Unite the Frontier

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Unite the Frontier Page 20

by J Malcolm Patrick

  “One was used near Earth.”

  Quintus turned several shades whiter.

  “Earth is fine. We stopped the tear. Although it’s not something we’ll be able to do indefinitely.”

  Quintus breathed a deep sigh. “We will assault the front, breach the palace doors and take the fight to Marcus inside.”

  “I don’t see how that’s not going to leave inside the palace a rubble.”

  “Why do you think all my men are armed with swords and shields?” Quintus asked.

  Aaron wanted to laugh. “The fate of the Empire is to be decided by swords and shields?”

  Quintus smiled slowly. “Is that not how our ancient brothers and sisters did it? Emperor Baridian did indeed have much wisdom when he fashioned our fledgling space culture.”

  “I think delusion is more appropriate.”

  Quintus laughed. “I will not take offense. An outsider, my loyal friend or not, would never understand. Just as we cannot comprehend your wasteful system of elective politics and bureaucracy. Where you take months to make a decision . . . where your own president doesn’t have the final say in most matters. This is our way. You can join our Praetorians if you wish. How are you with a sword?”

  Before Aaron could answer, Lee stepped towards a nearby weapons rack, hefted a sword and smiled. “Ready when you are, Commander.”

  Aaron grinned. “Seems my decision has been made for me.”

  “Lieutenant,” Quintus said. “Ordinarily, technological components aren’t allowed within the palace. All our limb replacement techniques use organics. It’s a sacred place with not much technology. I will, however, make an exception in your case for your arm. But you have to leave your sidearm here.” Quintus gestured at the weapon attached to Lee’s leg.

  “Well that just takes the fun out of it.” Lee placed his sidearm on the table and twirled the sword and stabbed the air. “This will have to do.”

  Quintus hefted an axe and hooked it on his back.

  “Not a bad choice,” Lee told him.

  Aaron took a sword and shield, testing the weight in his hands. Quintus dressed Aaron in a breastplate and gauntlets. Lee adorned the same.

  Lee smiled at Aaron. “You look like a true Imperial now.”

  Aaron fixed him with a glare. “Let’s get on with it.”

  “Why are you even here, Aaron?” Quintus asked.

  “I’m here because I have to see this to an end personally. We started this journey of sorts together, Quintus. It’s only fitting we finish it together. And Marcus’ attack on Earth means sooner or later a United Fleet will be on your doorstep. I hope to end this here and now before they arrive.”

  Quintus examined his two inductees.

  “Onward to great glory then?” he asked.

  Lee and Aaron smiled.

  “Onward to great glory.”

  Chapter 35-Battle of Hosque

  “Hold on Avery, we’ll cover you now” – Arias Decimus

  Outside Imperial Palace

  Aaron had believed the frontal assault would be costly. Quintus was awaiting nonlethal crowd control weapons. The Imperial dissidents at the front of the palace had nothing to defend against it.

  After enduring fifteen minutes of sonic blasts the defenders surrendered. The allies now stood at the old, iron constructed palace doors.

  Quintus’ centurions marched forward in two formations of men, twenty line abreast and three rows deep. Ahead, a similar formation blocked their way—and they had spears! This was insane. Three pulse pistols or one pulse turret and Aaron could topple the entire opposing centurion formation in less than a minute.

  “Quintus, they’ve got ranged weapons.”

  “Just keep your shield up, Aaron!”

  A yell from across the “battlefield” unleashed a hail of spears towards them. Aaron dropped to one knee and raised his shield. The spears clanged harmlessly off the gathered loyal centurions.

  All except one.

  Aaron saw the spear’s head protruding from a centurion’s back next to him. Any doubt as to the carnage he was about to endure in the ensuing battle disappeared.

  “Now,” Quintus shouted, as a formation behind them chucked their own spears, and immediately the Cato-loyalists charged.

  That must be the cue to follow. The rest of the formation rose and pursued Quintus. The usurpers charged too. Wild, Quintus charged in first—and the Imperial had the audacity to suggest Aaron was reckless.

  Aaron’s first opponent swung a short-sword. He rammed the centurion with his shield. Another one to his left poised to strike. A flash of steel severed the man’s hand, and Lee’s boot kicked the now one-handed centurion away.

  A wild swing passed a half-foot above their heads as they both ducked underneath it.

  Together, they thrust their swords straight towards the man’s torso. It only shoved their attacker backwards, the sword tips didn’t penetrate his breastplate. Lee used the hilt of his sword and smashed the centurion in the side of the head.

  Another flash of steel and a sword loomed toward Aaron’s face. Lee blocked it with his arm and shouldered the attacker who fell, receiving a boot to his face for his trouble.

  “This is quite an interesting way to do battle!” Lee roared.

  Aaron breathed hard. “Don’t get carried away, Lee! I see we need to have you include advanced melee weapon training in the future.”

  “Quite right, Commander. Never know how many more Imperial usurpers will rise to power.”

  “You’re really not funny, Lieutenant.”

  All around separate melees broke out as the battle lines had crossed. The Loyalists wore blue capes while the Usurpers wore white.

  “Let’s stick as close to Quintus as possible.”

  They arrived at the Lord Commander’s side just as he dispatched another usurper.

  Quintus wheeled, sword high. He lowered it when he caught himself. “Not impaled yet? That’s a good sign!”

  Aaron reached for him. “Down!”

  Lee swung his arm and blocked the spear. It clanged away along the marble stone. Lee threw his sword straight into the neck of the spear-tosser. Quintus gave Lee his sword and drew his axe.

  The Lord Commander whirled on them with wild eyes. “Shall we?”

  Together they slashed, hacked and kicked into a group of nearby enemy centurions. Lee batted away some with his arm and crushed the limbs of others. Aaron knew the lieutenant was trying to maim them only. Out of respect for the Lord Commander no doubt. Lee didn’t enjoy killing, and he didn’t want to appear to either.

  After the latest melee, they stopped and gasped for breath as they surveyed the palace courtyard. Centurions from both sides dragged themselves along the marble floor leaving streaks of blood. Some moaned, groaned, and whimpered as they cradled maimed body parts. But they’d reached their objective—the doors to the Great Hall.

  A loud rumbling emanated from the eastern side of the courtyard. Aaron turned. A hundred more centurions loyal to Marcus charged.

  “Quintus, we have to get inside and deal with Marcus.”

  Quintus whirled on him with a rage in his eyes. “I won’t leave my men!”

  “Your men are doing a fine job,” Aaron rested a hand on the Lord Commander’s shoulder. “Look around you.”

  The loyal centurions met the charging usurpers head on.

  “We have to get Marcus.”

  Quintus sighed deeply. Together they pushed open the doors to the Great Hall.

  Aaron took a deep breath and followed, leaving the raging battle behind them.



  Avery gripped the arms of the command chair. Ayres had yielded command to him when he came aboard. Lt. Delaine had taken the tactical station as Endeavor’s tactical officer had been injured during the battle near Earth. Endeavor’s main helm operator had also launched in an auxiliary craft to provide cover to loyal forces on Hosque and Corporal Chen had recovered enough to take the helm.

e two incoming Imperial squadrons neared the end of a twenty-minute deceleration burn to slow to combat speeds.

  Sub-Commander Decimus had transferred his flag to Pilum. Like the disabled Phoenix back in Sol, Pilum had seen a lot of action. Avery found it increasingly easy to work with the Sub-Commander. If the Imperial balked at taking advice—or orders as it were—from a United Fleet officer, he didn’t show it. Decimus had said: anything to ensure Quintus’ survival.

  “Imperial squadron, designation enigma-1, breaking off, they’re going for the Sub-Commander’s squadron,” Lt. Delaine said.

  “Keep watch for any more subspace torpedoes.”

  The Cato-loyalists had one squadron, and some of them heavily damaged. Although Endeavor had less overall firepower than Phoenix mainly due to her smaller size and munitions, she certainly evened the odds with her advanced capabilities and 120 havoc missiles.

  “Decimus, have your escorts engage those flanking ships. I recommend you accompany Endeavor and engage the lead squadron.”

  “Understood, Avery. Good luck!”

  This was ironic indeed. When Lieutenant Lee and the Commander boarded Phalanx during the battle of Atlas Prime, they’d fought with Imperials, against Imperials, to save Imperials. Now Avery commanded a small Imperial squadron to do the same.

  The two opposing Imperial squadrons, twelve ships each, maneuvered cautiously. They came from several hours away at Copernicus-4.

  “Ayres, make sure to cover Pilum with the kinetic barrier. Lieutenant Delaine, target the lead Imperial ship. Fire at range.”

  Ayres acknowledged. “Aye, Commander. I’ll make sure Decimus is well covered.”

  “Weapons, firing at range, aye,” Delaine said.

  Endeavor and Pilum surged towards the Imperial formation. Pilum held course and speed to match Endeavor’s maneuvers, ten thousand kilometers off to starboard. Both sides fired, just lasers from the Marcus-loyalists and tungsten and lasers from the allies.

  “Pilum is recharging her laser capacitors,” Delaine reported.

  “Break off, take us to six-hundred thousand kilometers and bring us around for another strike.”

  They never reached. At half the intended distance, disaster struck. Alarms rang in Avery’s head. He bit down on his gums to bear the vibrations running through his skull. The ship fought to right itself on the pre-determined course. “Report!”

  “Imperial stealth missiles. Sensors aren’t picking them up soon enough for point defense to get a lock.”

  Endeavor’s port side faced the enemy as she continued her turn, while Pilum remained on her starboard.

  “Damage to primary inducer array assembly, the kinetic barrier is offline. Port armor is gone. Miracle we’re alive after six missiles.”

  “Pilum is accelerating, they’re vectoring below us.”

  The comm activated. “Pilum to Endeavor. Hold on Avery, we’ll cover you now.”

  Pilum turned into the Imperial ships and fired her port lasers detonating more incoming stealth missiles. Naturally . . . they detected their own weapons.

  Pilum then executed a lateral roll bringing her starboard lasers to bear and waded into the Imperial formation.

  “Follow his lead, Delaine. Lock havocs and fire on those ships.”

  The Imperial vessels maneuvered hard to avoid Pilum’s charge. And Endeavor didn’t allow them the chance to recover. The twelve ships’ unified point defense had mitigated the havoc missiles while beyond several light-seconds range. But now, as they scrambled away from Pilum, some were exposed.

  The first havoc volley destroyed the Imperial ships’ armor. The second volley wrought heavy damage across half the formation.

  Together they whittled down the usurpers to four combat capable ships. The ops officer Avery told to watch for subspace torpedoes, ruined the moment.

  “Commander! Tracking a subspace torpedo in the black!”

  The desperate Imperials had fired a subspace weapon.

  Chapter 36-Battle of the Brothers

  “Father would be ashamed” – Quintus Scipio

  Imperial Palace

  Marcus stood at the center, flanked by twenty Praetorian guards and Platus. Each Praetorian carried a long spear and advanced. The tips of which now poked their necks. One of the Praetorians was armed with a pulse pistol. Had Platus given up his unique weapon as a sign of his loyalty to Marcus?

  “Made it this far eh, Quintus?” Marcus shot a glance at Lee. “One move from you and the others are dead.”

  Quintus stood defiant. “I’ll go as far as the spirit of the Emperor needs me, murderer. You are without honor. Let us end this.”

  “I have honor!” Marcus screamed, each word reached a new crescendo. “Is it not evident, that a son who killed his own father because his father was destroying the very thing he claimed to love, that it demonstrates my honor? I sacrificed my own father for the good of the Empire!”

  The would-be emperor almost frothed at the mouth. Aaron leaned to Lee. “I see delusion runs rampant throughout.”

  Quintus stepped forward, holding his sword towards Marcus. “Single combat. I challenge you, usurper. Prove your worth to rule. Best me, and my forces will stand down.”

  Aaron scoffed. “You don’t speak for me.”

  Quintus silenced him with a glare.

  Marcus answered. “Single combat it is. And the rules permit me to name my champion.” He turned to Platus. “Step forward.”

  Platus did and drew his sword.

  Quintus shook his head. “Brother…”

  “Let the gods be the judge of the way forward for the Empire, Quintus.”

  Marcus signaled the spear-wielding Praetorians to give the combatants room. They retreated to the far walls of the Throne Room. Aaron caught Lee’s eye. There was room to act, the guards could never reach them. He shook his head. Lee wasn’t happy. The lieutenant was probably intent on removing Marcus’ head as well.

  The combatants circled.

  “You should yield, brother. You’ve never bested me at single combat. You’re a tactician not a fighter.”

  “Perhaps, Platus, I always let you win, just to make you feel better.”

  Platus struck from an overhead swing. Quintus parried it, spun and backed away. The Lord Commander gripped his sword with both hands and held it up. Platus stepped in, feigned a thrust towards Quintus’ chest, and crouched into a spin catching Quintus on the leg.

  Quintus backed away while Platus twirled his sword smiling.

  Quintus leapt forward, slashing across and up, and down to the right. Platus angled his body away from each swing and blocked the final blow inches from his face. Quintus pressed forward.

  “Weak, brother.”

  Platus shoved him away

  Platus was a full head taller than Quintus, stronger and quicker. With a powerful swing, while Quintus struggled for balance, Platus knocked the sword from his hand. Platus leveled his own sword at his brother’s neck.

  Quintus stared defiantly. “Father would be ashamed.”

  “Would he now?”

  Marcus stepped from behind the shielded throne dais, clapping slowly and smiling like an evil imp.

  He stepped up to Platus. “Well fought, Urbanae.”

  Platus bowed and stepped back.

  Aaron shook his head. “For all the honor you claim to be about, I see none here.”

  Marcus turned to the Praetorian holding the pulse pistol and nodded. The guard aimed. Lee pushed Aaron. The Praetorian fired.

  The blast struck and shredded Lee’s bionic and knocked him sliding along the marble floor.



  Avery’s dizzying high from victory turned to an abysmal low at the announcement of another subspace torpedo.

  The insane Imperials had launched a weapon of mass annihilation close to their own world.

  “Helm, plot likely trajectories for the tear and stand by to jump us ahead along one of them. Ayres, prepare to eject the dark-matter reactor core,” Av
ery said.

  “Detonation. Tear forming!” Lt. Delaine reported.

  “Helm, now!”

  Endeavor jumped, her stern now exposed to the tear. Next to him, Ayres finished keying the core’s emergency eject sequence. The core shot away from the chamber along the ventral rear, relative to the ship.

  “Helm, flank speed. Delaine, now!”

  A small burst of tungsten destroyed the containment and the escaping dark matter enveloped the subspace tear. It was only visuals interpreted by the sensors and optics. They couldn’t actually see the exotic matter.

  The battle had taken them just beyond Hosque’s orbit.

  Would the Imperials have fired if they’d been aligned with Hosque? And risk the tear heading for their homeworld? Avery didn’t want to find out. He was fresh out of dark-matter reactor cores. Now he had only the fusion reactor, weak armor, thirty havoc missiles, and a few reloads for the railguns.

  “Hone in on the Imperial cruiser that fired that torpedo, what’s the designation?”

  “It’s the Imperial heavy cruiser Tiberius.”

  How fitting.

  Together with Pilum, Endeavor faced down the two remaining Imperial heavy cruisers.

  “Then that’s our target. We charge. That ship is carrying the subspace torpedoes. I’m sure Marcus wouldn’t let the entire fleet have them. Whoever is on that ship, he trusts.” It was more a statement to himself.

  Avery forgot the comm was still active.

  “Charge, Avery? Shouldn’t we maintain defensive positions?”

  Avery shook his head. “No, a friend once told me, you go all in. Don’t let indecision drain the intensity from your actions. Something to that effect. They might have more torpedoes. We have to end this now. Use your lasers and keep us covered. This is what we’ll do.”


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