Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

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Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4) Page 8

by Lyndsey Cole

  “What happened?” Katherine asked when her eyes fully opened.

  A bystander crouching near her answered, “You screamed before you fainted.”

  Katherine’s arm shielded her eyes. “I remember now. Camilla told me she was going to jump overboard. I tried to stop her. Where is she?” Katherine lifted herself up on one elbow, concern etched in her face.

  Annie helped Katherine into a chair. “Why did Camilla jump?”

  Katherine sighed and slumped with her head drooping over the table. “She said she couldn’t take it anymore.”

  Tyler appeared at Annie’s side. “Take what?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think it has something to do with the stolen jewelry from when she worked for my husband at Gold N Silver. She was a suspect but John dropped the charges.”

  Annie patted her arm. “We know about that. Is there something new with the jewelry?”

  “I don’t know. All Camilla said is that someone was threatening her. Demanding the necklace back. Who would do that? She’s a good person.”

  The dinner cruise pulled up to the dock. Most people were gathering their bags and jackets and making their way to depart. All the conversation centered on speculation about Camilla jumping overboard. Annie couldn’t help but see Matt and Flo Austin at the head of the line, looking around nervously until the gate was opened and they scurried off.

  Annie tapped Tyler’s arm. “What do you think Matt and Flo are in such a hurry about? They pushed their way to the front of the line and have already disappeared.”

  “Don’t worry, Detective Crank is keeping an eye on them. I’m heading out in the police boat with the divers to wait and see what we find.”

  Annie saw Martha standing quietly by herself while Harry and Bob cooed and talked baby talk to the love birds.

  “Love birds, huh? I didn’t see that coming,” Annie said, trying to get Martha talking through her predicament.

  Martha shook her head. “I’ve made a terrible mistake. All the attention from Harry and Bob clouded my judgment. They aren’t, what my mother would have called, good marriage material. Why didn’t any of you talk sense into me?”

  Annie smiled and hugged Martha. “Would you have listened?”

  Martha laughed and squeezed Annie back. “Of course not, but you could have tried.”

  “Yeah, well, what are you going to do now?” Annie helped Martha into her sweater to ward off the cool breeze.

  “I can’t go through with the wedding. Harry and Bob and the birds can live happily ever after without me in the middle. I’ll suggest we can all be friends.”

  “Now that sounds like a winning situation for everyone.”

  “And you know what else?” Martha asked. “I still want to have a celebration tomorrow. I hate to cancel a good time. It’s a good excuse to get together with all the special people in my life.”

  “Okay, we’ll talk tomorrow.” Annie had been keeping her eye on Katherine during her conversation with Martha.

  Jason sat with Katherine and Annie pulled another chair up to the table.

  “Are you going to stay here until they find Camilla?”

  “I can’t bear it. I didn’t even want to come out tonight but Camilla begged me. She sounded so desperate. Now this.”

  Annie’s heart almost broke from the sadness in Katherine’s voice. “Why did Camilla come to Catfish Cove? I thought she would want to be far away from the memories of the jewelry theft accusations.”

  A tear slid down Katherine’s cheek. “It’s all my fault. I was worried about her and I wanted to keep an eye on her so I suggested she stay in John’s little lake house. That was the first place he bought up here and hadn’t decided whether to sell it or not. I told Camilla she could use it, no charge, until she got back on her feet.”

  “I noticed Matt and Flo Austin getting off the boat. Any idea why they were here tonight?”

  Katherine’s eyes darkened. “Those two. They’re probably the ones stalking Camilla. Matt was convinced Camilla stole the jewelry and he was furious when John refused to press charges. He had it in for Camilla from the first day John hired her.”

  The cleaning crew stopped at the table and politely told Annie, Jason and Katherine it was time to leave. The sound of china and glassware being stacked into large plastic tubs followed them off the boat.

  Annie let Katherine step off the boat first. “Will you be okay by yourself?”

  Katherine nodded. “Yes, thank you. I think I’ll be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.”

  Annie watched Katherine get into her car and drive off before she turned to Jason. “I get the feeling she’s hiding something. How about you?”

  “Did you notice how she kept rubbing the back of her neck and biting her lip? And she never looked you in the eye when she was talking. I think she knows a lot more than she’s letting on.”

  The sound of the motor boat returning to the dock made Jason and Annie turn around. Tyler approached them. “Didn’t find anything yet. The divers are still out there. Annie, did you actually see her jump?”

  Annie shook her head. “I heard a scream and a splash and I saw Camilla’s hat floating on the water. Why?”

  “Just wondering. No one I talked to saw her jump. Everyone heard Katherine Holland scream and fall to the floor. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this,” Tyler said.

  Jason put his jacket around Annie. “It’s a chilly night. Feels a little like fall in the air. Ready to head home?”

  Annie rested her head against Jason’s chest. She could feel his warmth and his heart beating. “Yes.”

  In the car, Jason asked Annie, “Who do you think is lying?”

  “Maybe everyone. I hope Tyler can sort this mess out.”

  From the corner of her eye, Annie saw Jason smile. “I like the sound of that. You don’t need to fix everyone’s problems.”

  Jason invited Annie into his house. “Let’s sit on the porch and watch the stars. Go get comfy, I’ll be right out.”

  Annie curled her legs up on the porch swing. Soft music drifted to her ears from the house. She leaned her head back on a down pillow and closed her eyes. The motion of the swing let her know that Jason had joined her. She snuggled closer to his warmth and enjoyed the feel of his arm around her.

  “I brought you a glass of wine.”

  “Hmmm. You spoil me, Jason Hunter. And I like it.”

  She felt his body relax and enjoyed the gentle back and forth of the swing while sipping the wine.

  After several minutes of comfortable silence, Jason asked, “So what’s Martha going to do? She looked less than happy when Harry presented her with the love birds.”

  Annie choked and almost spit out the mouthful of wine she had just consumed. “Less than happy? That’s putting it mildly. I’m pretty sure she’s planning to call the wedding off. She actually used the words, I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

  “Did anyone think it had any chance of succeeding?”

  Annie put her feet on the floor but continued to lean against Jason. “No, but I was hoping, for Martha’s sake, that she could make it work. Better to figure it out sooner rather than later.”

  Jason pushed the swing harder and tightened his grip on Annie. “You aren’t thinking of running off, are you?”

  “I should let Roxy out. I’ll bring her back here.”

  He relaxed his arm enough to let Annie wiggle free. “I’ll come looking for you if you aren’t back in five minutes.”

  “No worries,” Annie replied as she walked through his house and out the door.

  She felt all warm and happy inside. Jason always knew the right words to say and even when to say nothing. She walked a little faster to be back before the five minute deadline.

  Humming to herself as she opened her apartment door, she was surprised to hear Roxy barking. From the bedroom. That was odd, maybe the wind blew the door closed while Roxy was sleeping on her bed. Annie switched the light on, felt all the blood drain from her face
and gulped.

  “How did you get in here?”

  Chapter 15

  “Most people hide a key somewhere and yours was easy to find. The first place anyone looks is under the mat.”

  Annie inched toward the bedroom. If Roxy was out with her, she would feel better. “And how do you know this? Is it common for you to break into apartments?”

  Camilla put her hands up. “Annie. I’m not here to rob you or hurt you. I need your help and I didn’t know where else to turn.”

  Annie turned her bedroom doorknob and Roxy leaped out. The hackles on her back were up and she cautiously approached Camilla. The tip of Roxy’s tail wagged slightly. If Roxy wasn’t reading any danger in Camilla’s presence, Annie decided to relax.

  “Come with me.” Annie motioned for Camilla to follow her.

  Camilla’s body tensed. “Where?”

  “Just next door. My landlord is expecting me to come right back to his house. You can stay here by yourself or come with me and we’ll both listen to your story.” Annie opened the door and waited.

  Camilla stood up, running her fingers through her now black hair. She hesitated for a couple of seconds, then walked through the door.

  Jason was in his kitchen rinsing the wine glasses. Without looking up when the door opened, he said, “I was about to come get you. You’re a little over the five minutes you promised,” he teased. After he wiped the glasses dry, he turned around and his mouth fell open, forming a silent ‘Oh’.

  Annie directed Camilla to sit on the couch with her back to the big glass window. “Hope you don’t mind that I brought Camilla with me. She was waiting in my apartment.”

  Jason and Annie sat in the two chairs facing Camilla. Roxy sat staring at Jason until he gave her a dog treat and patted her head.

  Annie studied Camilla. Somehow between their chat on the dinner cruise and now, Camilla had found someplace to dye and cut her hair. She was wearing a loose button down shirt over baggy capris and canvas sneakers instead of her summer dress. Her ankles were crossed and one foot kept up a steady nervous rhythm.

  “You didn’t jump overboard, did you?”

  Camilla gazed out the window into darkness, avoiding meeting Annie or Jason’s eyes. “No.”

  Annie, annoyed, lashed out at Camilla. “You broke into my apartment. You deserve to give me an explanation.”

  Camilla wiped her cheek and sniffled. Annie looked at Jason and rolled her eyes. Jason sat silently, staring at Camilla.

  “You know, Camilla,” Jason said, “the lights you see out on the lake are divers looking for your body.” He stood up and left.

  Her head swiveled around to the big window and her hand went to her mouth. “Oh dear, I didn’t think about that when Katherine suggested the plan.”

  Annie stood up and began to pace around the room. “Katherine? Why on earth did she come up with such a cockamamie idea?” Annie knew she had to call Tyler to call off the search but wanted a few minutes to get whatever information from Camilla that she could.

  “Well,” Camilla began in her weepy, pathetic voice, “I told her about a note I got saying I would be next if I didn’t return the diamonds and I begged her to meet me on the dinner cruise. She told me she had a plan. I had to bring a big bag with something heavy and some old clothes.”

  Annie stopped in front of Camilla. “What about the haircut and dye job?”

  Camilla’s fingers pulled on a few strands of short hair. “Does it look terrible?”

  Annie clenched her hands, wanting to grab Camilla and shake some sense into her. “How can you even think like that?” Her finger pointed to the lights on the lake. “People are out there risking their lives to find you.” She pulled her phone out of her pocket.

  Camilla jumped up and grabbed Annie’s hands. “What are you doing?”

  “Calling the Chief of Police. It’s time to end this farce.”

  While Annie was on the phone and Jason was out of the room, Camilla bolted for the door and was gone before she could be stopped.

  By the time Jason returned, Annie had filled Tyler in on Camilla’s act and was looking out the window watching the lights return to shore.

  Sensing Jason standing behind her, she said, “I royally botched that up. Why didn’t I call Tyler immediately? I don’t owe Camilla anything.” She felt his arms around her waist and the heat from his chest on her back. “It’s out of my hands now.”

  “Can you let it go?” he asked.

  “I hope so. I want to know how it all ends but Tyler can figure that out.”

  They both jumped at the sound of loud knocking on Jason’s door. “Annie? Are you inside?”

  Jason opened the door for Tyler and Detective Crank to enter.

  Tyler’s face was drawn. He ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair. “Where did she go?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. She ran out when I was calling you.”

  Cranky got right up into Annie’s face. “You better not be hiding her. She’s wanted for murder.”

  Annie slumped into the spot where Camilla had been only minutes earlier. She felt like a complete idiot for getting sucked into Camilla’s act.

  Tyler explained further, “We found the murder weapon at the bottom of the lake when we were searching for her body. Not too smart to dump the gun where we would be looking.”

  “That doesn’t prove anything. Other people were on the boat too. Anyone could have thrown the gun overboard.”

  “Watch your step or I’ll have to arrest you for aiding a criminal,” Cranky said, again with her finger pointing at Annie. Annie looked at that finger and wanted to twist it until Cranky yelled ‘uncle’. But, of course, she didn’t.

  Annie watched them walk out. Tyler’s shoulders sagged but Detective Crank was still tense with energy.

  Jason waited until the sound of the car faded in the distance. He cocked his head and leveled his gaze on Annie. “You have something on your mind about who threw that gun overboard. I could see the wheels turning in your head.”

  She finally relaxed enough to smile. “Camilla is lying about something but I still don’t think she’s a murderer. I hope I’m not wrong but I think she’s trying to get her old life back. My guess is that’s why Matt and Flo Austin were on the boat. Did you watch them at all?”

  “Not really. I was trying to have a good time. It wouldn’t hurt for you to give it a try sometime too,” he teased.

  “I’ll keep it in mind. We have to find out Camilla’s past. That might be the key to the missing jewelry and John Holland’s murder.”

  Jason pulled Annie back onto the couch next to him. “Didn’t Tyler tell you he was going to put his resources into that?”

  Annie snuggled into the crook of Jason’s arm with her legs curled up next to her on the couch. His musky scent pleased her nose. “He won’t give me any more information after this fiasco tonight. Especially with his sidekick looking over his shoulder, and mine.” Annie yawned and stretched. “I’m heading back to my apartment to try and get some sleep.”

  Jason pulled her back. “You could stay here if you’re too tired to make the long trek across the driveway.”

  She hesitated for a second but Roxy was already at the door waiting. “Not tonight.”

  The night air was cool with a pine scented breeze. The weather was changing. Annie pulled her sweater tight and waited for Roxy to sniff around and find the right spot to pee. Lights flickered off and on twice at Katherine Holland’s house. A signal? Who was Camilla Rockwell?


  Rain lashed Annie’s windows when she woke on Saturday morning. The wind howled. She pulled her cotton blanket over her head, hoping to muffle the noise and get back to sleep. Something about Camilla’s fear from the night before worried Annie. The fear was genuine. Where did she run off to? And what did those flickering lights mean, if anything?

  With her brain busy with all the questions about Camilla, Annie had no choice but to slide her feet onto the cool hardwood floor and l
et the day carry her forward. Roxy jumped off the bed and her nails click clacked out to the main living area. Smokey sat on the windowsill with his tail flickering ever so slightly. Annie stroked him. The rain would most likely keep Smokey inside. He was a proud, fair weather feline.

  Annie made coffee, enjoying the morning ritual. The smell jump started her energy even before she had a sip. Her door opened quietly and Jason poked his head inside. “Want some company?”

  She waved for him to come in out of the rain. “You’re soaked. It’s really coming down out there.”

  “A nice end of summer shower. It’s supposed to clear up by the end of the morning. Everyone can sleep in late and enjoy the rest of the day outside.”

  Annie poured two cups of coffee, handing one to Jason before settling on her couch. Smokey took a leap from the windowsill, knocking into Annie’s arm and coffee spilled everywhere.

  “Ouch,” she yelled and stood up.

  Jason brought her a towel. Annie pulled the pillows off the couch to clean up the spilled coffee before it had time to soak into the fabric.

  A small box fell onto the floor. Jason bent down to pick it up and read the label on the cover. “Gold N Silver. Do you have an admirer that I should know about?”

  Annie took the box. “I’ve never seen this before.” She took the top off and gasped. Inside was an exquisite pair of diamond earrings. “Camilla hid them here last night. Do you think they’re the stolen earrings? The match to the necklace Detective Crank found in my gallery?”

  “Probably.” Jason reached for his phone.

  Annie stopped him. “Don’t call Tyler. Not yet anyway. With my luck, Cranky will arrest me for theft and-or murder.”

  “If you don’t tell him, he’ll arrest you for concealing evidence. He told you that last night.”

  Annie tucked the box back under the pillow. “If I don’t know it’s here, I can’t tell him. Camilla will be back to get this. I’m positive.”

  Chapter 16

  Annie finished her coffee and left for the Black Cat Café. Her wiper blades were on high speed, making it almost impossible to see through the rain. At least with the bad weather, it might not be too hectic of a morning. She hoped.


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