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A Student In Need

Page 13

by Nicolas Schrammeck

  Anthony looked at him. “What?”

  Jason looked at him as forcefully as he could. “If Leo hurts my brother I’ll kill him.”

  Anthony rolled his eyes. “I’ll be sure to tell him that.”

  A moment later the light turned green making Jason turn left while Anthony kept driving straight.


  Leo watched as Alex flicked through the radio stations before finding one he liked. As Alex leaned back in his seat Leo spoke. “You’re brother…….he seems…….nice.”

  Leo bit his lip as he spoke. When Jason had pulled him and Alex away something had bubbled in his chest. So energy made his muscles itch and burn with the desire to grab Jason and shove him away before returning to Alex so they could kiss again. “Leo?”

  Alex was looking at him now, a little sheepish smile covering his face. “I….thank you.”

  Leo looked sideways at him. “For what?”

  Alex shrugged. “For this….for all of it. For not sending me away that night I showed up. For….for caring about me and helping me. For……for all of It.”

  Coming to a stop at a light Leo smiled at Alex. “Alex……it’s…….you’re welcome.”

  He watched as a faint blush covered Alex’s face. The young turtle looked down at his feet for a moment before looking back up at Leo. “Hold still.”

  Blinking Leo watched as Alex leaned in closer while reaching out with his hand. “What? Do I have some-?”

  The rest of his words were cut off by Alex’s lips pressing against his own. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as Alex’s warm breath ran over his face. His lungs filled with Alex’s scent as the kiss prolonged making Leo let out a low growl. God damn it, Alex’s lips felt so good against his own. A second later however his attention was rudely pulled away from Alex as the driver behind them honked their horn making Leo flinch and return his attention back to the light which had turned green. Turning his attention back to the road Leo smiled sheepishly while Alex giggled.


  Pulling on his gear Jason paused for a moment as he looked around the locker-room. All around him his fellow teammates laughed and chatted as they pulled on their gear. He could feel it; his blood boiling at the knowledge that his teammates, the ones he was supposed to trust had hurt his brother, his only family. Jason growled as his grip on his locker door tightened until he was sure he could feel the metal bending. Sure enough when he finally did let go the metal was warped slightly.

  Walking onto the field Jason crushed his helmet against his head as he took his position glaring daggers at the person, a medium sized wolf; in front of him. When the whistle blew Jason charged forward. He knew exactly who he wanted to hurt first; Justin the leader of the fraternity and left most linebacker. Shoving his way through the crowd Jason found Justin and lunged at him. As their bodies connected Jason pushed away adding even more force to the hit sending Justin slamming into the ground so hard that his head bounced off the ground. Jason didn’t wait to see if Justin was ok; he didn’t care. Instead he was already scanning the crowd for his next target when they lined up; he found it a moment later; Devin the pledge master of the fraternity and another linebacker on the team.

  As they took their positions Jason bit his lip. He could just imagine in, Justin, Devin, and everyone else on his team laughing at Alex as they burned his things; punching and kicking Alex while he whimpered and begged for them to stop. His anger was like a fire in his body; it roared and lashed at his insides making him feel hot as he waited for coach to blow the whistle. The second the whistle blasted through the air Jason was moving, hurtling towards Devin whom he hit full force sending Devin to the ground in a heap of skin and dust. Every synapse in his brain was screaming at him, telling him to get on his knees and beat the crap out of Devin until there was nothing but a bloody pulp left. It took all his strength to remain standing until the play was over. As he turned to take his place again, he found coach had moved in behind him. Jason glared up at Coach Larry who glared back down at him for a moment before speaking. “Care to tell me why you’re being so aggressive today Jason?”

  Jason shrugged. “I don't think I’m being aggressive.”

  Coach’s eyes narrowed at him. “That tackle you hit Justin with was illegal. If we had been at a game you would have cost this team a penalty. I can appreciate hitting your enemy so hard that they don't get back up; but you must do not injure your teammates.”

  Jason balled his hands into fists; his nails cutting into his palms. “Maybe they should toughen up.”

  He held coached gaze a moment longer before storming off, taking his spot in the line while sizing up his next target. As the whistle blew Jason flashed forward lunging at Tomas a frat brother who he’d heard make homophobic remarks before. As they connected Jason twisted making sure his body came down on top of Tomas. A moment later the whistle blew and he felt someone grab his arm; pulling him off Tomas. A second later coach was back in his face. “You seem to have ignored what I have said, Jason. That tackle was also illegal.”

  Jason snarled, making a fist again. He wanted to yell, to scream, to tell coach everything that his so called teammates had done to his brother. After a moment of silence coach Larry spoke. “Perhaps we should try something different. Wait here.”

  Jason blinked and watched as coached walked several feet away from him before turning to face him. “Tackle me Jason.”

  He didn’t need more encouragement, charging at coach his anger making him move faster and faster until…..

  As he neared coach pain lashed through his chest. He gasped for air as he felt he chest compress knocking the wind out of him, sending him hurtling past coach and into a heap on the ground. He gasped and coughed as he staggered to his feet. Coach and punched him! As he’d gotten in close coach had lashed out with his fist and punched him right in the stomach. His blood boiled even hotter now as he again charged at coach. He let out a roar of rage as he got closer, determined to hurt coach for that low blow. Like a bolt of lightning coach’s hand snapped forward grabbing the front of Jason's helmet before directing him downwards, so his head slammed into the ground.

  Pain exploded through his skull as his head connected with the ground; even with the helmet absorbing most of the damage it felt like he’s run headlong into a brick wall. He groaned and moved, staggering to his feet. Across from him coach smirked at him; challenging him to attack again. He could hear them now; his teammates laughing at him as he struggled to stay upright his vision swimming slightly as he gasped for air. His entire body felt like it was on fire as anger blasted through his system making him charge forward again. He never even saw coach move; but he felt as coach’s foot slammed into the side of his helmet like a sledgehammer sending him to the ground. His ears wrung as he laid there clutching his head. In the back of his throat he could taste something suspiciously like blood. “Get up.”

  A second later he was dragged to his feet as coach’s hand grabbed him by the shoulder. He swayed the world spinning as he struggled to hold himself upright. A moment later he pitched forward as he vomited, gagging and coughing as the sour acidic bile bubbled up from his stomach. He knew what it meant, the headache, the vomiting, the inability to see straight; he had a concussion and would probably need to go to the school nurse. As the stream of bile ended Jason spat out the last dregs before moving to stand up. “I don't feel so-AAAAH!”

  Coach’s hand descended on his shoulder again like a vice, pinching and gripping the muscles until they ached. “Did I ask how you felt?!”

  Jason shook his head. A moment later coach threw him towards his teammates. “GET BACK IN FORMATION! ANYONE WHO’S NOT IN THEIR PLACE IN THE NEXT 30 SECONDS RUNS AROUND THE FIELD 15 TIMES BEFORE THEY CAN LEAVE!”

  Coughing and swaying Jason staggered to his feet. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as he staggered to his spot in the line and did his best to listen for the sound of coach’s whistle through the ringing in his ears. He never heard the whistle
but he did see when people started moving. He however froze, what play were they doing? What was he supposed to- his train of thought was cut off as he felt a large body collide with his sending him to the ground. He screamed in pain as he hit the ground the large body that had struck him landing on top of him, followed by another, and then another. He struggled to draw breath with the weight of 3 players on top of him.

  He felt them moving climbing off of him. Tears formed in his eyes as he struggled to draw enough breath to keep his vision from going dark. He yelped in pain as someone grabbed his already abused shoulder and flipped him over so he was on his back; making his head spin even worse at the sudden movement. His stomach lurched as more bile threatened bubbled up from his stomach. Choking on the horrible substance Jason forced himself not to throw up and instead focus on coach who was kneeling over him. “Jason. You are not in your position. You will stay here and run 15 laps around the field before you are allowed to leave. If you stop running, the laps will start over is that clear?”

  Jason gasped for air, his lungs felt like they were on fire. “Coach….I…..I don't feel…”

  Coach continued to glare down at him. “I would suggest you not focus on ‘how you feel’ and instead get your ass back to the line. You don't want to have to stay and run 30 laps do you?”

  It took all of his strength to move staggering to his feet as the ground tilted under him. He tried to move again, tried to move towards his teammates who were watching him struggle to even stand. Slowly he tried to take a step lifting his foot off the ground; it was a mistake. The world spun wildly as he lost his balance and crumbled to the ground. The ringing in his ears was deafening as he scrambled to get upright as he felt his stomach bubble and churn. He vomited again, gagging and sobbing as more of the horrible bile filled his mouth with its horrible acidic metallicy taste.

  Above him he could hear coach talking. “30 laps it is Jason.”


  Alex groaned and caught the punching bag as it swung towards him. Leaning into the bag he rested his forehead against the hide while behind him Leo spoke. “You’re getting better Alex.”

  Alex grinned but did not move from his spot clutching the bag for support. His arms wobbled slightly as he struggled to maintain his grip. How was it that punching a hide bag was so tiring to him? Behind him Leo chuckled. “Tired?”

  Alex nodded into the bag. A moment he slowly dropped to his knees before dropping completely to the ground with a small moan. Sweat dotted his skin and his gi was making him feel incredibly hot right now. “How about we call it a day?”

  Alex nodded but did not get up from the floor. His arm felt like they had weights attached to them as he took in lungfuls of air. “You ok?”

  Leo’s tone was softer now, less ‘teacherly’ and more like a friend. Slowly Alex nodded. “Yeah……my arms are just sore.”

  He looked sideways as Leo slowly sat down next to him. “I used to get that way too. Some days after training I could hardly move my arms cause they were so sore.”

  Alex nodded slowly. “Ouch.”

  Leo shrugged. “But my teacher showed me something that helped……..would you like me to show you?”

  Alex nodded but winced as his arms pulsed with a dull ache. Leo shifted moving behind Alex before gently gripping Alex’s shoulders, pulling him up so his shell rested against Leo’s chest while Leo’s hands gently gripped one of Alex’s aching arms. Leo felt Alex groan as his hands begin to press and rub Alex’s arms. He felt Alex tense slightly as he pressed firmly against Alex’s aching muscles. “Shhhhh……just relax. Ok?”

  He felt Alex nod as he continued to press and rub his arm. He felt Alex shift a little closer. He could smell it now, that alluring intoxicating scent that Alex gave off that drove every thought out of his brain but those of the young turtle. Gently he traced Alex’s muscles doing his best to focus on his task, massaging Alex’s tired and sore arms. The muscles in Alex’s arms relaxed as blood rushed through them in response to the massage. Alex groaned a little, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment. “Tired?”

  Alex nodded but did not open his eyes as he allowed his head to gently roll back onto Leo’s shoulder. Leo felt himself shudder as a fresh wave of that amazingly sweet smell engulfed him. Gently he pulled Alex closer, wrapping his arms around the younger turtle’s chest. His breaths had become short and a little ragged. Gently he nuzzled Alex’s neck, inhaling more of the young turtle’ gloriously sweet smell, filling his lungs until they hurt before exhaling against Alex’s neck making the younger turtle groan. “Leo……”

  He felt Alex shift, his head going back a little further exposing more of the flesh that was giving off that intoxicating scent. In the back of his mind Leo knew what was happening; they were scent basking. He nuzzled Alex’s neck again, god how could the young turtle smell so good? Alex’s chest rumbled as he let out a low ‘churr’, which Leo met without thinking with his own ‘churr’; making the air vibrate as the two sounds mixed together. “Leo……you smell…….amazing.”

  As that was rolling off of Leo’s skin. Both turtles quivered slightly as again they let off gentle ‘churrs’ that shook the air around them. There was arousal yes, but it wasn't sexual in nature. It wasn't about a NEED, it was a want. The want to fill their minds with absolutely nothing but the other. Both of them groaned and nuzzled each other inhaling as much of the other’s scent as they could. Leo’s mind felt like it was in a fog, all he could think about was the young turtle he held in his arms. Every sense he had was filled with nothing but Alex. “AHHHHH!”

  Alex moaned as he felt something hot and wet gently run along the side of his neck making his entire body shudder slightly. “Leo…..what ar-AHHHHH!”

  Again Leo slowly drew his tongue over Alex’s neck making the young turtle moan and quiver. Leo’s nostrils flared, searching the young turtle’s skin inhaling more and more of his scent until he found what he was looking for. He felt Alex flinch and shudder as his lips began to suckle against the patch of skin. “G...g…god…..Leo…….so……good…...”

  Alex was panting now, dull pleasure rumbling through his body as Leo sucked and licked at the patch of skin on his neck. This kind of pleasure was unlike anything he’d felt before; it was not white hot and burning but a dull throb that seemed to pulse through his body getting stronger and stronger with each pulse. He shuddered as Leo continued, sucking the patch of skin until it tingled and itched. It was heaven for Leo, who gripped Alex tighter as he worked, sucking and licking the skin until it had turned bright red. Only then did he stop, burying his nose against Alex’s neck and inhaling his scent again. “I love you.”

  He felt Alex shift turning his head so they could look at each other. “I love you to Leo.”

  The kiss was gentle, neither of them tried to push it further into anything sexual. They didn’t need it; the simple and gentle kiss communicated everything they wanted to say to the other. As they broke apart of it was Alex’s turn to bury his nose against Leo’s neck, inhaling as much of the older turtle’s musk as he could. Slowly a smile covered Alex’s face as warmth began to spread through his body. He felt happy, safe and most of all loved. Again he nuzzled Leo’s neck. For how long they stayed like this neither of them was sure, it could have been minutes, it could have been hours, it could have been forever. Time simply lost meaning to them as they nuzzled and clung to each other. Leo groaned as he felt Alex’s breath brush against his neck. But their time of closeness was ended by the sound of the telephone, making Leo groans as he slowly pulled away. He knew who was calling; he’d been sure to call almost every night for the past 2 weeks. He watched as Alex got up and walked across the room before answering the phone with a chuckle. “Jason you’re such a cock block.”

  Alex smiled at Leo who slowly got up and left the dojo allowing Alex to have his privacy. On the other end of line Jason growled slightly. “Sounds like I called just in time. Do I need to come over then and make sure nothing happens?”

bushed as he rubbed his neck where Leo had left the bright red hicky. “Jason I’m 19. I can have sex if I want to.”

  Again Jason growled. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  Alex smiled into the phone. “I know……….but I love Leo, and he loves me.”

  Again he ran his fingers over the bright red mark on his neck. Unconsciously he moaned as the memory of Leo’s lips on his neck flooded his mind. “Alex? IS HE STILL DOING THINGS TO YOU WHILE WE’RE TALKING?!”

  Jason's voice was almost a shout. Alex nervously shook his head forgetting that Jason couldn't see him. “No…no, I’m just…….I’m tired. Leo was showing me how to throw a punch today, and my arms are sore.”

  He didn’t have to see Jason to know his eyebrow was raised. “Throw a punch? Hell Alex I could teach you that.”

  Alex smiled. “He’s teaching me ninjitsu Jason; can you teach me that?”

  Jason chuckled. “No, I guess not.”

  Alex nodded. “How are you doing Jason?”

  Jason was silent for several moments before speaking. “I’m…….ok.”

  Something is Jason's voice told Alex he was laying. “Jason……..don’t lie to me.”

  Jason sighed. “I’m not lying Alex. Things have been ok. I’m holding a C in trig-class, I’ve been sleeping over at Casey’s place so I don't kill everyone in the frat-house and I haven’t flipped out and hurt anyone at practice. I’m doing about as well as I can all things considered.”

  After a moment of silence Jason sighed again. “I…….I wish things were different. I wish……..I wish I hadn’t walked out like that.”

  Alex bit his lip. He wanted to say it was ok, but in truth he still felt a small twinge of pain in his chest when he remembered the completely blank look on Jason's face as he’d gotten up and simply walked out of the restaurant. After another moment Alex spoke. “How… about this weekend, we hang out? Maybe walk around the mall for a while?”


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