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The Fighter's Secret Child (The Burton Brothers Series Book 3)

Page 8

by North, Leslie

  Beck stood. “I’m done trying to promise there won’t be a next time. You’re right—it’ll probably happen again. Something’s going to set me off and I’m going to start to yell. And then you’re going to tell me to stop being a damn fool, or Chaz is going to give me a punch, or one of my brothers is going to tell me to knock it off. This isn’t just about me—it’s you, too, Rachel. Am I worth it? I know you can handle it, but the question is, can you get over wanting everything to be sunny skies all the time, because that’s not reality either.”

  She sucked in a breath. “That’s not fair.”

  “It’s the truth. If you want a guy who doesn’t love you more than life, then go find him. But I can tell you this. I am never giving Chaz up. I will be in his life no matter what. I missed his first steps and his first word, but I will not miss his first baseball game. I will not miss teaching him how to throw a football. I want to be there when he starts dating girls, and I want to be there when—or if—he gets married. You can walk away from me, Rach, but don’t take my son with you just because you can’t handle it when I yell.”

  She turned away. When she turned back, he could see the pulse thudding fast in her throat.

  “Done thinking it over?” he asked.

  “I haven’t even started. But…why don’t you try the hotel. Chaz and I will stay here. And…and I’d like nothing better than to pretend that everything’s fine for a few days. Until his operation.”

  Chapter 18

  Beck pulled out all the stops. There was an old steam engine nearby, so he planned a train trip, and then took Chaz and Rachel horseback riding. Rachel nearly canceled that, but when Beck showed her the placid horses for the ride, and that Chaz would be sitting up in front of him, she gave in. Chaz loved it.

  They had a picnic with food from the most expensive restaurant in town—Chaz liked the strawberries best. They took in another movie and Beck took Chaz to an early season baseball game for a local team that was still in training. “It’s not the majors, but he can eat hot dogs until he pukes,” Beck told her.

  All too soon the day arrived for Chaz to go into the hospital. Rachel almost broke down in the parking lot. Beck put his arm around her, and carried Chaz into the hospital. She managed to get through the check in, but seeing Chaz in his bed, so small and pale against the sheets, left her wishing she could grab him and run.

  Mason walked into the room, looking almost as pale as Chaz. Avery clutched his hand. Mason came over to Chaz and smiled. “We’re in this together, right buddy?”

  Pulling Mason into a hug, Beck told him, “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for this.”

  Mason grinned. “That’s right, brother. You remember that next time I’m chewing your ass out for not getting enough miles in. Which reminds me, you better be back on your morning runs tomorrow, or I’ll stick Rachel on your ass.”

  Mason headed off for his own check in and Rachel kissed Chaz and tried to hold back the tears.

  In the waiting room, she overheard Bryant and Beck talking about fights. Her one good hand clenched tight, she told him, “I can’t believe you’re talking about fights.”

  Beck swapped a stare with Bryant and then came over to her. “Bryant’s got promoters calling him. Could be a chance at a big fight, and that’s what every fighter hopes for and wants. It’s what we train for. It’s not just the fame and fortune—it’s life to us. It’s where I put that anger of mine to really good use.”

  “And the money’s going to help Chaz,” Bryant said. She looked up at him. Bryant nudged Beck’s shoulder. “Hey, we should try to get scheduled on the same night. That would pull in the crowds—the Burton brothers. Alice’s dad thinks it’d be a great pull.”

  Rachel listened to them talk. A heat built inside of her. Here they were talking fights when their brother and her son were in there for a tricky surgery. She stood it for as long as she could and then surged to her feet. “You two! Listen to you! Don’t you know anything could go wrong. There’s no such thing as a minor surgery—and this isn’t minor.”

  Beck stood. “Calm down, Rach.”

  “Don’t you tell me to calm down. My little boy—he’s…he’s…”

  “He’s a fighter. He’s not going to check out today.”

  “You don’t know that.”


  “Don’t you Rachel me!” He reached for her and she slapped his hand away. Covering her mouth with both hands, she stepped back. “Oh, Beck. Oh, I’m sorry.”

  A slow smile spread over his face. “Well, it’s about damn time you let go of that temper of yours. Is that what it’s always been about? It’s not my temper that’s got you running, it’s your own isn’t it. You don’t just not want to end up with your dad—you don’t want to end up being your dad.”

  She shook her head. “No…no, I…” She swallowed hard. Fear mingled with worry. Slowly she opened her arms. Beck walked into them and held her close. “Don’t worry, Rach. I’ve got you. I’ll always be there for you. You don’t have to run. You can stand your ground with me. And we’re going to get through this.”

  Chapter 19

  Rachel held onto Chaz’s hand. He was still sleeping. Beck stood near the door, talking with the doctor—grilling him more like it. Rachel just held onto Chaz. He was alive. He’d come through the surgery. She caught bits of words from the doctor. “Long road ahead…observation… recovery.” It would be some time before Chaz would be out of the hospital. Still, it sounded good to her.

  When Beck came over to her, she looked up. “Well?”

  Beck shrugged. “Sounded positive to me, but I’m going to have Avery and Alice grill him and the nurses. I didn’t understand half of it, but the half I got is that Mason’s fine. Going to have the back ache from hell for a time, which is going to make him cranky as hell as a trainer. Bryant’s going to have Dustin—that’s Avery’s brother—help us out for a time at the dojo. And Chaz—he’s going to be better, Rach. Doc doesn’t know if it’ll be a temporary thing, or something that lasts, but heck, no one ever knows that. It’s like coming back from any injury—you do the best you can. And if this doc can’t make the fix stick, we’ll find a better one.”

  Rachel glanced up at him. “What about us, Beck? Do you think there’s a fix for us?”

  He sat down on the edge of Chaz’s bed and took her hand in his. “Yeah. It’s called working on it every day. I told you—I’m not your dad. And I’m done making promises I’m not sure will stick. But I will tell you this. I love you, Rach. When you walked out, I tore this country apart looking for you. And it wasn’t to yell at you. I fell for you the second I laid eyes on you—and I fell hard. Every other girl I’ve been with has been me trying to fill up a hole you left. If you…if you don’t want to be with me, I understand. But I will never stop loving you.”

  She pulled in a breath and let it out. “Do you think love can make a difference?”

  “Honey, if love can’t, what can?”

  “I love you, too, Beck.”

  “Then let’s go from there—it’s a good place to start, don’t you think?”

  Heart tight and throat even tighter, she nodded. From the bed a small voice lifted with one word, “Daddy?”

  Beck grinned and turned. “Yeah, doggy-daddy’s here lookin’ after you, scout. Soon as you can sit up you’ll be having all the ice cream you can eat.”

  Rachel clutched Chaz’s hand—and Beck’s. He was right. Love was a good place to start from.



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  The Sheik’s Defiant Girlfriend

  The Sheikh's Demanding Fiancée

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  The Russian's Stubborn Lover (FREE)

  The Russian’s Bold American

  The Russian’s Secret Child

  The Denver Men Series

  The CEO’s Pregnant Lover

  The Marine’s Virgin Lover

  FBI Agent’s Reluctant Lover

  Navy Seal’s Innocent Italian

  Read an Exclusive Introduction from Dustin’s Story, ‘The Fighter’s Defiant Lover’

  “Hey Dustin, I’m heading out of here.” Jay called out and gave a wave. Dustin nodded back. Jay was one of the Black Belts that had stepped up to help teach some of the classes at the school. The Burtons were busy right now, not just with fights, but with a sick kid who was getting better. Dustin had offered to take over the school for a time, and he was loving it. He’d always thought the cage was the best—the fight. But he liked teaching the kids even more.

  Flicking off the lights out in the main training area, he turned to head out the back door. Movement outside the front doors caught his attention. He turned the lights back on and glanced out the front window. A lone figure huddled against the building. What in the hell?

  Unlocking the deadbolt, he pushed the glass door open and stuck his head out. “Can I help you?” He folded up a fist, just in case. The winter weather hadn’t let up. Spring had arrived and then vanished under a fresh cold front. Dustin shivered. “You okay?”

  He propped open the door with the rubber doorstop and moved closer. He hadn’t showered or changed yet, and his gi stank of sweat. It was also a little too thin for this wind. Reaching out, he tapped the shoulder of the thin figure facing away from him.

  She spun with a yell and a kick.

  “Hey, hey!” Dustin stepped back. She swung again and he reacted, grabbing her arm and spinning her around so her back was to his front. She threw her back toward his face and grazed his chin. “Dammit, I came out here to help you!”

  He tightened his arms around her and lifted her feet off the ground. He knew she couldn’t weigh more than a hundred pounds, but all of it seemed to be distracting curves—and a lot of softness he shouldn’t be groping like this. She froze. And he let go of her. Backing up, he held up his hands, palms out.

  She glared at him, pushing her hair out of her eyes. “Help?”

  “Yeah, help.” He shivered again in the wind.

  She glanced around and shook her head. “Sorry, I was…thinking.”

  “Well, mind if we think a little inside? It’s damn cold out here.”

  He led the way back inside. Once in, he shut the door. She turned and faced him, pulling off a cap. Luxurious dark brown framed a heart-shaped face. He’d never seen such dark, dark eyes—black almost, but with a warmth in them that left him gaping.

  Her features weren’t anything spectacular by themselves, but put all together, she was gorgeous in an understated way. She had long lashes, high cheekbones, and a mouth that begged for kisses.

  He crossed his arms. “Who are you and what were you doing outside the school? We closed fifteen minutes ago.”

  “The bus was late. I need to see one of the Burton brothers. Or Rachel.”

  “Just how do you know Rachel?”

  She propped a hand on one hip. “She’s my best friend and my roommate—and who the hell are you? You don’t look like any Burton I’ve ever seen.”

  Dustin suddenly knew exactly who she was. “Ah, you’re that Jasmine. Rachel’s mentioned you a couple of times. So, Jasmine from Vegas what brings you to Salt Lake City on a night that’s colder than hell?”

  Taking a breath, she stared him in the eyes. “I need someone to help me kill a man!”


  The Fighter’s Defiant Lover Available Now!




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