Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

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Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4) Page 7

by Lyndsey Cole

  “You broke into her house?” Mia asked.

  Annie finished her coffee and stood up. “Of course not. The door was open.” She smiled. “I’ll tell you the rest tonight on the dinner cruise.”

  Leona wiped the counter. “Are you sure it’s still on?”

  “Martha says it’s on with or without Harry.”

  Leona shook her head. “That marriage is headed for disaster. If it happens.”

  Annie wrapped up the last few chocolate covered strawberries for Martha. She figured it wouldn’t hurt to bring her a treat since she abandoned Martha in the gallery for so long.

  “Where have you been?” Martha hissed at Annie when she walked through the gallery door. A few tourists were in the far corner admiring one of Martha’s quilts. It was an art quilt of chromatic feathers with the colors progressing from shades of blues to shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. It was a stunning piece of art.

  “Sorry. Has Camilla been here?” Annie handed Martha the strawberries and was rewarded with a half-smile.

  “Yes. She came hours ago. Looking for you. She was jumpy and acted like a scared rabbit but I couldn’t convince her to hang around.”

  The woman who had been admiring the quilt stood behind Martha and cleared her throat. “Can I ask you a question about the quilt?”

  Martha beamed. “Certainly, it’s one of my favorites.”

  “Oh, you made it? You’re Martha Taylor?”

  Martha nodded proudly. “What would you like to know?”

  The woman leaned close to Martha. “Are you really asking two thousand dollars for it? I’d be willing to pay half.”

  Martha stepped back from the woman. “I’m sorry but the price is not negotiable.”

  “Well, you’ll never sell it for that outrageous price.” The woman grabbed her husband, who was red in the face, and he meekly followed her out of the gallery.

  Annie cracked up. “What a nerve, and did you see her poor husband?”

  Martha stuffed a whole strawberry in her mouth. “Harry stopped by earlier,” she said after she swallowed.

  Annie couldn’t decide if good or bad news was coming next. “And?”

  “He talked to Bob.”

  Annie tried to be patient while Martha ate another strawberry. She nodded to the last two people who had been poking around the gallery and heard the man say, “Absolutely beautiful photographs. We should come back tomorrow and buy one.”

  His wife replied, “I was hoping you would say that. Which one was your favorite?”

  Annie couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation since they were out in the hallway but it certainly made her happy to know that people were coming in and loving her work.

  Martha sighed. “I need to sit down. People have been in and out of here all day and my legs are tired.”

  Annie closed and locked the door. “Let’s go into my office and you can fill me in on Bob and Harry.”

  “Is there any more champagne left? I wouldn’t mind something to relax me a little before the dinner cruise tonight.” Martha poked around in the boxes lifting up one bottle. “Jackpot! Do you want some too?”

  Annie held her fingers apart an inch or so. “Just a little.”

  Martha popped the cork and poured the two glasses. After handing one to Annie, she held hers up. “To a smooth ride tonight.”

  They both took a sip before Annie asked, “You don’t sound too confidant things will be going smoothly.”

  Martha finally sank into the comfy chair. “Well. You won’t believe what the problem is between those two brothers.”

  Annie was sure she wouldn’t believe it but she had the sense to keep her mouth closed and wait for Martha to elaborate.

  “Bob insists that Harry give him the parrot.”

  Annie sputtered and champagne dribbled out her nose. “What parrot?”

  Martha shook her gray curls. “Harry’s dad gave his mom a parrot for their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Don’t ask. I don’t know why, but anyway, when his dad died, his mom talked to that parrot like it was her husband.” Martha refilled her glass. “Anything to eat in here? Maybe some crackers or something?” She scrounged around some more and found a half empty box of crackers. “Good thing all the food from last night didn’t get cleaned out yet.” She sat back down with her glass of champagne and nibbled on a cracker. “Where was I?”

  “The parrot. Does it have a name?”

  “Oh yeah. His name is Charlie.” She shrugged. “So when Harry’s mom died, the parrot got real attached to Harry.”

  Annie was trying to figure out where this was all going but she didn’t have a clue.

  “Bob told Harry that since Harry got me, he should let Bob keep the parrot.”

  “How does that make you feel? Being traded for a bird?” Annie asked, trying not to giggle.

  “It’s worse than it sounds. Harry is attached to Charlie and refuses to give him to Bob. Can you believe it?” Martha said in total shock of the situation.

  “And all along, I thought your competition for Harry’s attention was with his twin brother, but really it’s been with a bird. What are you going to do?”

  “Make Charlie disappear?” Martha poured herself another half glass of champagne.

  Annie leaped to her feet. “You can’t hurt him.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Disappear as in he goes to live with someone else. Like, maybe, a very good friend who loves animals?” Martha lowered her head and peered at Annie over the rim of her glasses.

  “No way will I be part of something underhanded like that.” She shook her head in disbelief.

  Martha shrugged. “I’ll just have to see who shows up tonight and have as much fun as possible on the dinner cruise. Speaking of that, I need to get home and change. The boat leaves at seven. Don’t be late!”

  Martha walked out, a little unsteady.

  Annie caught up with her. “How about I give you a ride home. You can pick up your car after the cruise.”

  “Is that your subtle way of saying I’m too tipsy to drive?” Martha chuckled. “You’re right. And thanks for looking out for me.”

  Annie linked her arm in Martha’s, whistled for Roxy, and they all left together.

  By the time Annie arrived at her apartment, she was ready to kick off her shoes, sit on the deck and enjoy some peace and quiet along with Jason’s company and a glass of wine. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much time to shower, get dressed and make it back to the docks for the dinner cruise.

  Somehow, Smokey always knew when Annie was home and popped through his cat door to get a few minutes of attention from Annie and Roxy. His sleek soft body curled around her legs as she poured food into the bowls for each animal. “It sure would be nice to hang out with you two tonight. My batteries are almost on empty and I can’t think of anything better than recharging with your company.”

  “Sounds good to me,” a voice said, startling her.

  Jason wrapped his arms around Annie from behind and nuzzled her neck. “Where have you been? I’ve been enjoying the quiet on my porch but something was missing. You.”

  “There were some customers in the shop, and Martha needed a little company and a ride home after a couple glasses of champagne. And, of course, she needed someone to vent to about Harry’s parrot.”

  Jason held up his hands. “Slow down.” Jason pulled Annie onto the couch next to him. “Sounds like a thriller. Let me guess, a parrot named Polly attacked Harry and he’s in the hospital so the wedding is postponed?”

  Annie laughed. “No, worse than that.”

  “Harry is dead?” Jason said with mock incredulity.


  Jason waited, having run out of ideas.

  “Bob wants the parrot, named Charlie, not Polly, since Harry got Martha. Harry refuses to give him up.”

  Jason burst into laughter. “She’s losing her man to the parrot? Now that’s a slap to the ego.”

  Annie extricated herself from Jason’s arm. “As comfortab
le as it is here, I need to shower and get ready for the dinner cruise.”

  He tried to pull Annie back down on the couch but just missed. “Darn. I’ll go change and meet you back here in,” he checked his watch, “thirty minutes?”

  Annie sprinted to her shower. “Last one ready has to make a toast to Martha and Harry at dinner tonight.”

  Jason was lounging on Annie’s couch when she emerged from her bedroom. “You’re in the exact same spot. You cheated.”

  He stood up. “Nope.” He looked down at his clothes. “Clean pants, new shirt. I wanted to be back to see how beautiful you look once you get yourself all cleaned up. Not bad, I might add.”

  Annie twirled with her arms out, letting her summer print dress swirl around her legs. Her hair flew out, too, in a mass of tangled curls. Jason caught one hand and she crashed into his chest. His hands pushed her hair from her face so he could steal a kiss.

  “Do you have your toast prepared?” he asked as he picked up his jacket and guided Annie out the door.

  “I’ll think of something.”

  The dock was swarming with people enjoying ice cream and the evening beauty or waiting to board the Catfish Dinner Cruise.

  Annie elbowed Jason in the ribs and pointed. “Look who’s at the front of the line.”

  Jason scanned the crowd. “Almost missed her. Camilla trying to blend in with the crowd.”

  “Don’t turn around now but Matt and Flo Austin are in line to board also. I guess a lot of people in town reserved space on this dinner cruise.”

  “It appears that Martha may not be the center of attention tonight, after all.”

  Chapter 13

  Leona found Annie and Jason at the edge of the crowd. She took one look at Annie and burst out laughing. “I never knew we had such similar taste.”

  Annie’s mouth fell open. “This has never happened before. At least my dress is green and yours is the purple one.” She stood next to Leona with her arm around her waist and asked Jason, “What do you think?”

  “Wow. Twin beauties.”

  Danny appeared and did a double take. “Annie you’re stunning.”

  Leona put one hand on her hip and pouted. “Danny Davis, what about me?”

  Red surged up Danny’s neck and face. “Ah, you too Leona. I tell you every day.”

  “Just don’t forget who makes you those special blueberry muffins that you need to start your morning with.” Leona tapped her foot, always impatient. “I don’t see Martha yet. Are you sure she’s coming?”

  “Over there, but I don’t see Harry,” Annie said, pointing toward the back of the crowd.

  Martha had a big smile, a new perm and was wearing a loose white cotton blouse over a dark red gauzy skirt. “You can all stop talking about me now. And yes, Harry is coming.” She clapped her hands together. “He said he has a surprise for me. I’m on pins and needles with curiosity.” She looked at the others staring at her and explained, “He’s not normally the gift giving type.”

  The gate opened and the line of people began to slowly board the boat.

  “How many seats did you reserve for our group?” Annie asked Martha.

  “Twelve. Three tables on the upper deck in the open air. I was a bit worried when I made the reservations in case the weather was bad, but hey, you only live once.”

  Martha’s hand suddenly shot up and waved furiously. “Yoo-hoo. Over here Harry.”

  Harry had a big smile, but the biggest surprise of all was that Bob was at his side, smiling too.

  The crowd pushed forward separating Annie from her friends. It gave her a chance to observe others working their way to the boat. She was most interested in keeping an eye on Matt and Flo. Matt had an undercurrent of nastiness that she couldn’t trust. Flo just seemed to be angry and pathetic but possibly hiding some sort of agenda.

  As she boarded the cruise, she was pointed to a group of tables outside. She wondered where Camilla had disappeared to and who she was with.

  Harry held a chair for Martha who was giddy with all the attention. As the others were seated at the group of tables around Martha, Harry disappeared. When he returned he was carrying a covered oval shape. Setting it on the table, he pulled the cover off to reveal a beautiful pair of love birds.

  Martha looked stunned. Harry was beaming with pride. “I solved our problem. Bob can keep Charlie and I got you these love birds for a wedding gift. What do you think?”

  Martha, very diplomatically, replied, “What an interesting idea. Everyone wins.”

  Except Martha, Annie filled in those unspoken words for Martha. Now she would have to share Harry’s house with his twin brother, a parrot named Charlie and two love birds.

  Jason whispered in her ear, “I bet you didn’t see that coming. Martha looks like she just swallowed a canary.”

  Annie’s head followed the person passing their table. “Hey, there’s Camilla. I’m going to chat with her and see what’s going on.”

  Martha’s group was all talking over each other, asking about the love birds and about Charlie. Harry was in heaven, looking pleased as punch. Martha was unusually quiet.

  It was easy for Annie to slip away for a few minutes unnoticed. She squeezed between the chairs and leaned on the railing next to Camilla.

  “I’ve been wondering what happened to you.”

  Camilla’s head popped up. She pushed the big sunhat down tighter on her head and shaded her eyes. “Oh, it’s you, Annie. I was hoping to find you here.”

  “What’s the story with the diamond necklace the detective found in my gallery?”

  Camilla twisted her napkin until it was in shreds. “It’s not what you think. I didn’t steal it.”

  “But you do know about it.”

  Camilla nodded.

  Annie leaned in so close to Camilla’s ear, her hair tickled Annie’s nose. “Who are you?”

  Camilla’s eyes grew wide with fear. “What do you mean?”

  “I know you changed your identity. Why?”

  “I can’t talk about it here.” Her eyes darted around the other tables as if someone was about to jump up and grab her.

  “Is that what you’re being blackmailed about?”

  She nodded.

  Annie rested one hand on Camilla’s shoulder. “I have to get back to my group. It’s Martha’s pre wedding dinner. Don’t disappear again. If what you’re telling me is true, you could be in a lot of danger.”

  Camilla nodded, making the sides of her hat flop up and down like the wings of a bird. “I know,” she whispered.

  Drinks were already on the table when Annie slid in next to Jason. The boat was cruising around the perimeter of the lake with soft jazz playing in the background. Martha couldn’t have ordered better weather and at least her color was back after the initial shock of Harry’s big surprise.

  Jason whispered, “Did you know Tyler and JC were coming?”

  “I completely forgot. That might not be good for Camilla. She’s scared and I don’t think she has a clue what to do about the trouble that’s pointing her way.”

  Harry stood up with his glass of wine. “To my beautiful Martha. I waited much too long before I popped the question and she made me the happiest man in Catfish Cove.”

  Everyone clinked their glasses and Jason’s knee knocked into Annie. “I think it’s your turn now. You lost our bet.”

  Annie rose from her chair. “To my friend Martha. May you finally have everything you’ve been dreaming of.” Annie winked at Martha.

  More hoots and hollers rose from Martha’s friends. She glared at Annie for a fraction of a second. No one else would have even noticed but Annie knew she was not at all happy about Harry’s gift. What was she getting herself into?

  Shrimp cocktail was followed by a roasted summer vegetable salad and wine. The rhythm of the boat matched the beat of the conversations, providing a relaxed mood. The entrée of maple glazed chicken with roasted red potatoes, scallions and summer squash was as attractive as it was delicious
. Annie finished the last bite thinking there was no way any more food would fit in her stomach when the waiter presented Martha with a stunning dessert. It rivaled anything Leona ever made.

  Martha cut and served the triple layer raspberry torte, giving the first piece to Harry. He took a few crumbs to feed to the lovebirds sitting in the middle of the table. Martha didn’t miss that move and Annie didn’t miss her frown.

  “There’s going to be trouble in paradise,” Annie predicted to the others at the table: Jason, Leona and Danny.

  “Maybe she’ll be the one who doesn’t show up for the wedding tomorrow,” Jason added.

  While everyone enjoyed the dessert, conversation, and beautiful setting, Annie felt someone standing near her chair. Looking up, she said, “Hello Tyler. Enjoying yourself?”

  “Most definitely. This couldn’t be a grander event. Interesting crowd on the boat.”

  “That it is. Did you get anywhere with that identity issue?”

  “No, not yet, but I see Camilla is here. Did you have an interesting chat with her?”

  Annie ignored his question. “I’m just glad she’s all right. What about the other two who are here? I’d be more interested in them if I were you.”

  Before Tyler had a chance to answer, a scream cut through all the conversations. A splash was followed by more screaming.

  “Some lady jumped overboard.” Annie heard a man yell as he leaned over the boat railing. “There she is.”

  Annie scanned the table where Camilla had been sitting and saw an empty chair. Was it her? She stood up and leaned over the railing. A big floppy sunhat floated in the water. Annie’s stomach clenched in a knot. The raspberry torte threatened to make a reappearance at the thought of Camilla sinking to the bottom of the lake.

  Chapter 14

  A crowd of people gathered around someone lying on the deck of the boat near the table where Camilla had been sitting. A life boat was lowered down to the water.

  Annie hurried to Camilla’s table and was surprised to look down and see Katherine lying next to the table with her eyes starting to flutter open.


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