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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Statham, Mayra

  He’s sitting on his bed, the sheet covers him from his waist down, and I ignore the obvious tenting going on in front of him.

  “It’s four a.m, angel.”

  “I know. I have forty minutes to drive to my place, drop off my laundry and head to the bakery, where I hope someone has started the coffee machine.” I tell him as I walk to the bed and kneel on it, leaning forward. My hands on his chest, fingers taking in the sensation of the dark smattering of his chest hair mixed with the sheer hardness of the rock solid muscles beneath his soft, warm skin.

  “I’ll help you put the baskets in your car,” he mumbles against my mouth and I shake my head.

  “No need, I did that yesterday.” I tell him and he frowns but doesn’t say anything, making me nervous. This was it. Time to get out of the happy bubble I’d let myself be in and go back to my real life. Our three night stand was over. “So this was… fun.”

  “This?” He asks, clearly amused even if he still looks sleepy.

  “Yeah. This.” I repeat, looking away breathing in. It’s time to walk away. It had been fun. It had been perfect. “I should get going. Tess will kill me if I’m late. I probably have a hundred cakes to decorate.”

  “Okay,” he says and something in me hurts. Something in my chest hurts as I realize this is it. This might be my last moment with him. We hadn’t talked about the future or anything. Not like I was the type to do that. I wasn’t. I’m not.

  “Okay,” I say, feeling awkward. I lean in press my lips against his lightly one more time. One more kiss for the road, I feel his tongue lick my lower lip and before I give into what we both want I get up. Somehow I make my body walk towards his door, with my duffle bag in hand. Don’t look back.

  “Ellie,” he calls out when I get to the door of his room, and I turn around, trying to memorize what he looks like in bed so that when my lonely eighty year old self can have something to smile about.

  “Your place tonight?” He asks, raising an eyebrow, his lips trying to hide an obvious smile.

  Happy butterflies flutter in my stomach, and I can’t help the smile that falls over my face. He wants to see me. Tonight!

  “Sounds good,” I say, trying to sound nonchalant about it.

  “Text me when you get to the shop, okay?” He says raising an eyebrow.

  “Okay.” I say smiling like a moron as I walk out.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Seriously Liz, only you!” Tess exclaims, her face bright and happy.

  “What?” I ask laughing, trying to feign innocence as I work on frosting a sheet cake.

  We’re the only two in the kitchen working on decorating cake orders. It isn’t even ten in the morning, but the front of the shop sounds busy, our wonderful employees and assistant managers have everything in control.

  “You know what!” Tess says smiling, “You don’t date!”

  “That’s not true. You make me sound...depraved,” I say completely interrupting her.

  “You are depraved! Seriously! Even Saint Lucy dates more than you! Before that hot piece of man meat that we all met last night, when was the last time you had any action?” She asks, but before I answer she says, “Battery operated or self-induced action doesn’t count.”

  “Okay... I get that it’s been a while…,” I start to say but she shakes her head.

  “MATT. Matt, was the last time you were serviced! That was what? Over two years ago!” Tess reminds me,

  “Shut up, don’t let Lucy hear you, she’d have a shit fit if she knew that you were calling her that. Plus Matt was…?”

  I don’t even have words for what Matt had been. He is hot, sweet and really funny when he gets to know you. We’d been close. Or at least I had thought we were close. Then one night we got closer. But I should have known better.

  “Matt was hot sexy drunk fun, that you should have kept going after that one time. Why you stopped I have no idea. If it would have been me…?”

  “Tess…,” I groan out as I work on getting a new bag of icing, changing the tip to create flowers at the top right hand corner of the sheet cake.

  “Why do people pick out such generic cakes?” Tess asks staring at the cake I am working on. “I’m serious we shouldn’t even offer that as a possibility.”

  “They sell, Tess. They are fast to decorate and again, they sell.” I tell her. I’ve heard her complain about generic cakes before.

  “Fine, but like I was saying... Matt is hot in that bad boy- you sure as hell are never going to bring to momma for Sunday dinner - but will keep him tied to your bed for a long, hot, sweaty holiday weekend.” I stop decorating and stare at her, shaking my head.

  “I feel like you have put a lot of thought into this.” Not able to keep the smile off my face.

  “It’s Matt! I can almost guarantee that even Saint Lucy has thought about him while double clicking her mouse,” Tess says, and I laugh.

  “You shouldn’t call her that. You know she hates being called that.” She rolls her eyes at me.

  “Anyhow… you stopped getting any, you go on an unnecessary, two year dry spell. Which I’m positive was unnecessary because I’m positive you could have gone back for more with Matt. I know this because I have two eyes in my head and have seen the way he looks at you. Even now he looks at you like he has a million things he’d want to say and do to you...all of them deliciously dirty and only enhanced with … whipped cream and chocolate syrup.”

  I laugh at how outrageous she can be when she’s in a mood.

  “He does not. He’s just a friend. Always has been.” I tell her, but she continues on her little rant.

  “THEN you end the dry spell by getting back into the saddle…!” She closes her eyes in a dramatic way as if she is conjuring up an image of Parker in her mind, “With one of the hottest guys I have ever laid eyes on. Like EVER! In my life! I have never, EVER, seen a man with THAT much masculine beauty.” She shakes her head, putting down her bag of buttercream frosting, one hand going to her chest, opening her jade green eyes and stares at me, “Seriously Liz, if we weren’t so close… if we didn’t own a business together and if my momma didn’t love you like her own daughter… I’d seriously hate you. Like deep loathe type hate. Hate, like Rachel McAdams in Mean Girl’s kind of hating you!” I laugh, as I continue working on the retirement sheet cake, trying to ignore the heat on my face from blushing. I’ve never done this. The talking about a guy you are seeing with your girlfriend. Not when I was with Jake, not ever. It was something so simple and normal, but I had never done it. I like it. I stop decorating the cake and look at Tess.

  “He is pretty hot, huh?” I ask, my cheeks growing warmer.

  “Right off the pages of a fuckin’ GQ magazine HOT!” she says and we giggle.

  Adding the finishing touches to the sheet cake, we quiet down, working in a comfortable silence. She works on a round bright blue birthday cake. Almost done with them, I hear her clear her throat.

  “I hate to be a bit of a downer though…,” she says and I look at her

  “What’s up?”

  “Jake?” she asks and I sigh.

  “Don’t even remind me.”

  “Babe you’re going to hate me for saying this, but maybe you should talk to him?” she suggests and I shake my head.


  “Just think about it. Maybe it will help close the door to that chapter of your life….”

  “It’s closed. Trust me. That door is closed; dead bolted and welded shut, Tess. Jake is my past….”

  “Did you think he still looked good?” She asks speculatively and I sigh, shaking my head.

  “He’s a good looking guy, Tess.”

  “You didn’t answer me.” She pushes and I know she has a point she think she needs to make.

  “Fine, he looks good. But like I said, he’s a good looking guy. That part of my life is done with. I was young and naive….”

  “What about Parker?” She asks her voice unusually soft.

  “What abou
t him?” I ask defensively.

  “What are you doing with him?”


  She shakes her head; her almond shaped, jade green gaze makes me feel like she can see right through me.

  “We’re having fun.” I tell her as I lift the cake taking it to the fridge, bringing back a half sheet cake.

  “Fun?” She asks incredulously.

  “God, Tess….”

  “Babe, we’ve known one another for a while. You’re like my sister. That door might have been closed with Jake, but there is a shitload of old newspapers collecting dust in front of it.” She says seriously and I look at her.

  “He isn’t interested in me Tess. Seriously, Jake Thompson hasn’t been holding a torch for me for five years. He’s not the type to do something like that.”

  “There is only one way to find out for sure. Aren’t you even a little curious why out of the blue after five years, he’s sniffing around?” She asks and I look away from her.

  “What do you want me to do? Go to him and say, what the hell do you want? Please?” I ask feeling slightly frustrated. Tess was supposed to be on my side.

  “That’s one option. Or, if let’s say he were to show up here, you could go and have a coffee and say what needs to be said. So that in case GQ male model, sex on a stick fun turns into something more than fun, that part of you is available for someone else.”

  I look at her. Her green eyes are serious.

  “You're serious?” I ask her, my eyes wide.

  “Yeah, I am.” She says and I tilt my head at her. Her eyes look...sad and slightly worried.

  “I don’t do more than fun.” I say and her face becomes even more serious, my heartbeat picks up slightly.


  “I don’t. I can’t. It’s not in me to…!”


  “No, I mean sure Parker is funny and really sweet and so damn hot it’s as if he’s been photo shopped. Then sex with him, it’s that shit I’ve read in those books Lucy’s always pushing on us, you know those Sophie Samuel novels….but… there is no way…!”


  “No way in hell, a man like Parker Stone could possibly be interested in a woman like me.” I tell her and she frowns.

  “Why not? If I played for the other team, I’d go for you.” She says, making me smile.

  “You have to say that, you’re my best friend.” I tell her, feeling slightly defeated as I shake my head.

  “I’m serious. Look, I just don’t want you to mess this up.”

  “I had a great couple of days with him. There is nothing more to mess up. Great sex! Awesome memories made. That’s it.” I tell her, my hands slightly sweaty.

  Tess looks at me, “What did he say this morning?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask her, avoiding her gaze. I know exactly where her questions are going.

  “Yes, this morning? Don’t tell me you snuck away and left his bed,” she asks, and I glance at her noticing that her eyes are comically wide.

  “I tried, but he woke up.” I admit.

  Her laughter fills the kitchen and I can't bite away my own smile.

  “He said he’d meet me at my place tonight.” I tell her my voice soft.

  “Just fun huh, right?” A sneaky smirk on her face.

  “” Maybe if I keep repeating that, I would somehow believe it.

  Chapter Twelve


  Walking up to her apartment, my own duffel bag over my shoulder, I wonder how her day has been. I heard from her twice, both texts. One in the morning letting me know she’d made it to work, and another about an hour ago, telling me she was heading home. That had surprised me. She’d gone into work very early and had left about an hour after I had arrived back at my own very quiet and very lonely place.

  Knocking at her door, looking around, I don’t like where she lives. It wasn’t that it was a bad apartment, it was just not as safe as she needs or as safe as I want to make sure she is.

  “Hey.” She says, smiling opening the door for me. Taking in the sight of her, I can’t help smiling.

  She’s in a pair of black tight short shorts that show off her toned tanned legs, her feet are bare showing off her pretty pink toes. Her over-sized tee shirt is cut in a funky way that falls over her delicate shoulders, making my mouth water. I want to kiss, lick and bite her exposed tanned flesh. Hot pink bra strap is showing, and instantly I wonder if the bra has lace on it. My angel looks great in lace. Her long dark hair is in a loose French braid that falls behind her. Her face is free of makeup, she looks incredible. Fucking beautiful!

  “Hey.” I say back, my hands having a mind of their own reach out for her, hooking around her waist, bringing her close to me. Without another word or wasting another minute, I kiss her. Her lips are soft and sweet, I grow hungry for her. My body tightens, blood rushes south.

  Pulling away she looks up at me, slightly confused and a little hesitant.

  “Come in.” I let her go, following her into the small, cozy apartment, dropping my bag onto her couch.

  “Have you had dinner?”

  “No. Want to go out?” I asked her and she shakes her head. Her lips are slightly swollen from my mouth.

  “Want pizza? There’s a really great mom and pop place close by that delivers.” She says stepping back, hands at her side. She seems...nervous, “Unless you don’t like pizza.”

  “Is mutual pizza adoration a deal breaker for you?” I ask her, leaning against a wall, grinning at her. I see the apples of her cheeks brighten.

  “Abso-fucking-lutely!” She says smiling back.

  “Well lucky for me, I’m always game for pizza.”

  “Okay, Pepperoni okay?”

  “Anything you want, angel.” I tell her, meaning it more than she even can ever imagine. Shit, more than I can imagine.


  Dinner was good, but something is up with Liz. Not that I think I know her that well, but she’s tense, almost nervous. Something’s off. Wrong.

  “You were right that place is awesome.” I tell her and she looks at me. Dark brown eyes completely guarded.

  “Yeah.” Her voice is soft as she agrees. Picking up my plate and hers she walks into the kitchen. I stand and follow her.

  I’m done with her acting weird.

  “You okay?” I ask her, as I stand in the doorway, her back to me.

  “Yeah. Just long day, sorry if I’m quiet,” her voice is soft, but she doesn’t look my way. For a moment I wonder if Thompson stopped by today.

  “You sure that’s all it is?” I ask her, and she nods. I grit my teeth. She is still not fucking looking at me.

  I’m done being away from her. Walking to her, her back in front of me as she’s washing the couple of dishes we’d used, nervous energy radiating off of her. I wrap my arms around her waist, lean my head down to the crook of her neck and am thankful when she moves slightly to give me more room.

  “Want me to go home?” I whisper into her ear and watch her eyes close.

  For a moment she doesn’t answer, my heartbeat picks up. What if she wants me to go? Relief hits as she shakes her head, and I kiss her cheek. Loving the way her skin is soft, delicate almost.

  “So... what’s the matter?” I ask her.

  “Nothing,” she says, turning off the water, she turns around and puts her hands on my chest stroking my abs with lazy strokes. We stand for a little bit, just standing close, both of us quiet. Liz gathering her thoughts and me giving her the time she needs to do it.

  “I’m not used to this.” She finally says.

  “Use to?”

  “Having someone here, I mean a guy… I’m not very good at whatever this is.”

  “You’ve been pretty good at it the last couple of days.” I say and she looks up at me, rolling her eyes and I smile at her.

  “I just want to be clear that's what we are.”

  “Wait what?”

  “We’re fun right?” She
blurts, nervousness shadows her dark eyes. “Like we fit into one another's schedule we hang out, when we don’t it's okay?” I know she’s asking something bigger than she is actually asking, but I’m a little lost. Is she seriously suggesting we should be fuck buddies? Something about the idea sours my stomach.


  “Yeah.” she says standing straighter her eyes going to mine.

  The expression on her face is serious and a little bitchy, but it’s her eyes that give her away. That and the nervous energy she’s throwing at me it’s obvious. She’s … scared. I don’t agree with it, but if she needs it to be this way to let me in. I’d do that, for her.

  “Fun it is.” I tell her. Her body visibly relieved, but something flashes in her eyes and as fast as it was there, it vanishes. Standing on the tips of her toes, her hands go to the back of my head.

  “I have an idea how we can have some fun,” she whispers her eyes bright, her mouth going to mine.

  Oh hell yeah. I like her idea of fun.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Fourteen days. Two weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I’d met Parker.

  That’s also the number of nights that we’ve slept next to one another. It’s fun. It’s hot. I can’t even come up with one possible complaint about him. He is THAT good.

  He’s everything I never believed a man could ever be.

  Shit hot…Successful… Funny…Sweet! Didn’t play mind games, or at least didn’t seem too. He’s great. Better than great. Even our schedules mesh great together. I’ve let myself fall into this happy cloud that surrounds us. This beautiful happy bubble that Parker and I seem to co-exist in. I know I should try to be cautious but something about every time I try to keep him an arm’s length, he unknowingly tears down my walls and destroying my armor.

  Walls I’m not even sure he knew were there. Walls I’m not sure he was even trying to break down.


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