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Klingon Hearts 09 Hidden - What Lurks in the Darkness

Page 2

by Tracy Sobieski

Mike groaned at the feather light touch and his hand slid down her stomach to the junction between her legs. Fingers parted the dark curls, now damp with arousal, and he found the center of her pleasure. Circling it gently, slowly, he let her feel each light touch of his finger. Tessa shuddered and gasped against his mouth. Mike ran his hand down the top of her thigh to grasp her behind the knee, he began to draw her leg up. She tensed slightly and resisted his pull. Stroking the soft skin on the underside of the joint his lips moved to whisper in her ear.

  "Spread you legs for me, Tessa, I want to touch you."

  He was nonplused when she hesitated a moment before doing as he asked. Again, something hovered at the back of his mind, something he should know. Then she opened herself for him and he was drawn back to his goal. Fingers pressed inward. She was scalding hot and very wet. He stroked the slick folds, slowly, softly, bringing forth more moisture. Reaching deeper he touched at her entrance with the very tip of his finger. Her legs parted even more and she drew her knees up, inviting him in. He slid a finger into the hottest, tightest passage he'd even known. Mike tore his mouth from hers with a groan.

  "Gods, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

  "Hmmm...," she murmured against the base of his throat, licking the hollow she found there while he stroked her, sending new waves of desire coursing through her.

  Mike moved over her then, she parted her legs further to accommodate him but was surprised when he didn't cover her. Opening her eyes, she caught his smile as he moved lower to lay between her wide spread thighs.

  He saw the confusion in her face. It angered him at some primitive level he didn't even know he possessed. She didn't understand what he was doing, she'd obviously never been pleasured like this before.

  "Relax, you'll enjoy me."

  Enjoy it?! If ever there was an understatement, this was it. It was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt. He kissed, licked and sucked at her until she shattered. Strong hands held her hips firm to the bed as she thrashed and he drank deeply from her.

  She was drifting, floating in a sea of pleasure, she never felt it when he rose above her. The firm nudge of his hips, spreading her thighs wider caused her eyes to blink open in surprise. His face was drawn taut with desire, his expression fierce.

  He watched her as he reached down and parted her. She was ready for him and he could hold back no longer.

  Then he was inside of her, unbelievably hard and burning hot. Tearing agony lanced through her and she screamed. Her head drove back into the pillows when her body arched off the bed at the sudden invasion.

  Mike had gone absolutely still after his forceful thrust. Looking down on her in shock, he fought to get his mind around the undeniable truth. He hadn't been gentle at all, his desire taking him totally, he'd sheathed himself completely in one stroke. The speed and force of his entrance prevented him from stopping when he finally realized what had been nagging him all along. He had torn through her innocence, burying himself inside her without stopping.

  "Goddammit, Tessa!" he swore through clenched teeth and groaned when she tensed about him even more. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked in a whisper, dropping his head down next to hers, unable to find enough air to even breathe much less speak.

  Her scream was still echoing through his head. He flogged himself mentally. He'd never hurt a woman like this before and hated himself for losing control and hurting her now. She was in pain, tensed about him so tight she was shaking, her breath coming in shuddering gasps. He slid one hand under her shoulder while the other cupped her hip to hold her close in an effort to comfort her, and fought the overwhelming urge to lose himself in her heat.

  "Are you all right?" he asked gently against her hair.

  She nodded into his chest. Feeling the wetness of tears on her face he cursed himself again.

  "Are you lying to me?"

  There was a moment of hesitation before she nodded again. He grimaced and pulled up carefully to look at her. Even that small movement caused her to flinch.

  "I'm sorry, Tessa, I didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized and his hand came up to brush the tears from her face. "Why didn't you tell me it was your first time?"

  "I didn't think it mattered," she began, her voice shaking and broken. "I didn't think it would...."

  "....hurt so much?" he finished for her, berating himself all over again.

  "Yeah," she said so quietly he almost didn't hear her.

  Mike gave her a pained look. "It wouldn't have if I'd known. I could have made it easier for you."

  "Oh...," it was a half-sob, half-laugh.

  His hand slowly stroked her trembling body, soothing her. Lips brushed across her forehead.

  "Relax, Tessa, I won't hurt you anymore," he whispered softly, using his voice to calm her more.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Mike, her locked muscles eased and he could withdraw from her. It was almost impossible for him to do, all he wanted was to stay buried inside her and let his passion loose. Every muscle in his body was rigid with the effort it took to deny the urge. But he'd hurt her enough. Slowly he pulled back and she hissed in pain.

  "I know, honey," he said, hoarsely.

  When he pulled out completely and moved off her, Tessa looked at him in confusion.

  "Aren't we going to...."

  "No, not now. I hurt you too bad, Tessa. I'm going to get the regenerator and repair the damage I've done and then we're going to sleep. I don't know about you, but all of a sudden, I'm exhausted."

  Her face flamed. "You don't have to...I'll just get dressed and go, I can handle...."

  "No!" he cut her off forcefully. "You're staying here tonight and you're going to let me take care of you."

  Something about the tone of his voice warned her not to push him. She shrank back from him slightly. He frowned.

  "I'll be right back," he told her softly.

  Mike padded into his bathroom and flicked on the light. He stopped short at the sight of her blood on his member. How bad had he torn her? Grabbing a washcloth, he cleaned himself off, not wanting her to see the evidence of his carelessness. He took a fresh cloth and wetted it so he could use it to clean her. Pulling the regenerator from the drawer he shut the light off and went back to his bed. She hadn't moved, but she was very tense.

  Kneeling on the bed next to her, he gently pulled the sheet down. Mike knew he would need some more light, but he didn't think she could handle being exposed in the full glare of a lamp. A quick glance to the head of his bed solved the problem. His reading light. He flicked it on, it would be enough. Grasping her leg behind the knee he carefully lifted it to the side. She turned her head away in embarrassment. He almost reconsidered and let her be, until he saw the blood on her thighs. With a grim expression he gently wiped it off, cringing at her gasp when the cool cloth touched her burning skin. Working quickly he used the regenerator. She relaxed noticeably when he'd finished. Mike drew the sheet back over her and pulled the comforter up as well. He set the regenerator on the night table, turned off the light and tossed the washcloth in the refresher before climbing back into bed.

  She was curled up on her side, away from him. He hesitated for just a moment then slid down next to her, pulling her full length to him. She lay unmoving and stiff, but she didn't pull away.

  "I'm sorry, Tessa," he told her again, his lips lightly brushing across her temple.

  "I am I."

  He could hear the tears in her voice. "Hey," he turned her to look at him.

  Her eyes were bright with unshed tears and she gave him a tremulous smile. "It was just so nice, up till...."

  He smiled warmly and touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. "It will be the next time too, I promise."

  She searched his face with her eyes. He didn't know what she was looking for but after a moment she seemed to find what she wanted. Tessa reached up and brought his head down to hers. Their lips met and she pressed herself closer to him.

  It was tempting, b
ut only an animal would continue after what he'd done to her. He kissed her tenderly then pulled back.

  "Tomorrow, Tessa," Mike promised.

  Pulling her with him he rolled onto his back. She fell asleep with his arms wrapped securely around her, her head resting in the hollow of his shoulder. Mike stared unseeingly at his bedroom ceiling still reeling from the events of the night...and the emotions running wildly through him.

  Why, after all these years and countless women, did this wide-eyed innocent touch him like no other?


  "Mike, get your ass out of bed!" Lucas called out upon entering his best friend's apartment. It was their standard greeting in situations like this, much to his mate's annoyance. Mike had caught them in the throes of passion on more than one occasion. Striding into the bedroom Lucas turned on the light and stopped dead in his tracks.

  Mike was already sitting up, shaking off the haze of sleep. When the light came on the woman next to him startled and came up off the bed with a cry, clutching the blanket to her chest.

  "Tessa?" Lucas asked, stunned.

  "Lucas?" she asked in reply, her eyes wide.

  "You two know each other?"

  "From the day she was born," Lucas told him, testily. He didn't like the idea of Mike playing with Tessa. She'd been through too much the last several years.

  Tessa looked at Mike and suddenly realized he didn't know who she was. Oh God! He was going to be furious. She began to tremble, she didn't know if she could deal with an emotional scene right now.

  Mike's eyes narrowed as he looked at her. Terror, absolute terror looked back at him, she was shaking from it. What the hell was going on?

  "Tessa?" he reached for her, but she stepped back and he let his hand drop.

  Lucas walked forward and took her in his arms. "It's okay, Tessa."

  "I thought he knew who I was," she whispered into his chest.

  "I know, don't worry, I'll take care of it.... Why don't you take a quick shower and get dressed while Mike and I talk then I'll take you back to our place. You can stay with K'Leena tonight, okay?"

  Mike watched in confusion as she nodded, wiping the tears from her face. Lucas shot him a look and he got out of bed. Grabbing a robe, he went to the outer room to afford her some privacy. A few seconds later Lucas joined him. He'd known Lucas for damn near six years now, and one thing you -never- did was cross the man. And somehow, without even realizing it, Mike had done just that.

  "You didn't even find out her last name, Mike?" Lucas asked, tersely.

  "It didn't seem important at the time."

  "Do you have any idea who she is?"

  "Just that she's Starfleet, I met her at the Officer's Club."

  "Before I tell you who you just slept with I'm going to let you know -exactly- how things are going to go after you find out, got it?" Lucas ground out. Mike glared at him but nodded curtly as Lucas continued, "You are not going to do anything more than say goodbye to her in the nicest tone you can muster. Then, I'm taking her home. And you're getting dressed and hauling your ass down to Command to deal with the little mess LaForge has. I will be there as soon as I get Tessa settled with K'Leena. Understand?"

  "Lucas," Mike bit out angrily, he'd had enough of this. "I don't know what kind of a man you think I am, but what happened tonight was consensual, trust me...she enjoyed it."

  "-Don't- push me, Mike," Lucas' eyes flared with fury. "You don't know what happened tonight."

  "Okay, fine, then tell me."

  "Kim, her last name is Kim. Her father is the Captain of the Federation's Flag ship and her mother is...."

  "Commander Annika Hansen-Kim, also known as Seven of Nine," Mike finished for Lucas, his chest constricting painfully. She was Borg. The woman of his dreams was Borg.

  "Precisely," Lucas' lips thinned. "And you're not going to take this out on her. She thought you knew who she was, that you could handle it. The last thing she needs to deal with is your prejudices. She gets too much of that as it is."

  "What is it you think I'm going to do?" Mike was curious.

  "I don't know, and frankly, I don't care. Whatever you're feeling right now, keep it to yourself. I never understood why everybody was so damned scared of her anyway. She's no different than any of us, not really."

  "It's been hard for her?"

  "People are terrified of her, Mike! What do you think? Ignorance is dangerous."

  "Dangerous?" Mike asked, deadly quiet. "How dangerous? Has she ever been threatened?"

  "Yeah," Lucas admitted, sensing Mike wasn't angry, but concerned. "More than once. There's been a couple attempts on her life as well. It's not something that's general knowledge, we keep it 'in the family' so to speak."

  Mike stared at Lucas in shock. Things like this just didn't happen in the 24th century. Prejudice shouldn't exist anymore. The Federation was made up of hundreds of races.

  "She's been threatened and almost killed more than once?" he was furious. "The little fool! What the hell is she doing coming home with me?! I could have been anybody. I could have done anything! Gods, what the hell was she thinking?!"


  "K'Leena, honey, wake up."

  "What are you doing back here?" she asked, confused.

  "Tessa's in the spare room...I think you should check on her."

  "Tessa? Why?"

  "I found her with Mike...It's complicated but I think she needs you right now."

  "Mike?! Kahless...Lucas, I don't think she's ever been with a man before." She got up and pulled on her nightgown as she spoke.

  He knew damn well Tessa had never been with a man before tonight. He'd seen the absolute proof of it on the sheets of Mike's bed.

  "I know, K'Leena...that's why she needs you. I have to get to Command, I don't know when we'll be back. Take care of her...and yourself." He kissed her gently before he stood up.



  "Be careful."

  "I will."


  "Hey," K'Leena said softly to her friend. Tessa was sitting on the edge of the bed looking completely lost.


  "Want to tell me what happened tonight?"

  She shrugged. "I met a man and I went home with him, what's the big deal? It happens to other people all the time."

  "But not to you."

  "No...not to me."

  "Are you okay? Do you want to use my regenerator?"

  "No, Mike took care of that."

  K'Leena raised an eyebrow. "He did?"

  She blushed. "Yeah, he was really sweet."

  "Mike?" K'Leena began to wonder if they were talking about the same man who had no qualms about striding into her bedroom at all hours of the night yelling, "Get off that gorgeous woman of yours, Lucas, we have work to do!"

  "You sound surprised, I thought you knew him?"

  "So did I," she mumbled.

  "What was Lucas doing barging into Mike's bedroom anyway? It was kind of rude, yelling at him to 'get his ass out of bed', like that."

  K'Leena smirked. "They've known each other for years. They work together. Trust me, Mike's done worse to us."


  "Yeah, really. How did the two of you get hooked up? I know for a fact you don't run in the same circles."

  "I stopped by the Officer's Club to drop off a PADD for Admiral Gellis and decided to have a glass of wine. Mike was there, he asked me to dance, then...."

  "Then the next thing you knew you were in his bed," K'Leena said disgustedly. The man could talk just about anyone into his bed, she'd seen it more than once.

  "I wanted to go with him, K'Leena. He didn't seduce me. I thought he knew who I was and still wanted me, no one ever has once they found out who I was."

  "Oh, Tessa...."


  Mike looked up when Lucas strode into his office.

  "You going to do the over-protective-brother-thing again?"

  Lucas scowled. "It's amazing how different you view things
when it comes to women you know. It's a wonder I wasn't pounded to death by a phalanx of angry brothers, fathers and friends."

  Mike chuckled. "I didn't know who she was, she said she wanted to be with me. If you were me would -you- have turned her down?"

  "No...but I still don't have to like it."

  "Neither do I," Mike replied grimly.

  "For crying out loud, Mike! It's not like she's contagious! You're not going to be assimilated!"


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