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Sigil Witchery

Page 13

by Laura Tempest Zakroff

  Scenario: A Prosperity Sigil

  Liza has been working her butt off, but barely makes ends meet every month once all of the bills have been paid. She is very responsible with her budget and her activities, and works hard at promoting herself. If she could pull in three hundred dollars more a month for the next six months, Liza would feel that she could finally make some headway in clearing out her student loan and other debt and start saving money. She would like to be able to take a trip overseas within the next year to study with a mentor and expand her craft. It’s time to manifest!


  Solution: A Festival Sigil

  We have a community event with a spiritual root—and the triple correlation of the number seven (seven days, seven years, seven words). Our chosen words are unity, love, understanding, inspiration, safety, energy, and happiness. Let’s consider what shapes and symbols align with each of these words:

  unity—a circle or lines converging into one

  love—a heart

  understanding—When I consider this word, I think about communication, especially listening. A pair of mirrored crescents or chevrons might reflect this nicely.

  inspiration—asterisks (sparks of creativity)

  safety—could be a circle for protection, a shield, or a triangle (caution, slow down, pay attention)


  happiness—a crescent in a bowl position

  A Festival Sigil

  So we have some possible overlaps where a symbol or shape can embody more than one of our words, and we have the opportunity to repeat a motif at least seven times, or perhaps use the number itself. I decided to start with a circle (unity). Then I drew a spiraled heart (love) that both surrounds the circle and layers on top of it. I extended spiral tails at the bottom of the heart for energy. I noticed that a triangle was created naturally by the space between the bottom of the heart and the inner circle. The circle felt empty to me, so I mirrored another triangle on top of it (safety). For Inspiration and the number seven, I placed three asterisks below the heart, two above, and one on either side. I then finished the design with a pair of above/below crescents (happiness and understanding). The overall shape now reminds me of a body or being, which seems to be a great sigil shape for a community event.

  For indoor events, I’ve drawn sigils on large pieces of paper that are then hung in a public place—near operations, registration, etc. For an outdoor event, though, paper won’t last very long. The sigil could be drawn on paper, but the organizers should then prepare a piece of fabric to paint the sigil on to make a banner, or have a piece of wood suitable for painting. If the sigil is designed ahead of time, it could be included in the event program, made into stickers or temporary tattoos, screened on shirts, and so on. For on-site application, the design could be shared with body painters and henna artists for them to apply (as part of a ritual or as a vendor), or it could be copied onto smaller pieces of fabric and hung like mini-flags throughout the camp area as part of the opening ritual.

  A Coven Sigil

  Solution: A Coven Sigil

  In this situation we have a sigil that will be a mark of identification for a coven. First, let’s consider their name: New Crescent. What is a new crescent? It is the emerging sliver of a waxing moon, so we should be sure to incorporate a waxing crescent into this design. In addition, we have six ideas to consider: foundation, finding identity, wisdom, growth, mastering skills, and balance. Let’s consider what shapes and symbols align with each of these words:

  foundation—a horizontal line

  finding identity—arrow, for direction

  wisdom—perhaps a pyramid or an eye for insight

  growth—roots, leaves, blossoms

  mastering skills—star, inverted

  balance—a scale

  Again, since New Crescent is the name of the coven, and the sigil will be used not only for directing the energy of the coven for magical work but also as a symbol of the coven itself, I started my drawing with a waxing crescent moon. From there I played with an inverted star (mastering skills) within a pyramid (wisdom). I then saw the base of the pyramid as an opportunity to form the line for foundation as well as the base of the scale for balance. To form more of the scale, I added opposing crescent moons, as well as leaf-like shapes for growth. I felt a third leaf at the tip of the star/pyramid balanced out the design. To connect the larger crescent moon to the star/pyramid/scale and add finding identity, I placed an upright arrow originating from the base of the star up through the large moon. The overall design reminds me of a weather vane, which suggests the ability to be able to change and shift direction as needed while maintaining balance. That is a very important trait in a working group.

  The finished sigil could be made into a banner that can be hung up when the group meets, or perhaps an altar cloth for ritual. If the group has a website or other web presence, it could be an identifying mark for them online as well. They could invest in having necklaces made with the sigil on them—or make them themselves if they are so skilled.

  A Business Plan Sigil

  Solution: A Business Plan Sigil

  The words I underlined here are side business, grow, steady growth, limited batches, Censered Scents, logo, and business plan. From the description, I understand that Michael wants to make this a successful side project with controlled growth that won’t overwhelm him, which is essentially his business plan. The sigil will definitely be a logo, so he wants something that is simple yet recognizable. For logos, I especially like to consider the letters or initials that make up the name, which in this case is C and S. C is a crescent moon, and if we turn it on its back, it becomes a bowl or container. S is a wavy line, allowing for fluid motion—and it’s also reminiscent of the shape smoke makes as it rises. By placing the S in the bowl of the C, I’m referencing a bowl of incense—that’s controlled. I felt a triangle shape could either be used underneath the bowl for a point of balance (as pictured) or placed over the S to emphasize more controlled growth. On top, it reminds me of an incense censer that is swung on a chain (hence the play on words in the business name). As a designer, when presenting a client with logos, I prefer to give them a couple of choices. So I included a few variations for Michael to choose from.

  Since this sigil was specifically designed to be a logo, Michael will be applying it to his business cards, website, product labels, etc., as part of his branding for Censered Scents. I would suggest a wine or deep purple background, with the lines in embossed or simulated gold tones.


  An Office Ward Sigil

  Solution: An Office Ward Sigil

  In the description of this situation, it’s not so easy to pick out or underline key words or phrases. We need to consider what Pearl’s problems are, and what is the best way to solve them. She needs to redirect the attention of noisy/chatty coworkers away from her, making her invisible to them. But she will still need to be seen and acknowledged by those who will appreciate her productivity and respect her space. I decided to start with Pearl by symbolizing her as her namesake: a small open dot. For redirection, I made two arrows that intersect just above the open dot and point away from it. I gave each of the arrows spiraling tails, so that they contain their own energies within them. The arrows intersect in two places, forming a mandorla. In the center of that, I placed another smaller open dot, making it into an eye. The eye can symbolize the positive attention Pearl does want from the right people. The mandorla/eye with the two spirals above it also mimics a bee or insect shape. We can interpret that both as the busybodies being buzzed off as well as the hardworking, focused nature of the bee. I decided to place an asterisk above the spirals to balance out the large open dot and to symbolize new energy and possibilities.

  Since Pearl wants this sigil to be hidden, and the majority of issues tend to happen while she’s in her cubicle, she can hide the sigil somewhere near the e
ntry of her space. Two good options would be to draw it on tape on the back of her name bar or on the flat area of the thumbtack that holds up her calendar. She could also draw it on the black plastic area on the back of her desk chair.

  A Healing Sigil

  Solution: A Healing Sigil

  This sigil request has a lot of layers to it. We have a mature woman who has (for now) overcome breast cancer. She requires both physical and emotional healing in a variety of ways. She needs protection against the cancer returning, and continued strength and vitality. She needs to become familiar and comfortable with the changes that have happened to her body, and see it has a badge of honor from a victorious battle. And under all of that strong exterior, she wants to be able to feel sensual and sexy again. We also know how she wants the sigil to be applied—as a tattoo—so the lines need to be clean and not too fine or close together.

  I decided to start by creating a shield for Geraldine, drawing a large circle with a cross in the center of it. It also doubles as a target area—for keeping a keen eye on the disease, as well as internal focus. I felt inclined to draw a small empty circle on either side of the large circle—perhaps a reminder of the breasts she has lost to surgery, but also a dual symbol representing that sensuality comes from inside. I extended the vertical line up and down out of the circle. At the top end, I crowned it with an upright-pointing pentagram for protection and internal strength. At the bottom end, I placed a small closed heart for her emotional well-being to be rooted and solid. The heart grows out of a pair of mirrored spirals like a blossom. The sigil felt like it needed a little more energy, so I put in four dots—one for each decade of life. The overall effect of the sigil with the combined shapes seems to be a feminine form that is strong and prepared to fight.

  A Transformational Sigil

  Solution: A Transformational Sigil

  For Marissa’s sigil, I noted the words embracing identity as a woman, undergoing physical changes, protection, understanding, and transition. The first symbol that came to mind was a heart, so I drew a pair of hearts meeting tip to tip. I also thought about the triangles that make up the classic six-pointed star, and how that shape is a blend of energy. The separate triangles can be found within those connected hearts, but they also make an hourglass form, which is often considered to be feminine, while also referring to time and patience—important elements for someone transitioning, as well as building understanding. I decided to open up the top heart so that it becomes a cup-like image, with the triangle inside filling it, either for protection (not allowing anything to go too deep) or because the cup is full of positivity. For another layer of protection, I gave the figure a pair of arrow “arms” coming out of the neck of the hourglass, each with three small vertical marks centered on them. Within the bottom heart shape, I placed three more lines, which makes four sections—representing her interactions with the larger world, with friends, with family, and with her innermost self.

  For application, I can see Marissa having this sigil made into a necklace or bracelet that she wears every day. It might also make a very nice small inner-wrist tattoo that she places on her dominant hand. She could also draw it on her mirror so she can see it when she gets ready in the morning and prepares for bed at night.

  A Sigil against Bullying

  Solution: A Sigil against Bullying

  What I like about this situation is that Christopher is a very aware and present sixth grader. He’s doing what he can physically to defend himself—and others! We’re looking at adding a little more metaphysical energy to the mix to protect him emotionally and mentally. The words I underlined were build confidence and shield and protect him from bullying. My go-to base symbol for this was an upright-pointing pentagram for confidence and protection. For extra shielding and protection, I enclosed the star in a pentagon, and then drew one more pentagon around that one. From each of the star’s points, I extended arrows with slightly curling heads. They poke, but the curls prevent the points from sticking in too deeply, so Christopher doesn’t get too entrenched in the process. To give the image a sense of depth and pattern and amplify its energy, I drew four lines in the space between the two pentagons, separating each section into five areas.

  To apply this sigil, I can see it being made into a patch—either embroidered or painted—that goes on Christopher’s backpack. It could also be placed in his coat under the label, and drawn on the bottoms of his sneakers. It has a superhero feel to it (especially if it’s drawn in blue, red, and yellow), so it won’t stand out in those situations—it will just look like a neat design!

  An Anti-Anxiety Sigil

  Solution: An Anti-Anxiety Sigil

  For Danielle’s situation, the words I made note of were focus of meditation, keep anxiety at bay, fall asleep more easily, and restful sleep. I was also conscious of her connection to water as a competitive swimmer. I started by making an eye shape to symbolize sleep, but that symbolism felt like it overpowered the design. I then flattened the bottom of the eye shape into a horizontal line to allude to restful sleep. I extended the ends of the top curving line, dropping them down below the horizontal line slightly and curling in gently, like eyelashes. I placed a slender crescent moon on top of the main shape, facing upward like a bowl. Floating on top of that, I placed an asterisk enclosed in a circle—representing the anxiety being contained and separated from the restful state. Finally, in the empty area of the eye shape, I placed repeating ripples, like the surface of water. The overall sigil feels very calm and serene.

  I think that making this sigil into a painting and placing it either behind Danielle’s bed, directly across from it, or above it (like on a tapestry/canopy) would be a wonderful way for her to meditate upon the symbol before going to sleep. If she wants something more subtle, it could be drawn onto a headboard or worked into a pillowcase. Another idea would be making a small eye pillow and filling it with lavender, then stitching the fabric with the sigil.

  A Fertility Sigil

  Solution: A Fertility Sigil

  The purpose of this sigil is twofold: It’s part devotional, as it’s meant to honor the goddess Demeter, goddess of grain, harvest, and fertility, and a strong mother figure. The other part refers to conceiving and bringing to term a healthy baby. These ideas bring two strong images to mind: a grain shape for Demeter and a growing seed shape for the baby. So I started with a nice plump mandorla for the seed shape, then sprouted a vertical line out of the top of it. To mimic grain, I arranged five chevrons on the vertical line. The line splits the five chevrons into ten leaves, which also represents the number of years Brenna and Nick have been married. They made the decision to start a family three years ago, so at the top end of the grain I placed three dots (third time’s the charm). At the other end, I gave the seed some spirals for its roots. Between the roots, I drew a small starburst to act as the catalyst for setting the seed to grow. Lastly, I flanked the body of the seed with a pair of crescent moons facing out to represent protection as well as a cycle.

  I can see Brenna and Nick placing this sigil on their altar as a focal point, and/or somewhere on their bed frame where they can both see it. If the timing works, it could be drawn outside in alfalfa sprouts (they germinate quickly) in fertile soil, and tended to. Brenna could also have it painted in henna on her belly.

  A Focus Sigil

  Solution: A Focus Sigil

  Vernon has a lot on his plate. I noted that he’s balancing work, a new relationship, and school. We can also probably assume he’s pretty close to his sister, so family as well. He’s very close to finishing school successfully but is obviously feeling the stress. The sigil needs to help him keep focused and balanced, and to make sure he takes care of himself as well in the process. I started this design with an even-armed cross. I decided it needed a stronger focal point, so I placed a circle around the intersection, emphasizing that cross-hair effect, as well as protective energy for his goal. At the end of th
e bottom arm, I drew a stable triangle to represent wisdom and a strong foundation. At the top of that same arm, I placed an upright-pointing star, for ascension and academic excellence. For the horizontal arm ends, I placed a pair of hearts, creating a sense of emotional balance. Beyond each of them, I placed a closed dot. This represents that those relationships will be there for him and help him toward his goal. Lastly, I made a visual X with four arrows pointed inward, flying toward the center. They help direct attention and energy to Vernon’s goal.

  Vernon has two main tools for his schoolwork: a thick notebook that he physically takes notes in, and his laptop, where he writes his papers—and he carries them both in a canvas messenger bag. He could draw the sigil on the cover of the notebook, tape it to the outside of the laptop, and draw it on his messenger bag. Another interesting thing about Vernon is that he’s really into penny loafers, complete with putting a shiny penny on each shoe. They remind him of his grandfather, his mother’s father, who was a major father figure in his life when he was little. So Vernon could take a fine Sharpie marker and draw the sigil on one side of each penny, then place them (sigil side down) back in his shoes. In a way, because of his association with the shoes, he’ll be calling upon his relatives who have passed on for their guidance as well.

  A Banishing and Binding Sigil

  Solution: A Banishing and Binding Sigil


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