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The Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play

Page 5

by J. D. Grayson

  Vicky whispered, “How’d you afford that?”

  “I didn’t. Robert Wolf did.”


  “My boss.”


  Taken to a flashy room, pinks, yellows, purples, reds, and leopard-print decorated it. A massive, round bed awaited them, covered in silk. Mirrors lined the ceiling and walls. The attendee pointed to the bed. She addressed Gavin in accented English, “One night only. You leave by morning...she stays here.” He nodded, as the woman exited the room.

  Once the room was clear, Vicky said, “I’ve never been see a pair of eyes in my life. You’ll never realize how they saved me.”

  “They haven’t saved anything yet.”

  “Yet? Is that what you’re doing save me? Then why did you let them take me in the van? Why didn’t you save me back there?”

  “You want me to leave? There’s still time for a refund,” he said.

  “No! I just...thought you were done. You said I was being sold. Do I belong to you now?”

  “For the night. After that...we’ll need to get creative.”

  “Is your boss that masked jerk who slapped me? Does he know you used his credit card?”

  “What’d you think?”

  “Spending 20,000 dollars on a girl he kidnapped for free...probably not. So why’d you do it then? We don’t even know each other. I’m nothing to you.”

  He sat on the bed in stressed worry. “Many reasons.”

  “I’ve got all night to hear them,” Vicky said, sitting beside him. Her nude body brushed his, arousing everything within him.

  “I’ll tell you one of them. I took this gig for money, five years ago. Moved marijuana before that...figured trafficking people was no different. I was wrong. Seeing such pain, world’s destroyed...I wanted out. When I asked to leave, I was warned...the only way out is death.”

  The curvy blond gasped. “That’s horrible! So, if you’re caught...they’ll kill you?”


  “You’re going to run though...far away...right?”

  “Going to? I am They think I’m on a solo job to whack someone. Instead, I followed the van. By tomorrow...they’ll know I went AWOL.”

  “Take me with you!” she begged.

  “Do you think I came here for a night out? Of course, I’ll free you. Just not here...not yet.”

  She exhaled stressfully. “If I’m caught...will they kill me too?”

  “No, they’ll resell you to someone worse. Though if you make it back home, you’re not their problem anymore. They’ve already been paid for you. Speaking of money...we’ll need it to smuggle you out.”

  “How much will I need?”

  “It depends on my contact...a few thousand at least.”

  “Will I end up in a desert hole?”

  “Not with the people I use. They long as they’re paid.”

  “Can’t we just use that tunnel we came in?”

  “You saw the police. They come with a much steeper price.”

  “The credit card won’t work?”

  “These aren’t retail clerks. There’s no machine to line. They take cash...nothing else.”

  “I can get the money,” she said, knowing her saved, refunded cash was at home.

  “I’ll contact your I promised. I’ll have him meet you at the border with the money. He must show...there’s no layaway program here.”

  “I understand. Can we go now?”

  “No. Too many eyes, weapons. Things can really get fast and furious...if you catch my drift. Instead, you’ll be sold to a brothel as expected. I’ll track you...come in as a paying customer. Then, I’ll bust you out. You’ll have to stay there a night or two.”

  “Isn’t that...dangerous?” she asked.

  “You signed up for this type of thing, didn’t you? You’re getting what you paid for.”

  “Not to be nit picky...but I didn’t ask to be truly trafficked! Role play a role...get it?”

  “Well...make up your mind. You’re in or out.”

  “Do I have a choice? Of course, I’m in! In the meantime?”

  “We’ll do what normal people do. Sleep,” Ace said, lying back on the bed. He dimmed the light.

  Vicky was insulted. He doesn’t want to have sex with me? Do I not stack up to his other slaves? I mean, he paid thousands of dollars for a night with me! Well, his boss did, but anyway...force yourself on me already!

  She huffed, climbing into the bed, rolling over to the far edge. Both remained quiet, each wanting to jump the other. However, Ace didn’t want her to feel obligated. He didn’t want her to feel like a whore.

  The two got little sleep that night. Maintaining a far distance, they lay restlessly in bed. Their minds swam with thoughts of the coming days. Vicky wondered what new captivity would bring.

  Ace wondered if he could truly save her life.

  Chapter Four

  “Stand straight, arms at your side,” Mr. Tito Sosa said to a nude Vicky. The rich brothel owner wore a pricy suit, neatly pressed. His voice was commanding, tone unforgiving. A nervous Mrs. Lane followed direction obediently. Mr. Sosa secured a collar around her neck, adding a dog chain. “I’ll take her.”

  The club owner said, “I haven’t mentioned a price.”

  “Any price,” Tito said.

  Vicky silently thought, What if Ace doesn’t show up...can’t find me? What if he gets killed before then? Quieting her thoughts, she tried not to focus on negative possibilities.

  “Move it,” Tito Sosa ordered, pulling his slave by the chain. A gag exited Vicky’s throat, squeezed by the collar. The slight choke was an introduction to his rule. She was too valuable to harm permanently.

  Arriving outside, he led her into another car trunk. A hidden compartment was removed, revealing a faux trunk floor. Beneath, two Mexican girls were stuffed in towards the back. Seeing the ultra-claustrophobic situation, Mrs. Lane tried to run. The chain stiffened, collar tightened around her neck.

  Two guards arrived, handcuffing her wrists and ankles. After being gagged, she was lifted over the shoulder, stuffed into the hidden compartment. The fake trunk floor closed above her; a slammed trunk door followed it.

  The other two girls seemed to be asleep. How long can they’ve been here? She wondered. The real question long will I be in here? Hours passed by. Trapped in darkness for what appeared to be days, the captive blond lost all concept of time. In reality, it was four hours.

  Just when she drifted into blankness, the outer trunk door opened. Then the hidden compartment was removed. A guard carried her out. The other girls were taken along with her. Staring around at the surroundings, it appeared to be a large rural complex. With all that desolate land, no one would find her. She wondered how Ace would get her out, though believed in his ability to do so. She had no other option.

  They entered a large industrial warehouse. Lines of animal cages appeared, girls were asleep inside their own tight space. Vicky gasped, wondering, Will I really be held in one of those?

  Her answer soon came. Unbound and unchained, only her collar remained. She was led inside the cage, a small bowl of water placed beside her. A tortilla was tossed in. The cage was locked, as Tito leaned down. Staring inside, he said, “Good dogs get rewarded with food and sex. Bad dogs get put down. Understand?”

  She fearfully nodded, “Yes.”

  “Say yes master!” he yelled, rattling the cage.

  Shaken from the noise, she submissively whispered, “Yes, master.”

  Tito turned towards his men, “Clean them tomorrow.” The men nodded, all three heading towards the exit. As the complex door was shut, complete darkness filled the room. Vicky curled into a ball, letting past memories be her light.

  She thought of Gavin and the good things about him, such as beer-can chicken soup he made when she had a cold. There were the flowers he gave her for mother’s day, even though she wasn’t a mother.
Vicky remembered him spanking her with a wooden spoon, which he put back in the clean utensil drawer. A smile crossed her face, missing him.

  Not knowing much about Ace, his eyes entered her mind. The safe, warmth filled her. He gave up so much for her, and she still didn’t know why. A part of her wanted to believe it was love at first sight. Not that she wanted to love him back, but just to be wanted again. She assured herself, He’s coming to save me. He’s save me.


  Gavin Lane’s cell phone rang loudly. The nervous man hovered over it since Vicky was taken. Conflicting thoughts swirled his mind. Fear was the most predominant, worrying about his wife’s safety. Though another part still hoped it was just a show.

  As much as he hated to admit it, he remained constantly hard. Sexual scenarios entered his mind. From medical exams to forced pleasure, he couldn’t forget the image of her captivity. It wasn’t her misfortune that turned him on, but the helpless submission it forced him into.

  The big, strong man was robbed of his life-role, to protect his woman. Feelings of humiliation and lust soaked his soul, creating his current state. The more he worried about her, the hotter he got. Masturbating a record 7 times in one day, his 5 inches ached with strain.

  However, another emotion plagued him. Regret. If I had only admitted my fantasy to Vicky...none of this would’ve ever happened. We could’ve role played together, but I was a coward. I spent my time fantasizing about what she wasn’t, when all along, a little communication would’ve told me she was. Hell, even if she wasn’t, we could’ve worked on it, met half way. Now, I may never get the chance to try.

  Breaking his guilted thoughts, he answered his phone. “Is my wife OK?” a shaken Gavin asked into the speaker.

  “To my knowledge...she is,” a man’s voice said from the other end. It was the smuggler.

  “Thank you,” Gavin said in relief.

  “Don’t thank me. I have nothing to do with her fate. My job’s to set up a meeting. You’ll arrive at the coordinates I text you...when I tell you to come. Use a GPS to lead you there. It’s in the desert, isolated, on the border.”

  “Mexican border?” he asked in disbelief. “She was taken out of country? Holy shit! Let me talk to her...I need to know she’s alive!”

  “All I am is the post man, gringo. My job’s to deliver the package...preferably intact. I ask no details. You’re to bring 5000 dollars cash.”

  “You mean...ransom?”

  “I fee. The transaction is made...I disappear. Nothing less...nothing more, you come alone...understand?”

  “I do.”

  “You’ll here from me soon with a time and date,” the man said, hanging up.

  Gavin trembled, putting down his phone. He silently asked himself, It’s the weekend. The bank’s closed! Where am I gonna get 5000 in cash? Suddenly, a light went on inside his head. He wasn’t sure of the exact amount Vicky was refunded. However, he was pretty sure it would come close.


  The next morning, Vicky’s cage was shaken again. Tired and stiff, she awoke. As uncomfortable and uncertain as she was, the forced submission kept her wet all night. The animalistic setting stripped her power, rights, and dignity. It was exactly what her dark fantasies consisted of. As arousing as it was, the line between fantasy and reality was thicker than imagined.

  As the cage door was opened, a guard connected a chain to her collar. She crawled out. The other caged girls joined her. Mr. Tito Sosa watched from afar. Led into the open room, a team of guards corralled the slaves. Each of their hands were placed against a wall, legs spread lineup style. They stood over an open drain.

  Vicky’s curves were enhanced in the stance. Her pear-shape was artfully defined. Squirted with a slippery liquid, each slave’s body was completely coated. A perfumed flowery smell filled their nostrils. They were being soaped for a group washing.

  The group of guards approached with hoses. As the mainline was turned on, streams of liquid sprayed outward. Their feminine bodies were soaked, dripping wet. A sea of bubbles engulfed the girls, cleansing them from head to toe.

  One man scrubbed each slave, taking extra time between their legs. The bubbly sponge sunk inside every crack and crevice. Every breast was slicked, nipple teased. Once covered in sweat, they now glistened like shiny trophies.

  Next, one hose was locked into place. A connecting hose was secured at its mouth. Stemming from the water-base, small tentacle-tubes extended like fingers. The lineman went into action, spreading the girl’s thick ass cheeks. Every hind-hole was lubed.

  Following behind, another man penetrated each sphincter with one of the extension tubes. The nozzle-heads were slid deep inside their anal canals, until bottoming out. Vicky stiffened up, preparing for the coming enema.

  Tied to one waterline, the liquid was turned on, separating at the splitting point. Twenty separate shoots became deep colon cleansings. A new moan sounded every second, as each girl’s dark cavern was flooded. Vicky’s long nails scraped the wall. Her intestines slowly swelled with each new water gush.

  Feeling the tube sway inside her ass, the blond slave tensed. Every sensitive nerve ending tingled with fire. The bent position put extra weight upon her G-spot. As her belly swelled with water, her hanging D-cups swelled with lust. The more pressure pushing from inside, the more her red nipples elongated. She fought the humiliation of an enema orgasm. Though once completely filled, the will to fight fizzled.

  Reaching her breaking point, she was about to erupt. Suddenly, a chorus of new moans beat her to it. One slave broke at a time, crying out in anal ecstasy. Vicky’s turn came, feeling a sharp erotic heat inside her backend.

  The guards’ laughter teased her ears, enflaming her humiliation. The men watched the slaves scratch at cement walls like cats in heat. Feminine legs shook, thighs squeezed as one. Vicky’s curved cheeks nearly broke the nozzle in two. Their tingling burn was soon replaced by cramping.

  A guard walked down the slave line. Removing one tube at a time, a forced water stream flowed from each anal canal. Vicky’s was pulled, as she squatted over the drain. The men kept watching, focusing on the rows of tightened asses.

  After the girls were drained, other slaves entered the room. Those girls were clothed, styled. They lathered each newbie with shaving cream, removing any trace of body hair. Although Vicky’s hair pie was recently done, it was carved neater. Her legs, inner ass cheeks, and underarms were also done.

  Sprayed clean, the final step was hair and make up. They were being prepared for something. Vicky’s blond hair flew in a warm machined breeze. It was brushed and sprayed simultaneously. Eyeliner, eye shadow, blush, and bright red lipstick was added.

  For the final task, each girl was bent over a table. A branding iron was unveiled. As the hot base touched a tanned ass cheek, the girl wiggled around. The guards held her down.

  Left in place for a few moments, it was removed afterward. The initials, TS, were immortalized upon her flesh like owned cattle. Afterward, a glob of coolant gel was administered, soothing it.

  Each girl took her turn, Vicky’s came last. Held in place by the guards, the heat stung her behind. Though it wasn’t nearly as painful as she expected it to be. The other girls’ reactions were much more dramatic. Since her skin was so white, the contrasted initials stood out like coal in fresh snow.

  Officially branded property of Tito Sosa, Inc., the ravishing slave girls were lined up. Marched from the room, they were headed somewhere with purpose. The men they were going to meet had purpose as well.


  The girls arrived inside the adjacent building. Unlike the concrete warehouse, it was a lavish ballroom filled with gyno chairs. Each girl was placed in the stirrups, spread wide. A large microscope was wheeled between each of their legs. An insertable eyepiece was attached to a steel arm, fully mobile. After being lubed up, the cylinder object was inserted deep inside them.

  As a light was activated, their birth canal images were ca
st onto nearby monitors. It allowed a customer to see into the cervix, including the inner walls. If there was any damage or roadblock to conception, it would be visually apparent.

  A large gathering of men were brought inside the room. With drinks in-hand, they’d already been mingling. Each suited man walked around to examine the slaves. A few immediately approached the unique blond, intriguing them.

  They studied her like a sports car in a show room. Pairs of hands grasped her shiny shaved body. One man snipped a sample of her brassy blond hair, while another examined her eyes and nose.

  A different customer pried her mouth open, spending extra time on her white teeth. He forced her jaw wider, pulling on them for any false bridges or crowns. The examination also included fillings and discoloration. Vicky’s mouth was held open so long, a trail of saliva spilled out. It slid down her breast, arriving at more exploring hands.

  Men crowded for a chance to grasp her natural D-cups. Some squeezed her fleshy bulbs, while others pulled and pinched the nipples. Vicky gasped at the constant, rough stimulation.

  Her imagination was pulled downward, as roving hands traced her hips. The men pressed upon her abdomen, checking the womb purity. Although she was stuffed with the microscope probe, hordes of fingers pinched her puffy clit. Wet red lips were unpeeled from the steel eyepiece.

  It became clear to her, she was more than just a slave. She was at a breeding farm, and the men were renting a breeder. I don’t want to be pregnant, she told herself. At least, not with these men.

  A smile crossed the buyers’ lips, as they continued to test the merchandise. Satisfied with her breeding dimensions, they were ready for the bidding to begin. A few more customers pushed their way forward, craving a feel. Vicky shut her eyes, trying to imagine anything but being forced bred. I can’t let them impregnate me. I promised Gavin I’d do it...someday. Maybe I shouldn’t have waited so long, she thought, feeling guilty. These people will take my baby away!

  The hands continued their conquest, making her feel uncomfortable. Keeping her eyes shut, the touching was reduced to one pair. That particular touch was different, caring, almost familiar. She opened her eyes. “Ace!” she said in delirious excitement.


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