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Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

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by Lyndsey Cole

  “I think I would remember if I saw an unfamiliar blue bag in my gallery. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Maybe Camilla is sending you on a wild goose chase. Have you considered that?” She turned as Smokey jumped through his kitty door and wound his agile body around her legs. “Listen Tyler, I have to get ready for my opening tonight. That’s what I’ve been focusing on this week, and right now, I need you to leave.”

  He frowned but said nothing before walking out the door.

  Annie slumped onto the couch next to Roxy. “What do you think about that dead man? What story did you smell this morning?”

  Footsteps clomped up the outside stairs. Annie flew to the door, angry that Tyler was coming back with more questions. She flung the door open just as Jason was reaching for the doorknob. “Oh. I thought it was someone else.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you,” Jason said with a big grin.

  Annie smiled. “Seeing you is so much better. Probably the best thing all day.”

  Jason walked inside. “By the look on your face, I think it’s a pretty low bar I was up against.”

  Annie wrapped her arms around Jason and nestled her head against his chest. “I’ll be able to face everyone tonight now that you’re here.” She looked up into his eyes. “How was your week?”

  He shrugged. “Not great but let’s not talk about that.” He pulled a dog bone from his pocket for Roxy who waited patiently for her treat. “Is that how you’re going to the opening? Shorts and t-shirt?” His lip twitched at the corner.

  Annie looked down at her clothes. “Tyler showed up right when I was getting out of the shower and this was what I had nearby to throw on. I should go change.”

  Jason held her hand and pulled her back against his body. “How about I help you with that?”

  “That’s a tempting suggestion but I have to meet Leona in an hour. If I’m not there, she’ll kill me.”

  Jason walked to the refrigerator and took out a Sam Adams. “I’ll keep Roxy company while you change,” he said as he relaxed on the couch and took a long slug of beer.

  At least Annie knew what she was planning to wear. She pulled on her emerald green dress which tied over one shoulder and left the other one bare. She checked that her silver strawberry pendant, a Valentine Day gift from Jason, was around her neck and she slipped her feet into her only pair of dressy sandals. With a dose of mousse in her still damp hair, she crunched her strawberry blonde curls into as much order as possible before checking her reflection. Adding a smile, she was happy with the transformation. She looked stunning on the outside even if her insides were churning with dread.

  “Are you ready?” she asked Jason when she returned to the main room of her apartment.

  He smiled his lopsided smile at Annie and twitched his eyebrows. “Ready for what? You look ravishing. Are you sure you want to go to the opening? We could sit on my deck with romantic music playing and watch the sun go down.”

  “You don’t know how tempting that sounds to me right about now, but since it’s my opening, I think I’m expected to be there.”

  Jason put his arm around Annie. “You don’t sound excited about this event you’ve worked toward all summer. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. All day I’ve had a bad feeling hanging over my head. Like something terrible is about to happen.”

  Jason turned Annie to face him. “You know what this is about, don’t you?”

  “No. I don’t understand it at all,” she said as she looked away.

  He used his finger to turn her face back to his. “What happened with your last opening? Before you moved back to Catfish Cove?”

  Annie’s mouth fell open. “Max was murdered. Someone hid drugs behind my photographs. Is that the problem? This opening reopened all those old fears?”

  Jason nodded. “I think so. How are you going to get past it?”

  Annie flopped onto the couch. “Stay here.” She took her phone out. “I’m calling Martha. She can tell everyone I’m sick.”

  Jason gently took the phone out of her hand. “That won’t help. Think about it Annie. You’ve been working all summer toward this opening. It’s important to you. If you skip it, the same feelings will come up again next time.”

  With a deep sigh, she nodded. “Okay, but I’ll need you as my anchor.”

  Jason took Annie’s hand. “Come on, I want to change so I don’t put you to shame. And I have a surprise for you.”

  She let herself smile. He always knew what to say to make her feel better.

  A package sat on the table inside Jason’s house. It was wrapped with several layers of different colors of tissue paper and a thin white satin ribbon.

  “Go ahead. Open it.”

  Annie peeled back the layers of paper to find a beautiful silk scarf, hand died the colors of a sunset. She rubbed the fabric against her cheek. “This is beautiful.”

  Jason expertly looped it around her neck and stood back. “Perfect. It has all the colors I imagined would complement everything about you. Especially the shades of reds to highlight your hair. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He eyed her seriously. “Don’t run away.”

  Annie wandered out to Jason’s porch and gazed over the lake. Seeing the water brought back the memory of finding John Holland’s body.

  Her phone buzzed with a message from Martha’s granddaughter, Amber. I have information for you about the murder.

  Chapter 5

  Leona was already at the gallery setting up the food and drink table when Annie and Jason walked in.

  “It’s about time. I thought you weren’t coming,” Leona said as she arranged her cheesecake cupcakes on the tiered cupcake display stand.

  Jason smiled as he squeezed Annie’s hand. “That’s ridiculous. Annie’s been working on this show for months.”

  Martha hurried over and whispered, “Did Amber get in touch with you?”

  “Yes, but she didn’t tell me what she found out.”

  “She’s coming tonight.” Martha dashed away from Annie when Harry entered.

  Annie leaned toward Jason. “Martha and Harry’s wedding is in jeopardy. She’s trying to mend the rift between Harry and his brother.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  Mia arrived with a beautiful basket of summer flowers—asters, small sunflowers, lilies and eucalyptus. “Annie, these are for you.”

  “Thank you. They’re beautiful.” Annie took the flowers from her mother but was distracted when Amber suddenly appeared.

  Amber looked at Jason. “Did Annie tell you about her excitement this morning?”

  Jason glanced at Annie. “What are you keeping from me?”

  Annie’s face sank into her hands. “I wanted to get through tonight without thinking any more about it.”

  “About what?”

  “Roxy and I found a man this morning. Floating at the edge of the lake. Dead.”

  Jason frowned but was interrupted before he could ask any more questions.

  “Hey, I could use a little help over here,” Leona called. “Where do you want the champagne?”

  No one responded so Leona joined the small group surrounding Annie.

  Amber said, “I found out something about your employee, Camilla Rockwell.”

  All eyes turned toward Amber and she continued. “The dead guy? John Holland? He fired Camilla for stealing from his jewelry store when she worked there.”

  Annie leaned closer to Amber. “Why isn’t she in jail?”

  Amber shrugged. “All charges were dropped. It seems to have been swept under the rug.”

  The silence was broken by Martha’s angry voice. “If you walk out of here, Harry Crowley, the wedding is off.”

  Martha stood facing the gallery entrance with her hands on her hips, staring at an empty space.

  “I don’t believe it,” Martha muttered before turning around. “Can we crack open that champagne yet? I need a glass to calm my nerves.”

  Leona popped a bottle and poured for eve
ryone in the gallery. Raising her glass she said, “To Annie and her first of many successful photography exhibits.”

  Annie raised her glass and added, “To all of you. I couldn’t do it without your help and support.”

  Amber clicked a few photos for her article about the art gallery before picking up her glass and enjoying the bubbly drink.

  The buzz of conversation started up and Annie made her way closer to Martha. “What happened with Harry?”

  Martha threw her head back, draining her glass of champagne. “That fool. He won’t let me talk to Bob. When I insisted, he walked out. So, I guess the wedding’s off.”

  “Are you okay with that?”

  Martha shrugged. “I won’t lie and say it doesn’t sting, but I’m realistic. If I came between those two brothers, Harry would never be happy so it was an unwinnable situation for me. I guess it only worked when they both thought they could woo me, but when Harry crossed the line and proposed, it threw their balance too far out of whack.”

  She poured herself more champagne. “Besides, we have other things to worry about now.” She lowered her voice. “What do you make of Amber’s information?”

  Annie sighed and her shoulders slumped. “I don’t want to get sucked into this mess. But it certainly doesn’t look good for Camilla. With her record of stealing, even an unconfirmed record, a bag full of money and her old boss dead? Very suspicious. I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes.”

  Jake arrived with Tess, the hairdresser, hanging on his arm.

  Martha elbowed Annie. “It appears Jake has figured out how to fill his free time now that he doesn’t have to be at his shop all day. You made him a very happy potter by offering to display his work here in the gallery.”

  “So, another murder in town?” Jake asked Annie with his eyebrows raised in question.

  “Yes, but I’m staying out of this one.”

  Martha rolled her eyes and leaned toward Jake. “Have you met Camilla yet?”

  He nodded.

  “Evidence is pointing in her direction.”

  Martha’s eyes darted toward the door. “Speak of the devil. Don’t turn around now, but guess who just walked in? And she’s not alone.”

  Camilla, her friend Katherine, and another couple approached Annie.

  Annie’s friends moved away so she could chat with the new group of people.

  Camilla introduced everyone she walked in with to Annie. “These are my friends, Katherine Holland, Matt Austin and his wife Flo. Katherine insisted on coming so she could talk to you.”

  Annie felt her throat tighten and her stomach twist in a knot. Camilla was nervous. Her hands kept clenching and unclenching and a muscle in her cheek twitched. Matt extended his hand to Annie and smiled with his mouth, but his eyes stayed hard and cold. Flo primped her hair and didn’t even look at Annie.

  Katherine gave Annie a warm but sad smile. “The police chief told me you found my husband this morning. I needed to meet you.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss. Actually, it was my dog who found him. It was early and overcast. I would have walked right by if it wasn’t for Roxy.”

  Tears spilled over Katherine’s red, swollen eyes and she quickly wiped them away. “We had a party last night. There were a lot of people. I don’t know what happened. Everyone was having such a good time.”

  Matt put his arm around Katherine’s shoulder. “I told you we shouldn’t come. You should be home.”

  Katherine glared at Matt. “You don’t know what’s best for me. You hated it when John asked me to marry him.”

  Matt patted Katherine’s arm, and with a patronizing tone, he replied, “And you proved me wrong. John was never happier than when he was with you.”

  Flo frowned and walked over to help herself to a glass of champagne.

  Annie felt like she was intruding on a private, awkward moment. There was definitely something brewing below the surface. Katherine and Camilla moved to the dessert table, near Jason.

  Before Annie could figure out what they were up to, she felt Matt’s hand on the small of her back. “You are an attractive woman, Annie. And your photography is stunning. I would like to talk to you about buying some of your work to put in my jewelry store, Gold N Silver, located in Boston.”

  Annie’s skin crawled and she tried to slink her body away from his touch without being too obvious. “I’m flattered, Mr. Austin.” She moved a bit farther away but he moved with her.

  “Yes. Your quaint country images would make the perfect backdrop for our exclusive Holland line. John’s signature designs. I think I’ll call it, Sparkle Me. Could I make an appointment to get together with you? Maybe tomorrow?”

  Annie’s mouth fell open for a second or two. She hadn’t prepared herself for someone to buy her work already. Of course, everything was for sale but was he for real? Or was he after something else?

  Before she had a chance to reply, Katherine returned. “What are you talking about Matt? John is barely cold yet and you’re talking business? Making plans for the store? Hijacking his work?”

  Matt smiled at Katherine. “You know John wouldn’t want to delay showing his new jewelry line. I’m thinking of your investment, don’t forget.”

  “Yes, quite convenient for you. You get to run the show with John dead. Isn’t that what you always wanted?”

  Annie felt dizzy. Where was Jason? He was supposed to be her anchor tonight. She felt herself falling.

  When she opened her eyes, faces were staring down from above. “What happened?”

  Jason held her hand. “You fainted. Maybe it was the champagne. Have you eaten anything today?”

  Annie felt her stomach growl. “Not much.”

  Mia pulled a chair next to the couch with a plate of crackers and cheese. “Here. Try a couple of these before you stand up.”

  “This is turning into a disaster,” Annie said, more to herself than the others.

  “Nonsense. Martha is keeping all the guests happy with her stories about Catfish Cove. There’s a big turnout. You should be proud of yourself,” Leona said. “I’ll be at the dessert table. Those mini cheesecake cupcakes are flying off the stand.”

  Annie was relieved to be in her office alone with Jason, until he gave her his ‘I mean business’ stare.

  “What exactly happened this morning?”

  “Roxy found John Holland’s body at the edge of the lake and I called Tyler.” She searched Jason’s face. “I thought that would be the end of it.”

  “I’ve got the distinct impression that there’s more.”

  “Camilla, the woman I hired to help Martha in the gallery? She’s friends with the dead guy’s wife.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that.” Jason pushed a few stray curls away from Annie’s face.

  “No, but Camilla hid a bag in the gallery and she came looking for it earlier.”

  “She didn’t find it?”

  Annie shook her head. “Martha took it.” She swung her legs onto the floor. “It’s time I get back to my guests, don’t you think? There’s some interesting dynamics at play out there. Especially with the folks connected to John Holland.” She stood up and headed to the door.

  Jason held her arm. “What are you talking about?”

  “Keep an eye on the wife, Katherine, and the business associate, Matt. They both have a lot to gain from John Holland’s death, and under the fake appearance of being ‘friends’, they give off a strong undertone of hating each other.”

  Chapter 6

  Annie pulled herself together, and with Jason by her side, she squared her shoulders and they returned to the main room of the gallery. Soft violin music played in the background. The buzz of conversation, clinking glasses and laughter mixed together, giving a relaxed atmosphere. On the surface.

  Tyler stuffed a cheesecake cupcake into his mouth and meandered around the room to stand with Annie.

  “Where have you been hiding?”

  Jason stayed protectively by her side. “Annie wasn’
t feeling well. She had to sit down for a bit.” He leaned protectively toward Annie. “Would you like me to get you some water?”

  Annie nodded and watched as Jason made his way through the crowd.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” she asked Tyler, trying to keep the conversation safe and away from the murder.

  “Yeah. Your photos are amazing, Annie. I never knew you were so talented. JC is bugging me to buy one for her apartment.” He waved to JC across the room.

  “Oh? Which one?”

  “The one of me and Dylan out fishing. Remember? It was around the Fourth of July. There’s a lot of memories in that photo. It’s when our relationship turned the corner.”

  Annie smiled and leaned close to Tyler. “I’ll put a sold sticker on it so no one else snatches it up. See the short bald guy standing over there?” Annie nodded toward where Matt Austin was standing by himself.

  Tyler nodded.

  “He’s thinking of buying several of my photographs for his jewelry store.”

  “Really? Do you know who he is?”

  “Some rich guy I guess.” She pretended she didn’t already knew who he was and his relationship to John.

  Tyler leaned close to Annie’s ear. “He was John Holland’s vice president, and with John dead, he’s running the show now.”

  Annie raised her eyebrows, hoping she looked genuinely surprised. “Well, that’s interesting. Do you think he’s the murderer?”

  Tyler grinned. “Nice try. So, about the photograph I want? Don’t you want to wait until I can pay you? I was thinking I’d give it to JC for her birthday next month.”

  “Don’t worry about that part.”

  Jason returned and handed Annie a glass of sparkling water. “Leona needs some help. Are you okay for a few minutes?”

  Annie nodded to reassure him even though she felt stronger when Jason was at her side.

  They stood silently for a minute before Tyler started talking to Annie again. “Has that bag turned up yet?”

  “Tyler, this isn’t the place for a question like that.”

  “Nice deflection. I’m not here strictly for fun. I suppose you’ve met Katherine, John Holland’s wife?”


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