Book Read Free

Hers to Protect

Page 15

by Nicole Disney

  “My fault?”

  Celeste nodded gravely. “Marco agreed.”

  “No way,” Christina said, shaking her head in immediate dismissal.

  “Out of the picture how?” Gianna asked.

  “Prison. That’s how Marco found Adrienne’s address for you. Kitchen gave it to him. He’s trying to deliver you to the cops. Kitchen gets to convince the Gang Unit he’s still a real cop and Marco gets to have you deal drugs in prison.”

  “I can’t believe this shit,” Gianna said. “If Adrienne really did tell them Kitchen is dirty what good is turning me in going to do? It’s already over.”

  “Probably thinks he can claim it was all part of his cover,” Celeste said. “Or maybe just rely on his word as a cop and call Adrienne a liar.”

  “Marco did tell me Kitchen wants one of us,” Anna said. “Said Kitchen can’t get the heat off himself until he turns something big over. Marco told me he wasn’t going to do it, though.”

  “When was that?” Celeste asked.


  “Ron heard this today.”

  Gianna let out a heavy breath and shook her head. “This can’t be right. He warned me there were cops on Adrienne. Why would he do that if he wanted me to get caught?”

  Celeste shrugged. “Maybe he doesn’t want it to be obvious he’s doing this? I don’t know. But he wants you gone and he wants Anna to take your place.”

  “Shit,” Anna said. “He did forbid me from helping you with Adrienne. Said you need to earn your respect back alone. I bet he knew I wouldn’t stay away, though. That explains why he told me what you said, Gi. He wants us to fight.”

  “He thinks I’m emotional enough about Adrienne to do something stupid even if I know cops are there,” Gianna said, a thousand-yard stare taking over her eyes. “Thought he could warn me and still get it done. Then he gets to look innocent. He probably thinks I’ll try to observe, not knowing Kitchen told them what kind of car I’m in.”

  “Wait, guys,” Christina said. “What if Marco is playing Kitchen? He told you where Adrienne was like Kitchen wanted so that he can look like he’s holding up his end, but he also warns you it’s a trap so they won’t actually catch you?”

  “And what’s the play after that?” Gianna asked. “Kitchen will keep trying to set me up until they get me. Marco’s just going to keep sabotaging it? And if that’s what he’s doing, why not just shoot straight with me about it? Why try to make us fight? Keep Anna away?”

  Anna stared at the ground. Marco was their founder. She’d never been his best friend the way she was with Gianna, but she’d trusted him. It went against everything she knew about him, all the things he claimed to believe in when he made the Wild AKs, but she was out of other explanations. “So what do we do now?”

  “I still need to take care of Adrienne,” Gianna said. “A rat is a rat. The cops can have Kitchen. And we need to take care of Marco.”

  “Are you insane?” Celeste asked.

  “If he’d been a man and talked to me it’d be different, but instead he defected. He wants to put me in prison as a favor to a fucking cop? I don’t care if Kitchen does have the Hijos behind him. We don’t betray our own people for cops or for another gang or for money or guns or anything. Membership is sacred. That’s the whole point. He should have told them to shove it.”

  “Fuck yeah, he should have,” Christina said.

  “But Marco isn’t some dumb recruit,” Celeste said. “He’s the founder.”

  “He’s not fit to lead anymore. Time to evolve. You guys got me?”

  Anna nodded. “You know I do.”

  Christina nodded.

  Celeste hesitated. “I mean, I got you, but I don’t know how this is going to work.”

  “Leadership changes happen,” Anna said. “It’s not that crazy.”

  “But what about the retaliation?”

  “From who? We’re taking out a snitch and a traitor. And no one knows Marco, really. He stays locked up at his pad. Members know us, respect us. We got this.”

  Celeste finally nodded. “All right, let’s do it.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Kaia was in the shower when her phone went off. It rang twice, then the swishing sounds that meant text messages started coming in. On the third one, she got nervous even though it wasn’t the surveillance team’s ring tone.

  “Adrienne?” she called out.

  Adrienne opened the bathroom door a crack. Kaia realized she’d have to come inside to get the phone, which made her tingle with nervousness, but the shower had frosted glass and was steamy.

  “Can you look at my phone? Just in case? It’s blowing up.”

  “Sure.” Adrienne came inside, pausing as she entered and glancing Kaia’s way before she grabbed the phone.


  “Sixty-nine sixty-nine.”

  “Really, Kaia?” She laughed.

  “Easy to remember.”

  Adrienne shook her head and clicked into her messages. “Oh my God, Kaia!”


  “Reid woke up!”

  Kaia opened the shower door a crack and stuck her head out. “Really? You’re sure?”

  Adrienne turned the phone around for her to read. Kaia felt like she was going to explode with joy. “I knew he would. I’m going to hurry up and get out of here and we’ll go to the hospital.”

  “Of course. I’ll get dressed.”

  * * *

  Gianna noticed the hospital parking lot was full of cop cars and pulled in. It had to mean one of two things, the cop she’d beaten senseless was either better or dead. She pulled into the back of the lot and parked. Either way, Blondie would come. If she was lucky Adrienne would be with her. This was her chance to catch them out of the guarded hotel.

  Anna would be furious with her for sitting in a lot full of cops. This was the kind of thing she kept throwing in Gianna’s face when she called her reckless. But Anna wasn’t here. A split was happening between them that Gianna couldn’t reverse. Anna was committed, a fighter, Gianna’s throbbing head could attest to that. She’d been wrong to call her a pussy. Anna would charge headfirst into battle to back Gianna up. That didn’t change the fact that given the choice, Anna preferred peace to war, caution to boldness.

  Ever since Adrienne left, Gianna wanted chaos. She wanted blood and danger. She wanted it messy. Even now as she sat in the back of the lot, safely concealed by dark windows, part of her hoped a cop would approach her. Part of her wanted to fight her way out.

  The blue Taurus pulled in, followed by two black undercover SUVs. She smiled. Finally.

  * * *

  The whole way to the hospital Kaia felt like she was going to explode. She couldn’t stand the drive time separating them. They jogged through the parking lot up to his room. A gathering was assembling, a horde of officers with fresh flowers and banners. Sergeant Cruz was already there and greeted her with a warm hug.

  “Go on in.”

  Adrienne hung back with the officers and nodded reassuringly at her to go ahead.

  “I got her,” Cruz said. Kaia felt like she should do more to make sure Adrienne was situated, but she trusted Cruz and she was dying to see Reid’s smiling face.

  She rushed into the room, beaming. Reid looked a thousand times better. His caramel skin wasn’t discolored any longer, the swelling on his face had gone down, the tubes were gone.

  “Look what the cat finally coughed up,” Reid said with a wide smile. Kaia walked over and carefully found safe places to hug him.

  “What are you talking about, finally? I came straight over.”

  “Yeah, but you were supposed to be crying by my bed.”

  She gently punched his arm. “Oh, I did, fucker.”

  “I know, they told me. You okay?”

  “Me? Forget that, are you okay?”

  “I think I will be. I was out for the worst of it. Shit, you probably know more about it than I do. I hear I had four surgeries?”

>   “You did,” Kaia said. “They all went as planned. You’ve been out for two weeks.”

  “Doesn’t feel like it. It’s so strange, makes me feel like maybe dying isn’t so bad, you know? You’re just gone.”

  “I couldn’t handle it if you died. I barely handled this. You’re my family, Reid.”

  He reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “Do you remember what happened?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Wish I didn’t. I was driving around the north end of South Side and felt something dragging under the car. It wasn’t shaking loose, so I pulled over to get it out. I didn’t call anything out. I thought it was going to be quick and simple. I was in the square, it was well lit, hadn’t seen anything suspicious. But when I leaned over to see what it was, all of a sudden there were all these hands on me. They grabbed my arms, someone took my gun, my radio, everything. Hernandez came out and started hitting me. There were people everywhere, walking right by. No one would look.”

  “Fuck, Reid. I’m sorry.”

  “There was nothing that could have changed it. It was an ambush, obviously well planned. It was the way they got my arms. I couldn’t do anything. I struggled hard and I just couldn’t get a hand free. I thought there was no way they could keep me from tapping my emergency button, but they did. It really wakes you up. You think this shit can’t happen. You think you’ll figure it out if you have to, but I couldn’t.”

  “Did she say anything?”

  “Called me crooked. Threatened you too. That’s what really drove me nuts. I knew she was going to come for you and I wouldn’t be able to warn you.”

  Kaia shook with anger picturing Gianna beating Reid. She’d known it was her, but it was still different hearing it from him.

  “She’s still out there, Reid. I’m so sorry. We have the warrants, but we haven’t been able to find her. We should have her by now.”

  “Don’t apologize. They told me you knew before they did, that you about socked her in the square.” He chuckled. “There you go biting off more than you can chew, crazy girl.”

  “They shouldn’t have told you that. And I think I could have won.” She laughed. “After what she did to you I don’t think she could have stopped me.”

  “Well, I’m glad you didn’t. I don’t want you getting fired over me. I know you did everything you could.”

  “We’re still going to get her, Reid. Adrienne is with us now, gave us plenty to put her away. Gianna’s just been slippery, but we’ll find her. I won’t stop until we do.” Kaia rested her hand on his shoulder. “Oh, did they tell you Hernandez tried to kill me too?”

  His eyes went wide. “No. What happened?”

  “Oh, saddle up for this shit.”

  * * *

  Adrienne couldn’t stop watching Kaia and smiling at her joy, at the way she interacted with Reid. It was like getting a glimpse at all the years she’d missed.

  “Sergeant Cruz,” he introduced himself. “Feel free to call me Cruz.”


  “Oh, I know,” he said. “You’re famous.”


  He laughed. “No, don’t worry about it, nothing bad. Most of the guys are just jealous you’re with Sorano. Don’t ever let men tell you they don’t gossip.”

  Adrienne laughed. “I’m not even sure I’d really say we are together.”

  “You look more together than we’ve ever seen her look.”


  “That’s beside the point. Not our business. I just want to tell you what you’re doing, helping us get your ex, it’s very brave. I’m sure it’s complicated for you. I don’t know if anyone has acknowledged that part of this, but I want you to know we know.”

  Adrienne was taken aback by his sincerity. “Thank you, that’s very kind. You don’t owe me anything though. You’ve all helped me just as much. You got me out of that situation, gave me the opportunity to help you when you could have just thrown me in jail.”

  “Aw, we’re not too keen on arresting people that don’t need to be. Helping people out of a bad spot might not always be action-packed, but eventually you figure out it’s the best part of the job.”

  “Well, you helped me out of a real bad spot.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  “Adrienne.” Kaia leaned out the door. “Come say hi.”

  Adrienne was terrified to show her face to the man Gianna had almost killed, but Kaia was so warm and excited. She met Adrienne at the door, grabbed her hand, and led her inside.

  “Adrienne, this is my best friend, Reid.”

  Reid extended his hand with a genuine smile. “Nice to meet you, Adrienne. You been taking care of this one while I’ve been out?” He elbowed Kaia.

  “I’ve been trying, but I think it’s been more the other way around.”

  “That’s not what I heard.”

  “I’m so sorry about what happened to you.”

  “Back at you,” Reid said. “Sounds like we’ve all been in the path of destruction.”

  The nurse came in and nodded at them. “Sorry to interrupt. We’re going to have to take care of some things and let him get some sleep.”

  “Bathroom stuff,” Reid said in a mock whisper. Kaia laughed and gave him a long, tight hug.

  “All right, we’ll leave you alone for now.”

  “Yeah, get out of here and have yourselves a date night or something.” Reid squeezed Adrienne’s hand and winked. Adrienne followed Kaia out. Kaia was beside herself with joy, and Adrienne couldn’t stop her own joy just seeing her so happy. She’d forgotten what that kind of happiness felt like.

  Kaia looked over each shoulder as she went through the hospital doors into the parking lot. “Looks like our security team is straggling,” she said.

  “They were right behind us a second ago. I think they’re just wrapping up a conversation.” Adrienne turned and checked over her shoulder too. The atmosphere in Reid’s room had been so light, so happy, they’d let their situation slip their mind and wandered off alone.

  “I’m sure they’ll be along in a minute.” Kaia said the words casually, but Adrienne could see her color draining as she looked around the lot.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just weird, being here again.”

  Adrienne followed Kaia’s gaze and saw the chipped pavement and walls where bullets had shredded concrete.

  “This is where it happened?” she asked.

  Kaia nodded. Her eyes were glassy, and she looked far away. There was a sheen of sweat across her skin. Adrienne remembered the way Kaia had woken from her nightmare about that very night, the way she’d cried and trembled and fallen apart. She couldn’t stand the pain in Kaia’s distant, haunted eyes.

  “Let’s just go,” Adrienne said. “The hotel isn’t far and there are still two cars posted there. We’ll be there in no time.”

  Kaia nodded like she hadn’t really heard, and they got into the Taurus. Once they pulled out of the lot, Adrienne saw Kaia’s color return as she slowly relaxed again. Adrienne reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “You should talk to someone, you know? A professional.”

  “I know,” Kaia said. “I have to. The department makes you after something like that.”

  Adrienne squeezed her hand again gently. “You should for you, though, Kaia. Not just because you have to.”

  She could see Kaia wasn’t comfortable admitting how affected she was, but she smiled weakly and nodded.

  “I know. I will,” she said. Kaia shook herself and smiled again. A genuine warmth finally returned to her face, and she changed the subject. “God that was nice. I’ve missed Reid so much. I don’t really talk to anyone else like him.”

  “Your mom?”

  “She hates hearing cop stuff, makes her worry. Dating stuff has always been kind of awkward. She’s fine with me being with girls, but there’s still just that invisible barrier about it. I love her to death, but our conversations stay pretty shallow.”

nbsp; “Your brother?”

  “He’s great, but he’s in Australia. The time difference makes calling hard and he’s just always busy.”

  “I see. Sounds lonely.”

  “Sometimes. Not as much lately.” Kaia smiled at her.

  The gas light sounded and lit up. “Crap,” Kaia said. She pulled up to the next gas station. It was only seven, but the sun was already setting. Kaia jumped out and started filling up.

  “Hey, I’m going to run to the bathroom,” Adrienne said.


  Adrienne walked into the convenience store and to the front counter. The register was manned by a middle-aged woman with hair that looked wet but was really just over-gelled. She was staring at a sudoku book, copying the puzzle over to paper so she wouldn’t have to buy the book.

  “Do you have a restroom?”

  The woman grabbed a key from behind the counter and slid it toward Adrienne, barely glancing at her. “Around back. It’s on this side of the building.” She pointed a thumb over her own shoulder at the back wall.

  “Thanks.” Adrienne went back outside and circled the building. They were single bathrooms, one marked men and the other women, though there was only one key that fit both. She opened the door and went inside. Like most gas stations, it was bordering on disgusting. She should have gone at the hospital, but she hated those restrooms too.

  When she opened the door, Gianna’s frame filled the space. She tried to slam the door shut again, but she’d reacted a second too late and Gianna blasted the door open with her palm and pushed Adrienne back.


  Gianna rushed forward and clapped her hand over Adrienne’s mouth. She’d thought too slow again, paralyzed by the shock of Gianna’s face. Gianna kicked the door closed and locked it. She pushed Adrienne against the wall.


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