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Three Wishes

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  “Careful, boy.” Thor’s words made more sense when he was done and it became clear that Thor wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  “Did I get you?” He hated hurting people.

  “No, but it was a close thing.”

  Thor’s hand slid through his hair. It was long, thick, teased and tortured and highlighted and… He licked at Thor’s cock, tongue trying to tease it out through the hole made by the open zipper.

  “If you need help, you have to ask for it.”

  “I just don’t want to scratch you.”

  “Sweet boy. You don’t need to worry, though. I lived through inking it, I can manage a little scratching—my only worry was skin catching when you pulled down the zipper.”

  “You… There’s ink on it?” He leaned back, hoping to see.

  “Get it out and you’ll see.”

  He frowned, stared at the button. “Suck in.”

  Thor chuckled for a moment then the man sucked in.

  “Good man.” Benji grabbed the tab with his teeth and tugged. Hard. The button popped out, Thor’s cock springing and hitting him in the face. He grunted, pressed back into the mattress. Thor’s cock was gorgeous. Long and thick, it was covered in gold and silver swirls.

  “Look at you…” Benji moaned, fascinated.

  Thor looked pleased, and he tilted his hips, that amazing cock nudging against Benji’s lips. Benji opened, tongue flicking the tip, lapping it. It surprised him when the tattoo didn’t taste different.

  “You’ve got a good tongue. It’d be even better with a piercing.”

  He shook his head. No. God, no. No, that was intense.

  “Shake your head all you want, pretty boy. For the next five days, you are mine to do with as I please.”

  He almost came again, cock throbbing. Thor grinned down again, like the man knew, and the inked cock pushed deeper. He swallowed around the tip, let himself relax back, open wide.

  “You like sucking cock.” It wasn’t a question.

  He didn’t answer. He did. He loved it.

  “Sweet boy.” Thor set up an easy rhythm, cock sliding in and out of his mouth in long, slow strokes.

  Was he? Sweet? He wasn’t sure. It didn’t really matter, because he was busy sucking.

  Thor started moving faster, riding his mouth. Every time he looked up, Thor’s gray eyes were boring down into him, seeing him. He closed his eyes, and that heavy cock slid in, to the root. It slid away again, then in, filling his mouth so full. Benji tried to hold it in, to swallow around the tip.

  “Yeah. Good. More like that.”

  Okay. He could do more. He pulled harder, eyes closed, hands trying to get free.

  Thor held him fast, though, hips moving, pushing that cock deeper and deeper. Low, growly noises came from Thor. Benji didn’t know what to do, so he pulled harder, trying desperately to control the thrusts. He could feel Thor’s cock getting even harder, then Thor pulled out, cum spraying over his face.

  He gasped, fighting to get his arms free, to clean his face off. Fuck. Fuck. His cock was hard as a rock.

  Thor shifted back a bit, knees pinning his arms even tighter against his sides. Then Thor bent and licked from his chin up along his face in one long stroke of his tongue. Oh. Oh, fuck. His hips slammed up, fucking the air.

  “You aren’t very patient, are you?” Thor rubbed the rest of his cum into Benji’s face.

  “I’m really patient. Really.” He had to wait for hours on photographers.

  “Good. You can wait until tomorrow to come again, then.” Thor moved, getting up. “No touching,” Thor warned, pointing at his cock.

  Benji groaned, but he knew he’d be able to get off when he went back to his cabin.

  Thor went to a big chest, then pulled something out, and came back with it. Thor sat next to him and held up a little small, leather thing. “You know what this is?”

  “No…” That was a gigantic chest.

  “It’s a cock ring. It goes around your cock and balls, keeps you from coming.” Leaning over, Thor worked the leather around Benji’s erection, around his balls, pulling it tight.

  “Jesus…” His hips lifted off the mattress and he caught sight of the ink on his chest. Oh. Oh God. Fuck.

  “So are you going to stay the night?”

  “Do you want me to?” Was he supposed to?

  “Now that you’re here, I’d like you to stay until our time together is over.”

  He nodded, took a deep, deep breath. “Should I go get my clothes?”

  “No, sweet boy. You aren’t going to need any clothes.”

  “Oh.” He sort of…counted on his clothes.

  Thor tugged down the sheets next to him and pointed. “Go on, I’ll tuck you in, clean and lock up, and then join you.”

  He scooted over, the skin on his chest tight. “Should I bandage this?”

  “How do you usually sleep?”

  “On my back. My agent says it’s good for my face.”

  “Well, then, you won’t need anything on the tattoo.” Thor pulled the covers up to his waist, then headed back to the tattoo area.

  Benji watched, eyes burning in his head. He was never going to be able to sleep.

  Thor cleaned up his work area, seeming easy in his skin. His back, chest, abs and arms were amazing—the jeans hanging open were tight enough they were still hugging his ass. Benji could hear a low hum as Thor worked. The sound was comforting, somehow.

  Moving to the door, Thor locked it then turned off the light. The moon filtered in through a gauze-curtained window, letting Thor pick his way through to the bed and strip.

  He caught himself yawning, eyelids getting heavy.

  Thor slid into the bed next to him, and he could feel the heat from Thor’s body. His eyes went wide again. He hadn’t slept with another person in a long, long time. Thor moved closer, one big hand landing on his hip, holding it possessively.

  “I’m not sure I can sleep.”

  “You suffer from insomnia?”

  “Sometimes. Doesn’t everyone?”

  “If I’m having trouble sleeping, I get some ink or a new piercing. I crash hard after the rush.”

  “What…what do you have pierced?”

  “Give me your hand.”

  He reached out, more curious than trusting.

  One of Thor’s big hands wrapped around his and Thor brought his hand to his chest. To a pierced nipple.

  “Oh, ow.” He touched it, so gently.

  Thor chuckled, and the sound was sexy. Then their hands were moving down his body. Benji found himself holding his breath. He felt the half-hard cock, the heavy balls, then his fingers were pressed behind them, pressed against a little ring buried in the flesh there.

  “Oh my God…”

  “You can play with it.” Thor’s voice had gone husky.

  He traced the little ring, touched the place where the metal pierced the skin. Thor groaned, legs spreading wider.

  “What does it feel like?” He was shivering, moaning under his breath.

  “It’s very sexy—sensitive.”

  Benji couldn’t imagine having something down there like that.

  “You should be coming down from having your tat done soon.” Thor settled them back down, kept hold of his hand.

  He didn’t know whether to say thank you or not, so Benji just held on. Breathing.

  He was still holding on when he fell asleep.

  Chapter Three

  Thor half woke with a growl, his hand tightening on his partner’s hip. He grunted, then remembered who he was in bed with. The pretty man he was going to turn into a piece of art. The morning was suddenly looking up.

  Benji was fucking beautiful and quite possibly the hottest man he’d ever seen. He rubbed his morning wood against the smooth skin of Benji’s hip. The lovely eyes blinked open, surprised, barely focused.

  “Morning,” he rumbled, nuzzling into Benji’s warm neck.

  “Morning.” Benji smelled like sex.

  He l
icked the skin he’d been scenting.

  “Oh. Oh…” Benji chuckled softly. “Tickles.”

  That made him laugh and lick harder. Benji twisted toward him, bound cock still half-hard. Lovely man. He reached out and measured Benji’s cock with his hand. He could pierce it, ink it, whip it, fill it… Groaning, he bit into Benji’s skin, sucking up a mark.

  Benji’s cry was sweet, hungry, and he bit again. He explored the tip of Benji’s cock with his fingers, his thumb digging into the slit. Benji grunted and pulled away, escaping his hands. He growled and tugged Benji back in close. That pretty cock went rock hard.

  Oh, yeah, Benji needed this so bad, wanted it. And Thor was just the man to dole it out.

  “I…” Benji moaned, body bowed in a long, lovely arch.

  He slid his hand along the line of Benji’s body, touching the warm skin, learning the shape. Almost too pretty, those muscles under that golden tanned skin shifted. He sneaked his fingers over toward the hammer inked on Benji’s chest, over Benji’s heart. His mark.

  Benji moaned softly, shivered. “You signed me.”

  “I did. The beginning of my masterpiece.”

  “The beginning…”

  “I’ve got you for five days, pretty boy. Gonna make each of them count.”

  Benji nodded, moaned softly. “We’ll see. I might freak out.”

  “I’m prepared for that.” He was prepared for a whole lot.

  Benji’s fingers slid down his body, brushed his cock.

  “You’ve got a great touch.” He pushed his cock forward, bumping it into Benji’s hand.

  Benji wiggled, got their cocks lined up, hand bringing them together.

  “Careful,” he murmured, touching the skin around Benji’s tattoo. “You don’t want to rub it against anything just yet.” Not even him.

  “It’s tight.”

  He imagined so. They needed to clean it up, lube it. They could do this first. He pushed, sliding his cock through Benji’s hand, along Benji’s cock. Fuck, that was good. Watching Benji moan was sweet—and he could see the luscious bottom boy hiding under the façade of handsome stud, like a tease. Fucking hot.

  His fingers itched to start working, start inking his masterpiece. He let his cock rule for right now, though, and drove them faster. Benji groaned, hips bucking, moving faster, harder, that pretty, bound cock leaking for him. He rolled them, putting Benji beneath him and holding himself up with his arms as he drove their bodies along each other.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck…” Benji leaned up, bit his shoulder.

  Growling, he ground down harder. He was going to shoot, spread his spunk on Benji’s fine skin. He reached between them, tugging at the snap on the leather ring around Benji’s cock. “I’m going to let you come.”

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck yes.” Benji moved faster, driving against him.

  “Yeah. Such a hot little thing.”

  He fucking loved the blush, the deep little groan. He leaned in close and whispered, “So hot,” as he came, splashing heat between them.

  He heard Benji’s distant cry, felt the long body jerking under him. He stayed where he was for a moment or two, letting Benji feel his weight. His boy panted, fighting to catch his breath. He rolled off to the side, rubbing their combined seed into the lovely skin.

  “Wow. M…morning.”

  “Yeah, good morning. It’s a great start to what’s going to be an amazing day.”

  “I hope so.” There was a hint of nerves there. Good. That was part of this whole thing.

  “It will be.” He finished rubbing their cum into Benji’s body and rolled up out of bed. “You need a light breakfast.”

  “The guy yesterday said they’d bring food… Do you know where?”

  “I do. I’ll place our order, and it’ll be delivered.” Something light on Benji’s stomach.

  “Okay. I’m going to shower and…stuff.” Benji stood up, headed for his clothes.

  “Oh, no. I don’t think so.” Chuckling, he grabbed hold of Benji’s arm and tugged him back onto the bed. “You’re naked while you’re here unless I say otherwise. And you take a shower if I say so.”


  Thor hummed at the worry, the nerves. Hot. God, pushing this man was hot. “And I’m not going to say so this morning. I like the way you smell like sex.”

  That pretty mouth opened and closed, over and over. Grinning, Thor called in their breakfast.

  “Sí, Señor. Do you want the table left outside the door?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Benji wouldn’t see another soul until their time together was up.

  “Absolutely. I will leave a menu, too. This way your other meals will be left.”

  Damn, these guys were good.

  “Thanks, man.”

  He hung up and turned his attention back to his pretty boy. “You like fruit, I hope.”

  Benji nodded, chewing on his bottom lip, worrying it.

  “Don’t look so worried, you’re going to love our time together.”

  That got him a quick little grin. “Are we?”

  Thor chuckled and nodded. “Yes, boy, we are.”

  He watched the shudder climb up Benji’s chest, those pretty pink nipples going hard. There was a discreet knock at the door, and Thor was even more impressed—that had been very quick.

  Benji looked over at the door in surprise. “Fast service.”

  Thor was willing to bet management had checked them both out and had had a selection of what they expected him and Benji to order on hand, ready.

  He went to the door, tugged in the food cart. The fruit salad smelled luscious, the juices bright and fresh. There were croissants as well, light and flaky.

  He closed the door, locked it, then brought the tray over to the small table by a fridge and microwave. “Come and eat.”

  Benji headed over, obviously unconcerned with his nudity. Thor admired every step the man took, picturing ink and piercings decorating the pretty body.

  Benji tilted his head, looked at Thor. “So…is it against the rules to ask personal questions?”

  “Nope, go ahead and ask.”

  “Are you from…here?”

  “Nope. They flew me in, just like you.”

  “Oh. Cool.” Benji sat, covered his lap with a big cloth napkin.

  “If you drip, I just might have to lick you clean.”

  Benji chuckled. “I can’t believe I did this…”

  “What? Giving in to your dreams? Everyone should find the courage to do it.”

  “I just… Yeah.” Benji grabbed a strawberry, nibbled on it.

  “I know it’s not easy. That makes it sexier, makes it more courageous.” He picked up some pineapple and started eating.

  Benji offered him a half smile, sucking the strawberry meditatively.

  “You’re going to look fantastic when this is over. You’re going to be my best work ever.”

  “I don’t want to think about how I’ll look. Not yet. I’m not ready.”

  “You don’t have to do any thinking at all, boy. You leave that to me.” He gave Benji a wink. He was eager to get started, but he forced himself to eat a little more.

  Benji ate slowly, focusing on each piece of fruit. Thor was focused on Benji, examining and memorizing each line. It would make his work better to know his canvas so well. The man ducked behind his hair, hiding, the heavy curls artfully arranging themselves around the man’s face. He wondered what Benji would look like without it, what Benji would do without it to hide behind. His cock started swelling, filling like he hadn’t gotten off.

  He got up and grabbed an elastic, moving to Benji and pulling all those curls back.

  Benji frowned at him. “What are you doing?”

  “Pulling your hair back. I want to be able to see your face.” He didn’t want Benji hiding.

  Those high cheekbones went dark. “Why?”

  “Why on earth not?” Wasn’t showing his face what Benji did?

  Benji shrugged, a sudden tension
in the air.

  “Well, I do want to be able to see your face. I want to see it because you’re stunning.”

  “I am. It’s my stock in trade. The beautiful hero.”

  “I’m going to make you even more beautiful.” He finished pulling Benji’s hair back. The jury was still out on whether or not he would shave it off and cover Benji’s scalp with color. It just might depend on how well the man took to the needle.

  He thought that he could sense panic creeping up in Benji, tension and stress. “Come on, boy. Time to get started.” He grabbed Benji’s arm and helped him up, led him toward the chair.

  “I… I’m not ready. I need something to drink.”

  “There’s a bottle of water at the chair.” He didn’t stop, didn’t slow down, just kept moving.

  “No. I’m not ready.”

  “If we wait for you to be ready, we’ll be here until it’s time to go.” He gently pushed Benji into the chair.

  “That’s okay…” Sweet boy, so worried.

  He grabbed the cuffs and attached them to Benji’s wrists.

  “I’m not… I need a shower. I need to go check my messages and stuff…”

  “You’re fine.” He went and started choosing colors. He was going to start with a gargoyle on the right side of Benji’s chest.


  Something fierce and strong, fantastical. Springing from a stained-glass window. Benji shook his head, pulling hard at the cuffs. Thor sat on his stool and started the gun, the buzz familiar, good in his hand.

  “Let me go. Let me go. I’m not ready for this. You’ve already marked me and…”

  “That was just a warm-up, boy.”

  “I’m not a boy!”

  Look at that hard, aching cock.

  “For the next five days, you are my boy.”

  “Five days…” Benji squeezed his eyes shut.

  “That’s right.” He set the gun to Benji’s skin.

  Benji cried out, cock swollen and red-tipped, hips sliding away to the left.

  “You’re a bit of a pain slut, aren’t you?”


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