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Etched in Stone (Six Degrees Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Statham, Mayra

  “Oh?” Tilting my head closer to his face, his hands on my face, he leans in and peppers small kisses all over my face, then stands up and gives me his hand.

  Standing up with his help, we walk barefoot in the sand following another lit up trail, the same rustic wood lanterns guiding our way, until we reach a makeshift floor with old wooden beach boards and even more candles than we’d had by the pergola and my heart stills.

  A group of three guys and a girl with instruments at their sides start to play music as the group stand on top of a brightly colored rug that matches the pillows we’d just left behind.

  “Babe?” I ask as my heart’s beating at hummingbird speed.

  “Shhh… come here.” His deep voice orders and I go to him.

  His hands are on my waist and with my hands on his chest we start to sway to the sound of an unfamiliar song playing in the background. The soft song mixing with the sounds of the waves crashing slowly on the shore quickly starts to become one of my favorite sounds. As quick as my heart rate picked up its, begins to slows until I am calm in his arms. The first song ends and the band quickly starts into another.

  This one is familiar. Latch by Disclosure and Sam Smith but the quartet’s own acoustic version. It’s smooth, less poppy than the first version but more upbeat than the acoustic one that Sam Smith does by himself. A song that every time I hear it makes me think of Parker, but I’d been too chicken to admit to him.

  "I'm tied to you, I know what I've found and no way in hell am I letting this go bad," he whispers, his rich deep voice washes over me. The lovely lyrics of the song float around us on the beautiful beach. His words seep into the core of my being, unlike anything I had ever felt. There is no fighting or denying the tears now rolling down my face as Parker sings the lyrics of what I will forever consider our song. The sincerity and honesty in his voice, repeating the sentiment that had made us an official couple is crippling. All I can do is hold on to him. Tightly! Not letting go. Hoping and praying that somehow, someway he will be able to know that I feel the same exact way and that somehow I wouldn’t let go of what we had.

  For the next hour we slow dance, song after song, each beautiful and filled with meaning. His arms hold me tight in a way that reassures me he isn’t letting go. My body is pressed into his. The scent of his cologne is all around me making me feel alive, comforted and loved. At times he looks at me and I drown in the beauty that is the man standing in front of me.

  The beauty that is Parker Stone!


  After thanking the band, we walk back, barefoot to the pergola. It now has canvas walls all around it and it’s as if we step into our own little world. Almost as if we are the only two people on Earth. I want him so badly, my body’s revved and ready but I’m worried about strangers walking by on the beach.

  “It’s a private beach,” he huskily says, somehow, once again reading my thoughts.

  “How do you know?” I ask my voice soft as I look at him. Our hands holding one another’s, fingers laced together.

  “I own it,” he says looking almost shy about it, and my eyes widen. He owns a private beach? “There’s security but if you feel better we can go into the house.”

  “House?” I ask again completely taken back.

  “I have a place here, it was more of an investment,” he says, obviously trying not to make a big deal of it.

  I knew he was well off. I’ve seen what he drives, where he lives, the way he dresses, but never in my wildest dreams had I thought he was this well of. Private beach houses on the beach as “investments” is a whole other league of well off. Don’t think about it. I urge myself, trying not to let myself feel inadequate.

  Sure I’m a businesswoman who co-owns a very popular bakery, but I’d never make enough to be on even ground financially with Parker. I don’t even think I’d want to have that much money.

  Stop thinking! I silently remind myself. It was time to let myself just be with Parker.

  “Are there blankets?” I answer smiling and the worry that clouded his eyes vanish replaced with a smile.

  Chapter Eighteen

  She’s nervous.

  And she’s silently freaking out. Meeting my family is almost as a big deal to her as it is to me.

  “They’re going to love you.” I tell her as I drive my Jag to my parents place situated in an exclusive private gated community in Miami.

  “Mmhhm,” she mumbles and I look at her through my dark sunglasses.

  Sitting next to me, she looks confident and beautiful. The reason I know she’s freaking out is because her hands keep tugging at the hem of her dress. She’s in a mustard yellow strapless dress that when standing hits above her knees, giving me a tiny peek of her smooth tanned thighs. The morning is chilly, so she’d thrown on a light denim jacket over the sundress that on anyone else the color would not have been flattering, but on her it made her skin glow. She isn’t in heels today; instead she’s wearing sweet cream toned crocheted ballet flats that match the material of her floppy looking purse. She looks beautiful, girl next door sweet, with a hint of trouble in her eyes. Just looking at her makes my dick sit up and take notice.

  Looking at the road ahead of us, I see a clearing on the shoulder and decide to pull over.

  “What are you doing?” She asks scowling at me.

  Placing the car in park, I look at her.

  “They are going to love you, angel,” repeating my words from the night before.

  She looks like she wants to argue with me, opening and closing her mouth and I know she doesn’t know what to say. Finally, she just sighs and rests her head back on the seat.

  “How are you so sure?” She asks in a tone that shows an emotional vulnerability in her. One I know is rare for her to show.

  Because I love you, the words are clear in my mind. I sit straighter in my seat and look at her. Suddenly I feel the same way I did the first time I laid eyes on her. Something, warm and strong is holding on tightly over the left side of my chest.

  I’m in love.

  Real love… ‘She’s the one,’ kind of love.

  Looking at my angel, my throat is dry at the realization that I somehow fell in love with the girl staring back at me. Not that it surprises me. Swallowing hard, I am waiting for my own freak out to hit. But it doesn’t. I don’t freak out. I don’t freak out because I’ve known from the first time I saw her that she’s my one. I want this with her. I want her to be it for me. My hands go to her chin so that she’ll turn and look at me.

  Rich, dark chocolate eyes clouded with worry look into mine. I’d do anything for her.

  “Because I do….” She lifts a delicate eyebrow and I swallow hard, knowing I’m going to chicken out from telling her I love her. I know that if I tell her right now exactly how I feel, she’s only going to freak out more. I have to handle the situation with care and finesse.

  “I know they are going to love you because… I know them and I know you.”

  “Oh,” she says quickly looking slightly relieved. Then sighing she starts to talk, “I know I’m being dumb… it’s just I get nervous. I haven’t done this before. I’m sorry, Parker,” she apologizes giving me a small smile and I smile at her. She’s so damn pretty and she’s fucking mine. Only mine!

  “No need to be sorry. Now kiss me so we can go.” I tell her smiling.

  Three little words caught in my words, their meaning slipping out in the kiss we share.


  His parents live in Miami Shores, in one of the largest homes I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s beautiful, and I feel severely underdressed in my simple sundress. This doesn’t help my nerves. I watch Parker as he walks around the car to my door, he’s in a red tee and dark jeans and sneakers, nothing fancy completely casual, maybe I wasn’t completely under dressed?

  We walk towards the house and a pretty, trim middle-aged woman is standing in the doorway smiling brightly at us.

  “You must be Liz?” She says walking over to us, ignoring
Parker completely and heading right to me. My heart is beating in my ears, as she comes right to me and without warning hugs me. Trying not to feel completely awkward I hug her back, and something in me softens. Her hug feels nice. Soothing and instantly calming to my frayed nerves. Before I can think anything of it, she steps back, still smiling.

  “I’m Angela Stone, please call me Gina. I can’t tell you how excited I am to meet you.” She says sounding genuine and I laugh.

  “Thank you. I’m excited to meet you and your family as well.” I tell her, slightly lying because even though she soothed my nerves with a sweet hug, I still had to meet his three sisters, Dad and possibly his brother.

  “Great. Just… don’t get overwhelmed, there are a lot of us,” she warns smiling her eyes clearly worried and I smile.

  “Parker’s told me so much about you guys.”

  “Half of what he said is probably true.” She jokes and I laugh.

  Walking into the elegant but comfortable looking home, I am led by Parker’s mom. As Parker and Gina speak, I try to catch my breath. The backyard is even more impressive than the front.

  Sprawling lush trimmed bright green grass, brightly colored tropical looking flowers bloom everywhere. Over-sized outdoor furniture and a huge wooden table are a focal point. A handsome middle-aged man walks towards us, three women behind him smile and gawk at us. I feel Gina, Parker’s mom, move aside, and Parker comes right next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

  I look up at him and he winks at me. There is something about the wink. As if he’s trying to remind me everything is going to be okay, that we’re a team. My hand goes to, our fingers intertwine together, and he squeezes tight. It all happens in seconds, but it’s a moment I know deep in my soul I’d remember for the rest of my life.

  The handsome man stands in front of us smiling brightly. His eyes are the same shade of grey as Parker’s.

  “Hi Liz, I’m Greg Stone, this guy’s dad.” His soft eyes dancing as he looks between Parker and me.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stone.” I say shaking his hand. His eyes dance in amusement. He shakes his head.

  “Please call me Greg or Dad… Mr. Stone is for old retired people,” he says jokingly, smiling brightly. I smile, feeling Parker squeeze my shoulder. Something about the casual way he says that makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.

  “Okay. I’ll do that.” I say softly. I watch the two blondes and the raven haired woman come to us and Parker sighs dramatically.

  “Liz, these crazies are my sisters, Maggie, Callie and Jill.” They each give me a hug and kiss my cheek.

  Jill is the raven haired beauty with soft grey eyes. Meg is blonde with their mom’s brown eyes and Callie is the youngest looking blonde with light blue eyes.

  “What are you doing with our brother?” Jill asks, winking at me. Maggie and Callie are snickering behind her.

  “Hey…,” Parker complains.

  “Seriously Parker, she is just way too hot for you. Babe, you need to come visit me in Seattle, I will introduce you to some really hot guys, not like this goof.” Jill tells me smiling brightly and I can’t help but laugh out all my tension as Parker walks us over to the patio furniture, pulling me down next to him on an oversized couch. I watch as everyone sits and all eyes are on us.

  “She isn’t going to Seattle, she’s mine.” Parker says, pulling me closer into his shoulder and I look up at him unable to hide my smile. I like being his.

  “I kind of like him, I think I’ll keep him for a bit.” I turn to tell Jill, winking playfully at her.

  “Okay girls, why don't you help me out in the kitchen, we will get lunch ready?”

  We all stand, but before I am able to follow his sisters and his mom, Park grabs my hand.

  “Angel,” he whispers and I lean down without thinking about it. His lips meeting mine softly. After I straighten, his hand holding mine, he kisses the inside of my wrist, warmth filtering throughout me. I smile at him and look up and freeze. I freeze because five set of eyes are on us at the moment. His sisters clearly surprised at Parker’s public display of affection, his Dad smiling proudly and Gina, his mom’s eyes are suspiciously wet. Realizing that they have been caught staring at us they all instantly snap out of their daze and the girls start to walk into the house.

  Stepping into an even more beautiful kitchen than Parker’s, Callie sits on the countertop, as the rest of us stand around the center kitchen island and asks, “So Liz, how long have you and Parker been together?”

  “Oh umm, we’ve been seeing each other for almost two months.” I share and Maggie coughs, choking on the water she is drinking.

  “Two months?” She asked sounding surprised.

  “Yeah, I mean I met him back in October at a charity event. He only asked me some questions about cakes and I only answered his questions. I’m a part owner of a bakery in Los Angeles. Then we bumped into one another two months ago…and started seeing each other.”

  “Wow.” Jill said smiling at me and I was slightly confused.


  “He is so in love with you after only two months?”

  “What?” I breathe out. Parker is in love with me? No. “No. We’re just getting….”

  “Babe, you don’t know him like I do. I’ve NEVER seen him like this.” Jill says smiling. I look around to see Maggie and Callie are smiling nodding their heads in agreement with their older sister. I glance at Gina and she just smiles, a tender look falling over her face.

  “No… I mean… Ummm.”

  “Okay Jill, stop. You are going to freak Liz out.” Callie says, jumping off the counter and walking over to me and placing her arm over my shoulder, catching me slightly off guard at the gesture. She is being protective and sweet.

  “I wasn’t trying to freak you out, Liz.” Jill said her eyes soft and slightly worried.

  “You didn’t.” I lie. I was freaked out, completely. Parker is in love with me? In an attempt to change the subject and not be rude at the same time, I look over at Gina, “How can I help with lunch?”

  Gina’s warm brown eyes stare at me for a moment and she smiles softly.

  “Can you help me make something for dessert?”

  I smile brightly and nod.


  His family is hilarious.

  His sisters remind me of my own girls. They are easy going, genuine and really funny. His dad and mom together make an unbelievable pair, funny and sweet. I watch them as we eat and laugh. They ask about my shop and what it is like to own my own bakery. They joke and tease Parker mercilessly about his sweet tooth and how he alone could keep me in business.

  They’d all strolled into the house, leaving Park and me alone in the backyard for a moment. We walked over to the dock. It was located at the end of the yard and led to a waterway. We sit at the edge, hand in hand, with my head on his shoulder.

  “Told you they would love you,” he whispers and my chest warms because I’m glad. I really like them too.

  “ did.” I answer softly.

  “Tired?” He asks.

  “Not even a little bit.” I smile.


  “So...your parents look really young.” I comment and he laughs.

  “I just mean… you're thirty-four and have two older siblings.” I comment.

  “They got married right after high school.”

  “Wow… really?”

  “Yup. Like the day after their high school graduation. My mom’s dad hates my dad… even to this day.” Parker shares and I look at him.


  “My dad wasn’t raised like my mom. He’ll tell you how he didn’t have two pennies to rub together. Anyhow, they met in high school and the day after graduation, they went to a courthouse.”

  “Just like that?” I ask my eyes wide with surprise.

  “They’d talked about it, but yeah… just like that.”


  “Jill and Evan ar
e twins and they were born on my parent’s first wedding anniversary. I was a surprise a year later. Then two years later Maggie and Callie came six years later.”

  “Wow. Your parents had their hands full.”

  “Yup.” A smile plays on his lips.

  “But they have it together now… I mean… emotionally and financially, so why does your grandfather…?”

  “My grandfather is an ass. My dad was smart. Saved and invested. It paid off. Plus, my dad’s a hard worker. We didn’t live like this growing up.”

  “Wow.” I lean more into his warm body as a breeze picks up, his hold tightening around me, “It’s nice here...not because it fancy but because it’s… comfortable. Cozy. Homey.”

  “Yeah,” he mumbles and I look up at him.

  “You okay?” I ask cupping his face.

  “Yeah…,” he says pulling me away slightly his face looks down at me, his eyes warm he swallows hard, “Ellie…?”

  “There you guys are! Park, mom’s looking for you.” Maggie yells out. The petite curvy blonde smiles mischievously and Parker groans and I can’t help but laugh. He leans in and kisses me.

  “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Not without you.” I whisper against his lips, not at all afraid of how much I mean those words.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The afternoon is still young, the sun is burning bright as I sit on the end of the dock, my ballet flats sitting next to me as I look out at the water.

  “Hello, beautiful.” A slightly familiar male voice says and I turn, looking at the familiar man behind me.

  “Lincoln?” Smiling his gorgeous smile, he chuckles. But my smile falters slightly.

  “How are you?” He asks sounding genuinely interested and I’m momentarily confused.

  “What are you doing here, Lincoln?” Hugging him slightly, immediately taking a step back.

  “It’s Evan actually.” My eyes widen, my stomach sinking.

  “Park’s…?” Oh no, oh no.

  “He’s my little brother.” Evan/ Lincoln clarifies and now looking at him, Parker’s face engraved into memory, I can see the resemblance. The only thing is that Lincoln/Evan or whatever his name is, he is smaller. At five feet ten inches, he’s shorter than Parker. Not as tall or carrying the bulky muscle Parker has. No Lincoln is lean and trim with defined muscles, but he’s a runner not a weight lifter, and Evan’s eyes are a soft blue, much like Callie’s instead of Parker’s grey.


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