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Invisible Crown

Page 3

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “Touché.” Tipping his beer back, Brantley tossed me a wink and shifted his body slightly to face the tall leggy blonde next to him.

  “That is definitely not his wife,” Megan raged, narrowing her eyes at the obviously cheating douche canoe.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I pointed my finger to an unoccupied loveseat in the far back corner. Most of the time I wouldn’t want to sit anywhere on those things, knowing that some nasty, freaky shit went down in dark corners of places like this. But, tonight my legs were fully covered, and I just wanted to be anywhere but out in the spot light near the boys I normally had to babysit.

  Snagging the unoccupied couch, I sighed as the thumping music continued to assault my brain. I was truly a fan of all genre of music, but this house spun crap tonight made me want to gauge my eyes out with something sharp and pointy.

  “What can I get you ladies?” A tall brunette with very little clothing on appeared out of thin air, leaning over us slightly. Her tiny black shorts would show off the whole kingdom if she tried to bend over, and no one had to guess that her tits were fake, since the bottom of the perky suckers were perfectly positioned at the bottom of her white cut off t-shirt. As much as I wanted to hate on the chick, I still had to give her props for strutting herself out there in that get up.

  “Crown on the rocks, please.” Looking over at Megan, I could tell she was giving the girl a once over, too, before quickly relaying her order.

  “Do you think she had laser to remove all the hair down there? Cause when you think about it, it would be either a spendy waxing bill or stock in the razor company.” Megan cocked her head to the side while watching the waitress wander down the stairs.

  “I’m going with laser. She had the money for boobs; I’m betting the downstairs hair removal was a necessity, too.” Glancing down at my dark blue tank top, I frowned at my little itty bitties sitting there flatly on my chest. Normally, it didn’t bother me, but after hearing from Danielle about filling out my dress that afternoon, and then having those suckers flaunted in front of me, I was starting to doubt the girls I was blessed with.

  “I know what you’re doing, so knock it off.” Megan’s hand slapped the top of my thigh quickly. “Don’t even start doubting yourself now. Just because she has some prefect boobies and laser hair removal does not give you the right to get all down on yourself.”

  “I wasn’t,” I stammered, swiftly averting my glance over to the couches filled with Brantley and Chance’s entourage.

  I had really struggled with myself since moving to Seattle. I wanted to believe that I had everything under control, but getting sucked into this lifestyle really left me shaken and battered. I would love to place the blame on men, since most of women’s insecurities came from their stupid opinions, but it was just not true. Women are the main reason for other women’s issues. We are judgmental, envious, and virtually unhappy with ourselves. One can claim that they are secure and happy with who they are, but at the end of the day, they always wish for something more.

  Reid had been the best thing that ever happened to me. That man was a head case in itself, but he had always loved me just the way I was. It didn’t matter to him the color of my hair, or the clothing that I put on that morning, he loved the person I was at the end of the day. Sure, that person could be a complete basket case, totally unsure of herself, and downright stupid at times, but it didn’t matter to him. That could be because he was a complete sociopath that most women couldn’t handle, but I still loved him none the less.

  “Right? And I’m not watching that bleach blonde tramp over there in the corner eyeing her prey tonight.” Megan rolled her eyes and pointed directly at the tramp in the corner.

  We knew the type. She was one of those that got all gussied up for the evening, put on the tightest, shortest article of clothing in her closest, and charmed her way with the bouncers at the bottom of the stairs to let her up there. She wasn’t a groupie, because that would signify that she actually knew who the guys were. She was just a fame whore, coming to the club, night after night, hoping to score it with someone big, then latch those fake acrylic nails into the poor soul and hopefully catch a free ride in the high life. Actually, I shouldn’t say poor soul, considering most of these guys were a ‘fuck em and dump em’ kind of thing.

  “It doesn’t bother you, Megan?”

  “I have to choose not to let it. If Chance really wanted something serious, and I really wanted to settle down, then there would be none of that extra attention on the side.” The words spilled out of Megan’s mouth like they were perfectly rehearsed, but her eyes told me an entirely different story. “However, that little tramp over there isn’t going to be getting any action with him tonight, I can guarantee that.”

  Laughing on the outside, my insides hurt for the obvious pain of my friend. Having a relationship with someone in a band wasn’t normal. It was like chumming the waters and waiting for sharks. You knew they would eventually show up, and if you were stupid enough to take the plunge in the water with them, chances were you would end up bit. I’d liked to believe my relationship with Reid was completely different, but I had that stupid blonde haired twit that couldn’t seem to go away that proved otherwise.

  Chapter 4

  Keeping your boobs out of the tabloids was always something to strive for, that and world peace.

  The pounding music no longer bothered my head, as the alcohol induced fuzz seemed to drown out the entire place. At this point in one’s intoxication, it didn’t matter how you were moving to the beat, just as long as you didn’t stop. Stopping would induce dizziness, and after that hit one either makes the ground their new best friend, or the porcelain throne needs a good hug. It also didn’t matter if you were coordinated enough to dance at this point, all the bodies on the dance floor seemed to mash together, forming one massive sweaty, nasty smelling mass flailing in all different directions.

  “This is the best night ever!” I yelled, wrapping my arms tightly around Megan’s shoulders and pulling her closer.

  “It’s so hot in here,” Megan hollered back, letting her head drop back, exposing the sweat trickling down her neck. Knocking my hands off her body, Megan grabbed the hem of her shirt and rapidly yanked the thin cotton shirt up over her head.

  Laughing alongside of her, I followed suit, letting my tank top fall to the floor from my hands. There wasn’t an instant feeling of coolness once ripping my shirt off, leaving me standing on the dance floor in just my jeans and little black bra, but, it did feel nice getting the soaked item off my body.

  “Another drink?” Megan nodded her head and I flashed an intoxicated smile. Yes, we were both past our fuck-it limit a good two hours ago, but it would have been okay had Chance not pulled that slutty street walker down the stairs behind him, then we would have never started taking shots, and in result would have never ended up this drunk. What was one more drink after already downing the first eight…….or was it nine now?

  Pushing my way through the crowd, I didn’t even acknowledge the stares at my exposed skin. The only thing I wanted was another shot of Fireball, then getting my ass back on the dance floor. Reaching the bar, I shoved myself between two people that looked rather irritated to be split apart, but, once again it didn’t matter in my sloshed up head.

  Holding my hand up, I worked at bending three of my fingers to signify two drinks, then pointed directly at the bottle of Fireball behind her. Grasping the bar top firmly, I forced myself to straighten my body and not lean into the poor soul standing next to me. Watching as the bartender grabbed two tall shot glasses from under the counter, she carefully poured the liquid to the top, setting them up to the bar top once finished.

  “Tab?” I heard her say while grabbing the shot glasses.

  “Molly Anne Chambers!” I shouted back, holding the glasses above my head to try and prevent them from spilling. Pushing my way back out on to the dance floor, the contents of the shot glasses started to drip down my arms, making me laugh uncontrollably.r />
  “What’s so funny?” Megan asked once I managed to get back to her.

  “We get like half shots since I spilled most of it down me.” Handing over the shot glass, we both tossed ours back, no longer feeling the burn as it slid down my throat. Grabbing my arms, Megan leaned in closer and started to lick the remnants of the booze off my arms. “Ooohh…….Fireball and sweat, delicious!”

  Megan giggled, but kept her hands on me, pulling my body closer to dance suggestively on one another. The crowd tightened around us, as bodies bumped into one another, sloshing around to the fast paced house music.

  “Okay, you’re done,” Brantley’s voice came from behind me, firmly wrapping his arms around my waist while pulling me out of the masses.

  “Let me go, you unicorn blow dick!” I shouted at him while trying to free myself from his firm grasp. His arms only tightened around me further, making it virtually impossible to break free from his grasp. Suddenly, the cool brisk air slapped my exposed skin, instantly sending a wave of nausea to rocket through my body.

  “I’m gonna hurl.” Moaning, Brantley set me down on the concrete, where I immediately dropped to my knees and started to purge the alcohol in my system. I could hear my name being yelled all around me, along with the flashbulbs blinding my already light sensitive eyes.

  “Come on, Molly.”

  Holding my hand out behind me to stop him from touching me, Brantley ignored my gesture and gently grabbed me around the waist, hoisting me up back on my feet.

  “Keep your head tucked into my shoulder; just don’t puke on me.”

  My stomach lurched again, but I was able to force the vial liquid back down my throat with only a little bit of gagging involved. Burying my face into his leather jacket, Brantley gently guided me into what I am assuming was a taxi, then climbed in behind me and shut the door. I could hear him rattling off my apartment address to the driver, but everything was now fuzzy. The hard seat cushions didn’t seem to faze my worn out body, and the only thing I could think about was getting home and into bed. I just wanted to sleep tonight off, and wake up in Reid’s arms in the morning. Forcing my slumped body off the window, I clumsily rolled over and laid my head on his shoulders. “I love you, Reid Chambers.”

  And…….lights out.


  I knew my cell phone had been ringing off the hook, but my body felt like it had attempted to climb Mt Everest, and just when I was close to the top, one wrong slip of the foot and there I went, falling down the whole damn mountain. Everything hurt from the rat’s nest of blonde hair splayed out on my pillow, to the tips of my toes still shoved in my black converse. My clothes felt like they were strangling my body, and my bedroom had obviously been transported to the African savannah, since it was a billion and one degrees too hot in there. Quietly uttering some rather creative curse words, I managed to find the power button on my phone and silence the damn thing. There was no need for anyone to get in contact with me this early, and I knew it couldn’t have been past seven, since the sun had barely made its appearance in my room when I managed to force one makeup smeared, crusted over eye open a smidgen.

  Sighing at the sudden silence in the room, I snuggled deeper down into the covers just as the pounding on the front door began.

  “Molly Anne, get your drunken ass out of bed and open this fucking door immediately!” Danielle’s voice tore through the small apartment. Knowing damn well she wouldn’t stop with the yelling and pounding until I let her in, I forced my probably still drunken and uncoordinated self out of bed.

  “Calm your tits, Danielle,” I managed to croak out. After stumbling through the kitchen, I slammed into the front door as Danielle started another round of banging, instantly sending throbbing pains through my already damaged head.

  Opening the door, Danielle burst through the opening, sending me stumbling backwards a few steps.

  “What in the hell were you thinking last night?” Danielle flailed her arms around in the air, letting the magazine pages whip around with her.

  “Slow down, I’m not processing anything right now.”

  “Where in the fuck is he, Molly? There is so much freaking press camped outside the building right now, I have no clue how in the hell we are going to sneak him out of here. Maybe we can force him into the trunk of your car?” Danielle’s face looked about ten shades of crazy, and her eyes drilled directly into the small slits I had opened, staring at her.

  “What in the hell are you talking about, crazy woman?”

  Shoving the magazine an inch away from my face, Danielle’s eyebrows raised while cocking her hip out to the side. “This, Molly. Were in the hell is Brantley?”

  Taking a step back, I grabbed the magazine from her hand just as the vile contents of last night started to make an appearance again. Gripping the magazine tightly, I sprinted for the kitchen sink, barely making it before last night’s booze and whatever else I managed to cram down my throat emptied out into the cold stainless steel sink.

  “I am going to kill that fool.” Still ranting, I could hear Danielle’s heels click across the floor to my bedroom. “You have two seconds to get the fuck out of there!”

  “Danielle,” I managed to croak out. Lifting my head from the sink, I wiped the tears from my eyes and grabbed a dishtowel to swipe across my mouth. “Danielle!”

  “Where is he, Molly?” Danielle stormed back into the living room, complete with a disgusted look on her face.

  “He isn’t here.”

  Glancing back down at the magazine cover, there was the happenings of either sometime last night or early this morning, available for purchase for the mere price of two-ninety-nine. How this looked to the world probably wasn’t something that needed too much explaining. There was Brantley, with me half way in his arms and somewhat in the taxi. Of course this had to be on the cover. Scandals sells and one of the largest rock group’s fiancée was getting into a taxi with another man whose band had been climbing the charts.

  “You didn’t take him home last night, Molly?”

  “No, Danielle. Fuck, thanks for the trust in me, friend.”

  Tossing the magazine on the counter, I opened the fridge hastily, swiping a bottle of water off the shelf and instantly downing half of the contents. I was hung over like a freshman at college attending her first frat party, my life was splayed out on the tabloids with a man that wasn’t my future husband, and I was betting once Reid heard of this, my life would be in shambles.

  “Did you even open it up and look at the two page spread? Seriously, if it wasn’t you wandering around with an ex, I would say damn good job at getting yourself out there. But, for reals, Molly, this doesn’t look good.” Danielle walked over and grabbed the magazine, quickly flipping through the pages until she open3e it and smack3e it on the counter in front of us.

  Yep, those were pretty damning pictures. Not only were we both in the same cab, but then I was leaning on him in the car. Not to mention the next page where they showed the taxi depositing us in front of my place and Brantley apparently supporting me as we walked to the door. Then, not only did they have him punching in the door code, but both of us slipping through the entrance. The stupid gossip bastards didn’t even show a picture of him leaving later. We all damn well knew they stayed all night and got plenty of pictures of him leaving. However, not a single image was printed in this gossip scandal.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” I screamed, dropping my head into my hands. I knew nothing happened with Brantley last night, but the whole world didn’t. I’d like to believe that Reid would know I wouldn’t go down that path again, but fuck if those pictures were not damning.

  “Yeah, you can see why I got a little crazy this morning. Sorry for the yelling, and pounding, oh, and the accusing you of being a major slut, but damn, Molly. Your boobies are basically on display for the whole world.” Danielle pulled herself up on the kitchen counter and offered me a half smile.

  She was completely right. I now had to go into damage control mode, while
still completely hung over and not thinking clearly. “I need to call Mona.”

  Shoving the magazine away from me, I took a deep breath then slowly exhaled. Calling Reid’s PR lady was the first step on my damage control Saturday morning. Not exactly the type of call I wanted to make first thing this morning, but what the hell? It couldn’t get much worse. I was captured with another man, drunk off my ass, and apparently sometime last night I felt the need to lose my bra. Whoever claimed all press was good press could suck my nonexistent balls this morning. This call was totally going to blow, and not in a good way.

  Chapter 5

  Being drunk does rule out the possibility of pregnancy.

  After being instructed to clean myself up and put on some clothes that didn’t show off my nipples, I hauled myself into the shower while Danielle pulled something presentable from my wardrobe. I had exactly an hour before Mona would be collecting me from the apartment, and even though I could get ready in less than twenty minutes normally, having that extra forty to make sure I was presentable didn’t calm my raging nervous. My stomach still hated me from what I did to it last night, my head still entertaining the pounding feeling now swirled with horrible thoughts on what damage I caused for Reid, and to top it all off, I still had yet to figure out how to call him and explain the situation.

  I knew he would understand, as that man was my other half. After everything we had been through, he knew what the paparazzi did to people, and that he would always be able to trust me. Sure, I didn’t normally do it drunk off my ass and with Brantley, but since I’d stood beside him during the whole Cassy situation, there would be no doubt that he would understand what happened last night was just a horrible spin on a friendly gesture. Right?


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