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Gemini - Mr. Versatile: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 6)

Page 6

by Tiana Laveen

  “I’ll have you home in a little bit.” He looked so serious, the zest out of his tone. Perhaps he was tired, but he appeared subdued, not his typically hyper self. Silence webbed between them but as they neared her apartment building, he spoke up.

  “I haven’t been able to be just, uh, chill like this for a while. Thank you for inviting me to be myself. I needed it, pretty, chinky eyed chick…”

  He pulled up to her building and without a second to lose, he hooked his ringed hand around the back of her head, brought her close, and claimed her lips in an intense, gorgeous, smooth kiss. She could barely breathe, and would’ve been just fine dying of suffocation right there in his damn arms…

  The music kept on playing, her pussy screamed for him. She reluctantly snatched herself away from his kiss…

  “Park over here and get out of the car. You’re coming inside with me.”

  Opening the door, she stepped out. The man nodded, a proud smirk on his face as he followed her instructions. In a matter of moments, he was strutting behind her, unbuttoning his jacket, a lusty sheen in his bright green eyes…


  Guidos Do It Better…

  “How long have you been living over here?”

  He tossed his jacket on the lady’s couch, then made quick work of undoing the clasps on his shirt. Andy Shauf crooned “Quite Like You.” Her apartment smelled like chili, the kind with kidney beans, sautéed beef, green onions, spices and scallions, but she swore she was a vegetarian. He let the shit go, but damn it smelled good; he was tempted to ask for a bowl of whatever the hell it had been.

  “Four months… after I left my ex. I like it. I like living here in this area, too. Eventually, I’ll be able to get a bigger place.”

  She looked rather short with her shoes off, reaching into her refrigerator in just her black bra and panties. Tiptoeing in place, her ass swayed from side to side, giving him a nice eyeful.

  “Bigger is better.” He chuckled, causing her to turn and roll her eyes. “What cha got to drink, baby? I’m thirsty.”

  “Uh, let’s see.” He heard her moving things about to and fro. “Orange juice, milk, cold mint tea, a couple of beers… water, of course.”

  Now in his white boxers, he stepped into her small kitchen area and bent low right next to her, causing her to look him up and down as if he were too much in her personal space.

  “What? I’m just here to help.” She smiled and shook her head. “Gimme that mint tea.” He pointed straight ahead. “Do you have some rosemary or bay leaves or somethin’?” Their shoulders pressed into one another’s, the space tight… but he liked it that way.

  “I have some fresh mint and sage.”

  “That’ll work. Give me the mint. I can make us something. And give me that lemon juice way back there and the water, and those two lemons ya got down there in that drawer, too.”

  He leaned against the counter and crossed his ankles as she placed each item on the surface beside him. He looked in back of him and took note of the drippy faucet. When he turned and faced her again, she quickly averted his gaze, a silly grin on her face.

  “You were lookin’ at my cock.”

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Yeah, you were. Professional dick watchin’ is what you were doing and I’m not talking about a graffiti date where an artistically uncoordinated bastard like me tried to paint some mushrooms.”

  “Hey, at least you tried.”

  “Don’t change the topic. Why lie about it? I like it when you look at me. That’s why I’m here, right?”

  He grabbed her hand before she could respond and placed it over his boxers. She stood there, staring into his eyes, and he into hers as her palm rested against his meat. He was semi-hard and getting more erect as the seconds passed.

  “Stroke it.”

  She visibly swallowed then ran her fingers along the length, up and down, her fingertips sliding against the pubic hair that peeked from the waistband of his underwear. He shimmied them down a bit, showing off his abs and the ‘V’ below his torso. She applied a bit more pressure, and it thickened and pulsed at her touch.

  “You like that?” He smirked, his teeth sinking into his lower lip. “Does it meet your expectations?”

  “Yup. It’s nice.” She grinned slyly before removing her hand and slamming the refrigerator door shut.

  “Good… I’m excited to show you how I use it, but you’ll see all of that in a minute. Let’s drink first.”

  Moments later, he performed beverage magic with the herbs and other ingredients she’d provided.

  “So, if you wanna help your kidneys, fresh lemon is good. Ya see, kidney stones don’t like lemon juice because of the acidity.” She nodded in understanding. “I recommend to my clients if they need to flush their systems, want to jumpstart a detox, they need to drink a lot of fresh lemon water.”

  “What about limes? I really like those, too.”

  “Limes are good, too. You can use ’em, but lemons are a little better in my opinion because they have more Vitamin C. Lemons are also a bit sweeter than limes, which makes them better for sweeter drinks. Limes are great for cocktails, for instance. Aiight.”

  He sliced open two lemons on an old plastic cutting board, placed it over his hand to catch the seeds and let the juice flow into a clear pitcher. “So, you can make a really nice fresh mint lemonade to help wake your ass up, too. It’s also a diuretic. Mint flavor and scent awaken you, get your blood flowin’. You gotta big spoon or somethin’?”

  He waved his hand in her direction, prompting her to open a drawer and hand him a stirring utensil.

  “So, ya see, baby? Two fresh lemons, water, mint tea. That’s all ya need. Microwave a cup of water for me for sixty seconds, then put the mint in it.” She did as he instructed. “Now let that sit for a minute or two so it can flavor the water. Then we’re gonna add it to the lemonade. Last but not least, you can use Splenda or raw honey to sweeten it. I use either-or depending on my mood. If I have a client with diabetes, I opt for the Splenda. If they’ve been having big sugar drops, I go for some fresh blueberries or blackberries, puree ’em, and add that instead.”

  “I thought fruit was bad for people with diabetes.” She handed him a bowl filled with packets of artificial sweeteners.

  “It depends on the type. Fruit has gotten a bad rap because of the low carb and keto diets.” He dug around in the bowl, bypassing the pink packets and pulling all the yellow ones out. “It’s not off limits, just in moderation, but if you’ve got insulin issues, then bananas and grapes, things like that, should be eaten rarely. I never say never to fruit though; a little of it can be helpful due to the fiber, and the sugar in fruit metabolizes differently from, say, high fructose corn syrup anyway. If you’re tryna lose weight, follow a diabetic diet but keep in mind, lay off the processed foods and anything white—like rice, bread, potatoes, shit like that. Fruit though? You can do some ’cause see, not all sugar is created equal and a half of an apple, plum, or small tangerine isn’t gonna hurt someone who’s insulin resistant as long as it isn’t an all the time thing. It’s all about moderation.”

  “I love how smart you are about this.” She grinned at him and crossed her arms over her chest. “That’s great. I love it. I’m learning from you… that’s a plus. I like having conversations like this.”

  He felt good, enjoying that she wanted him there, that she liked hearing him speak, explain what he did for a living. He felt so calm around her—at peace.

  “I need to start getting back in shape. I’ve been slacking off lately.”

  He looked her up and down as he gave the pitcher another good stir.

  “You look amazing to me. I like what I see.”

  “Thank you. There’s always room for improvement though.”

  “Yeah, that goes for all of us but I like curves on my women. Be fit, but don’t lose all the jiggle. Women aren’t supposed to be hard… some parts of your body should be nice and soft. T & A is important.”
  He dumped the warm water with the mint leaves into the pitcher, then tore open a few packets of Splenda and dumped them inside.

  “Tits and ass, huh?” She smiled. “Curves on your women? Have I inadvertently joined some harem?” She chuckled as she took out two glasses from an overhead cabinet. He smiled at her and took one of the glasses from her hand.

  “Nah, of course not.” He poured the lemonade into a glass, then the other. He handed it to her and she took a sip.

  “This is nice… refreshing. I like it!”

  “It’s your type, huh?”

  “Yeah, it’s my type of drink.” She giggled.

  “Like curves… elephant bones… No harem though. Isn’t that refreshing information, too?” He didn’t miss the smile on her face.

  “You’re funny, Gio.”

  “I know. But I’m just sayin’ what I’m attracted to is all. What my type is.”

  “Oh, you have a type, huh?” She placed her hand on her hip and smirked, leaning in close.


  “What’s your type, then?”


  He leaned in closer and pressed his lips against hers. He could feel her tense then relax against him. He kept his eyes keenly upon her as he placed the glass tumbler down and took hers out of her hands. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her flush to him and slid his tongue along her soft lips, wedging an opening before sliding it deep within her mouth. With one hand, he explored up and down her body, then gripped her ass, and with the other, he held her neck just where he wanted while he tongue-fucked her mouth. She moaned in his grasp. Her voice vibrated through his body and flowed within him like rich, dark wine, getting him drunk.

  “Do you have some protection?” she asked breathlessly, pulling away to tug on the elastic of his boxers.

  “Yeah, of course. Are you on anything? You take birth control?”

  “Yeah. I still want you to wear a rubber though. I don’t know you like that yet.”

  “Of course, I wasn’t saying that… just askin’.” He walked a few feet to her living room. Reaching for his leather cellphone case, he pulled out a couple of gold Trojan wrappers while Prince crooned “Dirty Mind.”

  “My bedroom is back here.” She pointed down a short hall and began to make her way.

  “Nah.” He waved her over to him. “I want to fuck you on the floor.”

  He pointed down to a rug beneath his bare feet. Seeming a little bewildered, she made her way over, step by step. When she was close enough, he lunged for her, taking her arm and jerking her to him like a yo-yo. He kissed up and down that limb, then, gripping her by the back of the head, he brought her face close to his. “When was the last time you had a cock inside ya?”

  Her eyes widened at his words.

  “I don’t remember… It’s been a minute, though.”

  He tossed the condoms on the couch.

  “You like fuckin’ Guidos? Ever suck some Guido dick?” He smirked.

  “Never fucked one before… never sucked one of you bastards off, either. One date with your kind was enough,” she teased, drawing a grin from him. “You young Italian sons of bitches are a special breed. Seriously, did it piss you off when I called you that?” She cocked her head to the side. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think the chick got a kick out of getting under peoples’ skin. “I was just kidding, you know. I didn’t mean any harm.”

  She laid a gentle kiss along his jawbone.

  “Nah, it didn’t piss me off. I’ve got thicker skin than that. Now, you call my mother a fuckin’ Guido and she might knock ya clean out.” The woman’s cheeks reddened. He ran his hands through her hair. “I can take a joke, even if it’s a little racist. Anyway, you had a good time tonight, some food, some laughs… Now you want some dick, right? Tell me…”

  “Yeah…” Her eyes sparkled with a naughty gleam. “I want some dick.”

  He pushed her out of his way and yanked down his boxers, then kicked them to the side. Her peepers landed on his business again, and her eyes about popped out of their sockets.

  “Damn! Yes, Lord!” She jumped up and down in glee, shaking her fist in the air as if she’d won some grand prize. He laughed at her approval, loving it.

  “Bring that fat ass over here.” He jerked her to him again, wrapping his arms around her waist before driving his tongue deep inside of her mouth. He held her tight, rocking her to the beat of the music. Rotating his pelvis back and forth against her, he delighted in how she matched his rhythm. They grinded against one another as if they were trying to spark a fire.

  “I like how you move…” she whispered in his ear.

  “I like how you feel, kiss, taste…” he whispered back.

  He held her hand as if they were ballroom dancing. She looked up at him and smiled, happiness dancing in her eyes.

  Releasing her palm, he snaked his fingers in her underwear, his eyes never leaving hers. She sighed as he worked his digits against her soft, gushy folds. Placing his neck against the crook of hers, he kept working his fingers along her pussy lips.

  “You’re so wet for this fuckin’ Guido… my chinky eyed beautiful Black doll. Your pussy is slippery like okra leaves. Probably tastes fucking delicious… can’t wait to find out.”

  He slid his hand away from her and brought his fingers to his nose, then slid them into his mouth and sucked. Her eyes widened in wonder as she watched. Picking her up into his arms, she wrapped her big, warm thighs around his waist. Dragging her body up and down against him, he felt the wetness of her pussy seeping through her panties, his cock now coated with her pussy’s kiss. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and tugged, forcing her head back to expose her neck so he could lavish it with urgent kisses. “Burning Down the House” from The Talking Heads was their background music right then.

  “You’re fucking addictive, you know that? You’re bad news, Gio.” She laughed lightly as her eyes rolled back.

  “I’m fit for a vegetarian though. Low in calories, too.”

  He placed her down on the floor and yanked her panties down her legs. Curling his arms around her upper thighs and tugging her close, he placed her legs over his shoulders and didn’t waste one fucking second to lay down on his stomach and sample the juicy fruit between her legs. A high-pitched squeal emitted from the beauty’s mouth as he slicked his tongue against her slit then sucked her clit with each pass.


  Gripping her tighter he looked up at her and reached for her breasts, squeezing the small, perky pretty little things with nipples thick and dark like ripe blackberries. His nose moved against the sparse black hair on her pussy. Hands and tongue roving, he couldn’t get enough of her. He slowed, trying to lower her inhibition, put her in a state of complete relaxation.

  “That feels good, baby…” she murmured, sounding sleepy and satisfied.

  “Your pussy smells and tastes like a homecooked meal. It’s all soft, hot, and wet…” He gripped her closer, squeezing her tight. “You’ve got the kind of pussy I can get fat on… sweet like cake.”

  He layered her pussy with soft kisses before pulling the lips gently apart and looking at the damn thing… falling in love with the wet, pink folds. “You’re my new cuisine of choice… you need your own food pyramid, baby… I could fuckin’ eat you all goddamn day.”

  She screamed when he drove a finger deep within her while simultaneously stroking her clit with the tip of his tongue. Rising up on his elbow, he watched her intensely as she gyrated and wiggled from his touch.

  “Ya look so fuckin’ pitiful, baby,” he mocked before blowing her a kiss. “You’re gonna cum, ain’t you, baby? Yeah… cum for this Guido mothafucka!”

  He worked her pussy faster, thrusting another finger within her while his thumb glided over her clit. And he kept talking his shit, turned on by the way her breathing hitched.

  “I’m gonna cum!”

  He winded his fingers at an angle inside of her, hitting her G-spot. Her eyes widened
as he kept on, not slowing, not losing his pace. Seconds later, the woman was trembling against him. He snatched her up into his arms, wrapped his arm around her waist and forced her to straddle him, his fingers still inside of her pussy, thrusting deep inside of her.

  “You’re Ms. Volcano…” He smiled sweetly at her before placing a gentle kiss against her lips. “You erupted all over me.”

  He reached between their bodies and ran the head of his cock against her clit. She shuddered as he pushed it against the tender nub, looking deeply into her eyes.

  “It’s all right,” he said gently. “I’m not gonna put it in you… but one day I will, just like this. I’m gonna have you begging for me to fuck you raw… just you wait ’nd see.”

  He snatched her to him, giving her neck a love bite as he grinded his nature against her pussy, fast, slow, then fast again, making her quake and shiver. At the same time, he kissed and sucked on her breasts.

  “Damn! You sexy son of a bitch!” Her voice quaked as she came again.

  He waited patiently until she settled, then got to his feet, reaching for a condom. The woman was breathing hard, a sheen of sweat along her collarbones and all over her face. Tearing the thing open with his teeth, he quickly removed it and sheathed himself while an oldie but goodie came on the radio—702’s “Steelo.”

  When he fell back to his knees beside her, she grabbed him and snaked her tongue into his mouth, practically down his throat. His cock jumped at the hunger in her touch. Slamming her down on the floor, he put his full weight on her, kicked her legs apart, and let his tongue dance with hers, giving her what she needed… what she so craved.

  Reaching between them, he gripped his cock and looked into her eyes, then bent down to slide his tongue all over her neck, followed by nips and bites. He winced, but with joy, when she raked her nails along his back and shoulders. He bit her harder, totally turned on. Her thighs wrapped around him, pulling him inside her secret world.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, eager to fuck the living daylights, nightlights, spotlights and go home when the streetlights cum on for dear life out of her.


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