The Vampire Will See You Now (Psy-Vamp Book 4)

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The Vampire Will See You Now (Psy-Vamp Book 4) Page 4

by Cassandra Lawson

  “Seriously?” Justin all but growled. “Who is stopping by at a time like this?”

  “Trish,” Caitlin said. “She texted me about an hour ago to tell me she was going to drop something off, but she’s not expecting us to answer the door.”

  Justin cursed under his breath. “And Alek is letting her in right now.”

  Caitlin finished buttoning Justin’s shirt on the way to the front door. Sure enough, Alek had let Trish in. He was smiling down at her, and Caitlin noticed that her friend looked more than a little dazed.

  Justin must have thought the same thing because the first words out of his mouth were. “Trish is off limits for sex or compulsion. Nathaniel’s rule, but Roman backs him on it.”

  Trish looked pissed, which was a strange look on her. Trish was about half a foot shorter than Caitlin. She had a curvy build, thick wavy brown hair, and soft brown eyes. Caitlin had been friends with Trish for the last four years, and they’d been roommates for most of that time. Trish was a magnet for unwanted male attention. People who didn’t know Trish well thought she enjoyed flirting. In truth, she was more giggly when she was nervous and she did some crazy blinking thing that made it look like she was batting her eyes. She was also much too polite to tell guys to back off.

  Alek gave an innocent shrug. “We were just chatting.”

  Trish pushed her way around Alek and handed the bag to Caitlin. “Some days, I don’t know how you put up with him.” Her normally high voice was slightly rough, making Caitlin wonder what Alek had said to her friend.

  Caitlin scowled at Justin. “Hard to say. You really didn’t have to come by with these today, especially when it’s already getting dark. Will you be able to get back in time?”

  Trish’s eyes had been getting steadily worse over the last few months. While she could still see well enough to drive during the day, driving at night was difficult for her.

  “Nathaniel’s driving me,” Trish said and looked at the door. “I should go. He’s waiting for me now, and he’s got Hope tonight so he needs to hurry.”

  Caitlin caught her arm and spoke softly. It was a silly habit since she knew the vampires could hear her. “Please tell me there is nothing going on with you and Nathaniel. Lyd would have a heart attack.”

  Trish looked shocked at the suggestion. “Of course there’s nothing going on. I’ve been taking photographs of old manuscripts for him. Yes, we hang out sometimes, but that’s because we’re friends.”

  “Hang out?” Caitlin said loudly before remembering she was trying to be quiet. She lowered her voice again. “Since when?”

  Trish looked at the men who were watching with far too much curiosity and pulled Caitlin into the other room. Caitlin wondered if Trish realized that the acoustics made it even easier for the men to hear their conversation while they were in this room.

  “Nathaniel’s still a little weirded out about Hannah being with Noah, and so am I. We hang out together. It’s not really a big deal.”

  Caitlin knew Trish had a crush on Nathaniel’s brother Noah months ago. One drunken evening, Trish had actually come on to him. At that time, Hannah had been with Nathaniel. Hannah and Noah were together now, and Caitlin could see how that would be awkward for Nathaniel, but she was not in the mood to sympathize with him.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass how weirded out Nathaniel is,” Caitlin spat out. “Have you forgotten that he got Hannah pregnant so she’d marry him and locked her in his house when she tried to leave him?”

  “Nathaniel regrets that, and Hannah’s forgiven him,” Trish argued. “Why should I hold a grudge?”

  “Do not sleep with Nathaniel,” Caitlin warned.

  “Are you kidding? Nathaniel is not going to cross that line even if he suddenly finds himself attracted to me. He’s too much of a stickler for the rules, even when he’s the one who made them.”

  “True,” Caitlin admitted. “Still, he’s been acting like a total manwhore since Hannah left him.”

  “What I’m about to say does not leave this room,” Trish said even lower.

  Caitlin nodded and Trish continued. “He’s not doing much sleeping around. It just makes him feel like less of a loser to have people think he is. Just leave it alone. In fact, if people want to speculate that he’s sleeping with me, let them do that.”

  “Lyd would lose it,” Caitlin reminded her.

  “She’ll live,” Trish said. “I know you and Lydia are still pissed at him, but he’s my friend. Now, I really have to go.”

  Caitlin nodded and walked her to the door. Arguing with Trish on this would be like banging her head against a brick wall. Trish was a loyal friend. Since it was one of her best qualities, Caitlin didn’t want to see that change.

  Alek was still waiting and Caitlin did not like the way he was eying Trish at all. It was one thing for him to flirt with Trish, but something told Caitlin Alek Draksel didn’t intend to stop there.

  “Why don’t I drive you home?” he asked Trish with a smile. “I’m getting hungry, and you can show me a nice place to eat. Then I won’t have to eat alone.”

  Caitlin was surprised to see Trish looking flustered. Trish was always uncomfortable with men flirting, but this was different. If Caitlin didn’t know better, she’d say Trish was interested in Alek Draksel.

  “Off limits,” Justin reminded Alek who merely shrugged.

  “I can take care of myself,” Trish said angrily. “I’m tired of overbearing vampires trying to run my life.”

  “Does this mean you’ll have dinner with me?” Alek pushed.

  “No,” Trish said, “I have plans, and no you can’t join me.”

  Alek laughed and gave Trish a salute. “She’s feisty. Don’t worry, Justin, her virtue is safe with me. At least, it’s safe for tonight. I’ll walk her over to Nathaniel’s.”

  “I’ll walk myself,” Trish snapped and yanked the door open so hard it bounced against the wall.

  Trish stalked down the steps and turned left to head toward the small cottage with Alek trailing along behind her while she ignored him.

  “You really were a prick to her,” Caitlin said.

  That’s when she noticed that Justin seemed annoyed. The smart thing to do would be to avoid tweaking Justin’s temper. Of course, she wanted to see what he’d do. She was tired of him treating her like she might shatter.

  “Your uncle seems nice,” she said.

  “My uncle likes women. Stay away from him.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Caitlin said. “Your uncle has a certain panty‑melting charm.”

  “Where do you want to do this?” Justin asked as he stalked slowly toward her.

  Caitlin was suddenly nervous. “Do what?” she asked.

  “Come here, Caitlin,” he ordered.

  Her hackles went up at the order, and she stared him down. “I’m not just going to take orders from you.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he said with a predatory smile as he reached out to grab her arm.

  Caitlin jerked away and took off running.

  Chapter Six

  As Caitlin ran through the house in nothing but a bra and panties, she felt more than a little ridiculous. While she’d spent time at Nathaniel’s home, most of that time had been in Justin’s bedroom. The house was huge, and she was soon lost in a maze of hallways. To be honest, she wasn’t even sure why she was running when she wanted to be caught. Maybe it was out of habit.

  The hallway she took came to an end, so she ducked into one of the rooms which turned out to be a large sitting room. Justin was following at a leisurely pace. Caitlin’s insides clenched, and she was practically shaking with lust when Justin finally sauntered into the room. His lips were pursed, and his icy blue eyes were clouded with desire. With her own emotions running so high she was doing nothing to block out Justin’s. The heat of his raw sexual hunger moved along her skin.

  Caitlin backed away until she hit a wall. There was no exit except the one Justin was blocking. Realizing she was w
ell and truly trapped, she swallowed hard.

  “Come here, Caitlin,” Justin ordered.

  She snorted. “Haven’t we already established that I don’t take orders?”

  The grin he flashed was predatory. “Don’t worry; I’m not afraid to go get you. In fact, I kind of like the idea.”

  Caitlin tried to measure the amount of time it would take to get to the door and considered how to distract Justin long enough to make it out of the room. No, she didn’t really want to escape, but something inside of her refused to make this easy for Justin.

  He laughed. “You do realize I’m much faster, right?”

  A slow nod was her only reply.

  “The only way you’re getting past me is if I want to chase you more.” He stood there, hands at his sides and a sexy smile playing on his lips. This was her Justin, the one she’d so desperately missed. Her Justin was arrogant to the point of making her want to smack him most days, and she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to loving him that way.

  “You know I’ve never given you that spanking you’ve been begging for the last few years.”

  “Begging?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. “I have not been begging you to spank me. Also, you have smacked my poor backside more times than I can count.”

  “That’s not the same thing at all,” he said and moved forward. “I keep threatening to put you over my knee. You want me to do it. Admit it; you want me to warm your sweet ass.”

  “No,” Caitlin said, but her voice sounded strained, and she was fighting the urge to squeeze her thighs together to relieve some of the pressure. A shudder went through her body.

  Justin’s smile slipped, and he looked worried. “Am I scaring you?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’ve missed having you this way.”

  “Then why are you shaking, baby?” There was no pity in his voice, only concern.

  “I’m really turned on,” she admitted. “When you act this way, it gets me so hot I have trouble standing.”

  Justin’s eyes filled with relief and lust. Caitlin didn’t need to influence his feelings. Justin wanted her. “You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. Does this mean you’re going to behave and do what I tell you?”

  She gave him a condescending smile. “What do you think?”

  Justin chuckled. He sat on the edge of the sofa and patted his lap. “I’ll give you a choice. You can come over here and sit on my lap while we talk.”

  Caitlin put her hands on her hips. “Or what?”

  “If I have to catch you you’ll be on my lap facing the floor.” His voice took on a sinfully dark quality. “We both know what’s going to happen once you’re in that position.”

  Caitlin’s cheeks were getting warm. She was both embarrassed and aroused thinking about lying across Justin’s lap. Actually, she was pretty sure the embarrassment was because she was aroused. “I like being in control,” she said more to herself than Justin.

  “No, you don’t,” Justin said. “You’re used to being in control. You’ve spent years being in control because that was the only way to survive your gift. I’m not saying you want me to run your life. You’re a strong woman who will never let a man have that kind of control, but you like it when I control things in bed. You like giving up control to me. The question isn’t do you want me to control your body right now. What you really need to ask is do you want to give in willingly, or make me take you. Either way this is going to happen because it’s what we both want.”

  Caitlin let out a shaky breath. “You’re right; I’m embarrassed, but I fucking love it when you dominate me in bed. That’s why I’ve been trying to push you to act this way since you came to visit me at Rain’s farm. I want you so much.”

  Justin gave her a sexy grin. “I wish you’d said something that day. Don’t worry; I’m going to give you what you want. Right now, you’re only hesitating because you want me to put you over my knee. You can’t decide if you should give in to that desire. I’m making it easy for you today because you pretend you’re resisting giving up control and still get what you want. What’s it going to be, Caitlin? I’m hard thinking about either option.”

  With a toss of her head, Caitlin walked over to Justin. She wouldn’t say she was nervous, but her legs were a little shaky. This was a huge step. Not as huge as making him come get her would be. No matter how aroused she got thinking about it, she wasn’t sure she could let Justin spank her like that. During sex was a different matter.

  Looking down at Justin’s smug expression made her temper flare. Caitlin decided she didn’t have to give in completely. She could still be in charge to some extent. After taking a deep breath, Caitlin focused and sent a wave of lust crashing into Justin. It was satisfying to watch his eyes close tightly as he groaned. His head dropped forward and his fists clenched in his lap.

  “Are you doing this?” he rasped out.

  “What do you think?” she asked with a satisfied grin. It was then she realized that no matter how much control she gave Justin, she had just as much. Even before she’d had this ability, she’d had the power to make Justin hard with a look.

  Justin met her gaze and reached out quickly to grab her arm. Before she could react, he had her over his lap facing the floor.

  “I came over to you,” she said and moaned when he started to massage her ass.

  “I told you to sit on my lap,” he said and lightly tapped her backside. “Besides, I’ve watched you get turned on by this threat for months. The time has come to see how turned on I can get you when I follow through.”

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Caitlin said and tried to lift up off of his lap. Justin’s large hand at the small of her back held her in place.

  “It’s just a game,” he said. “Remember, we can stop playing it whenever you want.”

  “Okay,” Caitlin said a little nervously.

  His hand continued to massage her ass. He started to knead her butt cheeks, and she fought the urge to struggle. It was a little embarrassing to be over Justin’s knee.

  “When you touch yourself, do you ever think about being spanked?” he asked and slid a hand between her legs to stroke her through the lacy thong.

  The anticipation was killing her, but Justin seemed determined to draw this out. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit that waiting was making her even more aroused.

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  “Yes, what?” he pushed.

  “Yes, I think about you spanking me when I touch myself,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  “Do you want me to spank you now?” he asked.

  Caitlin licked her suddenly dry lips and nodded.

  “Say it,” he coaxed and pushed the material of her thong aside to slide one finger into her. “I won’t do it unless you ask me to.”

  “I want you to spank me,” she said and wasn’t nearly as embarrassed as she expected to be.

  “Say it again,” he said almost desperately.

  Caitlin laughed. “You’re really kinky, aren’t you?”

  “I’m not the one begging to get spanked,” he reminded her.

  “Begging? I did not beg you to spank me.”

  “I could make you beg, and I will some other time,” Justin promised. “Not the first time though. This time I’m going to give you what we both want because I know what a big step this is for you. I also don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  Caitlin whimpered when he removed his finger. One hand remained on the small of her back and the other started massaging her ass again.

  “Tell me more about what you think about when you touch yourself.” he ordered. “What do I use to spank you?”

  “Your hand,” she said.

  His hand smacked down on her left butt cheek. It didn’t hurt, but it startled her, and she jerked.

  “Shhhhh,” Justin crooned as he massaged her ass. “Relax, baby. I’m not going to hurt you any more than you want me to. Remember, it’s a game, and even in this
position you’re in charge.”

  It’s not like Caitlin had never been spanked. Justin had smacked her ass during sex many times. He’d smacked her ass as part of their fighting foreplay. This was different because she was submitting to Justin. She was giving in to one of her more taboo fantasies. She felt safe and more turned on than she’d ever imagined she could get.

  “I trust you,” she said, and Justin’s hand came down on her other cheek this time. Again, it didn’t hurt, but it made her inner muscles vibrate. Justin’s hand started coming down in a steady rhythm. He spanked both cheeks and the spot between her thighs and ass, covering the entire area and then starting over again. She almost whimpered, feeling a little dazed as she squirmed and rubbed her thighs together to ease some of her sexual desire.

  Justin increased the intensity and speed of the spanking and varied where each smack landed.

  Desperate keening sounds came from the back of her throat.

  Justin paused and massaged her heated ass cheeks. “How are you doing?”

  Caitlin let out a nervous laugh. “That’s a strange question considering our circumstances.”

  “I want to make sure you’re okay with what’s happening,” he said. “You’ll tell me if it’s too much, right?”

  “I’ll tell you,” she said.

  Justin pulled her thong aside to stroke her moist folds. “You like that, don’t you?” he asked as she spread her legs to give him better access. “These panties are soaking wet,” he said in amazement and then slipped one finger inside of her. “Your sexy ass is getting me harder than I’ve ever been. Do you know how long I’ve wanted to see you with your ass in the air like this?”

  When she didn’t answer he took his hand out of her panties and spanked her harder. She moaned. After about ten more evenly placed spanks, Justin stopped to massage her ass, which was now hot and stinging in a very pleasant way. “Tell me more about what you think about when you touch yourself.”

  “I fantasize about you in so many ways,” she said in a strained voice.

  “Finish answering my question.” He reached between her legs to stroke her again.

  “Ohhhhhh.” Talking was so hard, and if she weren’t lying across his lap feeling the hard length of his erection, she might think Justin was unaffected. “Sometimes I fantasize about you having me over your lap like this.”


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