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Solar Eclipse

Page 5

by McKayla Schutt

  "It's not your fault but you need to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." Walter sighed heavily and looked at the clock. Soon it would be his birthday and she didn’t want to ruin his special day, but she needed her questions answered.

  "Do you only care about me because your wolf is at stake, or do you really care?" Amethyst looked up at him and met his gaze. She held her breath waiting for his answer.

  “I do actually care about you, Amethyst.” Walter sighed heavily. “I’ve put everyone before myself. That’s what older siblings do.”

  “Are you talking about the whole Kerine thing?” Amethyst inched closer, she could tell by his flustered gaze he didn’t want to talk about it. Yet she pushed him because knowing about his secrets could push them apart or bring them together. Her wolf leaned toward bringing them together but Amethyst chalked it up to wishful thinking.

  “What I did with Kerine was to protect my family,” Walter spoke low. Amethyst’s heart settled at hearing his words. She instantly hated Kerine for making Walter’s life hell.

  “Did she threaten them? Where is she?” Amethyst wanted to know more from him but she kept her questions to two at least until he finally trusted her enough to open up freely.

  “She’s dead.” He sighed heavily. She lifted his chin to meet her gaze.

  “Did you...” Amethyst swallowed hard trying to push the words from her lips.

  “I didn’t. Derrick and Hector did last year when she threatened to hurt Angie.” Walter told her all about Angie and how her witchy powers were injected into her blood and somehow, she survived the transition.

  “Angie kept her frozen while Hector went in for the kill.” Walter pushed his hair back with his hand.

  “So, she did threaten your family,” she stated it as a fact this time but Walter nodded.

  “She saw ‘great power’ in me and wanted to control it for herself.” Walter shook his head.

  “I’m sorry, Walter. I know what it feels like to be controlled. Collin always made me call in, making it hard to pay my bills. I think he loved it when I asked for money.” Amethyst shrugged.

  “I won’t do that to you, Amethyst. If you want to work, then go for it. You’re part of the pack so they’ll help too. Well, if you keep your wolf and mate with me that is.” Walter relaxed into the couch.

  “I like to work. I can’t stay inside all the time. Plus, I don’t think this new wolf will want it either.” Amethyst laughed as her wolf wagged her tail. They sat in an easy silence.

  “I need to get some rest. With my family all coming to this house for dinner instead of going out, I need some sleep before I clean.” Walter glanced around the room. The place barely had anything out of place.

  “I understand.” Amethyst smiled. Walter leaned in and kissed her quickly, making her heart flutter. Then he walked up the steps. leaving her alone with her thoughts. The pain in Walter’s eyes broke her heart and her wolf itched to help brighten his mood.

  Amethyst yawned and stretched out her body. Her ears caught a thump, but she wasn’t sure it came from the upstairs or down. She scanned the stairs but didn’t see Walter so she stood and walked around the house.

  A hand wrapped around her mouth and she panicked, Collin’s scent filled her nose from his hand. Amethyst tried to think of something to do but her mind was freaking blank.

  “You’re bound to me, now let’s go so the bastard upstairs loses his wolf.” Cold metal pressed against her back as he forced her to walk toward the back door. Glass covered the kitchen where Collin broke in. Damn it, why didn’t I freaking realize the glass broke in the kitchen. She scolded herself for being stupid. When she reached the yard, the invisible barrier stopped her and Collin pressed the gun harder into her back.

  “Move,” Collin growled into her ear. No matter how hard he pushed, her body wouldn’t move further. Her stomach tightened, and her heart raced so hard she wondered if Collin heard it over everything else.

  “I can’t,” Amethyst whimpered behind his hand. Sweat beaded inside her palms, she grabbed her shirt so he wouldn’t notice.

  “What do you mean?” Collin lifted his hand, and she turned to face him, his eyes glowing with anger. She hated when he had this look. Before, she had worried he would punch her, this time, she feared for her life.

  “A witch bound me to Walter.” She swallowed hard. Her mind scrambled for an escape plan.

  “No, you were supposed to touch me first, but you were off early. Fucking damn it.” Collin looked back toward the house. “Fine. Change of plans then.” He ran into the house with his gun still out. Shit! Shit!

  “Walter!” Amethyst screamed out and ran after Collin. She wasn’t sure she wanted to bind herself completely to Walter, but she still wanted the chance to figure it out. They had one more day to go before the decision had to be made.

  Collin had a lead on her but she hoped calling out Walter’s name might wake him up. She reached the stairs and took in a sharp breath before running up two at a time. A loud bang made her heart speed up while her body ducked for cover. No, please don’t be dead, Walter. Amethyst’s wolf lurched forward to see Walter and protect him but she managed to keep her down.

  Another loud noise caught her attention, making her jump back into action to find Walter. With the door still off its hinges, the sight of the fight came into view in seconds once she cleared the steps. Walter had his hands raised and Collin floated in the air a full foot from the ground. Amethyst’s eyes widened at the sight of Collin being thrown like a rag doll into the hallway.

  “You’ll pay for this, you freak,” Collin growled low and moved to his feet.

  “Collin, you need to leave. I don’t want you!” Amethyst yelled at him. Collin’s head snapped toward Amethyst, rage filling his eyes. He lurched forward and Amethyst braced for the impact.



  WALTER’S ENERGY SLOWLY drained from fighting off Collin but when he saw him lunge at Amethyst all of his thoughts vanished. Oh, hell no, you little fucker!

  “Ignis Totalis!” Walter loved how fire lit up the man’s body. His rage fueled his powers and Amethyst gasped. She ran to his side as Collin yelled in pain. Her hands wrapped around his arm and she leaned in close.

  “Walter, stop burning him. I’m okay.” Amethyst’s calm voice broke through to him and he stopped the fire. The wolf’s body still smoked but Walter thought he saw him take in a breath.

  “He was about to harm you,” Walter said while pulling her into his arms. His eyes still on Collin, waiting for any sudden movements.

  “You protected me. I’m right here. Look at me, Walter.” Amethyst’s soothing voice helped calm his rage toward Collin. He looked down into her soft eyes and sighed.

  “I...” Walter couldn’t bring himself to express his growing feelings for her. He pushed back her hair and then looked her over to see if Collin harmed her.

  The scent of charred flesh brought back the memory of the night he almost died. Kerine lowered herself to pick up a stone next to Walter’s weak body. “Perfect. This one will cover double the space of the last one. Yes, one hundred miles will work.” She turned toward Walter, with a smug smile on her lips while she placed her finger on his forehead. “Animus!” The recollection faded with the memory spell ringing in his ears.

  Walter shook his head trying to regain his thoughts and bring himself to the present. “We need to call Derrick.” Walter rubbed the back of his head. Collin’s burned body still moved indicating he was still breathing but the guy’s eyes were closed. “Do you hear his heartbeat?” Walter motioned to Collin with a quick nod.

  “Yeah. It’s not super strong, but he’s alive. I think he’s the one who put the binding spell on me. To his surprise, I touched you first and not him.” Amethyst smirked.

  “How are you so sure?” Walter thought about it, which made sense. If Collin had bonded to Amethyst, he would have been able to kill Walter’s and Amethyst’s wolves, making them both weaker.

“He said ‘now we are bound’, there is no way in hell he would know about the spell unless he was the one behind it.”

  “I’ll get my sister over here too.” Walter would have to apologize for blaming Maria but it could wait.

  “I’m sorry.” Amethyst nibbled on her lower lip. Walter pulled out his phone, keeping Amethyst close. He wanted her like this all the time and he would keep her there till she protested.

  “Hey, we have a situation over here. Sorry to wake you up but I need you and Maria.” Walter rolled his shoulders while the tension eased out of his muscles.

  “What the hell happened?” Derrick growled over the phone. Walter heard Maria’s voice calling out next but he didn’t catch her exact words.

  “Collin broke into the house and threatened Amethyst.” Walter glanced at her. The magical bond finally made sense to him, Collin must have convinced the witch to put the potion on Amethyst. Luckily, Walter had been the one to touch her first and not Collin. A shiver of fear ran down his spine at never seeing her again.

  “Is he alive?” Derrick asked. The anger slowly leaving the alpha’s voice.

  “He’s recovering from some burns and unconscious on my hallway floor.” Walter tightened his grip on Amethyst’s shoulder and she rubbed her nose against his chest.

  “We will be there in a few minutes.” Derrick ended the call. Walter rolled his shoulders then kissed Amethyst’s head. He knew he might be pressing his luck keeping her so close but, surprisingly, she didn’t back away. Instead, she leaned up on her toes and kissed him back.

  Her hands moved into his hair bringing him closer to her. He surrendered himself to her advance while he wrapped his arms around her lower back. His cock stirred. She opened her mouth for him to explore. When his tongue flicked over hers, she moaned against him. His cock pushed against his sweats.

  “Damn, they are here really quick.” Amethyst sighed and walked away from him. He almost asked what she meant when he heard a pop of magic coming from downstairs. After a few steps, he followed close behind ready to kick Collin’s ass again. To his frustration, Collin didn’t move when Walter walked by him.

  “I don’t ever want to do that again.” Derrick shook out his body and glared at Maria who was laughing hysterically while holding Vivian. Owen and Baven were on the couch about to fall asleep.

  “Oh gosh, it took half the time to get here because of it. It’s good for emergencies.” Maria attempted to stop laughing, but she giggled again.

  “This isn’t a dire emergency.” Derrick pointed toward them. “They aren’t in trouble, are they?” Derrick challenged his mate. Maria placed Vivian on the couch and shrugged.

  “True but I wanted to see how well it worked on a semi-urgent matter rather than the real deal.” Maria placed her hands on her hips.

  “You jumped, didn’t you?” Walter asked making the two of them turn. The scowl on the alpha’s face spoke louder than any words.

  “It’s the most awkward feeling ever and I’ve fucking shifted with a hard-on.” Derrick shook his shoulders and stormed up the steps toward Collin. Amethyst covered her face and giggled while Walter wondered what it might actually feel like to shift with a hard dick.

  “He’s such a baby.” Maria smiled while looking after Derrick then turned to Amethyst. Her smile vanished and a serious one replaced it. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m good, thanks to Walter.” Amethyst leaned into his arms. He wondered if she would finally cave into being his mate.

  “Wait so what happened?” Maria asked. Amethyst rubbed her hand up and down her side and sighed.

  “Collin broke in and tried to kidnap me. When I didn’t go any farther than the barrier he went after Walter.” Amethyst turned to Walter with a small smile on her lips. Walter recounted his side of the fight between Collin and himself and how he saved Amethyst from being attacked again. If she had been hurt he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.

  “The bastard will be punished.” Derrick tossed Collin over his shoulder and then dropped him in front of Maria. “Make sure he sleeps till I can get him home.”

  “I umm.” Maria looked up at Walter. “Can you?”

  “Yeah.” Walter leaned closer to Collin. “Viglare Lumpm,” he repeated the spell twice then paused. “Sleep tight, little fucker.”

  “Didn’t you need something else? Carmen was walking me through the spell a while back and I thought there was another step.”

  “I didn’t sprinkle the cinnamon. If he has a nightmare, he’ll have to suffer. Serves him right for attacking Amethyst.” Walter ground his teeth. He hoped the filthy wolf would get a nightmare.

  “Oh,” Maria said before hugging Amethyst then Walter. “I’ll go back the faster way with the kids. See you at home.” Maria winked at Derrick before picking up the twins. Baven grabbed her leg tightly. Maria dropped a bag at her feet. “Home, please.” Maria closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the smoke billowing from the bag. The white smoke covered her body and then it vanished.

  “That was cool. I wanna try it someday.” Amethyst turned to Walter with delight filling her eyes. Walter’s watch chimed signaling midnight making it officially his birthday.

  “It’s fucking weird,” Derrick huffed and then picked up Collin. “Get some sleep. We will be here tonight.” Derrick nodded and walked out.

  Walter closed the door behind him. He swiftly walked to the kitchen and started mending the window Collin broke.


  “Yeah?” Walter turned to see Amethyst bouncing from side to side. Ideas of having her in his bed suddenly filled his mind.

  “I have a birthday present for you.” Her calm eyes focused completely on him.

  “Okay. I can open it once I’m done with this.” Walter continued to move the shards of glass into place.

  “I’ll meet you in your room then.” Amethyst walked away before Walter asked why she wanted him to open it in there. What the heck is she doing?



  I CAN DO THIS. THIS is the right thing to do. As Amethyst cleaned up the mess Collin created, her heart settled with her wolf. Love filled her soul with every breath. The thought of losing Walter had hurt too damn much. Her wolf pushed images of mating with Walter and for the first time, Amethyst agreed the time was right. She didn’t want to wait any longer to complete the bond. She took off her shirt and set it down on the top of the stairs. Then took off her pants and placed them at the door. Her bra came off next, she placed it just inside the bedroom.

  Walter walked up the steps and stopped. Amethyst listened to his heart pick up a little. He moved quickly, his hand holding her shirt. His eyes were focused on her chest making her breath hitch.

  “I started unwrapping your present for you but I left you the last part.” Amethyst winked. Walter dropped the shirt and swiftly closed the gap between them. His hot breath tickled her face.

  “Are you sure about this?” Walter wrapped his hands around her bare back. Affection brightened his ice-blue eyes, sending more heat through her body.

  “I want to make one thing clear, I do want kids one day.” Amethyst tapped her finger to her lower lip. He stilled and met her gaze. “For now, stop talking and take me, damn it.” Amethyst pulled open Walter’s button-up shirt. Buttons flew across the floor making a clinking noise. She didn’t want to overthink his hesitation when it came to her need to have a family. Walter’s lips slowly lifted making Amethyst’s heart race. He snapped his finger twice. The light breeze from the central cooling system tickled her naked body. She glanced down taking in her soon to be mate’s sexy-as-sin body.

  “You’re fucking perfect, Amethyst.” Walter’s deep voice sent heat through her body. Her wolf itched with excitement at finally being connected to Walter forever. Amethyst leaned back and slowly moved onto his soft bed. The navy-blue comforter tickled her flesh while she wiggled up toward the pillows. Anticipation buzzed in her belly when her eyes caught how large Walter’s hard cock was.

>   Walter leaned down and kissed her center making her moan. Memories of the last time his lips were there flashed in her mind. This time she would get all of him and she couldn’t wait. He groaned against her stomach.

  “Something wrong?” Amethyst listened around the house but didn’t catch anything out of place.

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to take my time with you.” Walter’s heated gaze met hers making her heart skip a beat. In high school, she had imagined what sex might be like with him, the real thing had her imagination beat tenfold.

  “We’ll take it slow next time.” Amethyst pushed the words past her lips. Walter moved the rest of the way up her body and crushed her mouth with his. She pushed her hands into his thick black hair. Everything about him was so intense she wondered if she truly would be able to handle being his mate. No backing out now. Amethyst reminded herself she wanted this even if it scared her.

  He aligned his tip with her entrance then met her gaze. Slowly he pushed into her, each sweet inch made her body cry out for more. A moan left her lips when he finally filled her body.

  This was right.

  Having him inside her felt so amazing and he hadn’t even started moving.

  “Are you okay?” Walter rubbed her neck.

  “Yes. You need to move.” Amethyst gasped when he listened to her demand. With each thrust bringing her so much pleasure she tried to grab onto something to keep herself from flying apart too fast. She grabbed his arms, and he groaned. The pleasure was too much to contain as her orgasm rippled under her skin. She opened her eyes to find Walter staring at her.

  “Damn that was hot.” Walter kissed her shoulder making the pleasure spike. After a few deep breaths, she finally came down from her high.

  “Holy shit.” Amethyst tried to form a thought but nothing came to her. He gripped her hips and picked up his pace sending heat through her body. Her tits pressed against his chest sending zips of pleasure down her spine. His breathing came out in short pants while he thrust even faster.


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