Book Read Free

Pinned Up (Pinned Up Trilogy)

Page 9

by C. Michelle

  I get caught up with the music. I feel a sense of relief and happiness that I’ve never felt before. “Oye, papi…you can move.” I say as I start giggling like a teenage girl. Josh comes to a sudden halt. His eyes stare down at me full of lust. He changes his grasp and holds me with intensity. I expect a passionate kiss, but instead, he gives me the most tender and sweetest kiss I’ve ever experienced. For the first time in my life, I feel all my barriers crumbling down.

  We finish our food and continue relaxing in the picturesque park. An hour later, we return to my house to freshen up and switch vehicles. The fourth game of the World Series is this evening; we’re in a hurry to meet with Dillon, Kade, and Emme at a sports bar downtown. Even though, we’re anxious to watch the entire game, we make some intimate time for each other in the shower.

  As we’re leaving the house and approaching his truck, I ask, “Are you sure you want to drive your truck? I can just call a cab. I don’t want you drinking and driving.”

  “No worries, I don’t feel like drinking. Besides, I have a busy day at work tomorrow. I need to be on my A game, not hungover.” Josh states nonchalantly.

  “Good, then I’ll drink for the both of us and let you take advantage of me.” I give him a sex kitten pout.

  “Baby, you know just what to say to make my dick tingle.” He gives me a kiss and opens the door for me. I can’t help but have a huge beam on my face. Before I get in his truck, I walk around it. “Hey, tree hugger! This truck isn’t a hybrid. What happened to you being all about saving the environment and wearing your cape on nice and tight?”

  “Sorry, baby. I’m not perfect. But, I’m glad you’re into role playing and dressing up. Awesome. I’m game!” Josh raises his eyebrows twice and gives me my favorite lazy grin that makes him look effortlessly sexy.

  “You have a one track mind and very selective hearing.” I laugh and get in the truck.

  We arrive at the bar just as the game is starting and find it’s incredibly packed. If our Bay Area team wins against the Tigers tonight, they’ll be the World Series champs. A lot of pressure is riding on this game. That explains the large and energetic crowd on a Sunday night. I search for Kade since he usually stands out, all I see is orange and black on everyone except one man. Is he really wearing a white Tiger’s jersey in San Francisco during the World Series? He stands out like a sore thumb, either he’s really brave or extremely stupid. He catches me looking at him and licks the rim of his beer bottle then smiles, not a nice kind of smile, but a perverted typed of smirk. Immediately, he gives me the creeps, not because he’s a Tiger’s fan, but because he has an evil vibe to him. Ewww.

  We see Kade who is waving at us from the middle of the bar. Josh holds my hand and leads us through the crowd. We reach the booth and find our friends drinking Hurricanes, clearly Kade ordered the drinks which means he’s in an extra fabulous mood, and plans to party hard. Before we sit down, Kade sees me holding hands with Josh.

  “Sup guys? Where’s Dillon?” I catch myself yelling with a big grin on my face.

  “Dillon went to the east coast for a last minute gig. He’ll be back next week. But, check you two lovebirds out. Are you two going steady now or what? Were you busy LIKING stuff today?” Kade laughs uncontrollably. “Cheesecake, did Josh give you his letterman’s jacket and pin you yet? Never mind, don’t answer that last part. I can tell you’ve been pinned several times today. Rawr…” Kade chuckles making his laughter contagious.

  “No, we are not going steady. We haven’t even been on a date yet. Did you watch the movie, Grease today or something?” I ask curiously since his choice of words is a bit odd.

  Josh interrupts. “We haven’t been on a date because she won’t let me take her on one. Only non-dates for us.”

  “I haven’t heard you complaining.” I move away from Josh.

  “That’s only because our non-dates are AMAZING!” Josh brings me closer to him, puts his arm around my shoulder, and kisses my forehead.

  “Not only did I watch Grease, Em also made me sit through the movie, She’s the Man for the billionth time. I swear, I don’t know what’s wrong with you girls. Watching a movie one or two times I can understand, but seeing it countless times and saying the words along with the actors…you girls kill me every time!” Kade says with a disbelieving look.

  Emme smiles at Kade. “You know how much I love torturing you. It’s the highlight of my day.” She says with an angelic smile.

  “My highlight of today was seeing you drenched in sweat from trying to keep up with me at the gym. It was my payback and I enjoyed every minute of it.” Kade sneers at her.

  I’m confused. “Wait. You two spent the whole day together without me and didn’t kill each other?”

  Emme laughs. “I didn’t feel like going to prison today. Tomorrow being locked up for murder might not seem so bad though.” Kade puts up his hand and Emme gives him a high five.

  “Babe, do you want a beer?” Josh asks.

  The man licking the rim of his beer bottle comes to mind. “Ummm…No, thanks. I don’t feel like drinking anymore.”

  Josh leans over and whispers in my ear, “I thought you said you were going to drink for the both of us and that you were going to let me see how flexible you can be.”

  I whisper back, “Don’t worry, babe. I don’t need alcohol to be a freak in the sheets.”

  He tries to contain his smile, but fails. “There you go making my dick tingle again.”

  It’s the seventh inning and the score is tied. I realize I left my phone in Josh’s truck.

  “Can I have your truck keys? I need to get my phone.” I explain.

  “What do you need your phone for? You can use mine. Or if you want, I’ll go with you. It’s dark and I don’t want you walking out by yourself.” Josh says in a serious tone.

  “Calm down. I’ll only be gone for a bit. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. I need to take pictures of us once the Giants win to post them on Instagram. I also want to tag Romo to let him know he did an awesome job.” I wink at him.

  “Romo? The pitcher?” Josh asks.

  “Yes, Romo. I like him.” I state nonchalantly.

  “Do you like him, like him, or just like him?” He asks with no trace of humor behind his words. Oh, my gah! Is that jealousy I sense? It’s too cute!

  “I just like him.” I say shyly, but deep down inside I’m doing flips over this new found revelation.

  “Good. I don’t want any other man making your panties wet. That’s my job.” He declares.

  I give Josh a grave look. This is as good a time as any. Emme and Kade are involved in a serious discussion about the game. I take a deep breath and sigh. “Josh, we need to talk. You’re not the only man who makes my panties wet. Several…scratch that…more like countless men make my panties wet.” I confess.

  Josh gives me an incredulous look and waits for me to continue. “I’m involved with numerous men, sometimes even a girl or two catch my attention.” I take a long pause. “Yes, they’re all in books and are fictional characters, but our relationships are real. I’m a book whore. If you see me with an open book, I suggest you don’t bother me, especially if you can tell that it’s an intense part of the story. Lord forbid you breathe loud while I’m reading…I will cut you.” My expression is humorless. There are some things in this world that you can’t take lightly; my relationship with characters is one of those things.

  Kade interrupts. “Oh, God. What are you two cupcakin’ about? Whatever sweet lovey dovey crap you guys are discussing is giving me cavities.”

  Josh tries to maintain a somber focus, but fails. “Nina was just informing me about her book obsession.”

  “Oh, hell no! I have put up with YEARS of her fascination with books. It’s pretty sad, actually. For a while, she was head over heels in love with a sparkly vampire. If that shit isn’t gay, I don’t know what is.” Kade fakes repulsion.

  “You leave Edward out of this! Don’t you talk about my first love that w
ay!” I grab an ice cube from my water and throw it at Kade.

  He completely ignores me and continues to focus his attention on Josh. “Oh, and don’t get me started on the Dom who had serious mommy issues…Fuuuuck! This girl had it bad. She used to have a heart attack whenever she saw Audi R8s, grey ties, and walked around saying, ‘Laters, baby.’ Who the fuck does that shit?” At this point, Kade is laughing so hard he has tears. “My bestie. That’s who!”

  “You wash your filthy mouth when you mention my Christian!” I yell.

  “For someone who has such an ‘adult’ job during the day and a sexy, fun profession as a pin-up model, you sure can behave like one of those teeny bop girls when it comes to your fictional loves.” Kade winks at me.

  “Baby, you truly are cuckoo. You know that, right? I don’t care if you do have a few screws loose; I still like you and think you’re sexy.” Josh smiles sweetly at me and kisses my nose.

  “Okay, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.” I can’t help but laugh. “So, can I get your keys?”

  “Fine, but hurry back.” He gives me a peck on the lips.

  As I leave the bar, immediately, I feel the cold crisp air brush against my skin. My poorly lit surrounding gives me a restless feeling as I’m walking to Josh’s truck. I turn around and realize no one is nearby, everyone is indoors watching the game. I’m not sure why I feel so paranoid, but decide not to question it and start walking faster to my destination. The truck is parked slightly over a block away from the bar. Luckily, the truck’s inside light automatically turns on when I open the door so I’m not left searching in the dark. While I’m standing outside the truck stretching my arm underneath the seat trying to find my phone, I feel Josh grab my ass. Shit! He scared me. Asshole!

  I turn to face and go off on him. What the fuck? The Tiger’s fan? Creepy pervert dude? Huh?

  “What the hell? Get the fuck away from me…NOW!” I yell at the stranger as my mind is running a mile a minute.

  Creepy pervert dude doesn’t move. Instead, he just leers at me with a lewd and lascivious expression planted on his face. He continues to block my exit. He’s about six feet tall, with a burly build, light skin, and has stubble along his jaw. He appears to be in his mid-thirties. As he gets closer to me, his eyes immediately catch my attention. They’re a light blue color, but his pupils are extremely dilated. Fuck. He’s on something.

  Besides the keys, I don’t have anything that I can use as a weapon. He’s in too close proximity to kick or punch him with as much force as I can conjure up. I get creative; I close my fists and position the long part of the key to come out between my middle and ring fingers. If things get physical, I’ll kick and punch him, making him feel the key first with every hit I land. Assuming I actually make contact, that is. Hopefully, the situation won’t escalate to that, but one never knows. Get him talking. Kill time.

  Once again, he moves closer to me no longer leaving any space between us. I’m completely backed up against the inside of the truck. I panic and lose composure. “I guess you didn’t hear me the first time, get the fuck away from me!” I scream in his face and try to push him away.

  “You sure are a pretty and feisty little cunt.” He breathes heavily along my ear. His breath is foul and reeks of hard liquor. “Why are you being a dick tease? I saw you checking me out earlier.” He runs his eyes slowly from my face down to my chest.

  “Get the fuck away from me, you delusional prick!” This time, I yell from the top of my lungs. Instantly, I feel a blow to the left side of my face causing me to feel dazed.

  No. Not this again. Please, God…help me.

  I feel a hand on my neck and the rapid pressure and squeeze of it. I try to fight him off, but he’s too strong. I fail. Terror consumes me as I’m gasping for air.

  “I’ll give you a reason to scream, you fucking cunt!” I think I hear him say.

  Within moments, my neck is released. Although my neck is in pain, that first breath of air is overwhelming, yet the best feeling in the world. I try to stand, but my body is still in shock and I can’t seem to move or focus. Slowly, I manage to sit up. Vaguely, I see two figures, one in a white shirt and the other in black fighting. I close my eyes and open them gently in an attempt to clear my view. That’s when I see Josh throwing the dirty creepy bastard on the ground and slamming his head against the concrete.

  Alarm strikes me and realize that Josh is about to kill this guy. “Josh! Get away from him! Get in the truck and let’s go!” I yell out with a raspy voice.

  Josh slowly stands, gives the guy a few final kicks on his ribs, and leaves his limp body on the ground. As he gets in the driver’s seat, I hand him the keys. We take off; the roar of his truck surprisingly brings me relief.

  “Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?” Josh asks extremely agitated, but with concern deep in his striking features.

  “No, I’ll be fine.” I can’t face him; instead, I look at the busy city life we’re rapidly evading.

  “Damn, Nina!” Josh runs his fingers through his hair while clenching his jaw. “Why can’t you fuckin’ listen? Why must you always insist on things being your own damn way? You’re so fuckin’ stubborn!” He yells.

  His words and tone feel like a slap on the face that won’t stop stinging. Although he’s right and has every right to scold me for not listening to him, I can’t help but feel hurt. I’m afraid to say anything. The tension in the car is unendurable.

  As we continue to drive in uncomfortable reticence, Josh appears to be searching for something or someone. Finally, while we’re on Mission Street, he pulls over, gets out, and uses a payphone briefly. Then, he makes a call using his cellphone. That’s strange. I use this time to text Emme and Kade to let them know that Josh and I left so they wouldn’t worry.

  When Josh gets in the car, he’s silent. He drives for a while, parks at a marina, and finally speaks. “When I used the payphone, I left an anonymous tip with the police regarding that piece of shit. I’m so sorry for not protecting you, baby. I shouldn’t have let you walk out by yourself. I knew better, yet I let you go out alone. I hate myself for not going with my instinct.” Josh says with great sorrow.

  I’m confused. “What? None of this would’ve happened had I listened to you. This whole situation is my fault! You feel bad for not protecting me? You did! You should be mad at me. I thought you were and that’s why you weren’t speaking to me.”

  “Valentina, this man put his hands on you. So, no. I didn’t protect you in time. I became restless as soon as you left, I had to make sure you were okay. That’s when I heard you screaming and ran towards the truck. When I saw him choking you, all I saw was red. I wanted to kill him. Seeing him touch my lady—” Josh’s cell rings and interrupts our conversation. My lady.

  Josh is on the phone for several minutes. He finally gets off and faces me. “The guy was taken to the hospital. He has a serious concussion and fractured ribs. An officer ran a check on him due to an anonymous tip indicating he attempted to rape someone. The police found out that he’s a parolee from Michigan, violated parole, hasn’t registered as sex offender since his release from prison, and has a bench warrant out for his arrest. He had meth on his person and high blood alcohol content in his system. Upon his release from the hospital, he’ll be taken into custody, and most likely, extradited back to Michigan. The police aren’t too concerned with his assault.”

  Thank you, Lord. My jaw drops. “How do you know all this information?”

  “I know people in high and low places.” Josh winks at me.

  Relief washes over me. “I was worried about you getting in trouble. I hope nothing comes of this situation and that we can leave this night behind us.”

  “Again, I’m sorry you had to go through such a traumatic experience.” Then, Josh gives me a perplexed look. “So, wait…You were worried about me and not concerned about the guy?” Josh asks with a curious smirk on his face.

  “No, I wasn’t nervous for him. Fuck him! During the
past hour, I’ve been contemplating different scenarios I could tell the cops to leave you out of this whole mess. You defended me, you’ve done enough, I wasn’t about to let you get caught up in this problem because of me.” I’m dead serious.

  “You’d lie to the police for me?” He looks at me with awe.

  “Of course. I didn’t wish that man any harm, but he crossed me, so now he can go fuck himself and rot in prison for the rest of his life. I definitely won’t lose sleep over what he did to me. Fuck his bitch ass; I refuse to give him that satisfaction. I’m just glad you were there for me. I’m sorry for being so vulgar, but the thought of you being arrested has me restless.” I lean closer to Josh and softly caress his jawline.

  “Hey, all will work out just fine. Please don’t worry. Use all the profanity you want, I think it’s sexy when you’re all riled up. If I had to do this again, I would. You’re mine and I will do everything in my power to always protect you. Do you understand that?” His gaze is intense. I feel my heart beat rapidly. Oh, my…I could get lost in those entrancing hazel eyes forever.

  I snap out of my reverie. “I’m yours?” I question as I swallow hard, trying my best to contain my enthusiasm and confusion for willingly wanting to give myself to him.

  “Yes. You. Mine. End of discussion.” He pronounces without giving me the opportunity to debate his claim.

  “Wow. You sound so barbaric, like such a caveman.” I smile. I like it!

  He gives me that boyish grin while slightly showing off his perfect white teeth. “I don’t hear you complaining. I’m a rookie when it comes to relationships. I’ve never been involved in one, but I can’t stand the thought of seeing you with someone else or allowing them to touch you. I want to be a part of your life, make you happy, know you inside out, and be the only one who gets to savor your body.” He pauses and then asks, “So, will you be my lady?”

  He makes my heart melt. I unbuckle my seat belt and respond by giving him a long passionate kiss. In between kisses, I say, “Yes. Now…let’s go back…to your place.” I slightly back away and ask for confirmation, “So, it’s just us now?”


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