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Wizard's Woman

Page 3

by Solange Ayre

  A shock went through her. She had never known her master had such exotic preferences.

  “Consent to this and you will experience great pleasure.”

  “You will not hurt me?” she whispered. And if he gave his word, could she trust him to keep it? She knew Kardos would not harm his apprentice. But now he thought her a court lady—and a stranger.

  “Never. The only pain will be the torture of delayed fulfillment.” He stroked her cheek tenderly. “Any couple can join together and experience a brief interlude, soon begun and soon finished. That is not my way. If you agree to this, our consummation will achieve heights previously unknown to you.”

  “Have you done this often?” She hated the thought of him consorting with other women.

  Kardos shook his head. “I have found only a few women desirable.” Relief flooded her. “Of those, most were unwilling to experiment.” Moving her hair aside he kissed her ear, letting her feel the touch of his teeth. The banked fire in her pussy sparked to life.

  “You’ll be tied to my bed while I kiss every inch of your enticing body. You’ll beg me to take you—to put an end to the waiting. I’ll delay until our bodies scream for release.” Demonstrating, he held her arms spread-eagled, his hands bearing hers down, and gave her a sucking kiss on the neck. Desire quivered across her skin. His lips drew on her flesh, provoking such wild excitement that she couldn’t bear it. She thrashed underneath him but he only sucked harder. Ripples of longing spread through her. Despite the frenzied climax she’d experienced minutes ago, she craved more.

  Finally he raised his head. “That is how it will be. We’ll travel together to the farthest shores of sensation.”

  She tried to picture herself tied to his bed. “But…I have never heard of such a thing.”

  “Passion can flourish in many different ways.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the palm softly. “Think about my request carefully. If you decide you wish to spend tomorrow evening with me, come to my bedchamber at nine o’clock.” Releasing her other hand, he went on, “If I hear your knock, I shall rejoice. If not—why, I will remember this evening as a fascinating interlude with a beautiful lady.”

  Before she could reply, he rose from the couch, made her a courtly bow and strode from the ballroom.

  She sank down against the arm of the settee. In spite of the astounding pleasure he had given her, tears sprang to her eyes.

  She ached for him as never before.

  * * * * *

  Ash yawned as she joined Kardos in his workroom the next morning. Last night she had lain awake for hours, reliving every moment she had spent with him. Trembling when she recalled how he’d stroked her with his fingers and mouth. Turning restlessly in bed, wishing he would come to her.

  Would she go to him tonight? The thought of being tied and bound to his bed frightened her. And yet she was desperate to feel his hands on her again.

  His hands, his mouth…and his cock deep inside me.

  Kardos was leaning over a steaming beaker with a fire burning below it as Ash approached him.

  The wizard looked up. “Feeling better today, my boy?”

  “Much better, master. How was the ball?”

  Kardos shrugged. “Oh…tolerable, I suppose.”

  Tolerable? Enraged, Ash could scarcely speak. “So you did not capture the attention of any ladies?”

  A reminiscent smile came over Kardos’ face. “Well…a gentleman should not speak of such things.”

  Ash drew closer. “So there was someone! Was she pretty, master? Beautifully dressed? Did you fall in love?”

  Kardos quirked up a skeptical brow. “One does not fall in love instantly at my age, Ash. Love is different at forty than at twenty-one.”

  “I don’t believe it.”

  “Ah, how well I remember being your age. I was apprenticed to a sorceress in Enderly, a land where women are permitted to practice the Arcane Arts. Lady Water–Wender was my teacher. I loved her with such burning devotion I thought I would die of it.”

  Ash stared at him. Jealousy roiled through her, an emotion so dark that for a moment everything went black before her eyes. “Do you love her still?” she managed to choke out.

  Kardos chuckled, yet there was more sadness than mirth in the sound. “Of course not. She was twenty years my senior. I was not her only lover…” He fell silent, staring out the leaded glass window.

  Ash bit her lip. “Were you with her a long time?”

  “Some few years. One day she said she’d taught me all she knew. I left her and went wandering. As time passed, my infatuation faded.”

  Flames leapt up around the beaker and the liquid inside boiled over. The fluid ran down the glass sides and the beaker cracked. Kardos snatched up tongs, moving the damaged vessel to a wooden tub.

  “‘A tended fire warms a hut but a fire that blazes too high destroys a castle’,” he quoted ruefully.

  Ash replied, “And yet they say, ‘Passion without fire is like tea without honey’.”

  “A clever reply, my boy—but not always true in real life.” Kardos turned, his eyes searching hers. “Do you fancy yourself in love with someone? One of the court ladies, perhaps? Don’t be hasty. It’s easy to fall in love at your age but it does not last.”

  “Twenty-one isn’t so very young,” Ash protested. I am old enough to revel in your lovemaking. “If I choose well—choose someone worthy—my love will remain steadfast.”

  Carefully, Kardos set a new beaker on the stand. “No need to rush. You are very young. Tastes alter with age.”

  She shook her head. “I know what I want.”

  He changed the subject. “I have a task for you tonight. You must go to the forest. But take care. Many wizards have cast spells upon the forest in honor of All Hallows.”

  Her heart skipped a beat, but a young man wouldn’t admit to being frightened of anything. “Tell me the task, master.”

  He gave her a doubtful look. “You must wear the amulet of protection I gave you to ward off loathsome spirits.”

  She tried to swallow around a suddenly dry throat.

  He added, “And take your knife. Enchanted wolves lurk in the forest, you know.”

  Suppressing a shiver, she said, “I’m not afraid of wolves.”

  “Very well. I’ll give you a pass so the Queen’s guards will allow you outside the gates tonight. I need you to find a lattal tree. The fruit must be picked at midnight to be fully effective.”

  Does he want me out of the way in case Queen Brianna comes to him? Ash gulped. How could she leave the mansion if she were giving and receiving pleasure in Kardos’ bed?

  She must plan to leave him by half-past eleven. She would make some excuse.

  “A grove of lattal trees lies at the west-most point of the forest. I want two ripe fruits.”

  “I won’t fail you.”

  “Are you truly willing? Tell me if there is any reason you don’t want to go.”

  She squared her shoulders. “I’ll get the lattals for you.”

  His brows drew together as though he were disappointed rather than pleased at her willingness. “Yes. I need them for an important spell.” He filled another beaker. “You have leave to go study now, my boy. Mind you stay in your bedchamber and work.”

  “Yes, master,” Ash muttered, displeased to be sent away from him.

  “Don’t worry. Once you’re a full-fledged wizard, you’ll be free of my errands. You can travel the world as your own master.”

  “You still have much to teach me. I’m not eager to leave you.”

  “That day will come, though.” Was it sorrow she heard in his voice?

  I’ll never leave you, master.

  And tonight I’ll prove my love for you.

  Chapter Three

  That evening, Ash donned the skirt and breastplate she’d worn to the masquerade ball, the only women’s clothes she owned.

  Once again she chanted the spell that changed her hair. Please, Great Goddess—let everything g
o well tonight.

  Her mouth was dry with anticipation as she hesitated outside Kardos’ bedchamber.

  When she knocked the door opened immediately. Had he been waiting for her?

  His eyes devoured her as he beckoned her in. “We meet again, lovely Queen Brianna. I admit I had my doubts.”

  Tall orange candles flickered in every corner of the room. His massive bed dominated the room, the thick wooden posts reaching nearly to the ceiling.

  “My lord wizard.” She couldn’t wait another minute to touch him. Drawing near, she entwined her arms around his neck. “This day lasted a thousand hours.”

  “For me as well.” Hands stroking her waist, he kissed her tenderly. “Do you feel the Goddess’ holiday magic heating your blood? Stimulating your senses?”

  She always felt those sensations when near him. Nevertheless, she nodded.

  “Tell me, though—are you afraid?” he asked.

  “A little, perhaps.”

  “You must not feel frightened of anything we do here tonight, dear lady. If you wish me to cease any activity, say ‘Queen Brianna commands you to stop’. Do you understand?”

  “If I say that, will you send me away?”

  “No, indeed.” His smile lightened his customary somber expression. “We’ll try something else that pleases you better.” Stroking her shoulder, he asked, “So you have no regrets about last night?”

  “None whatsoever. You?”

  “Only one. I never saw what lies concealed under your breastplate.”

  A tingle of passion ran through her. Always she’d imagined him kissing her breasts, sucking her nipples. “That is easily remedied.”

  As she had intended, he took her words as permission to untie the leather cords that closed her breastplate in the back. Removing it, he set it on the bedside table. When her heavy breasts were freed she sighed with relief. Except when she slept, her breasts were always constrained by the bands of gauze she wore under her masculine tunic.

  His glittering gaze filled her with anticipation. “Lovely. Who could have imagined that such beauty hid under your—breastplate?”

  She was glad she’d rouged her nipples while preparing for the evening. She waited for him to touch her.

  Instead he lifted his robe over his head, revealing a muscular chest with a thin line of dark hair down the middle and tempting brown nipples. She looked downward. His black tights concealed his lower body.

  Pulling a chair close, he sat. “Touch your breasts, my Queen.”

  He wanted to watch while she fondled herself? Ash sucked in her breath. She’d never imagined such a thing.

  Dew gathered in her sex at the thought of such a display. And yet she hesitated.

  “By coming here tonight, you agreed to follow my commands.” He spoke in the stern voice of the master she usually obeyed without question.

  “I consented to being tied to the bed…no more,” she protested.

  He rose and came to her, cupping her breasts in his palms, then stroking her nipples with insistent fingers, as she had so often hoped he would. Resistance melted away. She gasped with delight, her nipples puckering under his enticing touch.

  “My Queen, allow me to direct our games this evening. You will enjoy them. Passion will feed upon passion.”

  Ash let her long hair fall forward to conceal her face. Should she do as he asked?

  She remembered the pleasure he had given her last night, the wild, delirious rise to fulfillment.

  Their eyes met and held. “I shall follow your commands, my lord wizard.”

  “Very good.” He sat again. “Now you must fondle yourself.”

  She cupped her breasts in her palms, enjoying their rounded softness and weight. Then she circled two fingers over each nipple. They peaked instantly, the tips engorging and darkening. How often had she done this in bed at night, wishing it were Kardos’ hands grazing her skin?

  Yet seeing his intent gaze on her was almost as satisfying as an actual touch.

  She moved her palms over her breasts, molding and squeezing them. Her breath quickened. Arousal sparked in her core.

  “Come closer.”

  She obeyed, moving near enough that he could touch her.

  Putting his hands on her shoulders, he leaned forward. The tip of his tongue flicked her right nipple, then circled the areola insistently. He suckled it hard, drawing it into the deep cave of his mouth. Her eyes closed as she reveled in the hot sensations that ran through her.

  His hands left her shoulders. He undid the clasp of her skirt. The silk slid down her legs, pooling at her feet.

  “Legs apart.”

  She followed his order. He stroked her mound, teasing the soft curls, making her sigh with happiness. His fingers danced lightly along her slit, barely touching her. Gently he separated her folds. His fingers traced her lips, spreading the moisture that leaked from her channel.

  “More!” she whispered.

  Before she realized what he would do, he thrust a finger into her. She gasped at the sudden invasion and squeezed her inner muscles. Sensation built and spiraled out. Pressing against his finger, she rocked her hips.

  “Your wine flows already, my Queen. Why is that?”

  Heat rose to her cheeks. “Your mouth on my breasts.”

  “That gives you pleasure?”


  Keeping his finger deep inside her, he took her other nipple in his mouth, nipping it lightly with his teeth. She jerked against him as he thrust his finger up and down.

  “Tell me what else you desire tonight,” he said. “What shall I do to you?”

  Could she speak the words? She hesitated, giving him a pleading look.

  “Tell me what you want from me,” he ordered, his voice stern.

  She whispered, “Your cock.”

  “Where do you want it?”

  Her heart pounded with anticipation. “Where your finger is.”

  “Where else? Will you take my cock inside your sweet mouth?”

  She’d never pleasured a man’s shaft that way. But how could she refuse when he’d given her such wonderful sensations with his mouth on the previous evening?

  “If…if it would please you…”

  His smile reminded her of the times when, as his apprentice, she had answered a difficult question correctly. “Then go to my bed,” he commanded. “Lie on your back.”

  She didn’t want to move. His finger stroking inside her was too exciting.

  He withdrew his hand. “Go!”

  Conscious of her nakedness, she left him and approached the bed. The sheets were already turned back, ready for her.

  When they’d lived in his cottage, one of her tasks had been to knock on his bedchamber door at sunrise, ensuring he was awake. She’d often thought of climbing into his bed, grasping him before he woke and revealing she was a woman.

  She reclined, aware of how closely he watched. She arched her back, arranging her hair on the pillow, knowing the movements threw her breasts into prominence.

  “Open your legs.” He rose from his chair to observe more closely.

  She bit her lip. This room was much brighter than last evening’s dim alcove. What would she look like to him, every secret part of her body exposed to his avid gaze?

  Raising her knees, she parted her thighs. Fluid seeped from her pussy. Oh, how she wanted his finger inside her again, stroking and titillating her channel.

  Or better still, his cock in there.

  His attention held her as surely as an embrace as he unfastened the strings of his codpiece. He pulled it aside and his cock sprang forth. She gazed at it, growing even wetter at the sight. His organ was not only hard and long but wondrously thick as well. Her channel throbbed as she imagined him thrusting into her.

  He slid his tights down his hips, revealing muscular legs. Devoid of clothing, he reminded her of the magnificent nude statue of Jador in the Queen’s Atrium.

  “How handsome you are,” she breathed.

roaching the bed, he quirked one brow up. “Handsome? Is it a jest?”

  “No jest, ma—my lord wizard.” Reaching out, she caressed the length of his cock, delighted with the way the long vein pulsed at her touch.

  He joined her on the bed, positioning himself between her legs. “I see that your sweet pussy is wet with dew. I must have one quick sample, so we can anticipate how it will be when I finally take you.”

  Holding his massive cock in his fist, he slid the head against the slick outer lips of her sex. His hot flesh pushing against her aroused channel sent thrills chasing through her body. Her heart pounded. She cried out and opened her legs wider. Slowly he entered her, his thickness pushing into her damp folds, inch by inch. She was amazed at the incredible sensation. She’d never dreamt a man’s cock would fill her so completely.

  She loved the slow, teasing sensation of his shaft sliding inside her, pleasuring every nerve. Finally she had what she’d wanted for so long—her master inside her body, joined to her.

  Now, when most men would have started thrusting, Kardos kept still. “Tell me how it feels to hold me inside your sex.”

  Ash gazed up at him. “As though I hunger—and only you can feed me.”

  His full lips curved into a smile. Slowly he withdrew. She ached for him to thrust into her again.

  He moved to the side of the bed, leaving her ready to sob with disappointment.

  “You will be even more beautiful when you are bound and helpless.” His insistent thumbs circled her nipples, teasing them until they puckered, forcing a moan from her. “Are you ready for my ropes?”

  “Yes, tie me.” To her surprise, she found herself eager to be bound for his pleasure. She wanted to lie there anticipating what he would do next.

  “Put your hands against the bedposts,” he commanded. When she did so, he leaned forward and stroked her wrists, murmuring words of a language so old, no one knew which land it came from.

  Feeling herself bound, she turned her neck and saw her right wrist tied to the bedpost with a black rope. Her left wrist was tethered to the opposite post.

  Her body arched, testing her boundaries. Shivering at the thought of her own helplessness, she gazed up at him, waiting.


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