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Rev Me Up

Page 8

by Kylie Gilmore

  Nico appeared at her side and took her hand. “You want to check out Navy Pier or go back to the hotel?”

  “Let’s check out the pier!” she chirped.

  He held her hand as they walked. She was still getting used to all this touchy-feely stuff.

  “We should do the Ferris wheel,” Nico said. “I’ll bet the skyline looks cool at sunset.”

  And because he’d been so accommodating with all of her shopping and not buying anything, and because, more than anything, she wanted to delay tonight’s embarrassing, awkward, maybe seduction, she agreed.

  It was a good half-hour walk to the pier, and their hotel, the Talbott, was back where they’d been shopping near Michigan Avenue, so Lily figured all the walking would not only work off all the delicious pizza, but also wear them both out.

  As they approached the pier, she tried not to look up at the giant wheel of death. There was a slight breeze coming up off Lake Michigan. If the wind kicked up any harder, it would rock the Ferris wheel car and tip them right out. Her heart kicked up a notch.

  By the time they stood in line for tickets, her palms were sweaty, and she had to pull her hand out of Nico’s to wipe it on the front of her shorts. He took that opportunity to check his cell for messages, and she took the opportunity to move a few steps away, drop her head between her knees, and take a few deep breaths. You can do this. You’ve been on a Ferris wheel before.

  Last time she’d thrown up.

  Whatever. She straightened, still a little light-headed. She didn’t want to ruin this for Nico.

  “Got it,” he said, five short minutes later, holding up the tickets. “Let’s get in line.”

  She hoped it was a very, very long line.

  It wasn’t.

  “I’ll bet at the top we’ll get some nice pictures of the skyline and the lake,” he said.

  “Yup,” she said tightly.

  “You okay? You look a little pale.”

  She shook her head and pinched some color back in her cheeks. “Just a little tired. Busy day.”

  He slid an arm around her shoulders. “We’ll go back to the hotel right after this, okay?”


  “Okay,” she said.

  He tipped her chin up and kissed her gently. She calmed considerably, as all her focus was on that kiss and not her freaky fear of heights. She really, really liked his kisses.

  Before she knew it, they were boarding one of the cars of death. It swung precariously as the previous riders, a father and his toddler son, got off. She felt a little light-headed. Do not pass out.

  Nico guided her in with a hand on the small of her back and followed behind her. The door was latched shut, like that would prevent them from tipping out. One gust of wind and they were pancakes on the pier. She clicked the seatbelt and prayed.

  The wheel started at a slow lift and then they were airborne. She began a frantic bargaining with God. If I survive this, I will give up chocolate. The wind picked up, and they swayed gently. She squeezed her eyes shut. I will dedicate myself to helping the homeless. I will crochet one hundred blankets a week for—


  For every man, woman, and child that has ever felt chilly.

  “Hey, Lil, why’re your eyes closed? You’re missing the view.”

  She kept her eyes scrunched tight. Her stomach dropped as they lifted even higher. Their car swung slightly in the breeze. I will adopt every dog that needs a home on the East Coast. Even the yappy ones.

  “Open your eyes,” Nico said. “Check out the sunset.”

  “It’s quite nice,” she said, eyes closed.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I’m afraid of heights,” she whispered in case the Ferris wheel overheard and decided to tip her out. The wheel stopped. She opened her eyes and quickly shut them again. Oh, God. They were going to be stuck like this at the tippy-top. Maybe it malfunctioned.

  “Why’d you get on a Ferris wheel, then?” Nico asked.

  “Because I want to not be afraid of heights,” she said. It was true. She was trying to face more of her fears head-on. Except for the spider thing. And snakes. And clowns. She shuddered, thinking of them.

  Nico wrapped his arm around her. “I got you. Open your eyes.”

  “Sure, you got me, but who’s got you? This thing could tip with the slightest movement.”

  “You know what’s good to do at the top of the Ferris wheel?” he asked in a low, husky voice that temporarily distracted her.


  “Make out.”

  “Oh. Really?” She’d never heard that before and briefly wondered if he was making it up, but then he was kissing her. She slowly unclenched from her frozen state. His warm hand cupped her face, his mouth was hot and demanding, and she was quickly overwhelmed. He kept going, his tongue thrusting inside her mouth, and she melted against him, the kiss heightened by their imminent death.

  He pulled back and smiled. “Now look.”

  She did. The skyline was spectacular with the Willis Tower prominently highlighted by the setting sun.

  Nico took his arm off her, and the car lurched with the movement.

  “What’re you doing?” she screeched.

  He pulled his cell out of his shorts pocket. “I want to take a picture.”


  And then he took a picture of her.

  “What’re you taking a picture of me for? I thought you wanted the skyline.”

  He gazed at her and there was no sympathy in those eyes, only warmth. “I wanted a picture of courage.”

  A slow smile formed on her lips. “Thank you.”

  The Ferris wheel started moving again. “Whoa!” she yelped.

  Nico’s arm settled around her shoulders. “You got this.”

  And she did. She kept her eyes open the entire time and stayed very, very still. She felt like kissing the ground when she finally got off the wheel of death. Her legs were shaky, but Nico’s hand was once again strong and firm, holding hers.

  They walked back to the hotel and gradually her legs stopped feeling like rubber.

  He squeezed her hand as they stepped inside the hotel foyer. “You’re not hiding in the bathroom all night again, are you?”

  Her cheeks burned. “I wasn’t hiding.”

  “Yes, you were.”

  She shook her head, acting annoyed when she was really just mortified at how easily he saw through her. Once they got into the hotel room, she grabbed her pajamas and toiletry bag and headed for the bathroom.

  “I’m coming to get you if you take too long,” he warned.

  “Nico, I need some privacy.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  She went inside and locked the door. Her inner slutty vixen had permanently deserted her. The bitch. A moment later she heard the TV and relaxed a bit. It was time for the big guns. They were, unfortunately, both sober and there was no way she could pull this sexy temptress thing off. No lingerie tonight. Contacts out, glasses on. T-shirt and sweatpants to bed like she always wore. The outfit was boxy and shapeless and oh so comfortable. Nico would realize she was nothing to get excited about and then they could both relax and watch TV before going to sleep. She took a few deep breaths, opened the door, and faced him. He’d been waiting for her, standing just outside the bathroom door, in his blue boxer briefs. Her very own underwear model. He had no clue how intimidating it was to be this close to someone this sexy.

  One corner of his mouth lifted. “Nice glasses, professor.”

  “Thank you.”

  He slid them off and set them on the bathroom counter. Then he pulled her out of the bathroom. His hand cupped her jaw as he slowly leaned down and brushed his mouth over hers. Her eyes drifted shut, and she let out a small sigh as he kissed her into a nearly drunken state, all loose-limbed, melty, and light-headed. Then he was kissing her and maneuvering her until she felt the cool wall at her back. She relaxed a little because it wasn’t the bed. His kiss turned more urgent,
hot and intense, as he pressed his hard body against hers. She tore her mouth from his, suddenly realizing he could do a lot against the wall that he could do in bed. He immediately went for her neck, kissing her, tasting her, his teeth scraping against her. Her knees buckled, and she clung to him. He returned to her mouth, kissing her hard and deep, the heat and strength of his body pressing against hers making her forget her nerves and simply surrender.

  After a gloriously long time of deep kisses that took her breath away, he stopped, took her hand, and tugged her toward the bed. She didn’t move. He returned to her and kissed her again. She pulled away. Her body and brain battled it out—keep going, stop, keep going, stop. If only she knew for sure she wouldn’t disappoint him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice rough. His heated gaze pinned her with unwavering intensity. She swallowed hard and looked away as nerves gripped her again.

  A beat passed in silence.

  “I have a headache from the headphones,” she finally said, meeting his eyes again. “From the bar exam lecture this morning,” she added, waving a hand in the air at the puzzled expression on his face. “You know, on the ride in.”

  “You do not.”

  “I told you those things give me a headache.”

  “Then I’ll get you some Tylenol.”

  “I just need a good night’s sleep. Goodnight, Nico.”

  “Lil, I know you feel this—” he gestured back and forth between them “—this chemistry we have.”

  She bit her lip and turned, walking around to the far side of the bed.

  “Just tell me what the problem is so I can fix it,” he said.

  That was just it. He couldn’t fix it. She shook her head and climbed into bed, pretending to sleep. He was silent for a long moment; then he went into the bathroom and shut the door. A few minutes later, she heard the shower.

  She shut her eyes tight as a tear slipped out. Dammit. So much for courage.

  Chapter Nine

  Nico had never been so close to a woman for so many hours and days and nights and not gotten naked. This was a brand-new experience for him, all the driving and sharing meals and hotel rooms, with their clothes on. He wasn't so sure it was a good thing.

  He glanced over at the temptress sitting on the other side of the truck, headphones on as she listened to even more bar exam crap. He’d thought she was beautiful before, but now that he knew her better, all her quirky, brave ways, he was getting in deep. He thought about her nearly all night before he mercifully crashed into sleep. Replaying their day, remembering everything she said or did, trying to figure her out. He was falling for her, like he’d only fallen once in his life with his ex-wife, and it was damn uncomfortable.

  No, he knew better than to let it get that far. He just needed to sleep with her, get her out of his system so to speak, so he could stop thinking about her so much. The way she wore these T-shirts that he could clearly see her breasts straining against the fabric. The way she melted against him when he kissed her, yet pushed him away when he tried for more. The way she’d so bravely faced her fear of heights head-on. The sweet way she had of looking up at him like he hung the moon.

  He was getting sappy. That wasn’t him. He wasn’t sentimental or mushy at all.

  She let out a soft sigh, her lips parting, and he realized she’d fallen asleep. Of course she had, they were halfway to Omaha and the professor droning in her ears would’ve put anyone to sleep. They were in Iowa with three more hours to go, and he figured he’d let her sleep. Then she’d have no excuse of being too tired or too headachy tonight. She’d feel wide awake, and he’d make good use of that energy. Geez, he only had eleven more days with her. The last day they’d be going their separate ways, so he couldn’t count that one. He had to get things moving in the right direction soon before he died of blue balls.

  A short while later, she woke with a start. She sat up and pulled the headphones off. “Where are we? Did I miss it?”

  “Iowa. Miss what?”

  “The second largest collection of salt and pepper shakers, world’s largest concrete gnome, Iowa’s largest frying pan, take your pick!”

  He raised a brow. “Do I have to?”

  “We can’t miss everything!”

  “I don’t think I can stop. We’ve got a lot of miles to cover. I need to get to L.A. and back in time for my brother’s wedding.”

  “Nico, it’s Iowa. We have to stop.”

  “We don’t have to.” So far, all he’d seen was cornfields and flat empty land. And he really was on a deadline here. He had to be back in time for the rehearsal dinner.

  “I’ve never been to Iowa, have you?” she asked.


  “Then it’s settled. Let me just look it up.” Then a few minutes later, “Okay, we’re only thirty miles to the second largest collection of salt and pepper shakers.”

  He groaned. “It’s not even the first largest. Seriously?”

  “There’s more than sixteen thousand of them! And I’m not just talking plain old shakers, I’m talking ceramic cows, Betty Boop, race cars, everything!”

  “Well, if there’s race cars,” he said sarcastically.

  “I know, right?”

  He couldn’t put a damper on her enthusiasm. It was refreshing to find someone so eager, so open to life experiences even when they terrified her. So why was she so cautious with him?

  And then it occurred to him that maybe she’d had a bad experience, or, he stiffened with rage, an unwanted one. He didn’t want to bring it up, but the rage building in him just at the idea of someone hurting her pushed the words right out.

  “Lil, you, uh, have a bad experience with a guy before? Maybe someone who forced themselves on you?” His jaw clenched. He’d kill him. He’d hunt him down and kill him with his bare hands.

  He glanced at her to find her jaw dropped. “Did you?” he prompted.

  “No. Why do you ask?”

  “Because you turn me down every night.” There. He put it out there.

  “I told you I was tired that one night.”

  “Yeah, I know. And the headache. Are you going to be tired or have a headache tonight?”

  “This conversation is giving me a headache.”

  “Is there anything I can do to make this easier for you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  He wasn’t. He was beginning to think she didn’t want to sleep with him at all, which had never happened. Maybe they should get separate hotel rooms. He didn’t care what it cost. He couldn’t sleep with her nearby every night, prancing around in busty T-shirts with no bra, taunting him with loose sweatpants that looked like they were about to fall off any minute. He just couldn’t take it. No red-blooded man could.

  ~ ~ ~

  Nico pushed the speed limit as they drove through Iowa while Lily kept hollering directions for some town called Traer, where she insisted they had to stop to check out those damn salt and pepper shakers. And how long was that going to take? Sixteen thousand shakers? And he just bet she’d want a picture next to every one.

  “Nico, please? It’s really important to me.”


  “Because I want to see America.”

  “You’re just trying to drag out this drive.” After two restless nights and more than a week of blue balls, Nico’s usual easy charm was slipping. The irony of needing that charm more than ever was not lost on him.

  “Can’t wait to get to Omaha, huh?” she asked.



  He hesitated. Should he admit he wanted nothing more than to get her to the hotel and rip her clothes off? No way. That was as far from a slow seduction as you could get. He glanced over at her, sitting in a white T-shirt with Earth Defense Group emblazoned across her full breasts. He could clearly see her lacy, pushup bra through the thin white fabric. He hoped she hadn’t packed any more white T-shirts. She was pure temptation.

  “I’ve heard good things about Omaha,” he said tight

  “Like what?”

  “Like…” What had he heard about Omaha? Then he remembered a commercial he saw once. “Like Mutual of Omaha.”

  “You want to visit an insurance company?”

  “Among other things.” Like our hotel room, the bed, your body.

  “Okay, but first we really need to hit Traer. They even have a winding staircase that leads to nowhere.” He looked over, and she beamed. “Right in the middle of the sidewalk!”

  He caved. It was that beaming smile. He loved seeing her so happy. “Okay, but we can’t stay too long. I have a timetable.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  It became clear to Nico an hour into their salt and pepper museum visit that Lily hadn’t really listened about his timetable. She was lingering at each display like they had all freaking day. He kept moving her along, and she kept finding one more treasure.

  She turned to him. “Ah! Here they are! Betty Boop! Get my picture!”

  Nico obligingly took a picture as Lily posed one hand on her hip, eyes wide, lips pursed in an impression of Betty Boop. His body immediately reacted to those pursed lips. Before he could pull her close to sneak a kiss, she raced off to see more.

  “A cow,” she mouthed to him across the room.

  A reluctant smile tugged at his lips.

  She appeared at his side and smiled up at him. “Admit it, this is fun.”

  He put an arm around her and pulled her flush against him. “We really need to get back on the road.”

  “Cowboy boots!” she exclaimed, moving across the room from him.

  He checked his cell while he waited for Lily to take in every freaking set in a glass-fronted china cabinet. He had a text from Luke: How’s our redhead?

  He glanced over to where Lily was bending over, peering into the back of the china cabinet, her curvy ass in shorts making his shorts feel two sizes too small. He turned away and texted back: Fine.

  A reply came back a few minutes later while he was leaning against the wall as far as he could get from Lily in an effort to cool off. Just fine?


  I thought road trip was code for holing up in a hotel room for dirty deeds.


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