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Troy Ounce (Lopez Time Book 1)

Page 11

by Phillip S. Power

  The thing there was that he didn't want Barb hurt but he didn’t think she’d win that kind of dominance struggle with him. In the short run, they might hold that kind of thing off but they weren’t going to die, unless something killed them. That meant they needed to be in things for the long haul. It wasn’t going to work.

  Which didn't mean he had to be an asshole about it.

  “I’d love to have you there, of course. This is all so hard. It’s been a year and… Well, nothing has changed, has it? Just, I know I said it before but this isn’t about me not loving you, or not wanting to be with you.”

  There was a slow breath, and noise in the background.

  “Or the other way around. Anyway, Phillip Hart just walked in. Let me go see what’s up? He isn’t on the schedule, since it’s a school night. Not that he sleeps.”

  The phone clicked into its cradle, firmly, but not in anger. That probably meant that it really had been Phil, not just an excuse to get off the phone. He was a strange case. A line walker and decent at it, but human. Also, really strong and fast. He’d gotten some upgrades in a different reality that had pretty much made him the equal of a vampire, without the drawback of drinking other people.

  Troy didn’t know him very well, having only seen him a few times before he’d left. That he worked there was interesting, since he was also down at the node travel operation, at least part time. Avery’s boyfriend, the last that Troy had heard. That might have changed but if so, no one had mentioned it to him.

  Not that they would have. Being away had meant being a little out of the loop. It wasn’t a good excuse on the life things. He needed to get with everyone and not pretend that being away for a while was important. It wasn’t even like he was off in the army. There it might be a problem to call regularly or send letters. It had been…

  Really, avoiding Barb. Everyone else was there, with her, and it was kind of clear that she didn’t think it was over yet. Part of him didn’t either, so he understood the issue there.

  Rather than think too much and freeze in place, he tapped out a number, not even really thinking about it. It was in his phone, but he put the thing in by memory. Which was saying something special, given that he’d never called it before. Even though he knew that it was the direct line to The Technician. It was what needed to happen, so the number came to him.

  “Troy! How nice of you to call. You wanted to go out this weekend?” It was a strange way of putting it and she sounded wrong. Too young, for one thing. Like a kid. A teen, at least.

  “I’m going shooting with some friends? Just to the range here, but you’re invited, if that’s a thing you want to try?”

  “Oh? That could be fun. I can bring some of my friends? Avery and Ann?”

  That got him to hold still for a moment.

  “As in Ann, The Rotted?”

  “Exactly. She’s sitting right here.”

  There was the noise of a phone being struggled over, then a different voice spoke.

  “Troy! I knew you loved me most. Now, I’m going to your house for the weekend? Great. I’ll be in Friday, after school. We can ditch that bitch Avery, though. She’s a horrible influence. Plus, I don’t want her to grab you up.”

  There were several voices speaking in the background. Most of them young.

  “Isn’t it a school night? We’re just going shooting, at the range. I need to practice for work. I think a few local people are coming. We need some more guys, as well. Zack is out of town, isn’t he?” Troy didn’t know if his friend could shoot, but showing him how wouldn’t be that hard.

  “Ha. He just got back in earlier. Good. I’ll see you Friday at six then? Your place. You should ask the others. We can have a party. Shoot things, eat… maybe some other things…”

  The woman was insane. At least for her people. She played that part up, a lot. When she wanted to, she could seem like anything, or anyone, she wanted. For as long as she wanted. It kind of gave the lie to her crazy act, really.

  “Sure. We can do that. You have to follow my rules though and clear it with The Technician first, since this is her territory. I’ll get with Zack. Oh, hey, we’re doing a community party here in a few weeks. You’re coming to that, too? Steve York is going to try to get Living Proof to play. There will be food. At least if you bring it. You’re in on that right?” He was just talking, and being pushy, since doing anything else would mean being walked all over for centuries.

  It wasn’t about him tricking her into setting up the food portion of things for him. Not at all. That was so silly, that for a moment, he didn’t know why he even bothered thinking anything like that. He’d need to be really clever to work something like that out. Which he wasn’t. Not enough to play a greater demon like that.

  There was a sigh then.

  “Finally. Someone actually including me as if it wasn’t some kind of huge trial. I’d love to help out with the food. Who’s paying for that? I know, Avery should do that part. She’s not on my besties list this week. What do you say, Ave? You have a few hundred thousand you can part with for the community, don’t you?”

  That she wasn’t asleep was interesting. Dragons loved to sleep, last he’d heard.

  “Okay… This has to stop. Avery should be in bed. Sleeping. You two as well. Staying up all night… You’re at least doing a project for school, right? Not doing the drugs and having the sex?”

  Ann repeated what he was saying, but also handed the phone away. He could tell by the change in tone.

  When the next person spoke, it was Avery.

  “Hello? Mr. Lopez? This is Avery Rome. I’m helping with food for your event in a few weeks? I can put money in for that. How much do we need for that?”

  He felt real surprise then. Mainly because it was a great question that he simply wasn’t prepared for.

  “I don’t know. Call it a hundred thousand but assume that you’ll be getting cash back. We’ll put your name on something to show how much you care? Now, what’s with the late-night party? Don’t make me come over there and spank you all. This is a school night still, right?” He smiled, which showed in his voice.

  From the background, there were several flirty sounding comments, two of which were directed at him. Avery however was more serious about it. She was actually great that way.

  “Yes, sir. We need to get the others home. We just finished working on a history project. I’m sorry it went so late.”

  He didn't get it totally. Still he’d had a father, so understood what to say. Thinking of him brought up the image of him. A bit lean and weathered, with his eye patch. That faded instantly though. It was important to keep his mind on task.

  “Fine, but make sure you all get to school in the morning. I’ll be checking, so don’t try to skate off.” Not that he was actually planning to do that. You were supposed to say things like that, so the kids would know you loved them. At least that was how he’d always taken it.

  Avery sounded… Contrite. As if she actually thought he was telling her what to do.

  “Yes, sir. We’ll all be at school on time. Thank you.”

  That got him handed back to The Technician. People were calling her Alison but packing up for the evening. One of the voices in the background was actually male. The boy spoke, his voice artificially low. As in a whisper, not him trying to sound manly or even adult.

  “I didn’t get who this was? Troy… I don’t know the name.”

  Avery spoke, sounding softer by far, though still loud enough to hear in the distance.

  “He’s a policeman. The first vampire to do that. A master, so it’s a big thing for them. We’re going to help with a project of his. You can make sandwiches and burgers, right?”

  That got a chuckle.

  “We should get Mark and Warren from that show you did. Maybe Will. They’re all good with that kind of thing. I can help though. I won’t be lazy or anything.”

  “Thanks, Mark.” They were moving toward the door, as The Technician spoke.

“Now, you didn’t really call to have Ann take over our lives. What’s happening?”

  He went to shorthand, understanding that she’d get it.

  “My date didn’t show, if you can buy that? Six birds in a circle did though, right on my doorstep. I have word that we aren’t alone in the special presents and that it might be related to mages. Also, that the people it happens to go missing. So, heads up.”

  “I see. Let me get with you tomorrow. Thanks for the call. Most people wouldn’t have bothered, given what I am.”

  That might be true, but he was either a public servant or not. That meant that he was supposed to serve people. Even the Greater Demons, if they lived in his area.

  “Right. Well, the police have your back. Plus, you know, I might need the backup, later. If I get kidnapped as a sacrifice or off to candy land, you might have to bail me out. The other way around, too, of course. So, it’s all balanced and so on.” That way they didn't have to bargain over his offhand comment.

  “That sounds workable. Now, you’re holding a public event in my territory?”

  “We are. You and I. With the police. It isn’t a personal thing just for me. Still, you know, you’re invited. Avery and Ann are helping with the food, so… You can work on the music? We have a band, possibly. Living Proof. We need more than that, even if they really show up.”

  “Cortechs Rocks. They’re a cover band but can open without it seeming too odd. I can also put out a memo that says everyone should show up, to support the company and the supernatural community. Let me get with Roy… Or, really, I suppose he’ll just send me to his lackeys. Yourself and Detective Tran, isn’t it? Have you both managed to get a lackey of your own yet? They’re very useful. I highly recommend it.”

  “You know, I have, after a fashion. Morgan Bauer. He’s a bat shifter. Also, a graffiti artist. Feel free to ask him to do anything legal and party related. If he won’t, then let me know. He’s in hot water right now.”

  “Ah. Very nice. Calley Hale’s cousin, I believe. Not close to her, really. He’s a bit of a troublemaker. You plan to take him under your wing? Kind of you. Also, a good way to make a political connection with the shifters. Good for the department there as well. Excellent plan. Is anyone from the Council coming to the picnic?”

  “Not that I know of. I’ll put a feeler out. I wouldn’t count on it, since no one is local. It can’t hurt to ask though.”

  “Talk to you tomorrow. Probably late in the day. Send my love to everyone.” Then the phone clicked. One time, followed by a dial tone.

  That one call had done a lot and made several problems for him. The big one wasn’t about guilting Avery into paying for things, either. She was a big girl and frankly, a hundred thousand wasn’t even sofa change to her now. Even without being on not one, but two popular programs, she worked on occasion as a line walker. That brought in huge money. Enough that Troy could have paid for the whole thing as well and not even noticed the cash being gone.

  No, it was that Ann was coming for a visit. She wasn’t evil. Except that, of course, she really was. For some reason, the greater demon liked him. That had gone on for years, which was odd, but not a thing that he could do anything about. The demoness had just shown up at his house and stayed with him. Without asking at all. Whenever she wanted.

  It was creepy.

  Still, they got along well enough, so at least there was that.

  Instead of playing videogames, or watching reruns of Rick and Morty, since that was his favorite show, being pretty much like his own life, he compiled a file with everything he knew so far. It wasn’t a lot, but he added in the parts about him, as well as the people he’d been asking to come to the picnic and what they’d been saying about it. No one had told him to get stuffed or anything of that nature, yet. Not even politely.

  Go big or go home, though. It was a motto to live by in his world.

  At midnight, plus five minutes, his phone rang. It made him jump, but also smile, when it wasn’t work.

  “Troy? Barb mentioned that you called. Is everything all right? We can work up some help for you, if you need anything.”

  “Hey Ed! Nothing like that, yet. I’m just stealing Avery for some things and wanted to ask you along, as a responsible adult. I just had to break up a mini-party she was at. Over the phone. With The Technician and The Rotted? It’s a school night. Kids these days, with the demon friends and late-night work sessions. When I was a boy we just drank too much and didn’t do our homework at all.”

  There was a chuckle at the words.

  “When I was her age… well, we were all too tired at the end of the day, from being slaves. It was a different time. Thank you, for your aid there. I get uneasy when I have to take greater demons to task.”

  “Don’t we all? Anyway, that was it. There’s a thing Saturday. Shooting, so get a gun to practice with. It’s fun. Also, in a few weeks there’s a picnic. We’re having some music and food, so far. Avery is helping with that last one. Paying for it as well. Before you ask, The Rotted set that up. By being bossy. It’s about bringing the supernatural community and the human public together. The Coalition of Nations is in on it but they never have money for anything. Really, I should give them some of mine.”

  “That’s what I’ve heard. It sounds fun. We’ll have to work out who is going to go. So, they’ve been treating you well? The hazing is minor and no worse than what we did here?”

  “You know, they haven’t made me pull any three-day long shifts at all yet. Humans sleep though. That means they’re pretty good about things like that. No beatings but there wouldn’t be. My new partner is cool. You should meet. In case you need to get with law enforcement for anything. Might as well have the contact. Plus, she needs to have links to other vampires. Different groups over all.” The thing with her heart hit him then.

  He’d totally forgotten to ask anyone about that at all.

  Edom was nifty and probably could get that kind of thing done, but the people to ask were line walkers. That was always the cheapest way to get things done, if you didn't have to pay the transport fees.

  The conversation didn’t last too long, which meant that Troy only had one thing left to do. It wasn’t a big hardship, if a few weeks late. Possibly a few months. Tapping his black cell phone a few times, he brought up the name of his best friend in the whole world.

  Zack Hartley.

  The Line Walker. Because all the coolest kids had their friends turn out to be minor gods and demons. At least he used to be one of those, himself. The god of getting hot women at the club. The vain and untrue idea got him to grin.

  When he hit the call button the line picked up, before it even rang once.

  “Troy. How are things going?”

  “Not bad. I was going to call earlier but I’m a horrible friend. Anyway, I’ll make up for that by asking for things. I need a way to heal heart problems. My new partner is going to kick the bucket otherwise and I just got her.”

  There was a gap then, with a slap of space bending coming from behind him. That got him to jump, spin in place and freeze, when he saw Zack step into his living room.

  Holding a cell phone in his right hand.

  “I can help with that. Um, hanging up now.” He did that, grinning.

  Troy did that back, meaning it.

  “See, I knew that I should have called sooner. Neat. About the visit. The heart thing, too. I can trade some information for that? It probably isn’t worth it for you, but hey, friends and family plan, right?”

  That got a nod.

  Zack was good that way. Always. At least if you were his friend.

  Chapter eight

  Zack sat on the sofa, his face relaxed, sipping on a soda. He’d brought it himself, or rather had reached into nothingness and pulled it from somewhere. It was magic but also a thing that Troy could see happening. Not that he knew how to do that kind of thing. It seemed to be about warping space and carrying it around with him all the time.

  There was energy i
nvolved, but it wasn’t flashy or bold seeming. Then, neither had the action that produced the handmade bottle of soft drink. From the scent, it was a cream soda with some kind of berry involved in it. Raspberry, Troy thought.

  His oldest friend smiled a bit and shook his head a little.

  “That’s not bad, for a trade. I’d heard that people had been going missing in New Mexico. Not that someone had marked out my mentor like that. Or my best friend. It isn’t targeting me, based on the others. At a guess…” He stopped, thinking, or seeming to, for a long time. That was very rare for Zack anymore.

  It was hard to remember, since Troy had known him for years as a sweet guy that was a bit defenseless and a little clueless seeming. It wasn’t the truth though. Not now. Really, it probably hadn’t been back in the day, either. It was simply that he’d been interacting with parts of reality that Troy didn’t. It had made him seem drifty and unreliable. As it turned out, Zack had been right and he was the one that hadn’t understood what was happening all the time.

  So, he waited. After all, even if Zack said nothing at all it was probably going to be for a reason.

  There was a sip of his cool drink, directly from the bottle. It was almost as if he knew that there wasn’t a single drinking glass in the whole place.

  “Okay… At a guess, based on too little information to be totally correct… I’d say that someone is going after Darla as a test. To see if they can remove or kill a greater demon using whatever magic they have going on. That part is clear, they’re using magic. I know you said it wasn’t leaving a trace, but it really is. This place is clearly marked for something. It’s high end, granted. That just means they’re using all of the power really well. I can trace the thread. That means Darla will too…”


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