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Very Buried Cheesecake (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Lyndsey Cole

  She dashed inside with her rain parka held tight around her head. The aroma of freshly baked cinnamon coffee cake met her nose and she filled her lungs with the deliciousness.

  Roy Orbison’s voice filtered through the café from the oldies station and Mia was swaying to the sound of his crooning voice. Danny had his red apron on and was busy sweeping and getting all the tables ready.

  Annie shook the water from her raincoat and looped it over the coat hook.

  “Perfect timing,” Leona said. “We’re out of granola, but first whip up some cream. If anyone shows up, this might be a hot chocolate kind of morning.”

  Once the cream was thick and the beater was off, Leona asked Annie, “Did you hear if the divers found Camilla’s body?”

  She scraped the whipped cream into a big ceramic bowl. “Not exactly.”

  Leona sliced the coffee cake and put four pieces on plates for them. “What kind of answer is that?”

  Annie started mixing the ingredients for the granola while Leona, Mia and Danny took a break. “Camilla showed up in my apartment last night. Alive and kicking.”

  Leona’s mouthful of coffee sprayed over the counter. “She swam to your side of the lake? She must be a strong swimmer.”

  Annie laughed. “She’s strong all right, a strong liar. She never jumped overboard. She faked it.”

  “She wanted to disappear because she’s the murderer?” Leona took a big bite of coffee cake, and between chewing she motioned to Annie. “This is fabulous. Eat yours while it’s still warm.”

  Annie fixed herself some hot chocolate and piled the whipped cream on top before sitting down in front of the fourth plate of coffee cake, next to Leona. She sipped her hot chocolate and managed to make a nice cream mustache above her lip before licking it off. “I’m not convinced she’s the murderer, but Tyler is going to arrest her if he can find her.”

  “Do you know where she is?”

  “No. She disappeared when I called Tyler. I have no idea where she is.”

  Danny took his cup and plate to the dishwasher. “What do you need help with next, Leona?”

  Leona smiled at Annie. “Isn’t he great?” She pointed to a big box of books next to the door. “See if you can fit those books on the shelves. I’m amazed how books disappear but another box always shows up. Your freebrary idea continues to be a big hit.”

  Annie smiled from the compliment. Leona had been skeptical when Annie first suggested adding bookshelves to the café, but most customers were happy to swap one for one and keep the rotation moving. “On that subject, I have another idea.”

  Leona’s eyebrows went up and she waited for Annie to continue.

  “How about we build a little mini library on the deck outside with a glass door. It only needs to be big enough to fit a dozen or so books. That way, people can still take or leave a book if the café is closed.”

  Leona looked at Danny who had his head cocked in thought. “It could be in the shape of a little cottage. That would fit in with the lake. I could shingle it with cedar and even add a porch and chimney.”

  Leona laughed. “I guess that’s a yes to your idea. Danny already has the whole thing designed in his head. Attach it a few feet away from the ice cream window.”

  Danny continued to organize the bookshelf as he hummed to himself, probably lost in planning his new project.

  Leona lowered her voice so only Annie could hear her. “He loves to have a project. That’s what makes him the happiest. Especially if it helps others. I think I’ve fallen in love with him and I never would have given it a chance if you hadn’t opened my eyes.”

  Annie grinned. “I’m happy to hear it. You two are great together.”

  Leona slid off the stool to give the granola in the oven a stir. Without looking directly at Annie, she asked, “How about you and Jason?”

  Annie couldn’t deny her strong feelings for Jason but she also wasn’t sure if she was ready to give up her independence. “He’s thoughtful, kind, and we always have a good time together.”


  Annie shrugged. “No but. I just don’t want to rush into anything.”

  Leona huffed. “Jason has been waiting for you since you were a kid. Do you think he’ll wait forever?”

  Annie’s face fell. “I haven’t asked him to wait for me. We haven’t even talked about a future together.”

  Leona slid a tray of scones into the oven. “He’s waiting for you to give him a little more encouragement.”

  Annie put her hands on her hips and glared at Leona. “Do you two talk about me behind my back?”

  A knock on the door interrupted their stare down. Annie reached the door before Danny managed to find a place for the pile of books he was holding. She saw Tyler waiting in the hallway. He was holding his dripping parka in one hand, shaking the water off, and he had an envelope in the other hand.

  “What do you want?” Annie said with more annoyance than she intended. She was annoyed at Leona, not at Tyler. At least not yet.

  “Got up on the wrong side of the bed?” He dropped his parka before entering so as not to drip water on the café floor.

  She waved her hand to dismiss his question. “Nothing to do with you. Come on in. Did you find Camilla?”

  “No. And I’m not optimistic. I think she left town. Her house has been cleaned out and her car is gone.” Tyler helped himself to coffee and a big spoonful of cream before sliding into a booth with Annie. “You must know her better than I do since she’s been working for you. Do you have any clues where she might head?”

  Annie thought for a moment before answering. “I don’t know much about her. And I’m not sure I believe anything she told me anyway. Have you tried to track down her identity from before she started working at Gold N Silver? I think that might be the key to solving this whole mystery. ”

  Tyler pushed the envelope across the booth to Annie. “Take a look at this. It isn’t much, but since you pointed us in this direction, I want your opinion on what you make of it.”

  Annie pushed her hair from her face and pulled a single paper from the envelope. Scanning the words, she saw that Camilla Rockwell was really Kellie Richards. She looked up at Tyler. “How did you discover this?”

  “We have access to a huge database. The problem is, it doesn’t give any indication why she changed her name. I was hoping you could help with that piece of the puzzle.”

  Annie noticed that she changed her name after she graduated from college. She guessed that explained why her college never heard of a Camilla Rockwell when Jason called. With this new name, they could do some more digging.

  Annie folded the paper, put it in the envelope and slid it back to Tyler. “If I find anything, I’ll let you know. Is she still your main suspect in the murder?”

  Tyler nodded. “With the necklace turning up and Camilla, or rather, Kellie, disappearing, it doesn’t make her look innocent. I wish we could find the other piece of stolen jewelry.”

  “Did you search her house?”

  “Of course. It was completely cleaned out. Not even a stray hair was left in the sink. It was almost as if she was cleaning a crime scene.”

  “How about Kathryn Holland or the Austins? Maybe they know something?”

  “My plan is to do some poking around but I would rather keep her old identity a secret for now. I don’t know who knows what and it might be to our advantage that people don’t know we’ve uncovered her true identity.”

  Annie nodded. “What was the other stolen jewelry?” Annie asked even though she already was convinced it was the diamond earrings under the cushions of her couch.

  “Matching diamond earrings. The two items were stolen from Gold N Silver after Kellie changed her name to Camilla and worked there. Unfortunately, with John Holland dead, we can’t ask why he dropped the charges against her. Certainly a motive for her to murder him.”

  Tyler slid out of the booth and thanked Annie for her time. Before he opened the door to leave, he turned back t
oward her. “Sorry about Detective Crank. I can’t figure out what she has against you but take this from me as a friend, watch your step, she’ll arrest you at the drop of a pin if she has the chance.”

  He closed the door and Annie felt prickles up and down her arms. Camilla, now Kellie Richards, left a bad taste in her mouth but Christy Crank scared her. She had an agenda with Annie and she didn’t have a clue why.

  Chapter 17

  Martha walked in with a perky bounce in her step.

  Annie couldn’t help but wonder what changes happened between Martha and Harry after Martha announced the wedding was probably off. Maybe the love birds disappeared. Along with the parrot. As long as they didn’t mysteriously show up at Annie’s apartment. She had enough surprise visitors for a while.

  “Oh, this hot chocolate smells fantastic. What a perfect idea for this dreary morning.” Martha tilted her head back and sniffed the air. “What else do I smell that’s making my mouth water?”

  Leona slid a slice of coffee cake onto a plate knowing Martha would never refuse something so delicious. “You read my mind, dear.” Martha made herself comfortable at the counter with her hot chocolate mounded with cream and dove right into the coffee cake.

  With crumbs clinging to the edge of her mouth, she looked around the café. “Kind of quiet here this morning.” She raised her eyebrows, hoping for an explanation.

  Annie scooped the cooled granola into a big bowl and got the breakfast cart ready, pushing it into place.

  After wiping the crumbs off her mouth, Martha looked at everyone staring at her. “What? Do I have cream on my face or something?”

  “Martha. Is the wedding on or off?” Annie stopped and waited for an answer.

  Martha’s hands fluttered in the air. “What a silly question. Why on earth would the wedding be off?” She looked at Annie in complete confusion.

  Annie’s eyes blinked slowly. “Because you told me last night that you made a big mistake.”

  Martha waved her hand and laughed a big belly laugh. “Just the jitters. And maybe a teensy bit of surprise about the love birds.” She swiveled around on the stool. “But I thought about it when I was lying in bed and realized what a sweet gesture it was on Harry’s part. As a matter of fact, it brought a tear to my eye and I knew without a doubt, he’s the man for me.” She clapped her hands together. “So, are the cheesecakes all set?”

  Leona nodded. “Don’t worry about that. The cheesecakes will be at Jason’s house with or without you and Harry. Peter Hayworth delivered freshly picked raspberries and blueberries and I have strawberries from the freezer. There will be enough fruit to completely bury the cheesecakes.”

  “Are you absolutely positive that Jason is okay with having the ceremony at his house? He has such a lovely place, but we could move it to Harry’s house if we need to.”

  “No problem with Jason.” Annie took her phone out and decided to send him a text just in case he was also wondering what was going on.

  “Perfect.” I’ll be back to open the gallery at ten in case any customers decide to come out in the rain. I can work until mid-afternoon. Toodle-oo. Thanks for the coffee cake.”

  As soon as Martha was out of earshot, Leona and Annie burst out laughing. “She’s worse than a preteen with all her flip flopping,” Annie said.

  Jason and Mia walked in together. Jason had his phone open. “Let me guess. This laughter has to have something to do with Martha and her wedding plans.”

  “It sure does.” Annie hung her apron up and told Leona, “I’m going to help Jason get his house ready for the wedding since it’s so slow here this morning. It looks like you’re all set?”

  Leona waved them off but the door opened before they reached it and Matt Austin entered. “Annie Fisher, I was hoping I might catch you here,” he gushed, making the hot chocolate and cream in Annie’s stomach churn.

  Flo followed her husband, pushing her rain parka hood off her head and fluffing her hair back into some sort of order. Matt waited for her to catch up and settled his hand on her back, guiding her to the coffee cart. “Fix me up a cup too, sugar with extra cream, while I talk to Annie about her photography.”

  Annie gave Jason a look that said ‘I’m stuck here for a bit.’ “You may as well head back to your house. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Jason hesitated, starting to protest, but changed his mind.

  Matt, oblivious to everything but his own needs, took the hot coffee from Flo and sat at one of the booths. “Annie, join me so we can chat.”

  Flo stood at the pastry display, absentmindedly licking her lips.

  “Can I get you something?” Danny asked.

  “Everything looks so delicious. And loaded with butter and sugar. Well, maybe I’ll splurge today.” She glanced out the French doors to the water on the lake being whipped into white caps. “I deserve a treat on a day like this. What do you recommend?”

  Danny smiled. “The blueberry muffins. Leona makes them fresh every morning and the blueberries are grown right here in Catfish Cove at the Hayworth Fruit Farm.”

  “That sounds perfect. And the fruit makes them healthy, right?” She laughed at her attempt to justify something sweet and fattening. “I’ll take two.”

  Danny handed the muffins to Flo and she scooched in the booth next to Matt, setting one of the plates in front of him.

  “What’s that?”

  “A blueberry muffin. Try it.”

  Matt pushed the plate away. “You know I don’t eat crap.”

  Annie bit her tongue, hoping to make this encounter as short as possible.

  No sooner than he snapped at Flo, Matt pasted a smile back on his face and focused his attention on Annie.

  “So, here’s what I’ve been thinking. John designed the most exquisite line of diamond jewelry and I would love to have you photograph it here in your quaint town of Catfish Cove. I’m imagining the necklace draped over a rock at the water’s edge or the earrings served on top of a creamy piece of cheesecake.” He sat back with his arms folded over his stomach and a satisfied grin on his face. “What do you think?”

  Annie hoped she didn’t show her surprise when he mentioned the diamond necklace and earrings. Was he fishing for information from her? Or giving her a warning?

  She smiled. “It’s an interesting concept. Of course, I’d need to see the jewelry so I could work it over in my head.” She stared straight through his wire rim glasses into his beady dark eyes.

  Flo daintily wiped the muffin crumbs from the corners of her mouth. “Are you talking about the jewelry that was stolen?”

  A dark shadow passed over his face and was gone, replaced by his fake smile. “Of course not, the stolen jewelry has never been returned.” He made a point of looking over the top of his glasses at Annie, as if she were a child. “That line is extremely popular.”

  Flow twirled the diamond earring in her left ear. “Yes. I’m quite fond of this pair. Isn’t this in the line you are referring to? The Sparkle Me series?”

  Matt drained his coffee cup. “You’re absolutely correct. The Sparkle Me jewelry was John’s last design series and brilliant, if I don’t say so myself.”

  Flo pulled her earring out and set it in the palm of her hand, showing it to Annie.

  Annie’s head nodded up and down. “Beautiful.” Her hand started to reach for the earring but she pulled back. “Irresistible elegance. I would be honored to have the chance to attempt to do them justice in a photograph.”

  Matt’s face relaxed. “Wonderful. I was hoping I could convince you. I have the necklace at the house we’re renting. Safely locked away, of course. Do you have time to stop by today?”

  Annie hesitated. “I could come in an hour.” She glanced out the window. “It looks like the rain has stopped so I’ll bring my equipment and I’ll try to get some work done for you today.” Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Annie changed the subject and asked, “About that stolen jewelry, what’s the story?”

  Flo opene
d her mouth but Annie noticed Matt’s hand move to cover Flo’s hand in a tight squeeze as he said, “Why do you ask?”

  Annie looked away, not prepared for her question to be turned back on her. “Well, Camilla works for me but I wasn’t aware of the accusations in her background when I hired her. The charges were dropped?”

  Again, Annie noticed a shadow cross Matt’s face. “There’s a lot about Camilla you probably don’t know. And now that she decided to jump off that dinner cruise, no one will get to the bottom of it.”

  “I noticed you boarding the dinner cruise last night also.”

  Flo didn’t let Matt shut her up this time. “It was our anniversary and we hoped to have a quiet romantic evening, but with all the drama, our plans didn’t work out as we hoped. It was crowded and noisy and I couldn’t wait to get off that boat.”

  “Did Camilla’s body turn up?” Matt asked before taking the last sip of his coffee.

  “The divers didn’t find her body,” Annie answered truthfully. She watched Matt’s face carefully as she continued, “But they did find the weapon used to kill John Holland.”

  Matt’s jaw clenched, his eyes darted sideways to meet Flo’s, and his hand, still covering hers, squeezed until a small gasp escaped Flo’s lips.

  The cuckoo clock in the café chirped ten times. Annie slid from the booth, surprised to see so many people in the café. “There are a few things I need to take care of but I could meet you at eleven?”

  Matt nodded and handed Annie his business card. “I wrote the address on the back. It’s only a few miles beyond where you live.”

  Annie accepted the card but his comment left her feeling vulnerable. How, and more importantly, why, did he know where she lived?

  Chapter 18

  The rain was over and the wind had died down. As so often was the case after a storm, the sun was trying to break through the leftover clouds. Catfish Cove buzzed with activity as everyone wanted to make the most of this end of the summer weekend and what was turning into a gorgeous day.


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