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Kalazaron Thaedon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

Page 9

by Maia Starr

  “And the other arrangement? I am ready to do it tomorrow. Is everything in place?” I asked.

  “Yes, all is ready.”

  “We will be there tomorrow. I must go to her now.”

  I walked into the living quarters to find Ella packing a bag. I was confused and shocked and a little bit angry.

  "Ella, what are you doing? Are you trying to run?"

  She stopped and looked at me stunned. It was clear that she was not expecting me to come back to the living quarters this early in the day. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red, as though she had been crying for hours.

  "That is it. I have had enough. You are going to tell me what is going on. You have been acting strange for a while now. We were so happy after the Belvenreed Outpost. I know that something is wrong and you were keeping it from me. Where do you think you are going?"

  "What do you care? You cannot have me anyway. You cannot truly have me the way you can have a Kalazaron female. I heard you say so yourself in the council room. You cannot be with a human female; it is not right for the master to do so. I am better off at the Belvenreed Outpost where I can have some sort of freedom. You must let me go. I will not be owned by the Loki family again, especially if one of the sisters is your wife. You cannot put me through that, Thaedon. I beg you."

  She was shaking with fear. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. "Ella, I would not do such a thing. Where did you hear of this?"

  "I ran into the Loki sisters in the market. They said their father had negotiated for one of them to marry you. I did not get the details, but they seemed to be saying the truth."

  I could have slapped those sisters for making my sweet Ella become so frantic and hurt.

  "It is true that their father approached me and tried to take you from me. He tried to negotiate a trade that I marry one of his daughters in order to gain full ownership of you. But my advisor looked into it; we now know that he can do no such thing. You are mine. And I mean to make it even more official tomorrow, if you will have me."

  "What do you mean?"

  "It is all set up tomorrow. We must do it in secret. I have been facing opposition about being your mate because I am master. But because I am master, I am going to do what I want. We will do it in secret, and then no one can do anything about it."

  "Do what in secret?" she asked me.

  "Ella, will you marry me? Will you be my wife? I love you so much. I cannot be without you."

  "Thaedon, do you really mean it?"

  "I do. The arrangements have all been made. We are to meet in the morning where the ceremony will take place in secret."

  "Yes. Yes, I will marry you."

  I kissed her. I kissed her passionately and deeply. I laid her on the bed. I moved my body over hers and rested my weight on her. She quickly pushed her hands against my chest in panic and said, "You must not put weight on my belly."

  "What? Ella, why not? Are you sick?" I asked her, searching her face and feeling worried. This was news to me.

  "No, not exactly. I am carrying your child, Thaedon."

  I was shocked into silence. I rolled off of her and lay beside her. I laid my hand on top of her stomach as she stared at me.

  "Say something, Thaedon. Please say something," she said to me.

  "It is unbelievable. Do you know how rare it is for this to happen?" I said to her as I was in complete shock that this was even possible. I had only heard of it happening once or twice before, and none of that was recorded. There had been rumors that it had happened at the Blue Mountain rebel base years before.

  "So I have heard. But it is true. I have known for some time, but I did not think that you wanted me. I did not think you wanted me as a proper wife, so I kept it a secret."

  It hurt me to hear her say those words. She had been dealing with this alone. "Ella, I want this. I am very happy. I have done many things that no other Kalazaron master has done before. Let us just add this to that list. You will be my wife and you will have my child. We shall be happy."

  She smiled at me and kissed me. I delicately and softly made love to her. I was careful taking off her clothes. I made sure that I touched her with the care and gentleness. I slipped the muslin dress off of her and she lay naked on the bed before me. I kissed her belly. My child was in there now, and it filled me with pride. I pulled off my clothes and laid on the bed and said, “Come. Straddle me. It is the best way so that I am not on top of you. You are so small and delicate, I don’t want to hurt you or our child.”

  “I don’t know how to do this,” she said in her small voice.

  “I will guide you,” I said. She straddled my hips and lifted herself up. I guided my hard rod just inside of her, just the tip.

  “Now, slide down as much as you want. Put your hands here on my chest to hold yourself. Then move up and down slowly,” I said to her.

  She bit her lower lip and slid down on my hard staff. I sighed in great relief at the feeling. I loved watching her naked, olive skin and her breasts jiggle with every moment. Then she stopped and slid back up. She smiled as her eyes grew wide and I knew that she had figured it out. She understood. She moved up and down slowly, all the way down taking me all in. Then she varied the speed and had fun with exploring what she could do. I was at her mercy. I was holding onto her hips as she decided what pleasure she wanted to give to me. I enjoyed watching her learn. But I wanted to give her some pleasure as well. I moved my thumb over her clitoris.

  “Oh, Thaedon,” she moaned. I smiled at her reaction. I massaged her clitoris until her head was arched back and her long, brown hair was cascading down her back. She moved up and down, faster and faster on my rod as I massaged her. Then she shouted, “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” Her release turned me on beyond anything, and I released too with her.

  In the morning we were married.

  Chapter 13


  I wore a white dress that morning. He walked me out of the living quarters and into the elevator. He pressed the button to go up and I was surprised. I thought we would be going down to the street level and going somewhere. We were getting married. I assumed that the Kalazaron did that in some sort of church, or something equivalent to that. The elevator opened and Thaedon led me out onto the roof.

  "I thought you would want to be married here. You mentioned rooftops were your favorite place. Because you can see all around into nature," he said as he kissed the top of my hand.

  "Yes, it is perfect.” I looked around at the roof that was decorated with simplistic, red ribbons. There was a table of food and drink. There was a leader of ceremony, the same that I had seen at the celebrations before. The advisor of Thaedon, called Huine Srit, joined us. There were two more witnesses, one male and one female Kalazaron. Everyone in attendance signed a holographic document saying they witnessed the marriage ceremony between us. The ceremony was also recorded on the holographic projection. It was very simple and beautiful. We held hands and stared at each other and repeated the words that the leader of ceremony recited before us. It was much like a marriage ceremony on Earth.

  When we were done and bonded, the two of us sat at the table and ate and drank as husband and wife as we looked out on the view. It was perfect. I did not like a grand party or ceremony. But I wasn't going to get off that easy.

  "This is perfect. I do not like being under the prying and judging eyes of others," I said to him.

  He looked at me and bit his lower lip. He looked mischievous.

  "What? What is it? Something tells me you have a surprise," I said to him knowing that I would not like it.

  "This wedding ceremony is for us. We had to do it in secret. However, we will have to have a reception, a very grand one. It is scheduled for tomorrow evening. I am going to make the announcement today. It is very important, Ella."

  "Why? You know these things scare me," I said to him, feeling very weak after I did so. I just could not shake that fear the sisters instilled in me.

  "It w
ill let everyone know that we are married. It will be a visual to them. Once they see it and we declare it in public, then we will never be questioned again. That's why it is important."

  "Yes, I can see why it is important. I will be strong for us. I will enjoy the reception and attend and show everyone how happy I am to be your bride."

  "You are stronger than you think, Ella. You have endured living on another planet. You have endured being the captive of awful creatures. You have endured a battle siege. You have endured being the lover of a very reckless warrior. You are very strong," he said as he kissed my cheek.

  "Well, when you put it that way," I said as I laughed. He was right. I was strong. I had been through a lot and I did not let it beat me down.

  We had a grand reception announcing that we had been married and providing the proof of it. Everyone was shocked, but no one questioned us again as a couple. Especially when news spread about my pregnancy.

  The Loki family was effectively punished for trying to swindle the master out of his rightful slave. They were moved to new living quarters on the outskirts of the city, very far away from the market and the buildings of order. This way it made it much harder to run into the sisters when I went to market. They were never invited to any of the ceremonies again, and that included our wedding reception. It was as if they did not exist, and that made me happy.

  Nine months later, I gave birth to our son; he was half human and half Kalazaron. He was strong and had a lot of his father in him. Thaedon had quickly become a legendary master. He fulfilled his promise to make the Belvenreed Outpost stronger. He was much respected by the warrior battalions and often trained with them in the training yards. He had their utmost loyalty, which was good for any master. However, I knew that there was one Kalazaron in particular that he wanted the blessing of, for whatever reason. It was the Consulate Dalik Moscurn. It was at the reception that Thaedon finally received that blessing.

  I was shocked when the consulate walked up to us because there was a human female on his arm. She was very pretty, and I had never seen her before.

  “Master Kree, congratulations, and I know that you and Ella will be very happy. I must apologize for being so adamant in my opinions. I, of all of the Kalazaron, know what you must be feeling. I felt it for my wife here, Dr. Jade Roberts.”

  “Hello, Dr. Roberts,” I said in greeting to her.

  “Hello, Ella. I hope that we can visit soon,” she said to me.

  “I would like that,” I said, knowing that we would be good friends and I was excited to know that I should have another female friend. I wondered if she knew Dr. Lavender Prost at Belvenreed.

  “Yes, Consulate. I knew that eventually you would understand. I think it has just been many years since you went through something similar. It just takes a little reminding is all,” Thaedon said to the consulate. We all smiled and it was as simple as that. Consulate Moscurn never complained again about Thaedon’s out of box ways, or his human female wife.

  The wedding and birth of our son were all well received and it had all happened so fast. I could scarcely remember my life on earth. To think I had left earth in order to find a husband. In order to find love and happiness, and I had found it. It was not in the way I had expected, but isn't that the way of life?

  THE END (P.S. See next page for your Free & Exclusive book!)

  Get Your EXCLUSIVE & FREE Copy of:

  Exclusive Prequel: Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors


  Bonus Book: Kalazaron Dalik

  (Blue Planet Warriors)

  By Maia Starr

  Chapter 1


  “They’re coming aboard!” Captain White shouted, as our ship was in the midst of being captured by the alien race known as the Kalazaron. They were a race of alien dominant warrior men and docile females from the distant galaxy M823, or that’s what we scientists called it on Earth.

  I knew exactly how we got into this troubling spot with the Kalazaron race, but I didn’t know what lay ahead of me. I thought I was in for the scientific research expedition of my life, but what I got instead was a strange experience as the captive of the most interesting and attractive alien being I had ever met, Dalik Moscurn of the Kalazaron elite. I should have hated him for what he did to me, but deep down I could not. It had all began that day that our ship was overcome by a warrior battleship of the Kalazaron.

  “You humans have been warned before! You are not to travel your ships in this area of restricted space!” the Commander of the Kalazaron ship shouted as he paced back and forth on our deck. He was a very fierce looking being. In most capacities the Kalazaron looked like we did, like humans, but with a few differences. For one, all of them were seven feet tall, if not taller. They’re muscular bodies were advanced in many ways over the human and I found it fascinating. They were like human men stretched tall and built like Olympic swimmers with extreme strength. Parts of their silky tight skin were tinted blue, which we always assumed was because of their cold planet, Kaethon. Though that was always just a scientific theory because no human had ever gone to Kaethon and returned. That mystery was partly why I was here. I had studied the Kalazaron and the planet Kaethon at University, and now I was a scientist that had begged her way onto this expedition. I had to admit, I didn’t have the best track record kissing up to the right people that could sponsor me on such an expedition because I was too damn sassy and always spoke my mind. So when I finally met Jocelyn Teren, I knew that she was the elite millionaire that could sponsor me because she was exactly like me.

  “Don’t let them tell you that you can’t be a good scientist because of your looks,” she said on our first meeting together. She was an attractive sexy woman in her fifties and I knew that she understood my struggle. I was a blonde with blue eyes, an ample chest, tiny waist, and a curvy bottom. This meant that the male dominated world of scientists could not take me seriously and I often fought with many of them because of it. I soon had a reputation for being feisty, but my work spoke for itself. I was just as accomplished as the males. Jocelyn Teren saw this in me and I think saw a bit of her in me. Therefore she agreed to sponsor my scientific experiments and spot on the space ship.

  So now I was on this mission to prove I was just as good as the males. Only now, there was a problem, a very big problem. We had accidently gone off course and couldn’t correct it in time before the Kalazaron ship was upon us.

  “It was a mistake. If you will look at our logs you will see that…” I started to say.

  “Dr. Roberts! Hold your tongue!” Captain White cut me off.

  The deck of the ship was tense as the armed alien beings held their guns on us. The Commander looked at me. He seemed intrigued as he walked over to me and I suddenly felt terrified. I stood up straight and tall as though to show him that I was not scared of him, even though I was. As he stood directly in front of me, he towered over me. His large form seemed to dwarf me. My face was directly aligned on his six-pack abs that were a shiny blue. I turned my nose up in the air to stare directly into his dark black eyes. Then he grinned a menacing grin at me.

  “Do you know who I am female human?” he asked.

  “No.” I said bluntly trying to keep my lips from trembling.

  “Of course not. Your inferior race is too dumb to have such intelligence on who commands our fleet of warships. I am Nankor Yun, the commander of the largest warship of the Kalazaron,” he said with pride.

  I could sense that he wanted me to show fear, but out of my own stubborn defiance I said, “And?”

  His grin faded. There was silence and then he said, “Kill them.”

  My eyes grew wide as I could hear the panic and cries of my crewmates. “No!” I shouted.

  “Kill them all, except for this one. Put her in the cages,” Commander Nankor Yun said pointing at me. I should have been relieved to be spared but I was not. I was worried about everyone else.
I had to stop this madness! I had to stop them from taking the ship and me. “How dare you…”

  I started to yell but was cut off when I was thrown over the shoulder of one of the large alien men. I kicked and screamed as they carried me down the hall.

  “Let me go! You cannot just take me! This is wrong!” I shouted.

  “Boom! Boom!” the guns began to go off behind me. I was panicked and crazed. I began to kick and scream more.

  “Dialent 10!” the alien man shouted who held me on his shoulder. I didn’t know what it meant until I saw another coming toward me with a syringe. A glowing blue liquid was inside of it. “No! No! What is that?!” I shouted as the sting of the needle hit my arm. Then, everything went hazy and I drifted off into a deep sleep.


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