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Susie Follows Orders

Page 9

by Roger Quine

  While Liz knelt in front of her, Susie’s eyes watched the black shaft carefully as Liz gently pressed her shoulders back, guiding her into a reclining position on the leather cushions. Still holding the dildo, Liz put one hand on each of Susie’s knees and eased them apart, staring with reverence at the soft pinkness thus revealed.

  ‘Oh, yes.’ Liz hardly did more than breathe the words, but in the complete silence of Hugh’s living room they were clearly audible.

  ‘Go on then,’ said Hugh, sufficiently awed by the moment to be whispering as well.

  Susie had almost forgotten he was there, but his voice intruded into her consciousness, reminding her this was his price, reminding her she should not let him see her enjoy it. She steeled herself to unresponsive detachment...

  But she gasped as soon as expert fingers stroked softly over her sensitive sex lips, pressing them wider. And she gasped again and her body flinched as cool plastic touched lightly against her heated flesh, and she wriggled slightly away from it.

  Determinedly the inert round tip returned, and Liz steered it up and down the length of that pretty pink oval, twisting it as she went, spreading Susie’s oily slickness on the big black bulb as she put just the smallest amount of pressure against it, so that it was almost, but not quite, pushing into her, tantalising and frustrating.

  Susie moaned and arched upwards, trying to make it push inside, swallowing another millimetre of plastic, feeling it stretch her wider as she strained, but still teasing and tempting, so that it was almost hurting her with need.

  Liz held it perfectly steady against Susie’s opening, so she arched herself forward again, feeling the pressure increase as Liz kept it still so that Susie could push herself further onto it. Now the snub end was nudging its way inside her and still Liz twisted but would not push.

  The only sounds in the room were Liz’s steady breathing, Susie making soft whimpering noises, and an hypnotic squelching as her body pressed around the shiny black prick. She inched it into her body as her knees bent and strained and she pulled herself onto it, filling herself with thick plastic until she felt the sudden warmth of flesh on flesh and Liz’s knuckles were pressed against her.

  Her desperate whimpers became urgent moans, but still the shaft didn’t move and finally she gave in. ‘Fuck me...’ she begged at last. ‘Please...’

  Liz smiled to herself as she began to push the thing in and out properly. Now the sensation of gorgeous release Susie had been waiting for was there.

  ‘Oh, yes...’ she groaned, as blissful relief shuddered through her helpless body.

  Pulling it from her, Liz licked the shining shaft provocatively. Then she rose to her feet, pulling Susie up too.

  ‘Lick me,’ ordered Liz.

  Susie stared blankly, her head still in a dreamy spin.

  ‘I said lick me.’

  ‘But - ’

  Whap! There was a sudden stinging pain across her bottom and Susie squealed in shock.

  Hugh was behind her, a triumphant smirk on his face, the belt of his trousers dangling from one hand. ‘Borrowed the idea from a vicar,’ he said, hugely pleased with himself. ‘Seemed to work a treat for him.’

  Susie cringed, wishing the floor would open up. Did the sleazeball have no compassion at all?

  ‘You do want your tape back, don’t you?’ he teased. ‘Well then.’ He gestured towards Liz.

  ‘Lick me,’ she commanded, her eyes narrowing threateningly.

  Susie froze. Once again there was no warning, just a sharp crack and a thin burning line, and she shrieked her surprise and pain.

  ‘Kneel,’ Liz ordered.

  ‘Please - ’


  ‘Oww!’ she squealed, and she was on her knees in front of Liz at once, pushing her face between legs that helpfully parted to make room for her. She was expecting it this time, especially because she knew what a tempting target she made, kneeling with her face buried between two thighs and her bottom sticking out.

  Whap! Susie jerked forward with the vicious impact and her tormented squeal was muffled by Liz’s smothering flesh. Hugh, true to his spiteful nature, was holding nothing back.

  Susie lifted her face, feeling the musky heat and the smooth surface of Liz’s black panties. Knowing what any sign of hesitation would cost, she put out her tongue and pushed it against the front of the knickers where the mound inside curved delicately.

  ‘I said lick me,’ Liz demanded, and Hugh’s belt curled viciously around Susie’s bottom once again.

  She moved her flushed face a little lower, probing at the damp material, feeling it slide on the slippery flesh beneath, feeling that flesh open and move, allowing her tongue to press deeper, pushing the wet material up into the heated body opening before it.

  ‘Harder!’ Liz said and the belt cracked again, leaving another red stripe across Susie’s bottom and making her squeal into the moist mouthful.

  ‘Oh yessss...’ cooed Liz, ‘that feels wonderful. Do it again.’ She was obviously talking to Hugh because even as Susie’s tongue burrowed deeper she heard the whistling sound and the belt lashed across her taut bottom, making the succulent globes jerk in response as the leather instantly sang through the air and landed again, and then again. Each time it struck Susie gasped a muffled squeal and Liz sighed with pleasure.

  ‘Harder,’ she urged, and Susie strained her tongue deeper, taking the silk with it and tasting the heady saltiness of Liz.

  ‘Yessss...’ Liz’s clawed fingers entwined in Susie’s blonde hair, clutching her as close as was possible. ‘Now, Hugh, now...’ the delirious female implored, and before Susie could react in any way, she felt his hairy thighs against hers and he penetrated her with one long lunge of his hips.

  ‘Oooohhh...’ she exhaled into her juicy mouthful.

  ‘Yes!’ shouted Liz, hips circling faster and faster so Susie could hardly keep her tongue in place, grinding against Susie’s face. And then Hugh was aggressively fucking the sandwiched girl with that impressive tool of his, and she was panting her response directly into the warm pussy pressed against her mouth. Then Liz shuddered from head to toe and jerked once, twice, three times, and she flooded Susie’s mouth with her orgasm.

  ‘Let me look,’ Liz sighed a few seconds later, and she crouched beside Susie, peering keenly down to where the thick shaft slapped steadily in and out, Susie gasping aloud each time Hugh pressed in to the hilt.

  Then, as Susie’s bucking on the end of the stiff pole reached frantic pace, Liz stroked her tender sex lips where they stretched around the penetrating shaft. The light touch combined with the heavy pounding to create an unbelievable sensation and Susie came and came, squealing as her spasms gripped and released Hugh’s shaft until it was over. As she knelt there, still impaled from behind, she felt him quivering inside, as if he was about to come, but it subsided and he stayed still, pinning her against the sofa for a moment longer, before withdrawing.

  Liz was on her feet again, handing Susie a contraption of straps and buckles. ‘Put this on,’ she ordered, and helped her obey, guiding her feet through the tangle of leather straps, pulling them up around the tops of her thighs, between her legs and around her waist. As Liz pulled on the straps and the contraption tightened in place, the curving plastic shaft that grew from its centre rose gradually higher, the pink plastic with a dull sheen, until it stuck up almost vertically from between Susie’s legs.

  ‘Perfect,’ said Liz, giving one of the straps a final tightening tug and flicking the shaft experimentally, apparently pleased with its angle and stability. Then she slipped quickly out of her soaking panties and lay back on the sofa with her legs wide apart - and Susie gasped in shock. The rest of the tattooed snake was visible now, or most of it was; sinuous coils that disappeared between the full lips, its black-inked scales tracing a curving path across the tender flesh, it
s tail vanishing inside her.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Liz smiled. ‘It’s just penis envy. Now fuck me.’

  Susie stared in mute disbelief as Liz spread herself open with two fingers, her pussy glistening moistly.

  ‘But, I...’ Susie muttered, lost for words.

  ‘But nothing. You’ll soon get the hang of it.’ Liz reached forward and grabbed the phallus, pulling it towards her and pulling Susie with it. Susie shuffled between the widespread thighs, watching Liz guide the tip so it rested against the entrance to her body, nestling in the pink slit between the damp black curls. ‘Now push, lover,’ she instructed. ‘Not too hard, and not too fast.’

  It was a strange sensation, flexing her hips and seeing the plastic shaft disappearing into the waiting body, but without feeling anything herself, except the extra weight on the leather straps. But the effect on Liz was dramatic and visible, as her eyes closed and she pressed her hands up under her own breasts, squeezing the flesh and pinching her nipples as she shuddered with delight.

  Susie slowly inched her hips back, teasing Liz with a long slow withdrawal. Then, getting a feel for it, she leaned forward again, gliding it all the way inside, until her thighs nudged against Liz’s and she could go no further. This time she pulled back only slightly before sinking in again, and after a few attempts she found that by holding Liz’s hips she could maintain a steady rhythm of thrusts that seemed to be comfortable for her and perfect for Liz, who was writhing and moaning deliriously.

  Susie found she could vary the speed of her thrusts, using the changes to drive Liz higher up the scale of excitement, or frustrate her, and Liz seemed to like both sensations equally. So Susie was annoyed and surprised when Hugh put a sweaty hand on her bum and started to push, pressing her deeper when she wanted to be shallow, teasing Liz with the tip. But as he shuffled around behind her she realised he wasn’t guiding her thrusts but moving her legs so he could kneel between them.

  ‘Oooh!’ she gasped, as Hugh thrust into her, pushing so hard and deep that he buried her plastic erection fully into Liz, squeezing a breathless gasp from her as well.

  He did it again before she’d had the chance to get her breath back, pushing her back into Liz so the two girls gasped in unison. Then Liz began to wail incoherently as Susie, sandwiched and exulting in her power over the pair, watched and heard and felt them climax together, Liz writhing on the end of her artificial erection and Hugh grunting like a pig as he ejaculated deep inside her.

  Chapter Seven

  Refreshed after seven hours of sleep and a very long shower, Susie headed straight for the editor’s office, her prize clutched tightly in her hand. She’d suffered for this story twice now; once with the vicar and again with Hugh and Liz.

  Last night she’d driven away from Hugh’s flat as quickly as she could. Her bottom was glowing and there was a glorious ache between her thighs, but she was satisfied. Hugh had subjected her to only moderate sneering as he handed over the tape. ‘Remember,’ he’d said in his know-it-all fashion, ‘that when things are this important you should make sure of what you’re getting. Or you might get more than you bargained for.’ Snorting with unpleasant laughter, he’d pressed the tape into her hand as she stepped out of the front door. There was no traffic at that time of night and she was home in just over an hour, in bed five minutes later, fingers soothing her lazily to sleep.

  She knocked confidently on the door and stepped into the editor’s office, flourishing the tape. ‘Here it is,’ she announced proudly.

  ‘Good, let’s have a look at it then,’ he said curtly.

  He slotted it into the machine, pressed the ‘play’ button on his remote control and within half a second Susie knew that Hugh had double-crossed her.

  It wasn’t the tape she wanted at all.

  It was - quite obviously - a tape Hugh had secretly made of Susie when she was secretly filming him. Somehow he’d switched on a hidden video camera, one that was exactly opposite that sofa, and all the time she’d been encouraging him to perform for her secret film, he’d been filming her for his secret film. And now there she was in glorious colour on the screen in the editor’s office, stark naked with her legs apart and two fingers plunging into her sopping wet minge. As she silently cursed her own stupidity, she realised the editor was speaking to her and she ought to regain her composure and pay attention.

  ‘Just tell me if this investigative lark has got under your skin,’ he said. ‘If you’ve gone and got yourself hooked on sleaze - and you wouldn’t be the first - well, just say so and we’ll have you taken off frontline reporting right away.’

  Taken off? This job was what she’d dreamed about all through her teenage years, lived for through college, suffered for day after day since she’d joined. This job was the sole reason she’d submitted to Hugh and Liz - probably. The last thing she wanted was to stop doing it.

  ‘No,’ she said. ‘I’m fine.’

  She noticed he hadn’t stopped the tape, and he kept looking at it even when he was talking to her. ‘I know you had a really bad experience with the previous editor,’ he said in masterly understatement. The previous editor had not only seduced her in that very office - across that actual desk - he’d tried to kill her to boot. Memories blurred Susie’s mind but the present incumbent in the big chair seemed not to notice the long pause; he was still looking just past her to where her on-screen image lay spread-legged across Hugh’s sofa. ‘And I can understand if that has affected you.’

  Behind her the electronic version of herself was whimpering softly in preparation of her climax, knees as wide as they would go, hips grinding tantalisingly, mouth-watering breasts lifting as she breathed deeply.

  ‘Of course, there’s always a job here for someone with, er, talents like yours,’ he said, looking pointedly at the screen as the whimpers turned into a series of steady panting noises as she urged herself on.

  ‘Where?’ she queried, feeling distracted by the shameful little cries emanating from the screen.

  ‘Oh, we’ll find you a suitable position,’ he said firmly, staring even more pointedly to where the gasping sounds were joined by a familiar liquid squelching that rose in intensity and culminated in a sudden squeal as she came.

  The real Susie was even more relieved that the growing sexual tension in her body had been stopped before it climbed past the point of no return. Primly crossing her legs in the chair opposite the editor’s desk, she asked herself if she’d correctly heard what he’d just been saying. He couldn’t have meant what she thought he’d meant, could he?

  Whatever he was trying to tell her, she had to tell him the truth - apart from the bits she thought were better kept secret. ‘I think I’d better explain,’ she started. ‘My sister ran away from home.’ Though it wasn’t an excuse, it certainly got his attention, and he was silent while she explained what Hugh had done to make Sophie run away, and what she’d done to get her revenge.

  ‘I must have mixed the tapes up,’ she said lamely at the end, ‘and given Gary the one with the vicar.’

  ‘Can you get it back?’

  ‘I tried that last night,’ she said, ‘but he tricked me and gave me a tape I didn’t even know he’d made. He must have had a camera hidden on the bookshelf, filming me while I was encouraging him to perform for my video.’

  ‘And it’s not at all bad,’ said the editor appreciatively. ‘The technical quality, I mean,’ he added hastily, seeing the look on Susie’s face. ‘We could give him a job here - if he wasn’t such a nasty little pervert.’

  If only he knew the half of it, she thought.

  ‘Okay,’ he said decisively, ‘here’s what we’ll do. We’ll help you find and rescue your sister. I like that story. It’s good copy; religious cults are always sexy, miles better than a spanking vicar. What a headline - we rescue wayward sister from religious sex fiend. Fantastic!’

usie wasn’t too sure if her mother or Sophie would agree - but it was a small price to pay, all things considered.

  The editor spoke to his secretary over the intercom and in no time at all the technicians were in his office, Susie’s handbag was reloaded with film and batteries, and she was being sent on her way.

  Raoul was squatting on his cushion by the window, a look of vacant concentration on his face. Susie thought it possible that he was just looking at his own reflection in the highly varnished floorboards.

  ‘About my sister,’ she began, wondering if he’d mind if she sat down so she could put the camera on his level and film his face instead of the wall above his head.

  ‘All women...’

  ‘Yes, I know,’ she snapped, and anger flashed back briefly in his soulful eyes. He obviously didn’t like being interrupted, though he did his best to conceal it. ‘Look, can I sit down?’ she asked politely, thinking how she could annoy him again and hopefully make him reveal what she suspected might be his true colours.

  ‘Be my guest,’ he said, indicating a large cushion in front of him. ‘I’m sorry we don’t have chairs in the conventional sense. We avoid everyday comforts as much as possible.’

  Susie sat awkwardly on the cushion, a difficult task in skirt and high heels, but not so difficult that she missed his keen glances. Not so religious he could resist looking up her skirt, she thought, putting him in the same category as the spanking vicar of Kingscombe: a fairly harmless sex maniac who used the paraphernalia of religion to dress up his activities and help him take advantage of women - innocent women like Sophie.

  She moved her legs experimentally, giving him the chance of a furtive look at her attractive white knickers, which he did without hesitation, staring for as long as the opportunity was open. Again the dreamy look was replaced by a momentary blaze of greed.

  Gotcha, she thought, fleetingly rearranging her thighs so he could look again.

  ‘Now,’ she said sweetly, ‘we can talk about Sophie.’


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