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Just One Bite: Dances With Werewolves Book One

Page 3

by Nora Snowdon

  “It’s just up the hill. I hope those heels aren’t bad for walking. Sorry, I guess I should’ve driven.”

  “No, I’m fine.” Rosie looked down at her strappy sandals. They’d looked so sexy when she’d bought them. Now they seemed cheap and tacky. That’s what you got for walking next to a guy wearing fancy designer duds. It wasn’t that his clothes looked flashy, more that his suit fit him so perfectly. In contrast, her Wal-Mart business casual outfit just didn’t seem so sharp.

  “Here we are.” Lucas opened the door and ushered her in. Rosie stared around, fascinated. Despite having worked in the neighborhood for a few years now, she’d never ventured inside Piétor’s because of the prices. It looked how she thought an expensive steak house should, with dark woods, luxurious leather seats and a warm, macho décor. The maitre d’ recognized Lucas and showered them with inane platitudes as he showed them to their table.

  “Wow, are you famous here?” Rosie joked, taking her seat.

  “Sort of. They had my company do all their décor.” His self-deprecating grin was almost cute, except for the way it sent shivers through her. “Have you been here before?”

  “No. Sometimes we go to Kennedy’s after work, but that’s about it.” She glanced at the menu and noted that it didn’t have any prices listed. Damn, she didn’t want to order anything too expensive.

  “Well their T-bone is to die for, and the prime rib as well.”

  For some reason his wolfish grin made her laugh. “Both sound great. What’re you having?”

  “T-bone. I love to gnaw on a bone.” The warm light from the candle glowed in his eyes.

  “Okay, I’ll have the same, but you have to tell me if it gets stuck in my teeth.”


  Lucas ordered their meals with a cabernet and they slipped into comfortable conversation as if they’d known each other for years. His impersonation of the pretentious host from the TV design show had her in stitches then he just as easily turned the topic back to her. And despite the electric undercurrent of sexual tension, she was able to keep up her end of the conversation. She even made him laugh with her anecdotes. Usually when she was attracted to a guy she was tongue tied.

  “Hey, you have a little bit of…” Lucas reached across the table and wiped the side of her mouth with his thumb. Rosie stopped breathing until his hand returned to his lap.

  “Oh.” She quickly scrubbed at her face with her napkin. “Is it gone?”

  “Yes. It was just a spot of pepper or something.” He signaled the waiter with a slight nod of his head. “Coffee and dessert?”

  “Coffee. I’m too full for dessert.”

  “Two coffees and one Chocolate Combustion, please.” He’d given the order before Rosie had even noticed the waiter was at their table. She was having difficulty seeing anything other than Lucas. Over dinner he’d mesmerized her with his every movement. His long artistic fingers gently stroking his wine glass had sent her pulse racing as she imagined his hands touching her. And when he’d loosened his tie and released the top button of his shirt she had to resist the urge to lick her lips.

  She cleared her throat. “Chocolate Combustion?”

  “You’ll have to try a bite. It’s my favorite dessert.” He reached across again and ran his thumb along her jaw line.

  “Do I have more…?” She reached for her napkin.

  “No.” His dark eyes trapped her in his gaze, holding her frozen except for the pounding of her heart. He lowered his hand when the waiter returned with their coffees and dessert.

  Rosie immersed herself in the arduous task of adding milk to her coffee, trying to gain control of her senses. God, what was happening to her? It was like she was under his power.

  She looked up to see Lucas leaning toward her with a spoon laden with chocolate and whipped cream.

  “You have to try this,” he insisted with a wicked smile.

  “Okay, one bite.” She had barely closed her mouth around the spoon when the rich creamy flavor filled her mouth.

  “Isn’t that amazing?”

  “Mmm,” was the best she could manage as the chocolate melted on her tongue. She closed her eyes and leaned back into the warm leather seat. Finally the last of the sweet concoction slid down her throat and she opened her eyes. “That is heavenly.”

  “Oh yeah,” he agreed, swallowing a bite of his own. He scooped another spoonful and held it out to her. Despite her intentions, Rosie met him bite for bite on the dessert. In fact, she wished she could’ve licked the plate. Or him.

  “And I wasn’t even hungry,” Rosie complained.

  “Do you want more coffee?”

  “No thanks.”

  “Then shall we go?” He stood up.

  “Oh. Don’t we need to wait for…?”

  “It’s on my tab.”

  “Ah. Well. Thank you for a great dinner.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The walk back to her office building was considerably slower, whether due to full stomachs or not wanting the night to end, Rosie didn’t know. She was pretty sure she’d get a hell of a good night kiss, but he hadn’t asked for her phone number or to see her again. When they got to her car she stopped and turned to him.

  “Um, thanks again…”

  Rosie felt his warm breath on her lips as he bent to kiss her. His lips were surprisingly soft, barely touching hers before he shifted to kiss her eyelids and then her temple. Was that it? A chaste kiss goodnight? He shifted her in his arms pulling her closer to his body. One finger trailed down the side of her jaw line, tilting her face as his lips followed the same pathway back to her mouth. This time he deepened the kiss and she felt herself being drawn into his web. His finger slid down her neck then up to her ear and she shivered as his lips followed that journey as well, pausing to nibble on her earlobe.

  His slow deliberation made her want to scream in frustration. Each spot he touched, she wanted more from him. His hand caressed down the front of her blouse and she held her breath as his finger circled her nipple. As his mouth started to follow, she stopped him.

  “Come to my place,” he whispered urgently. His mouth was next to her ear, his breath sending shivers down her spine.

  She couldn’t speak. This was nuts.

  “My car is the white one, three ahead of yours. Follow me.” A quick but potent kiss and he whirled on his heels.

  Rosie watched him walk to his car in shock.

  She got into her car and started it up. She would go home, have a cool shower, and read a book or something.

  Several blocks later, when he pulled into the driveway of a large house, she could no longer pretend they were simply going in the same direction.

  She had followed him home.

  Why not? She wanted him. Was he just using her? What if she was using him? It was all she’d been thinking about since that dance a week ago.

  He got out of his car and watched her as she sat, her car still idling in the street. She took a deep breath and pulled her little Chevy up behind his Lexus and cut the engine. This was going to happen.

  In an instant, Lucas was beside her car opening her door.

  “Thank you.” Rosie placed her hand in his as he helped her out. She tried to ignore the zap of sexual energy from just touching his hand. Was she that sexually starved? Um, yeah. But what’s his excuse? Was he such a slut that he’d sleep with anyone? Even someone as unattractive as her? Rosie cringed as she started enumerating her physical flaws. Too flat, pot belly, short—hell, she wouldn’t date herself.

  “Is something wrong?” Lucas’ eyes searched hers.

  Damn, had her worries shown on her face? “Oh no. I just…”

  “I’m really glad you came, and I won’t go any further than you want.” His brows furrowed with concern. “We could have tea and just talk?”

  “Sure.” Rosie’s smile felt forced even to her. Was she going to blow her first ever attempt at a one night stand?

  He tugged on her hand and she followed him up t
he cute cobblestone pathway to his front door. When he released her hand to unlock the door, she immediately felt the urge to touch him somewhere, anywhere, to reestablish the physical contact. She clasped her hands around her purse and admired the lovely wolf head door knocker as he punched in a complex code to disarm his house alarm. A series of beeps seemed to tell him it was deactivated and he turned to usher her inside.

  “Sorry, it’s a bit like Fort Knox. My cousin is an alarm security salesman.”

  The foyer was a vision of shiny white and black tiles, probably marble, with a curved staircase leading to the upstairs, a hallway beside it and two large arched doorways to either side of her. Above her a crystal chandelier let off delicate shards of light in all directions.

  “That’s beautiful.”

  “A little ostentatious, but…” he shrugged.

  “Let me guess, another relative in the lighting biz?”

  “No. I just liked it.” He grinned. “Some tea or coffee?”

  He dropped his hand on her shoulder and directed her through the doorway to her left, turning on the light as they walked through. A massive dining room table with eight chairs was the focal point of the room. Built-in buffet and china cabinets were against one wall and cozy window seats nestled under the bay windows warmly ensconced in rich gold drapes. She followed him through to the impressive and immaculate kitchen. Her already low self-confidence was slipping further. He’s gorgeous and a frigging billionaire! Who the hell do I think I am?

  He’d stopped abruptly and turned to ask her, “What would you like?”

  She glanced startled up at him, suddenly feeling the warmth from his closeness. His soothing and erotic scent enveloped her sending all worries rushing from her head. You. His eyes seemed to darken as she fell into their depth. She realized that she’d licked her lips only when she felt his hungry stare shift downward. A sigh escaped her watching his head dip toward hers.

  The fusion of their lips, her hands splayed on his chest and the sensation of him pulling her tightly against him all happened simultaneously. She didn’t know who made the first move. She only knew she couldn’t stop herself now. Arching her back to press more firmly into him, she groaned when his hand slid down to caress her butt. His other hand tilted her head up further, his mouth trailing gentle nips down her neck. The rasp of his five o’clock shadow sent shivers that pooled into a moist heat between her thighs.

  His hand froze, poised between the undone buttons of her blouse. He pulled his head back confusion clouding his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” His voice was deeper and raspy. “I said I wasn’t…”

  God, no! You can’t stop now. Rosie held onto his collar and pulled him down to kiss her again. There was no hesitation in his response. His tongue tantalized her with sweet sensation as he explored her mouth.

  Rosie was losing control, but it felt so good. His hands claimed her breasts, massaging the already aching mounds. The pads of his thumbs lightly passed over her hardened nipples with enough pressure to tease, but not enough to satisfy. He slipped her blouse off her shoulders and down to the floor. A deft movement and her bra joined the small puddle of clothes. He shifted his mouth to her breast, his velvet tongue’s wet caress alternating with his warm breath. Then with a soft pull he drew her nipple into his mouth sending electrical currents coursing through her body.

  The low whir of her skirt zipper barely registered until she felt the heat of his fingers along the exposed skin just above her bikini underpants. He trailed his hand between her thighs causing a jolt of electricity to shoot through her.

  He raised her leg to circle his hip then slid one finger under her panties to gently stroke her moist, sensitive skin.

  Oh my. Her hips tilted to gyrate against the slow building rhythm. She pressed her lips on his neck, needing to taste, touch, and smell his skin. He pressed his finger further inside her, now using his thumb to increase the speed and pressure.

  “God, yes,” Rosie murmured. Her arms tightened around his neck as she was swept into the cascading sensations he was creating within her. Her breath stopped and her body froze, paralyzed in the moment before. With a strangled gasp, she bit into his neck to hold back the scream that had built up in her throat. Her strength ebbed out of her with each pulsing shudder. Subconsciously, she felt his arms catch her and pick her up before her knees buckled entirely. She dragged a deep breath into her lungs and leaned against his solid chest trying to regain her senses.

  “Wow.” Her body continued to pulse in aftershock.

  His lips pressed on her temple while he carried her through to the foyer and up the curving staircase.


  Lucas looked at the woman as he lay her down on his bed. This wasn’t supposed to happen. His pack had very strict rules about mating, the primary one being that you weren’t allowed to mate with humans. And yet since he’d first seen her in the nightclub, he could think about little else. Now here she was.

  He held a red curl that had strayed from her pony-tail and let it slide through his fingers, like a soft tissue caught on the wind. He feathered his hand down her face closing her eyes. She was so beautiful with the faint moonlight reflecting off her pale skin and highlighting her delicate features. His hand continued to journey down her body, following the graceful neck to the gentle ridges of her collarbones, the sweet rise to the peak of her breasts, down to her rib cage, then down further still to the soft skin on her ever-so slightly rounded belly.

  Lucas tugged her panties over her hips and down her legs to drop them at the side of the bed. His eyes drifted up her delectable curves. She sat up to meet his gaze.

  With a groan, he pushed her back on the bed, straddling her body. Her bare skin was warm and inviting as he rubbed himself against her. He buried his face in the curve of her neck, exploring the sensitive spot just below her ear. She was beautifully responsive. Her pulse quickened as he sucked on her earlobe. A whisper of air in her ear sent a tremor sliding down her skin. Her mouth opened, offering up her sweet mysteries.

  It felt like he’d been waiting years for just this woman as she unfurled all her precious jewels for his enjoyment; her luscious breasts rising up to meet his hungry mouth; the muscles on her belly quivering as he raked his fingers downward. He spread her legs. She was moist, welcoming his finger inside her with a moan.

  “Please…?” Her voice was so soft he almost missed her plea. He kissed her mouth. “I need you inside me.”


  Lucas reached into his bedside table for a condom and sheathed himself. God it felt so right to be sliding deep into this woman who haunted him night and day. She was his for the taking. Her legs curled around his thighs to pull him in even further.

  She felt so amazing that he almost didn’t want to leave the depth of her body. But the rhythm took over and each time he withdrew he then buried himself in deeper. Her cries spurred him on as he felt her body verging on the edge. He dipped his hand between her legs and felt the moment when she released; her thighs clenching she curled up so suddenly, her scream muffled against his chest. He let loose a guttural cry and thrust himself into the shudders of her finishing orgasm.

  Panting, he dropped his head to her neck. Her pulse pounded against his ear and she struggled to catch her breath. He rolled off her and onto his back pulling her to rest on his chest. He didn’t want to move.



  Rosie woke with a start. As she jerked upright, her blurry eyes quickly scanned the unfamiliar room.

  The beautiful photo at the head of the bed brought memories flooding back. Her head had been thrown back in passion and yet the photo of the wolves howling at a full moon had somehow registered in her conscious mind. Funny how that photo itself showed so well in the moonlight.

  Had she just had her first one night stand? Should she feel guilty? Or cheap? But maybe he’d want to see her again. Then it wouldn’t be a one night stand.

  She strained her eyes to check the room again.
Where was he?

  The hallway outside the bedroom was dark and there wasn’t any noise in the house. Could he have left? That would be too weird. Should she call out his name? Then what would she say if he answered? Just checking you haven’t dumped me yet?

  Or maybe that’s how you get rid of hook-ups, leave until they went away…

  Rosie turned on the bedside lamp and looked around her. The room was beautiful, yet definitely macho. Large ornate dark wood furniture, brown and gold curtains and bedspread, a window seat with matching pillows and some lovely wooden statues made the room look professionally decorated. The wolf picture seemed to be the only photo in the room. That would seem to be a psychological statement in and of itself.

  She put on her underpants trying to decide what to do. She’d dress, wash her face and if he still hadn’t returned by then, she’d go home. Now, where were the rest of her clothes? Oh God, they’re probably still in the kitchen. Well she wasn’t going to walk downstairs like this. It figures Lucas was one of the few men who didn’t leave his dirty clothes on the floor. And he hadn’t even been expecting company.

  She opened the second drawer on his dresser and was rewarded with a neat row of folded t-shirts. Wow. Impressive. She threw on one of his shirts, picked up her sandals from the stairs then grabbed her blouse, skirt, and bra from the kitchen floor.

  Ducking into the washroom to change, Rosie wondered if she should stall some more. Maybe he suddenly remembered he had to drive his dad to the hospital? She looked at her watch. At two a.m., not likely. His car was still outside, blocked in by her Chevy. She let out a sigh then slid onto the cold vinyl seat of her car.

  As Rosie drove away, she was so caught up rehashing the evening in her mind that she almost missed the sight of the lone dog running down the sidewalk toward Lucas’ house.

  Her jaw dropped. Impossible.

  He’d followed her here?

  Well, what the hell, nothing had seemed normal since she’d walked into that bar the other night. No, she was just letting her imagination go. More likely, he was out jogging with someone else.


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