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Mind (Trinity Trilogy Book 2)

Page 19

by Audrey Carlan

  Chase pulls me into his lap to straddle his waist. I cling to him like a second skin. “You won’t have to. But this isn’t healthy. You hiding out in our room…”

  “It’s not our room.” I choke out even more miserable. It’s an overly directed, completely pretentious, uncomfortable guest suite that mimics old French antique style. Everything is a gaudy rose combined with gold tones and mixed with floral and striped patterns. There’s an overwhelming pink hue to the space that reminds me of an attempt to see life through rose-colored glasses. Apparently, Chase’s Mom has similar themes in her guest rooms as Chase does with his restaurants. If this room was a restaurant, it would be called “Pink.” Maria and Tommy are in the blue room, Bree in the white room, even though I don’t think she’s actually slept a night in it, and Kat and Carson are in the grey room.

  My guy exhales loudly against my neck. “No, it’s not our room. I know you were just starting to connect with our penthouse.” His hands sweep up and down my back soothing my anxiety. As he holds me, I start the yoga style breathing that Bree taught me. It does wonders when I’m having a meltdown. “Baby, we’re going to have all the time in the world to make our home ours. Besides, I told you after the wedding we’ll be looking into a home, probably somewhere close to here. It’s a great location and the houses are top notch.”

  I groan. The last thing I want to do is move closer to Colleen Davis. His Uncle Charles is great. So far I’ve been here a week, and I’ve avoided all communication with my soon-to-be monster-in-law.

  Chase pulls my head back and rests his forehead against mine. “You don’t like the idea of moving closer to Mother do you?” I can hear the smile in his tone without having to look at his handsome face. I shake my head. Less than a year, and he already knows me so well. “No matter. When the time is right, we’ll carve out a place for us and our future children. If we can’t find it, I’ll build it. I told you Gillian, I’m going to give you the world.”

  He nuzzles my cheek then kisses me softly. “I just want you.”

  Chase grins and the ice around my heart cracks and falls, melting under the man’s spell once more. “Boggles the mind,” he shakes his head then holds very still as he inhales deeply. “I hate to say it honey, but you reek.” He cringes and I laugh. The first laugh I’ve had in over a week, possibly two. Quickly, he stands me up, divests me of my clothes and turns the water on. “Go, shower,” he pushes me into the large space surrounded by pink tile. Note to self: Never decorate anything in pink…ever.

  I get under the spray and it’s pure heaven. The heat pounds against my sore neck and battered conscience. When I open my eyes, Chase is staring, his eyes seeming to trace every curve, lingering on my chest, legs, and most especially, the apex of my thighs. “Why don’t you join me big guy,” I offer.

  He shakes his head. “Would love to, but then we’d never make it down to dinner, and there are three women who will literally cut off my balls and my dick if I don’t get you down for dinner. They’re starting to believe I’m holding you hostage,” he snickers. “Not that I wouldn’t,” he waggles his brows. I roll my eyes and turn around. His breath catches. “Damn, you have a fine ass. Makes me want to…” I turn and he’s holding his hands in tight fists as he looks his fill. The form fitting slacks are tenting, showing a mighty large bulge.

  “What do you want to do?” I run my hands over my breasts seductively making sure to soap them fully, stimulating them into tight points. I open my mouth and tip my head back, catching some water in my mouth as well as letting the hot stream pelt my aching nipples.

  Chase growls. “Lower,” he grates between his teeth.

  I comply, not only to make him insane with lust but he’s making me feel wanton, desirable. All week I’ve only felt like an empty shell of a woman I used to know and respect. Time to come out of my shell. “Like this?” I move my hand between my thighs and stroke along the slick seam and moan.

  “Yeah, just like that,” he says, his tone so thick with lust I open my eyes and am treated to the most beautiful sight. My man, his three-piece suit still on, eyes laser focused on me, only he’s opened his pants and let out his giant cock. His erection is enormous, thick and glistening at the tip as he strokes it with one hand. My mouth waters as I watch him pull on his dick, using fierce strokes, much harder than I ever would do myself. “Now put a finger in that pretty pussy, pretend it’s my finger,” he groans.

  “Can’t baby,” I close my eyes trying to do as he asks. “Too small, you always feel huge inside me,” I whine.

  “Press two fingers in, yeah, spread your legs wider. Open those lips and tip your pelvis so I can see you fingering yourself. Christ, you’re so fucking sexy,” he says, his voice strained, coming in sharp staccato beats as he tugs and moans through his own pleasure.

  Chase thinks I’m sexy as I work to get myself off, but his beauty is undefinable. It’s as if he’s art in motion. His body is arched, bowed towards me in a way that suggests he physically needs to be closer. The layers of his dark hair are wild as he thrusts forward, neck tipped back, the ropey tendons contracting with every movement. As those even teeth bite into his plump bottom lip, I whimper, wanting nothing more than to be biting that lip myself. His eyes open in a flash, sending ripples of excitement to swirl heavily in my body, like a balloon filled with too much air and is about to burst.

  “Tug on that sweet clit, Baby. I want to watch you come. Come for me, only me,” he says—as if I need to be reminded. All of my pleasure is for him, because of him, and willingly handed over to him for eternity.

  A soft cry forms deep in the base of my throat and works into a keening sound as I furiously work my clit with one hand, the other two fingers thrusting in and out.

  “That’s it, now give it me, come with me,” he says with a deep rumble, one I’d recognize anywhere.

  Just that tone, the wicked edge of his release tips me over and that overfilled balloon that’s bursts. Stars shoot in every direction as pleasure soars from between my legs, up my spine and through each limb. Beautiful, sweet release. Chase is right there with me, eyes half hooded, mouth tucked into a grimace as if he’s in pain, that feeling you get when the pleasure is so good it’s almost painful. I watch as the tremors ripple through my body while jet after jet of his release flows into the shower, mixes with the water and goes down the drain.

  Chase white knuckles the towel rod as I balance myself against both sides of the shower walls breathing heavily.

  “Feel better?” Chase says as he pulls off his clothes that were spattered from the showers spray and enters the cube. I’m standing struck completely stupid as my own personal Superman leaves his super suit behind and holds me bare ass naked. And what a fine ass it is, I think, mimicking Chase’s earlier sentiment.

  “Much, but why didn’t you just join me earlier?” I could have used a nice hard cock.

  He slicks his hair back as the water licks over his skin, making him glisten like a water God. Chase grins and pulls me into a deep, wet, kiss, one I could have used earlier when I had my fingers between my legs. “I told you, I didn’t want us to be late for dinner with everyone downstairs. You know me, Gillian. Once I’ve got you naked, spread open for me, I need hours to gorge on your beautiful body. The second I have my cock in you, time stops and a different type of play begins.”

  I shake my head and finish my shower, and hop out before I get any ideas to take advantage of my wet, naked, man.


  “She lives!” Kat squeals and runs over to hug me. I left my hair wet and just pulled it up into a big clip. At least my attire matches everyone else’s. I’m wearing one of Chase’s dress shirts and a pair of yoga pants. When he exited the shower and saw what I had on his eyes turned soft and mushy. If there was ever a way for my stoic, controlling, overconfident man to look mushy, it would be the moment when he saw that I was more comfortable surrounded in something that smelled like him than anything else.

  “Welcome to the land of the living
, Puta! Done avoiding your hermana’s?” Maria says with attitude, but she still gets up from her chair and pulls me into a hug. She sets her forehead against mine. Mesmerizing ice blue eyes focus on mine. I feel like they’re staring right through me. “You okay?”

  “I will be,” I hug her back trying to fill my guilty soul with the love and kinship of my friends.

  Bree stands and I pull away from Maria and go right into her arms. “I’m so sorry,” I shake as she holds me.

  “Oh Gigi, you have nothing to be sorry for.” She hugs me tight. “This freak, they’re going to get him. Yes, we’ve lost a lot but we still have each other.” Her own voice cracks and she clears her throat.

  I lean back and lay my hand over her belly. It’s still as flat as always but I imagine I can feel the baby inside, warm and safe. “And we have this baby to look forward to, right?” I look into her watery blue eyes. She nods eagerly, finally smiling.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to be someone’s mother! Oh my god!” All the girls jump up, Maria fist pumps and whoops in the air then starts to rock her own victory jig.

  “Best Auntie Ever title coming my way.” She does a little dance we all know too well. Kat turns, cocks a hip and gives the head tilt.

  “I don’t think so. Not possible. Everyone knows I’m the best. Besides, I’m going to make her princess outfits and let her play dress up in my closet…”

  I roll my eyes but Bree just smiles and watches the two in mock battle. “Hey guys, I think you’re forgetting one important factor.” They both stop their bickering and turn around to look at us. “It could be a boy,” I offer. Both of them look at me as if I’ve suddenly grown additional limbs.

  Maria walks over to us and puts her hand over Bree’s belly. “Nope, chica. Never been wrong.” She shrugs, turns to Kat. “I’m going to teach her how to dance like a ballerina. All niñas love ballerinas.” Her face twists into a smug expression, eyebrow cocked.

  I need to get in on this. No way are these two going to show me up! “Sorry ladies, but I’m going to share with her my love of shoes. You’ve seen how much Anabelle loves me? You know her shoe collection is stellar. Who do you think got her those? Hmmmm?”

  Bree giggles and shakes her head. A pair of arms pulls me into a warm body from behind. Obviously, Chase is done with his shower. “Having fun?” he asks as Maria hands me a glass of wine.

  I smile at her, tink our glasses and say “Salud,” then grip hold of Chase’s hands. “Very much,” I take a sip and snuggle back into his embrace even more. “Thanks for getting me out of the room and out of my funk. This is exactly what I need.”

  “I’ll always bring you back. You know that.” He kisses the side of my neck and pulls away to chat up Carson. He’s handed a glass of wine and they head over to the pool table as the four of us girls reconnect.

  “So what did Phil say when you both were alone? About the baby?” Kat asks the question I’ve been dying to know.

  Bree takes a bite of a strawberry from a plate of nibbles the cook set out. “Surprisingly, he’s taken it really well. He made me take another pregnancy test with him waiting the three minutes so he could see the stick turn into a plus symbol. Then when it did he gave me another one with a huge smile and said, Again.” She uses a rough voice mimicking a male.

  We all laugh and giggle. “That sounds like Phil. Never wants to be left out.” I shake my head thinking fondly of my best friend. He deserves this happiness and seeing how lit up Bree is now, I know it’s going to work out between them.

  “Yeah, he wants me to move in right away. Get Anabelle used to the idea of me before we tell her she’s going to be a big sister. What do you guys think? I haven’t told him one way or the other. He gets out of the hospital next week and then he and Anabelle will be here with all of us until this situation is settled. But then what?” Her nose scrunches up and she pulls a knee to her chest resting her chin on it. “We haven’t really been dating that long. What if we’re not compatible in that way?”

  “What makes you think that? You love him right?” Maria asks.

  Bree huffs pulling her long blonde hair up, twists it into a spiral and stuffs it over making a snail swirl at the crown of her head. It’s like a magic trick, all that golden hair staying up all on its own. I’ve asked her to teach me how to do it but it never works on my hair. “I do love him, so much, but this is all so fast. I don’t want him to regret it down the road. We shouldn’t move in together just because we accidentally got pregnant. You know?”

  Kat nods and twists her lips in thought. “But honey, what if it’s the best thing you’ve ever done. Look at Gigi. She and Chase were only together a few months and moved in, and now they’re getting married. Love happens when it happens. The timeline doesn’t matter.” All of us nod and wait while Kat continues to be the voice of reason. “Don’t miss out on something that could be everything you ever wanted because you’re scared.”

  Bree contemplates this quietly and bites her lip. “Yeah, I’ll think about it.”

  “And remember,” I add. “You have some time to practice living together here before you have to make the big change. All of you will be here as a family, sharing a space for a while. That could be a practice run,” I finish. Bree’s eyes light up.

  “You’re right. It will give us time to see if we’re compatible day in and day out. You’re a genius, Gigi!” she hums happily, bouncing side to side in her chair like all the world’s problems have been solved. Boy, I wish it was that easy.

  Maria winks at me and tips her glass in the air. I smile. “Toast!” Maria says. All three of us groan but hold our glasses up into the air. “Hey, come on. I’ll make it PG now that Bree is all preggers.” Bree scowls and gives her a dirty look.

  I clear my throat. “I’d like to give the toast,” Maria nods. “To change. It’s happening all around us. Let it guide us into the next phase of our lives and feel blessed in the knowledge that we are all still together to share it.” All eyes go to Bree. Three women so thankful that their soul sister is still alive, that she’s carrying the next addition to our family within her and by God, we’re all determined to be around for years to come. The image of that poor young girl, the one who looks so much like Bree, comes fluttering back into my mind. I send up a silent prayer for the young girl and her family.

  In that moment, I make a pact with myself. No more woe-is-me, no more pity party for one. These women, Phil, Thomas, Carson and most importantly Chase, deserve me whole. Instead of crying or hiding in my room, I’m going to face this head on. Whatever it takes. This bastard cannot take away my will to live or the fierce love I have of those around me.

  “Let’s take a load off!” Maria whoops and fills all of our glasses to the brim with a jammy cabernet from Napa. Bree looks at the glasses with longing then rubs her belly. Right at that moment, the chef enters the entertainment room.

  “Dinner is served Mr. Davis,” the chef bows to Chase.

  Several “I’m starved,” and “So hungry” from the men can be heard as we all make our way to the dining room. The chef has set out a steak dish with potatoes and veggies. Down home cooking with a gourmet approach. I snicker and Chase leads me to the front of the table and to his right. His mother is sitting to his left.

  “Mother,” Chase says softly, leans down and kisses her cheek. Colleen takes in the group who, except for Bree, are a little tipsy to say the least.

  “Looks like all of you dressed for dinner,” she says haughtily glancing at each of us with a pinched scowl. All four women are in different styles of yoga pants, tanks, and sweater-shirt type combinations. Maria’s eyes flash to Colleen. She balances herself against the chair back sending daggers.

  “Excuse me? You have a problem with my attire?” she says before slowly lifting her right leg out. She grasps it at the calf and pulls it all the way up along her side, toe pointing straight into the air in a standing splits. Maria closes her eyes and breathes out slowly. “Sorry, leg cramp,” she offers sweetly,
knowing the movement horrified the woman watching her. Dance acrobatics at a formal dinner table set for royalty with a snobby witch trying to stare her down…I never loved her more.

  “Damn, Tommy is a lucky man,” Carson grumbles and Kat whacks him in the shoulder. “Sorry Sweet cheeks but that’s impressive. Imagine what I could do to you if you were able to do that…” He grins, his eyes focused on her pretty face. She blushes then nudges him.

  Chase controls the grin that slips across his face. “Yes well, Mother, normal people dress comfortably when staying in for the night. You should try it,” he offers while taking in her buttoned up silk blouse and skirt ensemble. I’m always surprised at how easily Chase pushes off what his mother says but still sounds respectful doing it. “Eat up everyone. Don’t let the food get cold.”

  I watch Chase eat. He glances around the room smiling. I’ve never seen him happier. Our friends have truly become a welcome part of his life, and seeing them all here, enjoying a meal in the house he grew up in, has to be making him nostalgic. Eventually, his gaze settles on me. He cocks his head to the side, pops in a baby potato and gives me a heart-stopping, gorgeous grin that makes me flush with excitement. He winks and I practically drool.

  “Eat, baby. You’re going to need it for what I have in store for you tonight,” he whispers.

  I cut a piece of meat, plop it into my mouth and give him a sexy, knowing look of my own. He thinks he’s going to lead this evening, he’s got another thing coming. I’m feeling better than I have in a long time. My friends are healthy, happy, and Phil’s on the mend and awake. We’re all going to have another life to celebrate, and pretty soon, I’m marrying the man of my dreams. Yeah, he’s so going to get a piece of me tonight. A whole lot more than he bargained for. I plan to ride my man until I’m walking bowlegged to work tomorrow.


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