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I Am Yours (Heartbeat #3)

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by Faith Sullivan




  Copyright © 2013 Faith Sullivan

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States of America.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  Other books by Faith Sullivan:

  Heartbeat (Heartbeat 1)

  Come What May (Heartbeat #2)

  Take Me Now (Take Me Now #1)


  Cover image © Ibrahim Burhani /

  Edited by Mickey Reed at

  To readers who longed for a happy ending for Adam.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Message from the Author

  Preview of Take Me Now by Faith Sullivan

  Chapter One


  “How is this possible? How are you even here?” I’m at a loss for words as I stare at Katie in bewilderment.

  I can’t take my eyes off of her, not for a moment. I’m afraid that if I blink, she’ll slip away from me again, only to dive headfirst back into my nightmares. This time, I’m not letting go. I need to touch her, hold her, feel the softness of her skin. Unconsciously, my fingers find her wrist as I massage her pulse point with my thumb. Her heartbeat is strong, full of life and vitality. She’s no longer the girl dying in my arms. She’s alive and standing right in front of me. Being a paramedic, I don’t believe in miracles, but this certainly seems like one.

  “Kelly and Brian gave me a ride,” Katie responds warily, looking at me like I’m on the verge of losing it.

  “Why don’t you recognize me?” My eyes lock with hers, begging for some type of explanation.

  “I don’t know.” She falters like she’s struggling to make sense of the situation. “Have we met before?”

  “You could say that. I mean, he watched you die.” Jada snaps and I jump at the sound of her voice, forgetting she was even there.

  “What…?” Katie’s mouth drops open as she looks at Jada in alarm.

  “Jada, shut up!” I scold without bothering to turn around, my gaze riveted to Katie’s face. “Can you give us a minute alone?”

  With a huff, I hear Jada stomp down the hall, slamming the screen door behind her. No question, I’ve hurt her feelings, but what choice do I have? Katie’s back and I’m not going to let Jada ruin this moment for me. It’s what I’ve been dreaming of for months; somehow my wish has come true.

  “Don’t you think you should go after her? She seems pretty upset.” Katie slides her hand into mine. “Especially if she’s your girlfriend and all.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” I say with more force than I intend and Katie takes a step back. “It’s obvious that she wants to be, but my feelings for her are nothing compared to what I feel for you.”

  She blushes to the roots of her hair, but before she can respond, my whole family piles out of the adjacent room. I want Katie all to myself to sort everything out. Instead we’re besieged by a bombardment of questions.

  “What’s all the commotion about?” It’s my brother, Brian. He raises an eyebrow in my direction, and I feel his hostility brewing beneath the surface. His fiancée, Kelly, is pregnant with my child, and I haven’t seen him since he found out I’m the father. I wanted to start this trip on a good note, but it looks like that’s not going to happen.

  “Oh, who cares? Don’t they look absolutely adorable? My cousin and your brother together at last. I can’t wait to see them walk down the aisle arm in arm.” Kelly clasps her hands as she stares at Katie and me like we’re two mannequins on display.

  “Kelly, I don’t think…” Katie begins but Kelly interrupts by shushing her.

  “Nonsense, Katie. Side by side, you and Adam look even better than I imagined. Don’t they, everybody?” Kelly beams at us, turning my stomach.

  “Such a handsome couple. I agree,” My mom says before rushing over to give me a hug. “How are you, sweetheart? Rough trip, huh?”

  “You could say that.” My muscles relax as she gives me a good squeeze. “How’s it going, Dad?” I wink at my father over Mom’s shoulder.

  “Can’t complain, Adam. Thanks to Brian and Kelly, I’m going to be a grandpa soon. Life is good.” His face lights up at the thought. Little does he know that the baby he’s referring to is actually mine.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Brian grimace. This has to be torture for him. He’s all about speaking his mind without having to censor himself. All of this lying must be eating him up inside, but Kelly doesn’t seem the least bit affected by it.

  “Shall we give the maid of honor and the best man some time to get to know each other? We were just on our way out. There are so many last minute details to attend to.” Kelly directs the group like she’s the one in charge, and surprisingly everyone obeys, following her lead.

  “Adam, weren’t you supposed to bring someone? On the phone, you mentioned you were dating a girl from work. Jada, wasn’t it? Where is she?” My mom, ever observant, backs me into a corner with her inquiry.

  “She had to step out for a while, Mom. Something came up back home.” I stretch the truth as much as I can and surprisingly she doesn’t pry.

  “I hope everything’s all right. Tell her I’m looking forward to meeting her when we get back.” She smiles at me encouragingly, resting a hand on my shoulder.

  “I will.” I try to be pleasant but Jada’s the last person on my mind right now. All I want is to be alone with Katie. She’s been painfully quiet through all of this, and I have to admit the lack of color in her face is scaring the heck out of me. Why isn’t she glad to see me? Why doesn’t she remember me?

  “That’s my boy.” Her eyes bounce anxiously between Katie and me. I cough and she hurriedly collects herself, giving us a quick wave before stepping outside to join the others.

  “Well, that was awkward.” I scratch the back of my head in attempt to settle my nerves as Katie’s green eyes dart around the empty room, looking for an escape route.

  “You can say that again.” She giggles uncomfortably, her shyness readily apparent. Why is she acting so weird around me?

  “You really have no idea who I am?” I search her face for any sign of recognition. The girl I’ve thought about nonstop since Fe
bruary is staring at me like I’m a complete stranger, and deep down it’s killing me.

  “No clue.” Katie’s voice is unsteady. I think I’m beginning to frighten her and that’s the last thing I want to do.

  “Why don’t we sit on the porch and get some air? What do you say?” I place my hand against the small of her back and she flinches. I can’t seem to keep my hands off her. It’s torture trying to prevent myself from drawing her into another embrace. If she doesn’t remember me, I shouldn’t be so touchy-feely with her. I’m just freaking her out even more.

  “Okay.” She attempts to conceal the trepidation in her voice, hiding it with a weak smile. It’s like she’s trying to be polite or something. Doesn’t she know she doesn’t have to pretend around me?

  We make our way outside. Katie lowers herself onto the top step and I follow suit. Jada is nowhere to be seen, and for the moment, I’m grateful. I thought she’d be sulking in the car. I exhale heavily. Katie fidgets with the laces of her sneakers, waiting for me to speak. I still can’t fathom how she’s here sitting next to me. It’s a lot to take in. I better start from the beginning. Maybe it’ll jog her memory.

  “Listen…I work on an ambulance. Last winter, I was called to the scene of a car accident in a movie theater parking lot. The girl involved didn’t survive.” Her eyes widen but she doesn’t say anything. “Her name was Katie, and the funny thing is…you look exactly like her.”

  After a pause, she speaks, letting me down gently. “I hate to break it to you, Adam, but I’m not her.” She shakes her head vigorously. “I’ve never even been in a car crash. I admit it’s an eerie coincidence, but that’s all it is.”

  I can tell she doesn’t want to hurt my feelings and she honestly believes that we’ve never laid eyes on each other before today, but I intend to test my theory more thoroughly.

  “Would you say your father’s a bit of a control freak?” This time, I shift my attention to the sand covering the bottom step. No need to pressure her. I can clearly recall how her father reacted at the scene of the accident, demanding that I get my hands off his daughter, even though I was just trying to do my job.

  “Yeah, but most are, wouldn’t you say?” Hearing her defend him makes my blood boil and I struggle to keep my cool.

  “But he doesn’t exactly like you talking to guys, right?” I throw her a sideways glance and I can see she’s agitated as the breeze blows her hair across her face. “Like he wouldn’t like you sitting out here with me, for instance?”

  “Probably not,” she admits, though her response is barely audible.

  “And I bet you’ve never had a serious boyfriend either.” I’m pushing the limit on my knowledge of her, taking a chance that my assumptions are correct.

  “That’s none of your business,” she protests as her porcelain cheeks turn scarlet.

  Maybe I’ve provoked her too far, but I’m flooded with a sense of relief. Finally she’s confirming some of my suspicions. She has to be Katie. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but in my soul, I know it’s her.

  “I realize it’s a lot to wrap your mind around. I can’t even begin to explain it. For months, I thought you were dead.” I pause as my throat constricts. “But you’re here. You’re alive.”

  I can’t help it as my hand finds its way to her face, tilting it in my direction. I hear her breath catch as she parts her lips, and that’s all it takes. I close the space between us, and within seconds my mouth is on hers. She’s startled at first but gradually she begins to kiss me back and I’m in heaven. I can’t contain my enthusiasm as I gently take her bottom lip between my teeth, granting my tongue access. She gasps and pulls away from me slightly. Maybe I’m going too far, too fast, but she feels so familiar. I feel like I could go on like this forever until a familiar voice pierces the silence.

  “Well, Adam. I’m glad you finally got what you wanted. It sure didn’t take you long, did it?”

  My heart clenches.

  It’s Jada.

  Chapter Two


  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing, kissing that girl? You don’t even know her!” I tore around the block, trying to ease my temper, but obviously it didn’t work. It’s hot, I’m tired, and my emotions are getting the better of me. Seeing Adam lip-locked with this phantom chick was definitely the last straw. I want to kill him for being so stupid.

  “Jada, it’s Katie. What do expect me to do? Walk away? Because that ain’t happening.” He charges toward me and I brace myself for the onslaught. He’s madder than I’ve ever seen him, and the full brunt of his wrath is being directed at me. I don’t know whether to cry or rip his head off.

  “Adam, you’re being delusional. How can it possibly be Katie? Sure, she looks an awful lot like her and they have the same name, but it’s just a freaking coincidence. You’ve been messed up about her for so long that your mind is playing tricks on you. Wake up!” He’s being completely irrational. I have to make him see the truth, even if he ends up hating me for it.

  “It’s her, Jada.” His absolute certainty floors me. “And I’m going to prove it.”

  “How?” I can’t help getting confrontational with him as I cross my arms and jut out my hip. “I’d love to hear you explain whose body they buried after the funeral when the supposed victim is sitting ten feet away! Who the hell would go to such lengths just to screw with your head?”

  “I don’t fucking know! Okay?” Clearly frustrated, he runs his fingers through his hair. The hair I love so much. “Jesus, Jada, why are you giving me such a hard time? I thought you of all people would understand. You know about my nightmares. You know how much her death affected me.”

  “And that’s why I have to make you come to your senses.” I reach for his arm but he pulls it away. The last thing he wants is for me to touch him, and his rejection stings. “You’ve wanted this second chance for so long. To make things right, to bring her back…but Adam, it’s just not the case. I’m sure if you talk to her, you can straighten things out. Get the facts so you can finally move on. She clearly doesn’t recognize you. Doesn’t that pretty much settle it?”

  “She’s confused. That’s all.” He whips around, agitated.

  “So confused she forgot she died?” I get right up in his face.

  “Jada, if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you are jealous.” He smirks down at me. “What, you thought last night in that motel room meant something to me? Well, I hate to break it to you, babe, but it didn’t. She’s the one I was thinking about, not you. It’s never been about you.”

  He couldn’t have hurt me more if he tried. The sheer weight of his statement makes me my heart lurch. The last thing I need is for Katie to witness her triumph at my expense. Utterly humiliated, I lift my eyes to the porch. It’s only then that I realize that she’s gone.

  “Well, Romeo. It looks like Juliet’s flown the coop. Good luck finding her,” I retort.

  Seeing him panic simply drives the wound in even deeper. He couldn’t care less that he just shattered my heart.

  All he can think about is her.

  Chapter Three


  I wish that could have been my first kiss. There’s no denying the intensity Adam’s lips conveyed. He wants me, like the go-all-the-way, get-in-my-pants kind of wants me. And what kills me is that I’m not even afraid of him, and that’s what scares me the most, because I should be.

  He’s the one I dream about every night, the face I’ve seen for months every time I close my eyes.

  Kelly insisted that I get close to Brian’s little brother this weekend. She encouraged me to go out of my way to be nice to him. But since I’m incapable of flirting—I’m a complete disaster at it—she kept harping on how important it was to follow his lead. If he seemed into me, she told me to go for it. Forget the fact that he was bringing a date.

  But I had no idea I would meet my dream guy in the flesh and that he would equate me with a dead chick. Not to mention, his girlfrien
d is currently screaming her head off, but I can’t say that I blame her. He’s an unbelievable kisser. I wouldn’t want to lose him to another girl either.

  Adam stands up, leaving my side as he continues to argue with her. It’s getting pretty heated and I try to look away. It sure sounds like more than a lovers’ quarrel, at least on her end. She’s really tearing him a new one.

  It’s not like negativity is a new thing for me. Living with my dad, I’m surrounded by it on a daily basis. He’s a pro when it comes to dishing out verbal abuse. That’s why I hate any form of confrontation. I’d rather walk away than deal with whatever’s brewing between these two. I have no intention of sticking myself where I don’t belong. I can take a hint.

  Carefully, I tiptoe off the porch and keep walking. I don’t even look back. Sometimes I feel like I’m a magnet for tension. It follows me wherever I go. My hope was to spend a few days in the Outer Banks as a nice break from all of the passive aggression I have to deal with at home. But I guess that’s not going to happen.

  I wander down a tree-lined street until I get closer to the harbor area of Manteo. There’s a bookshop on the left where I spent much of the morning flipping through paperbacks of several of the area’s ghost stories. The afterlife is sort of an obsession of mine. I was so engrossed in the pages that I nearly leapt out of my skin when the store’s cat brushed against my legs. The creepy tales certainly got my heart beating faster. They don’t call it the ’Graveyard of the Atlantic’ for nothing.

  With regret, I peer longingly at the store’s window display but maintain a steady pace. The tall masts of an Elizabethan ship loom in the distance. It’s a re-creation but it’s still impressive to look at. I mosey by the restaurants and gift shops before pausing on the bridge that overlooks the marina. The water is calm and peaceful as numerous boats bob up and down. I close my eyes and all I hear is the lapping of the waves and the clunky footfalls of people walking across the boardwalk.

  I gasp when I feel someone’s arms slide around my waist. My eyes fly open and my muscles tense. I’m literally trapped against the railing. I can’t move. I’m just about to call for help when my captor nestles his cheek next to mine.


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