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Pinned Up (Pinned Up Trilogy)

Page 24

by C. Michelle

  I scroll through the list she provides and realize none of those companies belong to Josh. I reply to her response. “Siri, you’re pissing me off. You gave me all the wrong businesses.”

  “You know what they say about blaming the messenger, Nina.” Siri has the audacity to be a smart ass and give me an attitude. I’m so not in the mood for her. I need to find my man. Why haven’t I ever been to his job?

  “Ugh! I’m pissed, Siri!” I yell into my phone.

  “Not at me, I hope.” Siri replies.

  “You’re not doing your fuckin’ job and giving me the info I need!” Now, this bitch is really crawling under my skin.

  “I think that’s subject to opinion, Nina.” Siri informs me in her robotic voice.

  Screw this bitch, I’m done with her. She’s testing my nonexistent patience. I get on the internet using my phone. Leave it to Google to come through for me. I’m a happy camper once I get the address to Josh’s company. Wait a second; did I just get into a fight with my phone?

  I finally arrive to Josh’s work. Instantly, I’m astonished with the sky rise structure and its grandeur, it’s located in the heart of the Financial district. The skyscraper has a tall base that is glass enclosed; the shape of the building is cylindrical with granite and glass edges. Right away, I recognize this place; it envelops a public plaza that is used in the summertime for concerts. I used to come by during lunch all the time and listen to the various genres of music. What a small world. As I enter, I ask the information attendant which floor E-Con Solutions is found. He directs me to take the elevator and head to the fortieth floor.

  When I finally reach that level and the elevator doors open, I step into the lobby of Josh’s office. The bamboo floors catch my attention for some reason. The large receptionist’s area is covered with colored glass that has such an intricate pattern it looks like a beautiful piece of art. That’s about the only color I see. Everything else is a neutral tone with polished steel. The style is modern, minimal, and luxurious. If I know Josh, I’m sure he insisted on everything in his floor being eco-friendly.

  I ask the young and pretty receptionist if I can see Mr. Ryan. She inquires if I have an appointment with him. Embarrassed, I tell her no. It was very presumptuous of me to assume Josh would drop what he was doing just to see me. The receptionist informs me he’s gone for the day. She believes he may be at the company’s warehouse. I ask her if she can call to see if he’s there, so that I don’t have to make another pointless trip. I don’t want to call Josh myself; I want to completely catch him off guard. I know it sounds silly, but it’s what I want to do.

  The receptionist informs me that he did stop by the warehouse and left a few minutes ago. I thank her for her time and rush to the elevator. It seems to take forever to arrive. I finally leave and head out to get my man. I continue with my stalker tendencies and drive to his house. When I get there, I ring the doorbell several times. No answer. Screw it. If I’m going to play the role, I might as well do it right. I grab the key that’s located above the light sconce near his door. I enter Josh’s house and make myself comfortable in his living room while I wait for him. Luckily, one of my favorite movies is on TV. Eventually, I fall asleep on his couch watching the movie, Troop Beverly Hills…don’t judge me.

  I wake up slightly past dawn. I realize Josh didn’t spend the night in his house. Instantly, my spirit is broken. I turn everything off and leave his house. As I’m driving home, my imagination begins to speculate thoughts of Josh moving on. Did I lose him? I wonder. My mood is past melancholy, I feel full blown depression hit me. By the time I arrive home, I’m ready to let sleep overtake me and help me forget about Josh not being at his house. I know he wasn’t in the hospital with his mom because visiting ends in the late evening. I need to shut him off from my mind, so I fall asleep.

  Chapter 14 (Nina)


  I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the screen and notice Josh has called me three times and left voicemail messages. I listen to his recorded voice where he’s asking me to get in contact with him soon. I feel flustered and contemplate on calling him. Don’t be such a drama queen, Nina! Call his ass! Enough with the damn pity party already!

  I don’t feel like mentally fighting with myself so I cave and give Josh a call.

  “Hey.” He answers with his deep voice. “Is everything okay? I was told you stopped by the office yesterday. Why didn’t you call me?” Mmmm…I forgot how sexy his voice sounds, it’s been a long time since we last spoke on the phone. Usually, we just send each other brief text messages. Oh, how I miss him. I sigh.

  “Nina?” He asks with concern in his voice. I don’t want him to worry, that wasn’t my intention. He has a lot on his mind as is, no need for me to make him think something bad has occurred.

  “Everything is fine. I just wanted to talk to you, that’s all. No biggie.” I respond, but omit being at his house. Inside, I’m dying to know where the hell he was last night. I don’t ask though, I don’t have the right to interrogate him.

  “I wish you would’ve called me. After I left work, I went to the airport. I just got out of a meeting in Arkansas. I was at the headquarters of a large retailer that has decided to convert to solar power instead of using power grids. We got the account and now, the first phase of the contract will consist of adding solar panels to every store for this retailer within the west coast and mid-west states. In the second phase, we’ll work on the east coast. Eventually, we’ll convert each store to solar power nationwide with the potential of doing its international locations as well. I’m really excited.” I can feel his enthusiasm.

  “I’m so happy for you! Congrats!” Although I truly am happy for him and relieved that he wasn’t home due to work related reasons, I can’t help but feel down, I want to be by his side celebrating. Damn, Nina! Since when did you get so needy and whiny?

  “Thanks. Well, I have to go. I have a lot of work to do. I’ll see you next week when I fly back home. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I sadly respond.

  “Nina, can you please take care of my mom and call me if anything arises?” He asks.

  “Sure thing. Don’t worry about anything. Focus on your work. I’ll see you when you get back. Bye.” I reluctantly hang up the phone. Next week? Ugh! That’s what I get for not allowing him the chance to explain himself. Now, I have to suffer and wait. Nothing sucks more than waiting.

  I get up and find Kade in the kitchen making a chicken stir fry on the wok. “Sup, Cheesecake? Why so blue?” He questions.

  I look at the time and realize it’s the early afternoon. Wow. I slept a lot. And now, I’m famished. “I’m stupid. Nothing new. Please tell me you’re making enough for both of us. I’m starving!”

  “Don’t even trip, I got you boo. I knew you’d be hungry once you woke up. You’ve been sleeping all day. Is it the pain medication you’re taking or what?” Kade asks as he continues to cook our late lunch.

  I sigh deeply. “The visit with Diego took a toll on me and then I went on a stalker venture searching for Josh. I can’t be without him anymore. I want to tell him how I feel and that I know he didn’t cheat. He’s in Arkansas on a business trip and won’t return until next week. I’m just bummed, that’s all. By the way, I’m a shitty friend. I should be cooking. You’re still recovering from your wound. Here, let me take over.”

  “Actually, I feel great. So, sit your butt back down. I hate being a lush on the couch and not doing anything. I can’t wait to start working out again. Next week will be here before you know it. Now, tell me what happened during the visit with Diego.” Kade requests cautiously.

  I begin to retell every detail of my conversation with Diego during our meal. Even though a few gasps escape him, Kade listens attentively without interrupting. I’m glad he doesn’t ask any questions because I’m still not sure how I feel about the situation.

  “Please tell your friend that I’m truly thankful he was able to ask his dad to pull that favor for
me.” I tell Kade.

  “I already told him the first hundred times you mentioned it, I guess having a warden as a father comes in handy sometimes. He said that when he asked his dad, his father immediately made the arrangements for your visit.”

  “That was nice of him. Hey, do you wanna have a movie marathon tonight?” I ask. “I can sleep in tomorrow since I don’t go back to work until next week, per the doctor’s orders.” I add.

  “Sorry, I can’t. I’m going out. I have a date.” He grins at me.

  “What? With who?” I ask intrusively.

  “With one of the surgical interns I met at the hospital. He has dark caramel skin with grey eyes, he looks absolutely yummy. I met him on my first conscious day there, I gave him my number and he’s been calling me every day. Once I told him I was feeling better, he asked me out on a date. He seems like a genuinely nice person. We’ll see what happens.” He states shyly.

  With great concern, I get up and feel his forehead. “Kade are you feeling okay? Not once did you say anything inappropriate or perverted about your date.”

  “I know. Weird, isn’t it? Well, I guess I’m open to being in a relationship. I know I never cared to before, but—” Kade hesitates for a minute then continues. “But being with Em made me realize I actually enjoy intimacy, not just fucking. Em was definitely the wrong person for me, but I’m glad I learned something from being with her. Now, I won’t have such a closed mind when it comes to relationships. I’ll go with the flow assuming I feel comfortable with that person. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll still have my occasional ‘wam bam thank you mam’ but not if I find someone I truly like.” He smiles warmly at me.

  “I’m so happy for you. You’re growing up. You’ve become a fine young man who I’m absolutely proud of. I can’t believe it took getting shot to knock some sense into you!” We both laugh.

  “Oh, my goodness! I can’t believe I forgot to tell you! My mom and Dillon are dating!” I yell with too much enthusiasm.

  “What? Mama V’s a cougar?” Kade asks with shock written all over his face.

  “My thoughts exactly.” I respond giggling.

  “Good for her! She deserves to have some prime meat. It’s about time she puts all our Christmas presents to use.” He ponders on the fact that our mom is finally dating again. His joking tone changes. “Dillon is a good guy. I really think they’ll be happy together.”

  “I think so too.” We both look at each other with cheesy smiles planted on our faces.

  Once I’ve picked up around the house, I decide to get on Lucifer for a bit. I still can’t run, but decide to go for a nice paced walk on my treadmill while listening to some Freestyle music. After I’m done, I take a long hot shower. When I return to the living room, Kade is on his way out.

  “Cheesecake, I’m stopping by the hospital to check on Celeste, from there I’ll be going on my date. Don’t wait up.” He gives me a devilish grin.

  “Okay. Have fun. Please let Celeste know I’ll be there tomorrow morning to visit. Drive safely. Love you!” I smile at my bestie.

  “Love you back.” Kade responds as he walks out grinning.

  Now, back to another important issue, which movie should I watch, The Notebook or Interview with a Vampire? I’ve only seen each movie about a million times and it’s been over a month since I last saw either one. Eventually, I opt for Brad Pitt as a vampire. I feel he’ll be a better cure for my melancholy mood. I dim the lights and grab a beer. Once I’m nice and cozy with my Twilight fleece blanket on the couch, I press play, and begin to watch the movie. Just then, I hear the door open and shut.

  “Kade, what did you forget? You’re not getting cold feet about your date, are you?” I ask teasingly.

  “No. Not at all.” A familiar deep voice responds. I look up and see Josh’s glorious body standing right by my feet. He takes a slight step back and leans his back against the wall. He seems tense. His stubble is the thickest it’s ever been. He’s clenching his jaw with a determined expression. He puts his hands in his pockets and maintains stern eye contact with me. His gaze alone makes me melt.

  “Josh? What are you doing here?” I ask completely baffled.

  He looks down upon me with a serious countenance. “Quiet.” He commands with grand authority.

  “I’ll be doing the talking.” Josh pauses for a slight moment while his eyes scan every inch of my body.

  “I didn’t cheat on you. I love you. There’s no other woman who can come close to you and what you mean to me. Knowing you were near my father in danger drove me insane. Every second that passed before I was able to reach you felt like a nightmare. You’re imprinted in my heart and living my life without you is not an option. We belong together. You’re my lady and I refuse to let you go.” He clenches his jaw and gazes at me intensely. His determination to be heard and raw power doesn’t allow me to think. I force myself to speak, but only one feeble word escapes my lips.

  “Okay.” I say in a raspy voice. I stare into the depth of his beautiful hazel eyes that are now fiercely devouring me with his stare. The visual manifestation of his sexual hunger for me gives me the strength I need to make my move. I stand and walk over to him. I grab the back of his hand and caress it against my cheek, I turn slightly, and begin to lightly plant kisses on it.

  “I’m sorry for not trusting you, for not allowing you to explain yourself, and for hurting you.” I raise my head and shyly peek at his striking face.

  “I was wrong. I don’t want to live without you either. You make my heart complete. I love you and—” His sudden move interrupts my thought. Immediately, he stands upright and then lowers his upper body to engulf me in his arms. Although he ravenously approaches me with his mouth, his lips feel soft against mine. I enthusiastically welcome his tongue as it slowly eases its way in. He moves his strong hands so that one can rest on the nape of my neck and the other can caress my cheek with his thumb. His kisses feel divine and I finally feel like I’m right where I belong…in his arms.

  A quite moan escapes me as Josh tightens his embrace with his arms of steel. Right away, I sense the hardness of his erection and feel my entrance become slick with anticipation. Oh, how I’ve missed this man. I lower my hand between us to feel his thickness, instantly, I crave to have him in me.

  The pressure of our kisses becomes more aggressive along with our breathing. “I’ve missed you so much, baby. Don’t ever…leave me…again.” He manages to say in between kisses.

  “Never. I’m yours. Today, tomorrow, for as long as you’ll have me. I’m not going anywhere if you’re not by my side.” I say in one quick breath. Just then, Josh’s look becomes lustful, without a second thought, he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist while he turns and pins me up against the wall.

  I quickly take off my shirt, Josh’s eyes focus on my bare breasts with admiration. He gives me a devilish smirk then continues to kiss me, working his way past my neck, and down to my chest. He grabs one nipple with his mouth while he pinches the other with his free hand. The sensation has me longing to go over the edge. I allow my pinned up sexual frustration to let loose. “Babe! I need your fat dick inside me. I need you pounding me and showing me how much you really missed me. Fuck me, daddy, please!” I beg my man shamelessly as my entrance eagerly awaits him.

  Josh steps away from the wall while I’m still clinging onto him with my legs wrapped around his waist. His swollen length is desperate to salute me as it grinds against me. He throws me on the couch and quickly takes his shirt off. Although that move completely caught my shoulder off guard, I know I should be screaming from the pain, but I push the thought aside. The adrenaline I’m experiencing has me feeling numb to my aching wound. In record time, I take my shorts and panties off. I look up and admiringly gaze at his beautifully sculpted chest, nicely defined arms, and his perfectly shaped washboard abs.

  “I need to be in you. I wanna feel your tight pussy throbbing against my dick. But first, I need to savor you and have your juice all over my
mouth.” Josh says lasciviously as he lowers his body and rests his face between my sex. Instantly, I feel his tongue mercilessly stroking my most sensitive area back and forth. “Damn, baby…you taste so fuckin’ delicious, I could eat you all night.” Just then, he grabs my clit between his lips and begins to suck as he places two fingers inside me. With the sucking of my swollen tissue and his fingers penetrating my opening, I feel my body tighten as my orgasm ripples through every inch of my body. After such an overpowering climax, I’m left gasping for air.

  As Josh begins to climb up my body, he unbuckles his belt, and unzips his pants. Swiftly, he takes off the remainder of his clothes and towers over me. With raw passion, Josh stares into the profoundness of my eyes. “I love you, Valentina. You’re the only woman for me. Don’t ever forget that. Make love to me, baby.” And with those words, he thrusts himself inside of me, not allowing me the chance to declare my adoration for him. His fullness overwhelms me and leaves me speechless. His clean, manly scent, his delightful taste, and sensuous touch feel exquisite against my senses. His insertions change from penetrating me deep, with a fast pace, to almost pulling out and pounding me with a slow, strong force. After repetitive movements, both sensations send me over the edge and have my entrance convulsing once again.

  While I’m at my peak, I tell him how I feel. I’m done holding back. “Oh babe, this is where you belong. Inside of me. You feel so fuckin’ good. I love you.” I say my words with a soft, hoarse voice due to all my heavy panting. Within seconds, I feel Josh’s body tighten. I notice every definition on his arms become even more prominent. He hovers over me for a long moment, not wanting to separate. I don’t blame him; I feel perfect having him in me.

  Eventually, we separate. I’m dying of thirst, my lips feel extremely parched. Thank goodness my beer is nearby. Josh grabs his duffel bag; he changes into some grey shorts and a black tank top. I put on the clothes I was wearing before my man and I reunited. I love the sound of that…my man.


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