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Beauty and the Billionaire Boss: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 3

by Elliot, Nicole

  “What? I mean, did he kill her or something?” Kaylee laughed nervously, but when they didn’t join in she got worried.

  “No, don’t be so dramatic. It’s —look, you just started, so I don’t want to scare you. Something happened, no one really knows what. So, just be careful. He’s not a billionaire and a CEO because he’s nice. If he’s ruthless in business, can you imagine what he’s like with women? He must be a monster.”

  Kaylee sat there frowning. What exactly have I gotten myself into?

  * * *

  As much as Kaylee tried, she couldn’t get Megan’s comment out of her head. Who was Emma and what had happened to her? Did she have a relationship with Grayson? Why did Olivia say that Grayson must be a monster? Kaylee had tried to look through the files on my computer to see if she could find out anything about the mysterious Emma, but so far she had come up with nothing.

  Kaylee leaned back in desk chair closed her eyes. She needed to quit thinking about this. The more Kaylee thought about it, the more she worried that she made the wrong decision in coming to New York, and she couldn’t allow herself to do that. Not now after she had given up so much. Kaylee sat back up in her chair and glanced at her desk. She quickly grabbed the manuals that Sandy left her with earlier, hoping that they would be the distraction that she needed from worrying about who Emma was.

  Kaylee had made it to the third chapter in the employee handbook before her mind started to wander again. How could Grayson actually be a bad guy?

  In the few interactions that Kaylee have had with him today he didn’t seem like he was mean at all. Granted Kaylee hadn’t seen him interact with any of his clients, but every time Grayson spoke to her he seemed very thoughtful. Jackson on the other hand seemed to be higher strung than when she met him during the interview process. Maybe Megan and Olivia were confusing Grayson and Jackson? Grayson couldn’t be as bad as they say he was, could he?

  Kaylee glanced at Grayson’s shut door. She hadn’t seen Grayson leave his office since arriving in the morning. Something was going down, but she wasn’t quite sure what. Kaylee wasn’t able to see all the details of Grayson’s calendar, as most of the meetings had different titles. She assumed that they were code names for different projects.



  Through his open door, Grayson could see her walk back in from lunch. His right hand balled into a fist. Fuck, why did she have to be so attractive? Grayson watched her pull out her desk chair and sit down. Her long brown hair fell over her shoulder and for a moment, Grayson wanted to run his hands through it.

  Grayson shook his head slightly. What the hell was I thinking? She was his new assistant, and that is all she was. If Grayson needed to get some, he could easily go to the bar and pick up someone that didn’t matter, some girl he could use for what he wanted and then never see her again.

  Grayson glanced back at his calendar, and tried to put the thoughts of his new employee out of his mind. In about a half hour Grayson had a meeting with a new client that was interested in office space in some of his buildings on the upper west side. Grayson’s eyes shifted from his calendar, back towards the open door, and his thoughts drifted to his old assistant, Emma.

  Emma was his type, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Grayson had loved to watch her as she worked, and deep down he knew that she knew that. She would always find ways to come into his office, asking Grayson if he needed any help with anything. Grayson had avoided making any moves on her for a while, just because he didn’t want to risk getting involved with anyone at the office, but she made that difficult as her daily work attire became tighter and more form fitting. It was as if she was trying to tempt Grayson by wearing sexy clothing.

  Grayson ran his hand across his desk lightly as he remembered the first time that he fucked her here. Emma was practically begging for it as she stayed at the office after hours claiming that she was working late to finish some things. Grayson had his way with her and then sent her home. Things with Emma had been easy, until she had tried to actually get to know him.

  Grayson gripped the edge of his desk in anger. He felt it start to bubble up inside his chest, and he knew if he didn’t calm himself he would have a violent outburst. If Emma had just stayed as a good fuck everything would have been fine. But she had to try to force some sort of relationship on him. At first Grayson had tried to play along. He tried to be the guy she wanted him to be, because Emma would then do exactly what he wanted. She was there every day for him to take in his office, but as soon as she started to get more serious with things, Grayson pushed her away.

  Not only because he didn’t want things to get serious, but because he didn’t want her to see the real Grayson. The real Grayson was a selfish angry dick. Hell, I think all of my staff knew that, except for her. Grayson liked things his own way. He hated it when people tried to change him to fit into their expectations. Add on that with his temper and there was no way anyone would ever truly stay with him for very long.

  Grayson’s temper was something that he always had to deal with. It was that annoying part of himself that he attempted to change several times, but he never could bring himself to fully do. Grayson had never once hit a woman, and he hoped he never would. But he didn’t want to risk it, which is why he never let anyone get close to him. Because of that Grayson wasn’t sure he could ever really care about someone. The fear of eventually scaring them away because of his temper would eat at Grayson, so he would always push them away.

  Grayson knew that Emma would finally drop the whole relationship idea once she saw how angry he could get. On the day she finally saw it, he saw the fear in her eyes, the fear that one day Grayson might actually hurt her. Hell, Grayson wasn’t sure she was wrong. Emma’s desk had been packed up that evening and she left without even saying a word.

  The phone on Grayson’s desk rang, bringing him out of his thoughts. Grayson quickly picked up the phone, thankful that he could through himself back into work to distract him from himself.

  “Yes,” he said in a frustrated tone.

  “Sorry to bother you Mr. Owens, but your next call is in about two minutes. Would you like me to connect you?” Kaylee’s voice sounded nervous.

  Good. She should be slightly scared of him. Maybe that will keep her away so he wouldn’t get distracted with her like he had with Emma. “Yes, connect us.” He kept his tone curt.

  “Y-yes sir,” she replied.

  Fuck, she was going to be hard to forget.



  “So, what do you do on the weekends?” Grayson abruptly asked breaking the silence in the office.

  “Sorry?” Kaylee was completely taken off guard by his question.

  Kaylee had been GO Enterprises for about a month and, apart from the occasional glances he hadn’t seemed to have taken any notice of her. Kaylee had come to the conclusion that his initial interest was just a fluke and that nothing would actually come of it. Even though she was his assistant, she hardly had any interaction with Grayson with the exception of telling him his schedule for the day. But she would be lying if she didn’t admit that those meetings weren’t the favorite part of her day.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Grayson said. “I know you’re still new here, but you’re supposed to be my assistant and we’ve had no communication beyond one meeting a week to go over my schedule.” He looked as though he was nervous, and Kaylee instantly felt self-conscious. Am I wearing something tighter today that made him take notice?

  “I’m not sure. I’m still fairly new to the city, so it normally depends on what my roommate ropes me into doing.”

  “Oh, how long?”


  “How long have you been here?”

  “Exactly one month, two weeks, and four days,” Kaylee blurted before she could stop herself. Kaylee felt the blood rush to her face and she turned away from him slightly so he wouldn’t notice her embarrassment.

  It was hard for Kaylee to be
in his office alone with him. If it wasn’t for the paycheck she would have quit by now, and found a job where she was as distracted by her boss. Kaylee just couldn’t focus when Grayson spoke to her. The man was delicious with a capital D. Even just being in the room with him Kaylee could feel her nipples getting hard.

  He didn’t even hide the fact that he was staring at them. “Is it cold in here?” he asked with a slight smirk.

  No, you are just making me damn horny, Kaylee thought.

  Kaylee felt the heat rush to her face. This wasn’t going to work.

  Kaylee moved to get up from her chair, knowing he could tell that she was completely embarrassed. It felt like the walls were closing in on her.

  Kaylee needed to leave. She was just tormenting herself. Grayson started to lift his hand up, as if to tell her that she shouldn’t leave. “I’m sorry, I was wondering if you weren’t doing anything, if we could go for a drink or something?”

  Kaylee spun my head around and looked around the office.

  Seriously, was he talking to me?

  Grayson smiled and laughed. “Yes, I’m talking to you.”

  Was I speaking out loud or was this man reading my mind? Maybe what I was thinking was obvious?


  “No, the temperature is fine in here…..”

  He lifted an eyebrow. Kaylee bit her lip. Grayson was talking about the drink. Not your nipples, woman. Get a grip.

  “I can see you feel uncomfortable about it, it’s just that I like to know my staff better. Especially the ones that are working directly for me.”

  That wasn’t what Kaylee had heard. Grayson was known for keeping his distance from most of the employees at GO Enterprises, except for Jackson. Why was he giving me special treatment? Thank goodness Megan wasn’t around to hear our conversation. She would have had a field day going on and on about it.

  Since that day at lunch, Kaylee had asked a few people in the office about Emma, Grayson’s former assistant, and they all said that one day she just left. There was one office rumor going around that she had a thing for Grayson so he had fired her, but that information came from one source, and the more Kaylee spoke with her the more she didn’t think that she was very reliable.

  “OK, so I think we’re done here then.” He sounded frustrated and like he was trying to control his anger, waving his hand in the air in a dismissive gesture.

  “No, I would love to,” the words came out of her mouth before she could understand what she was saying. “Let me grab my coat, log off, and freshen up a bit.”

  Kaylee saw the tension in his face start to melt. He smiled and she felt something inside her jump. He stood up and held out his hand to lead the way.

  Kaylee stood and looked at him for a moment. He really was different from any man she had ever met in Angie. Maybe it was the fact that he was always in a tailored suit, unlike the uniform of jeans and flannel shirts the guys back home favored. Kaylee loved his suits. He was in his blue suit, with a dark blue tie and a light shirt today. She couldn’t be sure, but she knew that he preferred Armani. Whatever it was, she couldn’t take her eyes off of him in it. It was like it was made perfectly for his body.

  It took all of Kaylee’s will power to turn her body away from him, otherwise she would have ended up clearing off his desk, lying down on it, and begging him to take her. I really needed to put cold water on my face, she thought. Or stop reading all of the romance novels she had been buying lately. I think they’re starting to get to my head.

  Kaylee always had a problem keeping her mouth shut when she’d had a bit to drink. So, she tended to drink a glass of water or coke in-between alcoholic drinks. She also made sure to have something to nibble on, just to keep herself sober. Tonight would be one of those nights were she would really have to watch herself, because being around Grayson; she could do something she would completely regret.

  Don’t get drunk, she recited to herself over and over again as she made her way to the bathroom.



  Kaylee and Grayson stood by the elevator, waiting for the doors to open.

  Damn, they were so slow.

  Kaylee was heating up with his body heat so close to hers as we waited.

  “Where are we going?” she asked to try and break the ice. The sexual tension she was feeling was driving her mad. Or maybe it’s all in my head?

  “My, we’re a bit impatient, aren't we?”

  You have no idea, you really have no idea.

  Kaylee started to slowly tap her foot as they waited for the elevator. She could feel Grayson’s eyes on her but she forced herself to stay looking straight ahead. He cleared his throat.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good idea…”


  “You just seem so uncomfortable. And besides, you are my assistant. I shouldn’t really interact with you… socially.”

  Kaylee let out a breath that she didn’t realize she was holding in. He was right. She was his assistant, and that would be pretty bad if they became involved. Despite all that, she wanted to get in the elevator and fuck him like there was no tomorrow. And this was coming from a woman who had only slept with one man and had very limited sexual knowledge. But, with how hard her nipples were and the wetness between her legs, she was prepared to learn.

  Why did he have to be so sexy? Billionaires were supposed to be old men with big stomachs and no hair. This man was the opposite. He could have been on the cover of GQ, instead of waiting to get into an elevator with her.

  “Or do you want me to press the button?” he asked as he reached over, brushing his arm across her breasts. Kaylee felt her body involuntarily shiver at his touch. She quickly looked up at him hoping he didn’t notice.

  Kaylee and Grayson stared at each other and he moved closer. She felt his breath on her neck and it made her shudder. She could feel every part of her body reacting to him. The heat between them was getting intense, until the elevator arrived and the doors opened, exposing someone standing there.

  Kaylee moved quickly into the elevator and felt Grayson follow in behind her. The man standing inside the elevator had a smirk on his face as he moved to the side of the letting Kaylee and Grayson in. Kaylee never met him before, and she wasn’t sure if Grayson had either, because his expression was guarded.

  “Good evening, seems like I’m not the only one working late on a Friday.”

  “Tight deadlines, Ethan, especially month end.”

  “See you next week and have a good weekend, Mr. Owens. You too, Ms. Matthews.” Ethan said as he exited the elevator.

  Kaylee replied in kind, but the only thing on her mind was how the hell did he know who she was? Silly question, the office would talk. Gossip was like a religion there. Kaylee found out about Peter from the mail room’s love life and all the women he had slept with on her second day, after he made the mistake of slipping her his phone number in front of Megan. Megan knew everyone’s business in chronological order.

  The elevator doors shut and Kaylee felt the heat rise between them as they stood there alone. Kaylee tried her best to keep her eyes forward, to keep her from looking directly at him, but every so often she couldn’t help herself and she would quickly glance over at him. He was leaned up against the side of the elevator and staring at her with a smirk on his face.

  “I really do make you nervous don’t I?” Grayson asked.

  Kaylee swallowed trying desperately to calm her nerves. “No”. Grayson laughed lightly.

  “I think you’re lying,” he said as he pushed himself up from his leaning position and moved closer to her. Kaylee turned her body slightly to face him. She felt the blood rush to her face. She looked up to his eyes and bit her lip. Fuck, what I would give for him to grab me and kiss me right now.

  As if he read Kaylee’s mind, Grayson reached his hand out and pressed the stop button on the elevator. Kaylee felt the whole thing shudder as it screeched to a halt. She let out a small yelp, but it was stifled quickly by Grays
on grabbing her face and kissing her.

  Kaylee felt her body melt into his as fire coursed through her veins. Her hands quickly moved to his face and then to his hair and she felt her body shiver as his hands wrapped tighter around her body.

  Kaylee felt his body move forward as he pushed her back closer to the wall of the elevator. His lips moved to her neck as Kaylee leaned her head back and he ran his hands down her back and towards her ass. He grabbed it tightly and pulled her legs so that they are wrapped around his waist with her back firmly pressed against the elevator wall. Kaylee feel her skirt ride up and she grabbed onto the railing for support.

  Grayson’s lips moved up from her neck to her lips and she felt a spark pass between them as their kiss grew deeper. Grayson’s hands moved up underneath her skirt to her inner thighs. His hand slightly brushed over her pussy.

  “Fuck you are so wet,” Grayson said.

  Kaylee let out a slight moan as he moved his fingers underneath the silky fabric of her thong.

  All of the sudden the elevator shuddered to and started to vibrate. Kaylee broke their kiss and looked up at Grayson in confusion. A voice crackled through on the intercom near the emergency call button on the elevator.

  “If you are in the elevator, sorry about the delay. The machine hit a force stop for some reason, but it is fixed now and you will be in the lobby shortly.”

  “Fuck,” Grayson said angrily. He quickly removed his hands and unwound Kaylee’s legs from around his waist. Kaylee slowly lowered herself down to the ground as blood rushed to her face in embarrassment.

  The elevator came to a stop and Kaylee quickly adjusted her clothing so it didn’t look as suspicious. The doors opened and Kaylee squinted at the bright light of the lobby. An elevator technician stood outside of the elevator with a panicked look on his face.


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