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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Statham, Mayra

  “I should clean up,” I whisper.

  No more angel, or soft baby’s, it was Elizabeth. Something about that I didn’t like! AT… ALL! Was I just one of the many...again? What if I’d somehow just imagined the connection I’d felt with him? Or worse he was a sleezy player and this had all been a sick twisted mind game? God, I’m an idiot! Me and my sex deprived brain!

  “, look at me...please,” he asks sweetly and I turn on my side, surprised at his arms closing in on me, bringing me close. The way he holds me is gentle, protective and feels so damn good it’s scary. I wasn’t the type to lean on someone to be comforted.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I lost my mind. I...I have never in my life ever had sex without a condom. I swear to you. I’m safe. I just had an annual exam,” he says sincerely, his eyes clearly worried. Relief swept through me. He didn’t regret it, he was worried.

  “I’m safe too. I haven’t in umm… done this in a long time.” Looking into his eyes, I see the satisfaction in his eyes over that bit of information, my cheeks heating under his stare, “Anyhow, I had a yearly thing and I’m safe.”

  “Okay… so you’re on the pill?” He asks, his eyes not moving from mine.

  “Yeah…” I whisper.

  He is still looking at me, and I see questions running in his head, but he nods letting me go. Standing up, I pick up his shirt from the floor, making a beeline to the bathroom.

  Closing the door behind me, I stare at my reflection. Even after the slightly awkward moment we’d had, my eyes are bright and wide, but more than that they’re calm.

  I am calm.


  Completely content!

  My tanned skin had an underlying glow to it and my cheeks were a bronzy pink. Letting my eyes travel lower down on my body, I see red marks that would quickly disappear, marks from the stubble on his face. Reminders of every single spot he’d kissed. My eyes land on my shoulder and the bite mark from Parker. He’d bit me when he came and him doing that had somehow prolonged my own orgasm, making the whole experience even hotter. My hand touched the mark that would probably bruise and I close my eyes.

  I was a big girl. I’d had sex with an incredibly sexy man and if I’m honest with myself, I don’t regret it.

  I hear a soft knock on the door and even though I’m completely naked I open it slightly.

  “I thought maybe you would want to wear something a little more comfortable,” Parker says clearing his throat as he looks at my nude body. Comfortable in my own skin, I didn’t try to hide from him. He’d already seen it all anyhow. Handing me a black t-shirt and a pair of dark grey boxer briefs, he gives me a grin.

  “Oh. Okay.” I say, sounding like a complete moron.

  The man had already seen me completely naked. He’d licked and touched almost every part of me and here I am mumbling shyly. His bare chest sporting a small bruise at his neck that makes me want to purr in delight. He’s wearing a pair of royal blue gym shorts that hung low on his hips, showing off the V at his waist and his defined abs. My mouth waters at the sight of him…

  “If you don’t stop looking at me like that angel, I’m never going to be able to cook you dinner.” He tells me smiling as my cheeks go warm with the embarrassment of getting caught checking him out.

  Drooling over him was more like it.

  “Okay.” I say softly and he steps into the bathroom, and I instinctively step back.

  My lower back hitting the vanity, he lifts me up onto it. He moves his large body between my legs, quickly wrapping one arm around me his fingertips at the base of my lower back. Without thinking my hands go to his chest, right between his pecs. Not to stop him from coming close, but to bring him in closer.

  “You’re trouble,” he announces in his soft rumbly voice. His eyes are warm and soft even though his expression is serious.

  “Me?” I ask surprised, as his hand goes to my jawline and his thumb strokes my cheek.

  “,” he says leaning his head closer and I can't seem to look away from his lips. His beautiful, perfect, extremely talented lips! The top was slightly larger than the bottom, it had a perfect bow shape and they were a tempting shade of pink.

  I wasn’t a pink kind of girl, but anything in the shade of his lips, I could fall in love with.

  He chuckles softly, lifting my face up so that my gaze is taken away from his mouth. Looking at the heat in his eyes, I’m surprised at the hard bulge pressing into the front of me.

  “Fuck, I didn’t see you coming.” The serious reverent way the words slip out, I’m sure he didn’t mean to say them out loud. Unsure of what or how he meant it, my heart skips a beat. Trying to lighten the suddenly warmer air that surrounds us, I smirk.

  “I’m pretty sure you did...three times actually.” I say smiling. My fingers are making lazy circles on his bare chest. I realize that I’m more comfortable sitting on the vanity of his bathroom, completely nude with his body pressed up against me than I have ever been in my life.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he says, not taking the easy route of lightening the mood and I admire that. It hints at the kind of man he is.

  “That’s what I am afraid of.” I admit without thinking but I'm not embarrassed. My heart is eerily calm, not racing like a hummingbird on crack heartbeats per minute.

  “Why?” he asks his head leaning into my neck. His mouth soft and gentle peppering small kisses that are so sweet I want to sigh.

  “I’m not a good person, Parker.” I say putting my hands on his face, so I can look at him and he can stop kissing me.

  “I disagree,” he answers instantly and I laugh shaking my head.


  A small sad smile falls over her face and something in my gut tightens.

  “You don’t know me.”

  “I want to get to know you.” I answer immediately, and fuck I do. From the first moment I laid eyes on her, something about her makes me want to know everything there could be to know about her.

  “I have a past.” she says and I smile.

  “We all do, angel. I’m not a saint… far from it. But the past is that, the past. We can’t change it. All we can do is move forward.” I say sounding too fucking smart for my own good, but I mean it. Whatever she thinks I wouldn’t like, didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because whatever t was it was also part of what had brought her to right here right now. All that mattered was her not disappearing from my sight.

  “Parker…” she starts to say but I kiss her pretty lips, tangling my hand in her hair.

  I pull away from her even though my body is starting to react to her bare skin so temptingly on. All I want to do is lock us up in my room for the next week, but saying something like that might freak her out. It was freaking me out. The connection between us, the way it felt when we were together... was unreal.

  “Clean up, meet me in the kitchen.” I say accidently sounding a little demanding and notice her shiver. Her dark eyes wide and slightly hungry. She likes me being bossy. I could live with that. I could get creative with that. She simply nods and I smile on the inside. I kiss her one last time before I walk out of the bathroom and head to the kitchen.


  By the time I get out of the bathroom, Parker is already cooking the fajitas. I help him set the table and we sit down together to eat. The steak is tender and has so much flavor, they are the best fajitas I have ever had. He was almost as amazing in the kitchen as he was in the bedroom. Almost.

  The conversation flows easily as we eat. Mostly, Parker tells me about his family. He comes from a big family. Five siblings only meant an abundance of amazing and funny stories. He tells me a little about what he invests in. He invests in movies and helping production companies as a silent investor. Talking to him only makes me like him more. He’s funny and laid back, completely down to earth. I’m comfortable and enjoy being around him. There weren’t many men I genuinely liked being around but he was definitely one that I did.

It quickly hit me that there’s a lot to appreciate about Parker.

  There of course is the physical Parker.

  He’s gorgeous and absolute masculine beauty, from head to toe.

  But Parker is more than that. He’s sweet and funny. He has warmth in his eyes and an easy smile. He’s charming. He loves his family with everything he has and didn’t try to shy away from that. If anything it’s something he’s proud of. And he’s smart. Scary smart. He’s touchy feely, something that with anyone else I would not appreciated, but him… I melt into his touch. I crave it.

  He’s strong in a way that made me want to lean on him and let him take care of me, and it freaks me out. I’m not the type to do that or feel comfortable being that way. But I’m not going to over think it. I’m just going to enjoy it.

  After dinner, we go to his living room, where we pick out a movie to watch. Things between us are surprisingly easy. Just for tonight. I’ll let myself have this memory, this moment. Because there is no way that Parker Stone could be reality.

  Chapter Six

  I can hear a ringing, but my eyelids are way too heavy to open my eyes. I’m nestled into an incredibly warm pillow… wait… why would a pillow be hard? A pillow wouldn’t rise and fall as if it was breathing either. Slowly stretching out my fingers, my body freezes as I realize I’m touching some ones slightly hairy, but very defined muscular abs. Shifting I feel the ache between my legs and I peek open one eye. Lying in front of me, my head in the crook of his shoulder, cheek on his pec, my body comes to life at the sight of Parker’s bare chest. My hands having a mind of their own and stroke his abs with light fingertips, and I can feel the muscles twitch slightly.

  “Angel.” his voice is raspy and deep, my sex clench and my nipples quickly harden beneath the shirt I’m in.

  “Hey.” My own voice is raspy with sleep and I clear my throat, lifting my head, resting my hand on his chest, my brown eyes meet his. Amused, slightly soft grey eyes stare back at me, he tilts his head in and presses a small kiss on my lips.

  “Good morning.” He says leaning away, smiling. Lines forming by his eyes as I take in the sight of him. On a normal basis, I wasn’t much of a morning person, but waking next to a smiling Parker, I could see myself becoming

  “Morning,” I mumble softly. My hands go into my hair to try and pat it down, not wanting to imagine what I look like.

  “Your phone is going off.” He says, pointing towards the nightstand by my side.

  “Oh...what time is it?” I ask, turning my body towards the nightstand. “SHIT!” I exclaim.

  “What?” he asks shifting his body.

  “Is that the time?” I ask like an idiot. Of course it was the time!


  “Crap. Shit. Shit. Shit!” I shriek, grabbing my phone.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I have four missed calls.” My eyes wide as I call Lucy. One ring and she picks it up.

  “Where are you? Are you okay?” Lucy asks quickly, and by the tone in her voice I can tell she’s worried.

  “I’m fine. I’m so sorry... I kind of umm overslept.” I tell her as I sit up in bed, trying not to let my eyes wander to the hotness that is Parker in bed right next to me. Shit!

  “What? You never oversleep.” Lucy says. It was true. I didn’t. I wasn’t a morning person, but I was a responsible one.

  “I know.”

  “So how could you have overslept?” she asked, sounding completely shocked. Parker caresses my arm, and I look up at him. My mouth is watering at how sexy he looks.

  “Angel, do you drink coffee?” Parker asks and I blink. He makes coffee, too?

  “Yes, thank you.” I say without thinking, probably looking like a dazed and confused mess. He cozies up next to me, in no obvious rush to make said coffee. I know this because he pulls me into him, his back against the headboard and the most delectable pillows known to man behind him, the side of my body naturally curling up right into his side, his chin is at the top of my head, one is hand on my shoulder and the other is loose at my hip.

  “How do you take it?” he asks, and I can feel the smile on his lips, his mouth on my forehead. Is he actually smelling my hair? Something is fogging up my brain, melting my insides. Something that has been hard and impenetrable in me….is now softening.

  “Milk...oh and if you have Equal, four packets.” I say looking up. His rich full lips are against mine. Our lips are touching in a light and familiar way, making it hard for me to breathe or think.

  “You like it sweet.” he says, one side of his mouth tipping up, giving me a sexy half grin.

  “Yeah,” I breathe out not able to break our stare.

  “Good to know we have that in common, angel.” He says and my stomach does a tiny flip. He kisses my nose and rolls out of bed, careful not to bump into me. HOLY SHIT!

  I watch his sexy naked beautiful body walk towards the bathroom. Even his ass was a thing of sheer beauty, muscular, perky, and tight enough to bounce a quarter off of. Turning his face once he reaches the door giving me a knowing smile. I’d totally been caught ogling the most handsome beautiful man I had ever seen…. and I was okay with that.

  “Who was that?” Lucy asks, completely surprised and I close eyes. Parker had done something to my poor brain and now it was malfunctioning. I had completely forgotten that I was on the phone.

  “Parker,” I whisper.

  “Parker…” Lucy squeals and I can hear muffled conversation and giggles, who I can only assume belong to Tess and Carrie.

  “Lucy!” I hiss.

  “You SLUT!” Tess says with love and a happy smile in her voice.

  “I know! I’m sorry. I’ll tell you everything, I promise, umm can you….”

  “I’ll take care of the shop. There are no cakes today and if anyone comes in for an emergency birthday cake, we got it. Take the day off. But tonight, we are all meeting at your apartment and you are going to feed us dinner and tell us who the hell Parker is and what the hell your ex is doing sniffing around the shop… don’t think we won’t make you talk!” Tess threatens and I know her well enough to know that she isn’t kidding.

  Lucy had caught them up on Jake apparently.

  “I promise.”

  “Okay. Go have fun you, lucky bitch! Have an orgasm for me.” She says laughing, the phone switching over to Lucy.

  “Love you, be safe and if you need a ride, you know who to call.” Lucy whispers, in a motherly way and I smile.

  “Thanks babe. Tell the girls I’m sorry for missing breakfast.” I tell her and she laughs, the phone once again shuffles back to Tess.

  “Babe, if he is half as hot as Lucy described him, I think each one of us would agree that we would rather be cozied up in bed with a complete stranger than here at breakfast.”

  “Love you.” I say smiling.

  “Love you safe.” Tess said, clearing her throat, “I’m glad by the way. It’s about time.”

  “Tess!” I laugh and she repeats for me to be safe before hanging up and I look at my phone her words ringing in my ears. Be safe. My gaze goes towards the bathroom as Parker steps out smiling brightly as he walks towards the bed, naked as the day he was born, an evil glint in his eyes as a shiver runs down my spine.

  Be safe…. too late I think to myself.

  “Your girls, okay?” he asks with genuine interest and I nod.

  “Yeah… they were just worried.” He looks at me and it makes me want to tell him more, “We meet every Monday for breakfast because sometimes all our schedules get to crazy and we don’t get to touch base.”

  He nods as he slips back into bed, sitting with his back against the headboard he brings my body next to his, and I melt into his warm naked body.

  “You guys are close.” He says and I nod.

  “They’re like sisters I never had.” I admit and realize that I don’t think I have ever worded it that way...not even to them. Out of the four of us, I am the hard ass. I usually never showed a
ny emotion. I was okay with that.

  “Anyhow, I’m usually there at least fifteen minutes early.” I say closing my eyes at the sensation of his fingers stroking my bare skin underneath the shirt. His fingers sear a path of heat on my bare skin and I shiver.

  “You’re always early and didn’t show this morning, so they were worried. Makes sense.” He says his voice deep and soothing. His fingers lightly touch my skin, hypnotizing me.


  “Did you tell them about me?” He asks full of curiosity.

  “Kind of.” His body shakes slightly with quiet laughter.

  “Kind of?” His voice rich and deep.

  “Lucy had already mentioned you to them… about having met you. I have to make them dinner tonight. They’re coming over so they can interrogate me. But on the bright side, Tess insisted on me taking the day off.”

  “Good…,” his voice soft, his hands moving from my back to my hair, the sensation makes me press closer into him.

  “Angel?” Angel. I don’t think I could ever not like him calling me that.


  “Want to spend the day together?” he asks, in a tone that makes me feel that he is a little nervous. Lifting my head to look at him, I smile.

  “You want to spend the day with me?” I ask my head slightly tilted, my dark hair falling onto his chest.

  “I don’t want to let you go. So yeah, I want to spend the day with you.”


  His words penetrate my brain and I hear a crack form on the walls I’d been so good about having around me and my heart. Maybe he’s just smooth with words? Even as the thoughts float through my mind, I know that isn’t it. No one could say words like that, in the honest way he had and not mean them, even if just a tiny bit.

  “Okay.” I whisper and smile against his lips as they fall over mine, coaxing my lips to part as his body shifts, taking me down on my back against his bed.

  “Girl’s night include drinks?” he asks, his mouth going to my neck.

  “What?” I whisper, as my breathing gets heavier at the sensation of his lips on the sensitive spot on my neck. He is way too good at that.


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