.

  The sliding glass door scraped open. He spun on his heel. “Cali?”

  “Searching for evidence?” She appeared in the bedroom doorway.

  He stepped toward her. She flinched. He stopped and held up his hands. “I came home and you weren’t here. I tried calling, but you didn’t answer. I thought you might
have left.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you.” She revealed no traces of the anger she’d had that morning; only cool detachment remained.

  Guilt poked him. He would have rather seen anger in her eyes than the distance they portrayed. “I’m not disappointed. I’m glad you’re still here.”

  “You are?”

  This time Nick stepped toward her and didn’t stop until he came near. “I know you didn’t leak the High Tide Stalker information.” He wanted to reach out. He wanted to touch her, but kept his hands at his sides.


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