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Pinned Up (Pinned Up Trilogy)

Page 7

by C. Michelle

  “Shoot. But hurry up so we can leave.” She replies impatiently.

  “When was the last time you had a pickle tickle?” Kade asks with a serious expression then bursts out laughing.

  Annoyed, Emme yells, “Kade! You’re such a dick!”

  That’s our cue to leave and meet up with Josh.

  When our group finally gathers, we’re all more than eager to commence with the partying. Josh is wearing all black; the dark tone gives him a mysterious appeal. He looks good enough to eat. When he sees me, he places a large foam magnet around his neck with baby chicks on both ends…a chick magnet. Men.

  “You look amazing. Your sugar skull is pretty bad ass.” Josh holds me in a tight embrace and gives me a soft, yet sensual kiss on the side of my neck. I smile and back away. As he’s releasing his hold on me, he manages to grab my ass, and gives me that lazy, boyish grin that is quickly becoming a weakness to me.

  “That’s fifty in small bills, please!” I hear Kade yell. Shit.

  The third game of the World Series begins in the early evening. It’s a given that all bars will have the game on. We’re more than ready to get the party started.

  We attend several bars. All are packed with baseball fans and partiers dressed up in costumes. Josh ends up knowing several people at each bar, mostly girls, of course. The atmosphere remains festive, fun, and full of energy. Within a short while, we’re all feeling pretty good. We’ve had several drinks and our Bay Area team is winning so far. Emme, Kade, and Josh are getting along. Josh and I have been inseparable all evening. On a few occasions, he pulls me outside just to talk; he wants to know everything about me. Politely, I manage to evade his questions and get him to tell me more about himself. Everything is going great.

  We’re all at one of the bars. I excuse myself to use the restroom while Josh escorts me. He has his arm around my waist and has part of my body tightly pressed against his as he walks me across the bar. Possessive much? I don’t care. I love how he’s staking a claim on me. Wait. What? Where did that come from?

  I wait in line for what seems like forever. Why must women’s bathrooms always have a ridiculous line while the men’s restrooms rarely have any waiting? Some women can be so annoying sometimes. Just go in, handle your business, and get out! No need to add several layers of makeup or have full blown conversations in there. Get it together, ladies!

  It’s finally my turn. As I’m leaving the restroom, I immediately start looking for Josh. I’m a bit surprised he’s not waiting for me, since minutes earlier he was attached to my hip. As I continue to walk, I see Josh standing by the bar with his back against it. In front of him is Nicole, I recognize her right away as the waitress from the sports bar we attended on Monday. Now, she’s completely invading his personal space. Josh sees me, leaves her, and walks over to me. He plants a kiss on my lips and attempts to lead us back to our booth. I come to a halt and press his body against mine. I lean close to his ear, “What were you talking to that girl about?” I feel my body tense and my blood begin to boil. What the fuck? What’s that about?

  “That was the waitress from the bar we went to earlier this week. Her name is Nicole, yesterday she left her résumé at my work for a receptionist position. I was surprised when I saw her at my office soliciting employment since my company isn’t currently hiring. She was inquiring about the status of her application. I told her that once a position became available, I would personally see if she met the qualifications for the job. See…nothing important. Come on…let’s get back to watching the game.” I can sense Josh’s unease about the topic, but decide to dismiss the thought even though something doesn’t feel right. Nicole has SKANK written all over her face. There’s something about her that rubs me the wrong way. I decide to ignore my nagging feeling and choose to continue enjoying my evening.

  Our Bay Area team wins. Everyone in the bar is ecstatic and the mood is contagious, the celebration gets taken to a higher level. Several drinks and shots of tequila later, Josh and I decide to call it a night. The sexual tension between us is now radiating and neither one of us can maintain control any longer. Kade and Emme are with a large crowd who is going to an after-party in Castro after tonight’s pub crawl.

  Josh and I hitch a ride on one of the many cabs that are lined outside and head to his house.

  In between the kisses Josh is giving me on the side of my neck, he asks, “Valentina…can we…spend the night…at your place?”

  “I don’t know if I can wait to have you in me. I’m horny and I’m ready to fuck.” I breathe out heavily.

  “Oh, baby. You’re always sexy, but when you talk dirty to me, you’re sexy as fuck. You make my dick hard just by hearing you say you want me.” Josh whispers as he grazes his fingers lightly over my chest. “You know exactly what to do and say to make me crave you.”

  We arrive at his home. I feel hot; I take off my coat and realize the alcohol has definitely kept my body temperature warm. I only have one thought. Fuck Josh like crazy.

  He offers me something to drink. I choose one of his white wines. As he’s preparing our drinks, I step outside onto his balcony. The cool air feels refreshing against my skin. The view of the city is exquisite and I take a moment to savor its beauty.

  “Aren’t you cold, baby?” Josh whispers as he wraps his arms around me from behind and hands me a glass of wine.

  Baby…a second time tonight.

  I press my back completely against his body. “No, actually the weather feels nice even though it’s a bit chilly.”

  Josh sweeps my hair to the side, kisses my shoulder, and works his way to the nape of my neck. Soon, his lips find mine at an angle. He releases my breasts from the corset. He massages them passionately and pinches my nipples hard. I unbutton my pants and easily slide them off along with my panties. I’m left wearing just my corset and heels. His kisses become more eager. As he’s holding me tight from behind, he slips his hand in between my thighs and massages my sex.

  “Oh, baby…you’re nice and wet for me. Let me finger fuck you and give you a taste of how good you make me feel.” He inserts two fingers inside me, pinches one of my nipples hard, and sucks on the back of my neck. The compilation of sensations is mind-blowing. He continues to mercilessly thrust his fingers inside me. As my sex is tightly grasping his fingers, he removes them, and plunges his thick, long dick inside me from behind. The penetration is intense and I love every moment of it. My nipples and tongue immediately start to tingle simultaneously. What the fuck? How is he doing that? He’s fuckin’ incredible!

  Our “sexcapade” on the balcony seems to last forever, I’m completely lost to the responsiveness of my body. Josh moans as he continues to infiltrate himself between my legs. “Baby, you’re so beautiful. I’ve done nothing but crave every part of you this whole evening. I can’t believe how amazing your pussy feels. So tight and wet. You’re perfect.” His words send me over the edge and soon after, he joins me and releases himself. We’re both left speechless from the intensity of our passion.

  Eventually, we go back inside. Josh is adamant about spending the night at my house even though it’s past midnight. He gathers clothes and hygiene products then puts them in his duffel bag. Moments later, he leads me to the taxi cab that’s waiting for us outside since we’re both still too drunk to drive. He spins me around to face him and kisses me softly. We head over to my house. Anxiety starts to get the best of me during the drive; I’ve never had a man spend the night. My home is my sanctuary. What am I thinking? I barely know him. Why is it so easy for me to make exceptions for him?

  “What are you thinking?” Josh asks as he holds my hand and interlocks our fingers.

  I decide to disregard my apprehension. “That I don’t want you getting any funny ideas and think that I’m going to let you hit it again. I’m tired. So, none of that kinky business you’re so good at. Understand?”

  With a huge grin he runs his fingers through his tousled fawn hair. “I’m good? You must bring out the best in me.
It must be that amazing pussy you have that makes things for me so easy. But, okay…got it. No kinky business. But feel free to rape me in the middle of the night. I’ll only be too glad to oblige.”

  “You’re not funny.” I smile.

  “Yes, I am. But, I was trying to be a gentleman.” Josh pouts with an offended look on his face. Then he asks, “What were you like as a kid?”

  His simple question takes me by surprise. “What? Where did that come from?” I reply with questions.

  Josh sighs. “I want to know you. You’re such a mystery. You seem so guarded sometimes, I just wish you would let me appreciate all of you.” He seems to ponder on his last statement.

  Instantly, my guard double locks itself. “We just met. The only people who truly know me are my mom and Kade.”

  “What about Emme? Isn’t she a close friend of yours?” He inquires.

  “Yes, she is. I’ve only known her for a few years though. She moved here from Arizona. She didn’t know anyone and we had several classes together. We quickly developed a friendship, but even she doesn’t know everything about me nor do I know much about her. I respect her privacy because it’s what I expect from her.” I do my best to make my point without being rude.

  “Okay. Your life is in a deserted island guarded by white killer sharks. Got it. Hey, can I finally take you on a date-date?” Josh raises my hand and plants a kiss on it.

  “I’m glad you understand. No, tomorrow I’m mean later on today, we’re going on our non-date before we meet up with everyone else for the game.” I wink at him and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “You’re so difficult sometimes. I’ll have to admit that your feistiness has me intrigued.” He kisses the top of my head.

  We finally arrive at my house and literally crash on my bed within seconds of arriving.

  That morning, I wake up to a wonderful, delicious aroma. Thank goodness Kade can’t function without coffee and it’s the first thing he makes every morning. I get up and quickly fall back into bed. I wasn’t prepared for the head rush. Stupid alcohol.

  Okay, let’s do this again, but slowly this time.

  As I leave my bedroom, I hear laughter from two people. I reach the kitchen and see Josh and my mom laughing about something. What the hell?

  My mom is a naturally beautiful woman with delicate features. She has honey colored eyes, medium length, wavy brown hair that she usually styles in a ponytail or bun. She rarely wears makeup, is all about being fit, and living a simple lifestyle. People often have a hard time believing she’s my mom and say she passes more like my older sister. “Good morning, sleepy head. I stopped by to take you out for breakfast, but since you’ve been sleeping, Josh and I have been getting acquainted.” My mom gives me a hug and winks at me as she takes a seat. Oh, dear God…no.

  My mother is nosey and a worry wart to the tee. She frets about every detail in my life, although lately, she’s been getting better. Well, except for last week when she asked me if I’m a “lez be honest chick.” She watches too much Jersey Shore, Mob Wives, and those housewives from Jersey; she feels it’s important to support her Italian people. She’s obsessed with my nonexistent love life, not because she wants me to be with someone, but more to ensure I’m happy with the choice I’ve made to be single. How can I explain that I don’t do the “relationship thing” because of trust issues? If I bring it up, I know unnecessary sadness and guilt will consume her. There’s no way of letting my mom know I’m getting laid, but not serious about anyone without sounding like a slut. Now that she sees Josh, she’s going to devour him and get as much information as possible, knowing her…she already did. Great.

  “Baby, I promised your mom we would stop by her bakery later today. She insists I try her homemade Italian pastries. I’m only too willing to please.” Josh smiles at me and gives me a knowing look.

  Don’t call me that in front of her! She’s going to eat it up and think we’re serious! Ugh! You did it on purpose…you jerk!

  I try to maintain my composure even though in my mind, I’ve killed Josh a million different ways. “Sorry, mom, but we have plans. Maybe some other time, right Joshua?” I stare Josh down.

  “Going to Roxie’s for sandwiches and Mitchell’s for ice cream hardly sounds like plans set in stone. We’ll either go after we stop by the bakery or we’ll go sometime this week. But today, we’re going over to Victoria’s even if you pout all the way there. I’m not breaking a promise just because you’re ready to throw a tantrum.” Josh gives me a look willing me to argue back. I turn to face my mom and notice she has an amused expression on her face. Traitor.

  What the hell? What is it about this man that has me so intrigued? Instead of being upset at him, I’m turned on! Fuck me…it’s too early to process my feelings. I need a shower.

  “Slow your roll, tree hugger. Fine. We’ll go. I’ll shower and get ready quickly.” I roll my eyes at him. Something tells me, I shouldn’t have done that.

  Josh stands with an intense look and clinches his jaw. Instantly, his expression changes into a devious one. “Would you like me to join you? I already showered, but I wouldn’t mind showering with you again.” Josh smirks at me waiting to hear my response.

  ASSHOLE! I feel my face beat red. Yes, I’m a grown ass woman, but still…my mom is right here!

  My mom interrupts our silent battle. “Okay, so I’ll see you two lovebirds in just a few. I’m leaving so that I can check up on the new cashier.” She gathers her small backpack as she beams at us.

  “How did you get here? Do you need a ride?” I ask before she leaves.

  My mom laughs. “I used my bike to get here, silly. But, since you guys are coming over, I asked Kade to take me to the bakery. Besides, you know how Kade will use any excuse to get his hands on some cannoli. I’ll wait for him in his car.”

  My mom must be the only adult who refuses to buy a car. She uses her bike, trolleys, and BART as her forms of transportation. She gives Josh a beaming smile and a quick hug. She turns to me and puts both hands on either side of my face and kisses both my cheeks. My mom gives me such a tender smile that it melts my heart.

  As soon as she leaves, I turn to Josh with a deadly glare.

  He raises both hands. “What? What’s with the scowl?”

  “I can’t believe you said that in front of my mom! It was rude and completely inappropriate! What were you thinking? Now, she’s going to think that I like you, like you. Ugh!” I’m livid! Well, not really, I think my outburst is more for dramatics. But still…his comment was tactless.

  “First of all, Victoria didn’t find it offensive at all. If anything, she seemed highly amused. So, relax. Second, you do like me…a lot. You like it when I kiss your soft full lips and slip my tongue inside your mouth. You like it when I bury my face in between your legs and lick you dry. You like it when I massage your heavy, creamy breasts with my mouth and finger fuck you at the same time. You like it when I stick my long fat dick inside your small tight pussy. And most important, you like it when I hold you and make you smile.” He whispers the last statement and kisses me softly on my lips. “So yes, lovely lady, you do like me and I like you. Now, get your ass in the shower. I’m joining you to remind you why you like me so much.” Josh commands and looks at me hungrily.

  “Okay.” I murmur and slowly lick my lips.

  “Dang, Cheesecake! You like a lot of stuff!” Kade walks into the kitchen laughing. “You sure are a freaky one!” He grabs an apple, winks at me, high fives Josh, and leaves the house.

  Josh and I use our alone time to our advantage by getting ready and freaky at the same time. Eventually, we reach my mother’s bakery which is in the center of San Francisco’s own Little Italy. Her bakery is located across the street from a park that regularly has vendors selling paintings and art pieces, along with the seasonal farmer’s market. The area is laid back for the most part with traffic consisting from locals and tourists. I park my classic beauty, Betty along the curbside. I insist on driving to maintain
some control. Besides, it’s a gorgeous day to drive with the top rolled down.

  My mother’s pastry shop is unpretentious and full of heart. As you enter, the seating with small iron tables and chairs are to the right while the pastries and gelato are on the left side. The items, prices, and specials are on a large black board written in different colored chalk. Her family in New Jersey and Sicily own Italian bakeries that have been established for several generations. She decided to continue with the family business when she moved to the west coast. She keeps the décor simple, yet inviting allowing the scent and taste of her delicious pastries to overcome one’s senses.

  “Victoria, this place smells heavenly. Everything looks so good. Making a decision on what to indulge in first is overwhelming.” Josh rushes to my mom and gives her a big bear hug. She’s thrilled to have him there and quickly leads him to the back to give him a tour of her second home.

  “Nina, I just made some cannoli, help yourself, sweetie.” My mother’s smile is radiating. I grab two cannoli, have a seat at one of the small tables by the window, and sink my teeth into the crispy shell with a chocolate chip filling that’s topped with confectioner’s sugar. It’s an orgasm in my mouth…absolutely scrumptious. Moments later, my mom heads over to me with two plates, one plate is filled with small samples of different cheesecakes. Apple crumb, limoncello, pumpkin, ricotta, amaretto, and strawberry are among the flavors. The second plate has appetizer portions of biscotti, cream rolls, cannoli, pardula, napoleon, fedora, and tiramisu. Josh is behind her with two pint size milk cartons and a look of excitement. You would think he just won the lottery.

  “Mom, you’re killing me. What are you thinking putting this tray of temptation right in front of my face? For every pastry I eat, I have to run an extra mile on Lucifer. Today, I’m saving my calories for a sinful lunch.” I scold my mom as I shove a large spoonful of fedora in my mouth. The chocolate pastry soaked in rum tastes like heaven, almost as if Jesus himself made it. Since I don’t want it to go to waste, I hungrily devour the remaining piece. It’s just so good…and fluffy…and rich…yet, light at the same time…and simply…the best chocolate dessert I’ve ever had in my life. Absolute perfection.


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