Unite the Frontier

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Unite the Frontier Page 19

by J Malcolm Patrick

  Dawes gave Chen the energizing drill. “Slap on the seal, Corporal!”

  Chen slapped the seal to the overhead and began expanding it. If they could get this one under control, the Commander could reactivate the inertia dampening field.

  The decompression ceased and they both floated. A stark contrast to the chaos surrounding the ship. Dawes could only hear himself breathing until the Commander keyed in an override.

  Dawes forgot he’d muted the comm.


  The overhead exploded. Debris rained down on the bridge. The laser must have burned through two decks by now.

  Aaron covered from the hot ceramic shards. “Ensign…”

  “Trying, Commander, but there’s more than one now.”

  “Commander, inertia field is back online!”

  Aaron felt it before Vee said it.

  As if on cue, both destroyers closed for another pass.

  “Cut the field, quickly!”

  There was a slight hesitation but Avery powered down the field.

  Flaps was looking at Aaron expectantly. “Commander, I’ve got an escape vector plotted, shouldn’t we activate the field and accelerate?”

  “No! Flaps, if we accelerate they’ll know we’ve managed to restore our field and can maneuver again. If we power it, they’ll detect it. This way, they’ll assume it’s fluctuating and we can lure them both in close enough to finish this engagement.”


  Lee shook his head. “Near misses, nothing. They’re hitting us, but they’re not committing fully.”

  “Vee, energize the field as they bare. Flaps, engage your escape vector once the field is up. Zane!” Aaron called behind. “Lock in a firing solution to detonate our remaining gravitic charges ahead of those destroyers, we need to slow them down! Lee, when we’ve hindered their forward speed as much as we can, give them everything.”

  The Imperial destroyers surged in again, Zane did as ordered, and the Imperial vessels slammed into a virtual brick wall courtesy of the gravitic charges along their vectors. The dampening field energized and Phoenix leaped forward under maximum power.

  “Now, Lee!”

  Aaron didn’t have to prod the lieutenant. Lee shredded one of the nimble little Imperial destroyers with a railgun burst. The other destroyer kicked in a hard burn on an escape vector.

  Dawes’ voice came over the comm. “Commander, I’m going to need the doctor. Ubu and Chen are hurt. Their suits were pierced.”

  Aaron looked at Max as the doctor left the bridge. “Max is on his way, Sergeant.”


  They’d vanquished the Imperial fleet.

  Recovery shuttles collected escape pods from United Fleet ships and would focus on the Imperials sometime later. Phoenix had sustained moderate structural damage. She would be fully combat effective if she still had an intact dark-matter reactor. All her advanced technologies linked into it.

  Out of the Homeguard, only fifty-five ships remained under their own power. Another twenty drifted as lifeless hulks and the others joined the debris field. Forty-five ships and crews completely gone.

  Some of the fifty-five ships still under their own power only had half a crew left. The rest were grievously injured, dead or unaccounted for.

  Shepherd had fought overwhelming odds and held. He’d held as long as he had to. A fresh feeling of respect flowed for Shepherd. Aaron surveyed the battlespace, the starship Madison drifted by . . . Rhineheart’s ship. She was one whose crew had fought half the battle in vacuum suits. They’d suffered too many extensive hull breaches, and the repair nanites couldn’t seal them.

  The Emperor’s mad son had tried to vaporize Earth with a subspace weapon. How will we respond? Aaron was sure as the debris littering the void that at least the citizens of Earth wouldn’t welcome Imperial tourists anytime soon.

  How long until the ramifications of this attack wore off? If ever. One thing was certain. The diplomats had their work cut out for them. A peace treaty wasn’t likely now. At best, they might return to being unfriendly neighbors. It didn’t matter what Quintus Scipio or, the late Emperor Sotomerius and his son Cato wanted. It mattered what these rogue Imperials had done.

  What could the Imperials say?

  Speaking of sons. There was going to be hell to pay. And hell would come warping in on a starship.

  Chapter 33-Save The Empire

  “This is something we must deal with ourselves” – Sub-Commander Arias Decimus


  “Ayres, I need a favor. For old times’ sake I suppose.”

  A hologram of Ayres stood in front him on Phoenix’s bridge. “I’ve only ever been on one mission with you, Commander.”

  “Then let’s pretend shall we?”

  She smiled. “What do you need?”

  “I need you to take me to Hosque.”

  “The Imperial homeworld? Why . . . what would we be doing there?”

  “Showing our extreme displeasure for the ambitions of a usurping Imperial brat.”

  “Shepherd will rip my head off, Commander. He wants us to join the defense in case there are any more Imperial fleets we haven’t detected.”

  “Shepherd has ripped my head off before, Alana. He always gave it back. If we succeed at Hosque, there won’t be any more Imperial fleets attacking Earth.”

  Ayres sighed. “I’m prepared to receive you and your crew, Aaron.” The hologram winked out.

  Aaron moved to Garrett’s station at the rear of the bridge.

  “Master Chief, I’m going to need at least one person to remain aboard. With her precious main reactor gone, I have no idea what Shepherd will do with the ship. Dark-matter cores aren’t just lying around waiting to be installed throughout the Fleet.”

  If the engineer wanted to object, he didn’t let on. “I understand, Commander. I’ll coordinate what repair efforts I can, and I’ll get the ship back to Spero.”

  Aaron nodded and clapped the engineer on the shoulder before he moved to the front of the bridge.

  All eyes were on him.

  “We were all here at the beginning. First, it was Atlas. Now: Earth. I don’t know what state of affairs awaits us at Hosque. I intend to be the first to find out. I also intend to rip that Imperial brat a new one. I can’t order you to come with me. This is my mission this time. Not Shepherd’s. If we can stabilize what’s happening on Hosque, maybe we won’t have to worry about more Imperial squadrons we can’t detect.

  “We’ll rearm Endeavor and then we’ll break off to the system’s edge and engage best speed for Hosque. If you’re coming. Meet me in the hangar bay.”

  With that, Aaron was in the lift.



  Endeavor transitioned from warp just outside the planetary system Copernicus, home to the Imperial homeworld of Hosque, the second planet orbiting the class-G star. Immediately, incoming sensor telemetry painted a horrible picture.

  “Large fields of debris, spread over multiple AU, tracking into the system, towards Hosque.”

  “Debris analysis, XO. Ensign take us into the system, as the blink drive charges jump us toward Hosque.”

  The holoviewer revealed a starship graveyard. The debris was tightly packed as though they’d been destroyed at precisely the same instant in the compact area.

  Aaron moved to the ops station. “Zane?”

  “Reading traces of dark energy. A subspace weapon was deployed here. Also, preliminary analysis of the debris, based on known Imperial ship classes, at least several Liburnian-class, ten Caesar-class and other debris from a ship consistent with Phalanx’s known hull configuration.”

  Aaron’s heart sank. “How much from the Phalanx?”

  “Difficult to tell. A complete analysis would be more certain.”

  “Best guess?”

  “Best approximation, twenty five percent.”

  Aaron whistled. “It survived the battle at least.” Quintus must have too, hopefully.

  What would
they find when they reached the planet?


  Endeavor transitioned from another warp jump. Twelve Imperial ships orbited Hosque. One was the Imperial flagship Phalanx.

  At least what was left of it.

  “Her entire upper pylons are missing,” Zane reported. “The starboard sub-light drives on the secondary hull are completely gone.”

  That wasn’t all. The holoviewer feed from the sensor optics showed huge sections of the ship open to vacuum. No force fields in place. There must be some small section of the ship still pressurized—either that or everyone was in vacuum suits.

  Zane continued. “Power levels indicate emergency power only. Either they towed Phalanx here, or it limped here and died, Commander.”

  “Incoming hail, visual,” Vee reported.

  Decimus appeared on the screen.

  “Commander, hardly a time to breach Imperial space in a stealth ship and lurk near our homeworld.”

  “What happened here, Decimus?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? When we parted ways three days ago, the lines had already been drawn. Those loyal to Cato and our late Emperor, engaged the usurper Marcus. The battle wasn’t going well for Cato’s forces until our squadron and other supporting houses arrived. We swung the tide in our favor. That’s when Marcus used a subspace weapon. More than likely you’ve seen the result near our system’s edge.

  “Only a handful of ships farther away from the resulting cascade survived. The energy wave destroyed some of Marcus’ own squadron. What you see in orbit is what’s left of loyal forces. I’m sure more are on the way from both sides. We also have reports of small skirmishes at outlying colonies and hub worlds. We won’t know the outcome for a few more days.”

  “Decimus, where is Quintus? If the Lord Commander of your Navy calls on the United Fleet, we will respond. Our government will recognize Cato as the rightful heir.”

  “I’m not sure our code allows us to call for aid from outsiders, no matter our relationship. This is something we must deal with ourselves.”

  “Would you rather Marcus and his followers destroy the Empire from within?”

  “Some would see calling for aid from you as similar, or worse, than such an occurrence.”

  “Decimus, I admit to being baffled by Imperial politics and nuances. However, I am certain your civilian population would have no qualms about outside aid to restore order. Particularly after the Emperor was murdered by his own son—an Emperor beloved by his people.”

  “Quintus will determine this, Commander Rayne. Now I must help coordinate efforts to meet the incoming hostile squadrons. I am preparing to transfer the Lord Commander’s flag to Pilum. Phalanx has fired her final salvo for now.”

  “What is happening on the surface, Decimus? Where is Quintus?”

  “After the lull in battle two hours ago, Quintus went to the surface with a cohort of centurions to reinforce the loyalists. His objective is the Imperial palace where we believe Marcus has barricaded himself.”

  “I am going down, Decimus. Please contact the Lord Commander and inform him I am on my way. And provide me with landing coordinates for his staging area if you don’t mind?”

  “I can’t allow you down there.”

  “Decimus, either destroy this ship or allow us to pass. That’s the only way you’ll prevent me from reaching the surface. We are involving ourselves as Marcus has taken it upon himself to declare war on the United Systems by attacking Earth with a subspace weapon. Now we are here to help you end your civil war before it destroys us both. How fortunate for us and you it’s only him and his allies we have to deal with.”

  If the Sub-Commander took offense at what Aaron said, he didn’t show it. “I will send word to the Lord Commander.”

  “Thank you, Decimus.”

  “You are an honorable man, Commander Rayne. I am allowing you beyond the orbital defenses if only to ensure Quintus does not perish. I’m afraid if he does, then all is lost.”

  “I promise I’ll not let him thrust himself upon a sword for the Empire, Decimus.”

  The link closed.

  “Lee, Flaps, you’re with me,” Aaron said, rising from the command chair.

  Aaron entered the lift with Lee and Flaps which ferried them to the hangar deck. When the doors parted, Dawes was facing him.

  “Sergeant? How are our boys?”

  “They should be back on duty within the hour, but not fit for fighting, Commander.”

  Aaron stepped off the lift and moved towards Excelsior. “Lee and I are going down to Hosque.”

  “I’m ready, Commander.”

  “You’re not coming, Sergeant. The XO might need you here.”

  “But, si—”

  “Carry on, Sergeant. I’m not changing my mind.”

  The marine said nothing and sauntered away.

  Aaron trusted Dawes with his life, but something about Imperials made the marine unpredictable. He didn’t need it manifesting on the surface of their homeworld.

  Aaron watched the Sergeant go. When he’d left the deck, he gestured Lee towards Excelsior. He noticed the look the lieutenant gave him.

  “Not a word, Lieutenant.”

  Lee wisely kept his mouth shut.

  Aaron’s thoughts turned to the Imperial homeworld. What would he find on Hosque?

  Chapter 34-Storm Heaven

  “Why do you think all my men are armed with swords and shields?” – Quintus Scipio


  Once inside the auxiliary craft, they retrieved several weapons from the locker. The journey to the surface was uneventful. Aaron was in the cargo bay near the boarding ramp. Lee stood to his right. Each of them held an overhead bar to steady themselves, their boots planted firmly to deck cradles.

  They breached the atmosphere and slight turbulence hit the craft. Aaron stood in the center of the exit ramp. He triggered the bay door for a view of their approach.

  Aaron stared out over the battle beyond the palace. The Lord Commander’s forces had surrounded it, but sporadic counter attacks by Marcus’ loyalists kept Quintus’ forces on their toes.

  Next to him, Lee started tapping his foot and hummed. Aaron looked at the lieutenant. The tune was familiar. A classic for sure—timeless. Then Aaron recalled the song and mumbled the pre-chorus softly. A flood of emotions washed over him. It was the same song which played in the lounge on Atlas Prime when he danced with Rachael, his father’s favorite tune.

  Aaron smiled into the wind. A man rarely gets to choose the moment of his death or how he goes. Aaron counted himself lucky to be with his crew—his family—here . . . now, if this truly was to be the end of all things. Marcus was unpredictable, there was no telling what the maddened usurper might do if he sensed defeat was imminent.

  What was about to happen on Hosque, would echo throughout the ages.

  There was a gentle rumble. The craft touched down.

  “Flaps, stay with Excelsior, in case the Imperials need help with air support or the XO needs you back up top.”

  “Aye, Commander.”

  The ensign was obviously disappointed, but Aaron knew the young pilot would follow him to the end.

  Aaron disembarked the auxiliary craft, followed by Lee.

  Quintus emerged from a mobile-base structure and approached them.

  Before Quintus said anything, Aaron asked, “Where’s Platus?”

  “He’s inside the palace with the usurper.”

  They turned to walk back inside the briefing area. Lee followed close behind.

  Why was Platus inside the palace? “They captured him? How?”

  “They didn’t capture him, Commander . . . he’s joined the traitor Marcus.”

  That left Aaron speechless. Platus betrayed his own brother? If Marcus prevailed, Platus might try to convince Quintus to side with him.

  Aaron decided not to press it. The betrayal itself must sting enough.

  “Don’t hold it against Decimus for letting us through. I bullied my way past him.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Quintus said, smiling. “Decimus’ loyalty is unwavering, and he’ll do anything to ensure my survival.”

  “He’s definitely a brother you’d want beside you,” Aaron said, regretting it instantly.

  Quintus seemed to take the hint.

  “Indeed,” he said.

  “What is the situation and how can we help?”

  Quintus led them to a holotable with a 3D map of the palace and surrounding area.

  “We’ve pushed back the usurpers here,” he pointed to a flashing red circle, “and here.” He manipulated the hologram with his hands and turned it. “We’ve established a perimeter around the battle area. We are poised to strike here.”

  “You’re going in the front?” Aaron asked.

  “It’s the only way into the palace without destroying half of it to enter from elsewhere.”

  “So blow it and build it back.”

  “Aaron, the Imperial palace has stood from the days of Emperor Baridian. No one, on either side, is going to do such a thing.”

  “Marcus would.”

  Quintus frowned, but didn’t reply.

  Aaron shook his head. “So you’re going to engage a frontal assault against a fortified position because of a shiny building?”

  “That building is a symbol to the Empire. As important probably as Earth is to humanity.”

  “Earth can’t be rebuilt. A palace can. What are you waiting for? Let’s send some armored marines in and restore order.”

  Quintus was shocked silent.

  “The Imperial palace,” he finally said, “is the heart and soul of our ancestors’ break away from the United Systems. Granted you are not the evil overlords you once were . . . though much discussion remains on that issue. The only option off the table when it comes to saving the palace is our surrender. We would contain Marcus in there forever if we had too. As it is, we know the quickest way to end this is to defeat Marcus. Every cause needs its leader. But we will not damage a single brick! Marcus knows that’s the safest place for him at the moment. He never expected our squadrons would make it past his subspace weapons. Evidently he doesn’t have many.”


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