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Descend- Seeing Stars

Page 10

by Sean Oswald

  He was right too. Her being conscious had no impact on the process. He felt the power flow back from her. Purified and increased so that it filled him up to brimming. He then applied that power to boring his tiny needle through the time bubble.

  As it worked, he felt the conflicting time flows ripping at him and he screamed but still held the course. He would not be stopped. Iron Will shot up to the fifth magnification right away and the pain faded. It was someone else’s pain, not his. He was wholly committed to conquering this problem. He would exert his will.

  He felt the thoughts of many of his fuses and even of Trudi who he was bound to him coming through the hole he had made. Then he felt a surge of power as the girls all synced. Something was wrong though.

  They were syncing not with just CeeCee but also with the empowered body that she had. The refinement was expected but currently she was part of a circuit holding over eight hundred thousand PSI. Their stats all surged and in an instant all of the fuses cried out in pain and then fell over. The only ones immune were the ones inside the science lab because they were in yet a third time flow.

  That final surge of energy broke the circuit he was holding with CeeCee and this time he lost consciousness too.

  Chapter 8- Time Is So Unfair

  All F units have had their levels and stats equalized to match the strongest.

  Unexpected power present in F19785. PSI energy converted to additional stats at a ratio of approximately 200 PSI: 1 Stat point.

  Each F unit’s total stats were increased by 2035 points which were evenly divided into 407 to each stat.

  Warning: charging an F unit with extra PSI during the fusion process carried a 37.8% risk of death to the charged unit and a significantly lower risk of death to each other F unit who is part of the fusion.

  As amazing and scary as that notification was, it wasn’t what woke Jay up. Rather as he opened his eyes and pushed the notification away while trying to get his bearing, he felt the most divine feeling and as he looked down his body he saw why. No guy ever complained about being woken up this way.

  CeeCee’s rather talkative mouth was completely silent except for slurping sounds as she sucked on the head of his cock before impaling herself and shoving half his length into her throat. Then again backing off and applying the warm suction feeling that he so loved.

  Over the course of their month together, CeeCee had asked him to reduce the volume he produced when he came. He hadn’t wanted to discourage her from things like this, so he had of course gone along. He did however know that she had a bit of a sweet tooth and remembered her mentioning how much she liked the taste of twizzlers so he thought back and remembered the taste in as much detail as he could. He even realized that he was dipping into her memories now that they were fused and found the perfect taste she would adore.

  Then he modified the fluid that was even then working its way up his shaft at the insistent suction from her mouth. He reached out his hands and cupped her face to be sure that when he came it would be in her mouth where her taste buds could appreciate the treat rather than down her throat. Sure, enough she gagged a bit as he began spurting but then her eyes got really wide, and she began sucking and licking like she couldn’t get enough of his seed.

  When he was finally done, she sat up and licked her lips. “Twizzlers huh, you must have been reading my mind.”

  He smiled and said, “It sorta goes with the territory now. Are you okay?”

  “Okay? Gah, I’m so much more than okay. Whatever you did to me was amazing. And then something happened, and I got a second set of notifications. Somehow, I synced with Trina, Meikiyo, Bong-Cha, Amelia, Esseme, Faith, Madison, Charlotte, Samantha, and Daphne. I even got powers from each of them and granted my Assimilate power to them in turn.

  “Then it said something about me being charged with extra PSI and somehow besides the massive boost I had already gotten from you I got more than two thousand more stat points. The lowest of my stats are now over five hundred. It is crazy. No one should be this strong. I feel like some kinda freaking superhero or goddess,” CeeCee said.

  “Well I don’t know about any of that but trust me you can go even higher and yes you are definitely far more than anything you ever were before. I’m not sure why I passed out at the end, but I do know the reason that all happened.

  “You were out cold after the fusion and I recovered much more quickly. I had the maybe not so brilliant idea to bore a hole into the tempus fugit field so that you could sync with the other fuses. I figured it would be a good exercise for my skill too.

  The problem came when even four hundred thousand PSI wasn’t enough energy to complete the task. I got pig headed at that point and insisted on trying to push through, so I did something with you that I can do with my fuses. I pushed our PSI channels together and we formed a circuit. When you crossed the fifth threshold you became a catalyst for PSI which in simple terms means that you can double my PSI if I send it through you.

  “Anyway, that provided me with enough energy to pierce the bubble and sure enough that caused the sync. The problem was I hadn’t anticipated that your body holding all of that extra PSI would create an issue like it did,” Jay said.

  “I’m hardly complaining about gaining two thousand more stat points, you precious man,” she replied.

  “That isn’t what I feel guilty about. That last notification that I saw when you were so creatively waking me up, said there was more than a one in three chance that you could have died from the process. I apologize for that. It was a silly risk for me to take,” Jay said, looking at her with serious eyes.

  She didn’t immediately say it would be okay but rather paused before saying, “Look, maybe it is something that you shouldn’t do again but it worked out this time. As my brother used to always say to me, ‘no harm, no foul’. So, for now I’m just glad to have made all these gains. I was worried when I woke up and you were lying there unconscious.

  “I could feel that you were okay. Oh, and you were so right. This fusion thing is crazy, amazing. It is so much more than the bond we had before. I can practically read your mind. And for a minute there I could see into the minds of all the other girls you are fused to. So anyway, I knew you were okay and more or less just sleeping off the shock to your system. And since I’ve never known a guy who didn’t like to be woken up that way.”

  She paused again, and her face got red. “Um… not that I’m a slut or anything. I just mean that when I’m a girlfriend, I’m a good girlfriend.”

  “Ha, no need to apologize for that, ever. And remember the fusion goes both ways. If the last month hasn’t already helped us to know each other then the fusion has finished it off. I know you aren’t slutty, and I can sense how important being a good girlfriend is to you. But you do need to know that you aren’t just fused to me. You are fused to all the other parts of me. There are now twenty of us who are made into one,” Jay said.

  “Okay, okay, and while I’m open minded, there are still things that I do with you that I can’t do with them. And the whole good girlfriend thing is about my mom. I’m all for women’s lib and all that, but my mom was a psycho bitch about it. I mean I know I told you all about my mom, but I guess now that we are together forever, I want you to know that I will be a good girlfriend. I am your girlfriend now, right?”

  “That and more. We will work out the details later. But know that I appreciate you. All of you. Now though that they know you are fused; we should probably drop this field. If you don’t mind, I’m going to send my power through you again and then pop this bubble,” Jay said.

  “Um aren’t you forgetting something?”

  Jay looked at her and then her meaning settled in and he returned her wake-up favor and more. She seemed to take great delight in how strong and durable her body was now and well that certainly made it all the more fun for him. So, what he had intended to take thirty minutes ended up taking three hours. Her hair was definitely messed up when he brought down the field and he foun
d most of the room staring at them.

  Due to the time dilation Jay and CeeCee appeared while the other fuses who were not in the science lab were unconscious. Jay picked her up and they rushed around to them one at a time waking them gently. Jay wanted to make sure they were all okay. A couple had words like bonehead or idiotic for him but there was no denying that they were all thrilled about the power increase.

  That said they also all agreed that 37.8% was far too great of a risk to ever try again. Jay’s favorite moment came when CeeCee made a comment about being as strong as Jay now.

  Amelia burst into laughter and said, “Oh now who’s being naive. Welcome to the team, really. I can feel that you and I will get along great. But we still don’t hold a candle to Jay. When we manage to make it past the 8th threshold, we will get another big jump, especially with how much higher our base stats are but Jay is probably at least ten times as powerful as any of us.”

  Trina added, “Not to mention that he has become downright deadly at using his skills. Nope, the truth is that we are all just support for Jay. There is a reason for him being the leader and it isn’t just what is hanging between his legs.”

  CeeCee looked at them all and said, “How high can his stats be?”

  Jay just said, “Look at your status sheet. You can now see not only yourself but all of the fuses.” He grinned as she did exactly that and then her eyes got wide in shock.

  Then he said, “I think you have some training in mind for us, Trina. Lead the way, I’m on your clock now.”

  From there he followed Trina around as she had him set up tempus fugit fields in various training areas. Each one was set up for thirty minutes but with the 1750:1 ratio that was still going to be more than thirty-six days.

  Much of the training was focused on preparing the girls how to work together. He spent some time working with each of them individually, but Trina had wisely set them up into teams. There were five women working in the nursery and forty-one in the science lab, but the remaining women were broken up into groups of five. Actually, even those in the nursery eventually joined in and some went more than once.

  Jay thought it was a good idea for them to learn to work together. So, whether that was Olivia electrifying Trudi’s metalmancy creations or combining illusions with acid pools, they begin coming up with great ways to attack and defend together. Jay smiled when he saw them doing it without his effort. He appreciated that they got into it themselves.

  One part that most of them didn’t seem to appreciate from him was what he was calling conditioning training. He pushed them all to endure pain and learn to work through it. Each time he was careful to make sure that he didn’t push them more than their particular level allowed for but still they all ended up cursing at him at some point or another. It was worth it though if it kept them alive.

  Training with his fuses was even more significant. They could react to each other without even being told and their timing became flawless. Jay also had fun with several of the groups by using his new Assimilate ability. It would take a minute or so each time but none of the girls denied him and he ended up testing out what it was like to use Daphne’s amplification power, Trina’s necrotic bolts, and Esseme’s Psionic Crush.

  Double amplifying a power was almost just silly. It made Meikiyo’s flames so hot that they sludged the A’snkarnt metal instantly and liquified it in just seconds. The same with Trina’s necrotic bolts. She became her own Forlorn-type cannon capable of punching through most anything including PSI constructs far more quickly than he liked. It took all of the power that he wasn’t channeling into the amplification to hold a constructed wall for more than ten seconds against the power of her decaying blasts.

  During their debrief, that was just another great reminder that for all the power Jay had, dealing with blasts from ships the size of small cities was going to require even more power. It helped bring a renewed commitment to everyone. No matter how painful today had been, they still had a long way to go.

  Jay laughed when the tempus fugit field around the science lab came down, at least for a second. He felt the shock from Huong, Ava, Mia, Jessie, Nalani, Sofia, and Alexis as the new power surged into them. His mirth was turned to sympathy though as they all cried out when their bodies couldn’t handle the sudden influx and each one of them passed out.

  He rushed to them immediately but fortunately none of them had any lasting damage and they all woke up quickly. Then his amusement came back as he watched some of the girls who had been physically weaker like Ava and Alexis displaying incredible feats of strength. Even the weakest of them now had an unamplified bench press of thirty tons. Yet they all adapted to the newfound stats very quickly due to the fusion. Jay’s aptitude for dealing with his own increases in strength made it so they were able to do the same.

  Assimilate got utilized many times again and Jay ended up keeping Expanded Mind ability for when he started his own training. Most of the fuses ended up keeping Psionic Construct although some borrowed abilities from one another. He had to admit to being a bit worried when Huong asked to assimilate Body Modification from him.

  He couldn’t deny her though, at least she and none of the others had asked him to give them time powers. It made him wonder if they felt his unwillingness to do so through the fusion. That was likely, he assumed.

  The next segment of the day was the fun time with each of the girls. He found that he actually needed to stretch the time dilation a bit more than what had been agreed upon. He took naps with each of the girls even if he wasn’t overly tired physically. There was something very emotional about falling asleep with a girl you had just been so intimate with in your arms. And Jay found it helped reset him for the next round.

  Huong kept the schedule and continually teased him about being her man whore, but he couldn’t say no to any of the girls who were putting their faith in him. It wasn’t like he suffered for it and well, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. A full ninety percent of the girls on Team Jay wanted time with him so it turned into a busy couple of hours magnified into more than three weeks before it was over thanks to Tempus Fugit.

  When it was Huong’s turn, he was half surprised to find her alone in her room waiting for him. That surprise threw him off enough that he almost didn’t notice the real surprise. A second glance at her revealed what she had been hiding. The fusion told him she was excited, but she had kept a tight lid on it, and he hadn’t known what to expect. With Huong that could be anything.

  Now though he saw. Her breasts had gone from some of the smallest on the ship to easily F-cup or whatever was beyond that. Check that, maybe whatever was two steps beyond that. She was now putting Daphne to shame if it was a size competition, but it was more than that. She still had her small frame and so the new breasts looked larger than they even were.

  She laughed and said, “My eyes are up here.”

  But Jay heard the joke in her voice. Behind it he felt the insecurity that had plagued her for a lifetime. It felt alien to him but yet it was so clearly a part of him. Huong was gorgeous, sexy, vivacious to him. She was everything that he could hope for in a partner and so much fun, even if her kinkiness pushed his limits at times. He genuinely loved her and hated that she had felt this.

  It was a dark sense of shame that she had grown up with. Now that her walls were down, he could sense the memories of being ridiculed as a girl, how she had been called by boys’ names and teased because of her small breasts. It hadn’t helped that what little she had, didn’t develop till after she was seventeen.

  Hearing in her mind the voices of cruel boys and girls in school who had teased her, made him wish that he could bring the Earth back into existence just to go and flatten them. “I had no idea, wife. But you’ve never been anything but extremely desirable to me. You know I love you.”

  “I mostly believed you before the bond. The bond made me know that even a girl built like a pre-teen boy still had your love. And then when we fused, I truly understood the dept
hs of your concern for me. I know that the process of evolving here helped me fill out a little more than I was on Earth, but best of all, I know that you still would have loved me.

  “I still know though that you like breasts and even though I know that you don’t actually like them this big, I still wanted you to experience it at least once. And I wanted to experience being the girl in the room with the biggest knockers, the one that all the other girls look at with jealous envy,” Huong said.

  “Well I am here for you and only you. You don’t have to change a thing, but I will enjoy you however you prefer,” Jay said back.

  Strangely then instead of jumping him like she usually would, she beckoned him over to her bed and they cuddled. She liked him cupping or rather trying to cup her massive breasts and they talked for a while.

  “The brain surgeries were a total success. We don’t see any signs of side effects and the volunteers are able to directly interface with the ship. We also have some idea about how to convert more of the tech onboard into more PSI-based technology rather than the A’snkarnt systems. Given enough time we can turn this into a completely human vessel or at least a vessel belonging to whatever we are now,” she murmured.


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