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Darkeen Dynasty 1: Raeder's Woman

Page 2

by Angelina Evans

  She blew out a breath. She was feeling more than hot. Whatever had been in that dermaject was working.

  “What’s your name?” he asked, his gaze piercing.

  She wanted to look away but couldn’t. He had more power in his gaze than most people had in their whole bodies.

  “Aleea.” She nearly groaned as his hips rocked against her. His cock was long and thick, hot against her, their clothes no barrier.

  “Just Aleea?”

  She hesitated. It all seemed too real, his powerful shoulders and broad chest under her hands. His erection felt like steel. Somehow, telling her last name seemed very intimate and very real. Too real.

  “Aleea. Tell me your last name.”

  His voice, low and slightly rough raised chill bumps on her arms. His eyes were beautiful. Hot crystal green burning her.


  “A good Centeran girl.”

  “Usually.” If her coworkers saw her tonight they wouldn’t call her good. And wasn’t that why she’d chosen Illusions? She didn’t want to be good any more.

  His squeezed the firm swell of her buttocks, pulled her tighter against his erection. He needed to be inside her. Before the night was over he would claim her as his own.

  She lifted into his touch. Her fantasy was already worth the money she’d paid. To have a man like him want her, what more could she ask?

  “When you’re not good, what are you?” His voice was a dark, dangerous lure.

  “I don’t know, but I’d like to try being wicked with you.” And she would. She wanted to try everything. Everything she’d read, seen or imagined.

  “You want to be wicked?”

  She licked her lips and nodded. She felt wanton, free to do and be anything she wanted. And tonight she wanted everything he had to offer. “You can show me how to be really bad, can’t you? I’ve always dreamed about being really naughty.”

  “This isn’t a dream.”

  She wished it wasn’t. Ducking her head, she hid from his penetrating gaze. She wanted to concentrate on the hot hand cupping and squeezing her ass. It was easy to shut out the others dancing around them. Everything about him filled her senses. His scent, his hard muscles, his erection pressed against her. Every step rocked his pelvis against her, rubbed his hard length against her middle. Heat emanated from him, wrapped around her. Stars, he wanted her. Her.

  The music flowed to a close. Around them other couples separated and drifted away. She forced herself to step back.

  “Thank you for the dance.”

  His hand tightened on her waist. He frowned and his eyes narrowed. There was no way he would let her walk away from him. “Dance with me again.”

  Again? Stand in his arms as tingles of electricity sparked through her? Why not? She nodded as the music started again. It was a faster song. The beat primal. She could feel it in her chest. She wanted to be closer to him, wanted to be alone with him. She’d heard women talk about wanting a man the moment they saw him but she’d never experienced it herself, until now.

  Raeder pulled her against him, swept her along with him. He twirled them in a fast circle forcing her to cling to him.

  She looked up and was trapped by his intense stare.

  He spun them again, and again. The crowded ballroom gave way to a dark, deserted terrace. Lights cast shimmering diamond paths over the water of Mouria’s ocean. Overhead the sky was almost black, lit from below by the lights of the planet’s capital. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Water lapped at the shore, more vigorous under the constant breeze that rustled leaves and played with her hair.

  She couldn’t look away from the stark lust in his eyes; she shivered as his hands moved to her hips. Her lips felt full and tingly. She felt wet, ready, aching. Was this what other women experienced? She felt suddenly bereft. Why couldn’t she feel this with a real man?

  “I’m going to have you, Aleea.” It was her name, a threat and a promise all at once. “You’ll leave with me, won’t you?”

  She started, pulled from her dark thoughts by his question. Leave with him? Her fantasy hadn’t included leaving the ball.

  Raeder felt her startled jump. He stopped her when she tried to step back. Whether she agreed or not, she was coming with him. It would be better if it was her choice, but in the end it didn’t matter. She belonged to him.

  Holding her wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel her under him, her cunt tight around his throbbing cock. His blood was on fire. He was hard and hurting.

  He spun her in another circle, used her imbalance to pull her even closer. Her nipples were stiff points poking into his chest. He grabbed her ass with both hands, yanked her against him and thrust his hips forward, grinding against her.

  She shuddered and her hips moved forward in a reflex action to cradle him.

  Primitive satisfaction twined through him. Tonight, she would be his.

  The music segued into a slow sexually charged song. He rocked his pelvis against her, biting back a groan when her breasts flattened against his chest. He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted this one. He hadn’t expected it to be so fast, so consuming. “Come with me.”

  Had he meant that the way it sounded? Her legs felt weak. Her insides trembled. Her breasts were heavy and her nipples hurt. She was having a hard time remembering this was a fantasy. She had seduced herself before she ever stepped into Raeder’s arms. The dermaject Gabria had used worked really well.

  “I want to sink my cock into your tight cunt.” He pushed his thigh between her legs, pulled her forward to ride him. He buried his face in her hair. “I can feel you against me. Hot and wet. You want me inside you. Hot. Tight. Filling you.”

  His breath was moist against her neck. He nuzzled her ear, caught her earlobe in his teeth and nipped.

  “Yes.” She breathed the word.

  “I want to fuck you all night long.” His words stoked the fire inside her.

  She pushed her breasts against his unyielding chest and rubbed back and forth. A moan escaped her. It was so much more than she’d ever had, but wasn’t as much as she wanted. She wound her arms around his neck, pulled herself up on her toes and rocked her pelvis forward. Her dress, her only clothing, moved up, bared her to him.

  His cock was a hard ridge between her nether lips. His trews were rough against the tender folds of flesh between her legs. She moaned as she rode him. She’d never felt anything so good and they hadn’t done anything yet.


  His mouth covered hers, devoured. His tongue thrust into her mouth stealing her breath. He stroked in and out each thrust deeper, harder, faster, filling her mouth more. He didn’t want her to think.

  “Come with me.”


  Eyes heavy-lidded, he lifted his head. He ran his finger over her satiny lower lip. Even if she weren’t the woman Illusions had found for him, he wouldn’t leave without her tonight.

  Her tongue slid out. She couldn’t resist licking his finger. Her eyes closed as she savored the salty tang of his skin.

  Desire knotted his gut. Sweat broke out all over his body. He needed his cock sheathed in her heat. He needed to feel her hot and wet, milking his length as he pumped into her.

  He ran his finger along her bottom lip, trailed it to her chin. He pushed the fingers of one hand deep into her hair, cradled her head. He dropped his other hand to her ass, keeping her tight against his rigid shaft.

  “Open your mouth.”

  Her nerve endings were so sensitive the brush of his breath on her lips felt like a caress.

  His stare was steady and unblinking.

  Her lips throbbed. She was surrounded, overwhelmed and she loved it. There was no doubt in her mind that he was completely focused on her. The full force of his personality directed at her.

  With a sigh she surrendered the last of herself to him and parted her lips. She wanted him and she wasn’t going to be denied. This was her fantasy.

  Triumph flashed in his eyes as he lowered his head t
o hers. He gaze trapped hers, didn’t let her look away. His tongue filled her mouth, the caress wet and rough.

  He pulled back. “Suck my tongue.” His order was low and harsh. He needed to feel her accept him even in this small way. She had to know she was his. He lowered his head and captured her mouth with his.

  Eyes wide, she did as he said.

  His hips undulated against her. His pelvic bone hit her clit with each forward motion.

  She gasped, fought for breath. Her vagina tightened, wet heat gathered between her legs.

  “Give me your tongue.” His tone was harsh. He didn’t give her time to answer. His lips were hard, forced hers more fully open. His tongue swept into her mouth and back out.

  “Give me your tongue. Now.” His voice was a low rasping growl. He could feel her need in the turgid nipples against his chest, the wet heat against his cock.

  Shy, hesitant, she pushed her tongue between her lips, touched his and retreated. The action felt more intimate than sex had with other men.

  “More.” He rocked his hips against her. “Ride me while you suckle me.” He locked his mouth to hers.

  She pushed her tongue into his mouth, cried out as he raked her unsuspecting flesh with his teeth.

  He drew on her with steady pressure, his tongue darted around hers.

  She felt wicked, free. Her tongue was captured in his mouth.

  His hips pumped against her with powerful thrusts. He used his grip on her ass to pull her forward, her pussy molded to his cock.

  She shuddered and pressed harder against him, rocking forward, matching his rhythm. Her nipples were tight, pinched. The friction made her breath catch. Power surged through her in a growing tidal wave.

  He growled, his chest vibrating against her breasts. He caught her lower lip between his and sucked. His teeth bit. He laved the sting with moist strokes of his tongue.

  “Please.” She needed more. Needed to be closer. Her clothes and his, kept them separated. She needed to feel him against her, had to have his cock buried deep, stretching and filling her.

  His tongue invaded her mouth, filled her then retreated. Yes. He needed her to want him, to need him.

  She followed the retreating marauder.

  Yes. She wanted him, was showing him she did. He rewarded her by suckling her tongue hard. His hands closed over her breasts. He squeezed the firm mounds. His thumbs pushed between their bodies to rub and rotate her nipples. He wanted to feel them, not the material hiding them from him.

  He pushed the material down, found her nipples with his thumbs and rubbed. A savage smile lit his face when she moaned.

  She shuddered and groaned, surged against him. Sweet moisture rained down from deep inside her. She clenched her thighs around his leg. Oh, Stars. She couldn’t come. Not in public. Not where anyone could watch.

  She tried to pull back.

  He wouldn’t let her.

  He licked her neck, savored the sweet-salty taste of her. A savage impulse made his muscles harden and he nipped her soft skin. He wanted to make her a part of him. His instant need of her couldn’t be real, but it was.

  She jumped, winced as her clit hit his thigh.

  “Lean back.”

  Feeling drugged, she forced her heavy eyelids up and met his smoldering gaze. She hadn’t expected this. Hadn’t known she could be swept away by her own desire and his.

  He rocked her even harder on his thigh. “Lean back,” he ordered again.

  She loosened her grip on his neck and did as he ordered. Her nipples scraped against the neck of her dress. She felt burned as he stared at her breasts.

  He licked his lips. His face was flushed, his eyes half closed.

  “I need you,” she moaned. “Your mouth. Your teeth. Biting. Sucking.” Her sheath clenched. Spasms rocked through her. The underside of her nipples rode the neckline of her gown, abrading them each time he surged against her. It hurt in a wonderful way.

  She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  He couldn’t resist the long, plump nipples riding the edge of her gown. He lowered his head, closed his mouth over one and sucked.

  She jerked against him and cried out. She’d never felt anything like it. Heat, pressure.

  He pulled at her nipple, trapped it in his hot, wet mouth. His tongue toyed with it. The way she moved against him, the sounds she made, everything she did made him hotter.

  She grew wetter. This was what other women talked about. No wonder they raved.

  He moved to her other nipple, drew it into his mouth and sucked.

  She moaned, arched into him. She’d be happy if he suckled on her nipples forever.

  He released her nipple and lifted his head. A smile curved his hard mouth at the sight of her flushed face and red, swollen nipples. It was a start. He would make her burn and then he would make her come.

  She bit her lip to keep from protesting. Maybe he had something even better in store for her.

  He rocked her against his thigh, butted it against her pussy and clit. They would savor the fullness of passion together but he wanted her to know the first taste here and now.

  She moved against him, increasing the pressure. She liked that, too.

  He slid his hand down her hip to the hem of her dress. He caressed over the front of her thighs, insinuated his hand between them. Under his hand, her skin felt soft and supple. Had anyone ever been this perfect before?

  Her legs shifted giving him more room.

  He trailed his hand up the inside of her thigh lifting the skirt of her dress as he did. He raked his fingers through the tight curls covering her mound. Soft, wet folds of flesh parted, giving access to his seeking fingers. He almost groaned. Her body was showing him how much she wanted him.

  She arched into his touch, her breath catching at the fire of his touch.

  Something savage wrestled for freedom inside him. His fingers stroked her wet, passion-swollen folds. He wanted to take her, knew she was ready for him. He wanted to mark her as his so no one would have any doubt she belonged to him.

  With long strokes, he teased her pussy. She moaned, her hips following his stroking fingers.

  He wanted to be inside her. Burned with the need. He stroked the small, hard knot of her clit.

  He pressed his fingers against her entrance. The ring of muscle resisted but he persisted until his finger slid into her. Blast, she was tight. She would burn him alive, squeeze him until he was ready to explode.

  She moaned, stared up at him. Inside her, his finger felt huge. She burned. There was so much pressure. It wasn’t uncomfortable exactly, but almost. And it was only his finger.

  For the first time she felt a tinge of fear. Would she be able to take his cock? She wanted to try.

  Her lips were full and red. Her nipples bare above the red material of her dress.

  He loved seeing her nipples ride the low neckline.

  He looked down. His arm looked dark and huge between her thighs. His finger was lodged inside her, her inner muscles convulsing around his invading finger.

  He wanted her cunt clenching his cock.

  He moved his finger in and out of her. Soon it would be his cock that filled her.

  The rasp of his flesh against her was more than she could stand. Her body vibrated as fire raced through her veins, an orgasm shaking her. She fell forward against him gasping as tremors shook her body.

  He felt the power surge in her, through her as her muscles tightened and her breath broke on a sob. He continued to finger-fuck her. He’d never had a woman more responsive to his touch. The injection of pheromones had worked better than he had thought it would.

  Slowly, he eased his finger out of her and rocked her against his thigh. When she could breathe he stepped back.

  Chapter 2

  “Let’s go.” He adjusted her dress to cover her then caught her hand in his. He adjusted himself with the other. He strode off the balcony, down a winding staircase and into the shadowed garden filled with the sound of fountains, a
nd around the building. He didn’t want anyone in the ballroom looking at her, wanting what was his and his alone. Flushed with her orgasm, her unique sexual scent heavy around her, she was too tempting. And she was his alone to enjoy.

  He felt cool satisfaction at the feel of her hand in his. When they reached Allouria, they would consummate their union with the power of Allourian Crystal to bind them. With her tied to him, the Rilirian Field would hold until a true defense could be built. And he would have the pleasure of bringing her to orgasm again and again.

  Aleea glanced over her shoulder. She hadn’t even thought about the other people in the ballroom. Had anyone seen them?

  She shook her head. Why was she worrying about other people? This wasn’t real. It was a fantasy created just for her. She could feel embarrassed at being so uninhibited in a public place when it mattered. When it was real. Right now she didn’t want to lose the hot, heavy feeling of need that pulsed through her. Besides, naughty or not, the thought of being caught added to the excitement.

  She couldn’t believe it, he’d made her come. Her legs shook as he pulled her along with him. Had those feelings really come from her? How in the galaxy had he made her feel what she had?

  At the front of the building Raeder strode past the translocator operator and stopped at the holo-control panel.

  “Open the portal to The Summit,” he ordered the young Mourian.

  Beside him Aleea shivered. The salty ocean breeze teased her bare arms, shoulders and chest. The friction of the dress against her nipples was driving her crazy. It kept rubbing them, making them burn.

  She tugged her hand free of Raeder’s grip, reached up and pressed her hands to her breasts. She closed her eyes and sighed. If she had to, she was going to walk holding herself until she was somewhere she could take the torturous dress off.

  Raeder grabbed her arms, his grip punishing.

  Her eyes flew open as he stepped in front of her. She caught sight of the young amphiboid male staring at her and felt heat rush up her neck and into her cheeks. Blast it. This was a fantasy. Why did she feel embarrassed? It wasn’t like he was a real person.


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