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Queen's Guard (Shifter Royalty Trilogy Book 2)

Page 15

by S. Dalambakis

  “No, way man. You’re not touching the score I have going on.”

  Max takes his turn, knocks down eight but picks up the spare. Lucian goes and of course it’s another strike. Zeke ends up with the seven ten split but couldn’t make it work on the spare. Now, it’s Callie’s turn. I honestly couldn’t tell you her technique when she bowls. I’m too busy watching the sway of her hips, and the way she leans forward as she positions herself before releasing the bowling bowl. I shift uncomfortably on the hard bench.

  Watching her like this is making me think of things I have no business thinking right now. The only bearable thing about this is Callie’s excitement. Even though I’m pissed and grumpy, her infectious laughter has helped mildly. Callie walks over and sits next to me. She quickly pats my knee.

  “Your turn.”

  Unwillingly, I get up and go and get my bowling ball. I get into position, but right before I got to throw the ball, I feel a small hand against my lower back. I look down and see Callie’s face.

  “If you want, I can help you.”

  Wait, did she just offer to help me? The girl who has never been bowling before today, is going to give me pointers? Are you kidding me? I heard her correctly because Max is practically on the floor howling in laughter. I feel my body tense. Callie must have felt it too because she quickly removes her hand from my back and takes a couple of steps back from me. Now, I’m even more pissed because I just scared my mate. I’m gripping the bowling ball to tight that I can feel and hear the ball crack more. This is the one time where I curse my strength and my temper.

  “Never mind, I was just trying to help,” she whispers before going and reclaiming her seat.

  See now I’m just mad at myself and get even more angry. But instead of telling her different, I stay silent, only making matters worse. I do the only thing I can think to do and I put all my force behind throwing the bowling ball. The sound of the ball hitting the lane echoes in the bowling alley. Everyone stops to stare.

  If I had lasers for eyes that ball would be completely annihilated. It figures this would be the one time the ball heads straight down the lane, not showing any sign of veering into the gutters. Everyone behind me is quiet. The ball is almost to the pins when… poof. The ball falls apart inches from the pins, in what I’m sure would have been my first strike all night.

  You’ve got to be shitting me. My luck can’t be that bad.


  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bowling ball to that before. I tried so hard not to laugh, okay not that hard. The ball literally just fell apart. How strong do you have to be in order to make that happen? Graydon’s a beast.

  “Incredible Hulk over here just broke a damn bowling ball,” I say in between laughing. That doesn’t last too long because I notice I’m the only one laughing. I look around at the rest of us, and I see Zeke and Lucian glaring holes into Graydon. Callie is sitting on the bench wringing her hands together. Something happened and I missed it. I round my eyes to Graydon, “What did you do?”

  Graydon clenches his fist at his sides. “I got angry because you haven’t stopped picking on me all night. Callie comes up to offer me help, and I took it the wrong way. I tensed taking it as an insult, and I know that’s not how she meant it. She felt that and mistook it as me being angry with her. She backed away from me like I was going to harm her. I would never lay a hand on my mate that way.” Graydon looks Callie in her eyes. “Never.” He storms out of the bowling alley.

  All of us of sitting there mouths agape. I look at Callie, and I can see what happened is affecting her. When I focus a little more on her I can feel her sadness and fear. We need to fix this. I don’t like that look or those feelings coming her. I need to find a way to make her smile.

  “One of us should go check on him,” Lucian says, interrupting my thoughts.

  “I’ll go,” Callie states.

  “Be careful, Angel.” I don’t like it but it’s probably for the best.

  When you’re done, we are going to come up with another prank to pull on him.

  She turns and looks at me. There is a small smile on her lips, not as big as I would like, but a smile nonetheless.

  Okay, she sends back before getting up and walking out after Graydon.


  I find Graydon pacing the parking lot, cussing, and running his fingers through his hair. I see him tug on it pretty hard. It’s now standing up in every direction. I start to approach him slowly. After hearing what he said inside, I feel like crap. I know Graydon would never hurt me, but some things are just hard to let go. It’s only been a few months since my father, well my stepfather, has been arrested. I’ve been so busy with everything else that I haven’t had time to dwell on that fact. I haven’t taken the time to properly process that bit of information. Like I said, some habits are hard to break. I’m getting better every day though and that is thanks to them.

  Graydon stops pacing once he realizes that I’m walking toward him. He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Callie bear. I swear none of that was directed at you.”

  “I know, now. In the heat of the moment, I just reacted. I didn’t think.” He nods his head. I see his shoulders visibly relax, but he still hasn’t taken a step toward me.

  “You have to know, I would never lay a hand on you like that, ever.” He hangs his head. I can see and feel how much both of our actions are affecting him. I move and stand right in front of him. I’ll give him all the time he needs, but I’m not going anywhere.

  “I know that, Graydon.” I take his face in the palms of my hands, making him look at me. “Sometimes, I can’t help that reaction. When you live the way I did for so long, those things and feelings just don’t automatically disappear. It will take time, but I’ll get there. Just don’t give up on me.”

  “I promise, I won’t as long as you promise not to give up on me.”


  “I love you, Callie bear, so much” he says right before he pulls me in close and gives me the sweetest and most tender kiss. I pull back and rest my forehead on his.

  “I love you too, grumpy bear.”


  Do you know how hard it is trying to get Callyn by herself? Those boys are practically glued to her hip. I knew that she wouldn’t fall for the same trick again, but luckily the Elder Council has a plan. I’ve been following them around all day, waiting for the right moment to strike. Watching them at the bowling alley and at the diner pissed me off. That should be me. I saw and heard the little spat between Graydon and Callyn. I can use Callyn’s fears against her, if I have too.

  Just when I was going to give up for the day and try again tomorrow, an opportunity presented itself. The boys dropped Callie off at home. I was hoping that they would leave, and I could get to her as she walked up to her house, but no they waited until she was inside.

  Ugh, now what? I was sitting in my car contemplating what to do, when I get an idea. I could use this time and apologize. I almost gagged at the thought of saying I’m sorry to Callyn. But I have to do this in order to get what I want. Parking my car in front of her house, I get out. I search the ground for a nice size rock that I can conceal. For once, something works out in my favor.

  I find the perfect rock a couple of feet away. I quickly grab it and finish walking up to her front door. I knock on the door and wait. Okay, you can do this Kelsey. The Elder Council is counting on you. This may be the last chance you have of getting what you want, because Callyn won’t fall for anything again. Not after this being the second time I can one up them. It doesn’t take long for Callyn to answer.

  There is shock on her face, but it quickly morphs into distrust. Good, she shouldn’t trust me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to talk to you. Can you come outside for a moment?”

  She reluctantly steps out on her porch. “What do you need to talk to me about?”

  “About the barn. I know what I did was wrong.” I can taste the bile i
n my throat. This is harder than I thought.

  “Apology not accepted. If that is all you came here for, you can save your breath. I don’t want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth.”

  This may be easier than I thought. She turns her back to me. Big mistake. I seize the moment. I bring up my hand that holds the rock and bring it down. I hit her in head and she drops like a sack of potatoes. Now, I have to get her to my car and hope that none of the neighbors saw anything. I grab her under her arms and start to drag her back to my car. My shifter genes help with the burden of her weight. She could stand to lose a few pounds, though. She’s just lucky that the boys are her destined mates, otherwise they wouldn’t give her the time of day. She's nothing to look at, especially when they can have me.

  Knocking her out seems to be the easy part, because trying to get her in the back of my car is harder than it looks. I struggle for a moment, but eventually get her in the back. I rush to the driver side and get in. The first thing I do is pull out my phone and call Elder Greaves. He picks up on the second ring.

  “I have her.”

  “Excellent, bring her to the Council chambers. I will set in motion the next stage.”

  I nod my head, knowing that he can’t see me. I do as I’m told and hurry there. I don't know how much longer I have until she wakes up, and I would prefer for that not to happen in my car. Elder Caine was waiting for me outside. He walks over to the passenger rear door and opens it. He reaches in and promptly hefts Callyn’s unconscious body out of the car and places her over his shoulder. Carrying her in a fireman's carry hold.

  I follow because I don’t want to miss a second of this. I want to be there when she wakes up. I can’t wait to see her face when the Elder Council tells her what they have in store for her. The only thing that is going to be better than this, is when I get to tell her that I’m taking over her spot. I want to see her face when I say that I am going to be the Alpha Queen, and those boys will be mine.

  I want to see all hope and joy leave her body, and be replaced by pain and suffering. I want to see the life leave her eyes as they kill her. Walking into the Council chambers, Elder Caine just kind of tosses Callyn to the ground, like a piece of garage. Hm, fitting.

  “I’m surprised you managed to do this. You would think that with the few attempts on her life that those boys would never let her out of their sight. They were in here enough moaning about helping her before they really knew anything about her,” Elder Caine says. “I’m actually surprised they haven’t been in here complaining about the recent attacks on her life. It would seem they are not as dumb as I figured. It looks like they have caught on, well at least enough not to trust us. Well, no matter, we will continue. That doesn’t really change our plans.”

  “She should wake up soon. I can’t wait to see the expression on her face once she learns about our plans, and what we plan to do to her,” Elder Greaves sneers.

  This is almost over. I’m just glad that I’m not the one on the receiving end of his anger. Soon, I’ll have everything I want. I won’t have to deal the Elder Council again.


  Something is wrong. I can feel it. I’m sitting in my room when a text comes through from an unknown number.

  Unknown: We have your mate. If you ever want to see her alive again, come to this address in one hour. You don’t want to see what will happen to her if you don’t come. You come by yourselves. We’ll know if you tell anyone, and we’ll know if bring anyone else, too.

  I recognize the address. It’s next to the Michaelson’s property. I swear if they had anything to with this, I’ll make sure none of them are left breathing. I look at the time on my phone. I pull up the group message, my fingers poised and ready to type when the influx of messages started coming in one after another.

  Lucian: Did everyone get that message?

  Graydon: What the hell, does anyone recognize the number?

  Max: I’m trying to communicate with her, telepathically. She’s not answering me.

  Graydon: I don’t like this.

  Me: We need to go.

  Lucian: This is trap.

  Max: No shit Sherlock. We don’t have any choice.

  Me: If it’s true and they do have her, I can’t stay here and not do anything. I can’t risk losing her.

  Graydon: I’m tearing apart anyone who has laid a hand on her.

  Lucian: We don’t have much time. We need to get going now, if we plan on making it there on time.

  Graydon: My truck, now.

  I rush out the door, my mom yelling behind me to come back and tell her what is going on. I don’t have the time. I run over to Graydon’s. In no time at all, all of us are loaded up in his truck on our way to get Callie.


  Sweetheart if you can hear me, please answer. I need to know you are okay.

  “She’s still not answer my silent messages.”

  “Call her phone.” Graydon’s voice is deepening. His bear is close to the surface.

  Me, Lucian, and Max all take turns calling or sending her silent messages, but nothing. Not. One. Damn. Thing.

  “Guys, you don’t think…” I trail off.

  “Don’t you dare say the fucking words,” Graydon growls.

  “You can’t blame him. I’m sure the thought has crossed all of our minds. It doesn’t help that she’s not answering. I could understand her phone, because chances are they have her tied up.” Everyone in the truck growls at that thought. “It’s doesn’t explain why she’s not answering the silent messages,” Lucian finishes. “It could be we are too far away. Keep trying. She should answer the closer we get to her.”

  He better hope that he’s right, because I don’ I can’t think she is gone. I can’t. I don’t think any of us can survive that.

  “I’m crossing all my body parts, that we’re wrong,” Max jokes.

  “Can’t you be serious for one damn minute,” Graydon yells.

  “You’re already pissed off. If I get mad what good is it going to do anyone to have two raged out shifters. I see Lucian and Zeke are barely containing their anger and their skin. So, instead of getting pissy at me, focus on driving and getting us to our mate,” Max says heatedly.

  I never seen Max like this. He makes jokes all the time, but sometimes even I forget he can get mad. I do have to say he effectively shut Graydon up. Graydon drove like a bat out of hell to get us to there on time. I don’t think any of us are prepared for the sight before us.


  I groan. My head hurts. What happened? Where am I? I slowly open my eyes and blink at the harsh lights overhead. I’m lying on the ground. I move my hand feeling carpet beneath my fingers. Okay, I’m on the floor somewhere.

  “Oh, good. You’re finally awake.”

  Wait...I know that voice. I turn my head to the side to see Elders Greaves and Caine. It’s then that I recognize I’m in the Council chambers. I slowly lift myself into a sitting position. I take a moment for the dizziness to fade before I completely stand.

  “Why am I here? What do you want?”

  “Callyn, you really are such a stupid girl. Did you think that we would ever let you become queen?” Elder Greaves sneers.

  Kelsey walks forward with a smirk on her face. “I’m going to be queen.” Elder Caine’s maniacal laughter cut her off before she could say anything else.

  “We were never going to let you become queen either, Kelsey. We played you like the fool you are.” Kelsey's face drops, then contorted with rage. “You are so blinded by your hatred for Callyn that you didn’t even see what we were doing right under your nose. No, we were never going to give you any kind of power. You couldn’t have become queen anyways. There is not a drop of royal blood in your body,” Elder Caine says with a curl of his lip. Kelsey narrows her eyes at him then lets out a hiss.

  “Get mad all you like, it doesn’t change the facts. We played you. You were just a pawn in our bigger plan. By happy circumstance you ended up wit
h visions.” Elder Greaves turns and looks at me. “We got to her before Elder Harris did. We know he’s on your side, and we couldn’t let him convince her and her parents to keep her visions quiet. No, we wanted people to know what she is and what you are. These last couple of months everything that has happened to you is because we made it so.”

  The more they talk, the angrier that I’m getting. “Why is the North Pack here?”

  “We started hatching our plans the moment your boys came to us and said that they all shared one mate. We knew who you were from the very beginning. We tried to delay telling your boys anything because we were setting things into motion. See, there are some of us who don’t want to go back to the way things were. It wasn’t hard to convince others of the same. It also helped that we promised them the things that they wanted most out of life.”

  I let out a gasp, knowing where he was going with this. “You never had any intention of paying them, because you don’t plan on them surviving.”

  “Maybe you’re not as dumb as you look. The North Pack is here to aid in our plans.” He looks at the clock on the wall. “Right about now, your boys should be walking right into the trap we laid. I’m sure the North Pack is keeping them…” he flourishes his hand, “entertained, shall we say. You should also know I don’t plan on letting you leave this room. If by some chance those boys of yours survive, actually I hope they do, that way I can drop your lifeless form at their feet.”

  I need to get out of here and warn the guys, but how? Wait.


  Callie? Where are you? We’ve been trying for an hour to get ahold of you.

  In the Council chambers. Listen, this is a trap. They brought the North Pack here to kill everyone. Kelsey got one over on me again. I was passed out until about five minutes ago.

  A little late for that warning. We figured that out. There is a full blown fight going on out here.

  What? Are you guys okay? Where are you?

  We’re okay...for now. We need help. We’re out near the Michaelson's. Let the others know where you are.


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